In the EGR Water Handling System presented
here, a subsystem called Water Treatment System is
delivered by an MDT OEM and neither modelled nor
controlled by MDT. One of the main advantages of
the Functional Mock-up Interface standard used by
INTO-CPS is that models are exchanged on a binary
level offering protection of intellectual property. One
of the future ambitions is to be able to share models
with OEMs so systems like the WHS and WTS can be
simulated together, improving both companies prod-
ucts. Part of the high-fidelity models developed at
MDT are very complex and require time to simulate,
especially if co-simulated with several other models.
One of the additional advantages of the distributed co-
simulation is that the simulation process can be par-
allelized and perhaps distributed to centralized high-
performance hardware. This could potentially speed
up simulation execution times and enable more ad-
vanced system investigations, previously deemed too
time consuming. Initial work on using the COE in
a cloud setting has already been initiated, in particu-
lar in relation to design space exploration in situations
where there is large room for different alternative so-
The work presented here is partially supported by the
INTOCPS project funded by the European Commis-
sion’s Horizon 2020 programme under grant agree-
ment number 664047. In addition we would like to
thank Victor Bandur for inout on an earlier draft of
this article.
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SIMULTECH 2017 - 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications