Using Visualisation Techniques to Acquire a Better Understanding of
Storytelling for Cultural Heritage
Paulo Carvalho, Olivier Parisot and Thomas Tamisier
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, ERIN Department, 41 rue du Brill, Belvaux, Luxembourg
Information Extraction, Data Analysis, Entity Recognition, Information Visualisation, Storytelling.
Historical information has an important role regarding cultural heritage. It is used to interpret facts occurred
in the past and also to understand the present. Storytelling, when applied in the narrative of true events and
resulting from different personal views and anecdotal stories, act as an important source of historical infor-
mation. In this paper, we discuss the problems we encounter in the field of historical information storytelling
and we present a software architecture to facilitate the comprehension of stories. More precisely, the proposed
solution helps to analyse a story, examine its composition identifying existing entity classes and computing
possible relations with other stories, to finally build a visual representation of these stories.
Historical information has always been important for
knowledge acquisition in order to understand the
present. The higher the amount of information avail-
able is, the more we are prepared to make deci-
sions based on the information acquired (Delen and
Demirkan, 2013). In the specific field of histori-
cal information, the more information we have, the
more we are prepared to acquire a better understand-
ing about the reason(s) why things are related with
a specific subject. E.g. we now have sufficient in-
formation to understand the reasons and events that
have directly influenced the evolution of the popu-
lation in Luxembourg during the XIXth / XXth cen-
turies (Scuto, 1995).
Storytelling, when based in real events, is a source
of historical information. By historical information
storytelling, we mean people relating personal stories,
events or interpretations of facts occurred in the past
(Thomson, 2011). A good iconic image representa-
tion of storytelling is a circle of people around an old
person relating a captivating story (Crawford, 2012).
The story necessarily told wheels around a specific
subject of interest of the listeners. Such events will
normally involve different kind of entities. E.g. peo-
ple, locations, periods, etc. Because historical infor-
mation contains information about events occurred in
the past of people life, sometimes is defined as digital
memories (Garde-Hansen et al., 2009). From these
personal events and narratives, valuable and interest-
ing information is acquired. The possibilities of us-
ing information extracted from storytelling sources
are quite wide. Such information can be used not only
to comprehend the present but also to solve problems
(McLellan, 2007).
The act of sharing stories is important for the
spread of information, to transmit values and to teach
beliefs over different generations (Initiative et al.,
2007). However, this information diffusion does not
happen without a cost or risk.
Storytelling, when applied to historical facts or
true events and facts occurred during periods in
the past, is about people relating stories they have
lived or witnessed somewhere and during a spe-
cific period during their lives. Storytelling is
then a source of information for cultural heritage.
Since the stories comes from people, each story
can have a different interpretation depending on
the person who is telling it: each person has its
own personality and its own understanding of a
specific event or action.
There are several ways to acquire storytelling sto-
ries and personal/historical narratives. Computers
have been used to tell stories for several decades
(Holmquist et al., 2000) related with ancient vs.
recent events. Video and audio files are also
another way to extract storytelling information:
DST (Digital Storytelling) (Klaebe, 2006). The
work of obtaining a coherent narrative and under-
standing of what has been said using such kind of
Carvalho, P., Parisot, O. and Tamisier, T.
Using Visualisation Techniques to Acquire a Better Understanding of Storytelling for Cultural Heritage.
DOI: 10.5220/0006415801570164
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017), pages 157-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-255-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sources can be very difficult.
Our work focuses on the first point: how to ac-
quire the correct knowledge about a specific sub-
ject/story? How can we deal with different interpre-
tations of a specific event that happened in the past?
How can we avoid bad interpretations and how can
we analyse simultaneously different stories trying to
find some correlation between them?
The subject of our research is based on story-
telling and narrative of historical heritage. The scope
of this work involves location-based and time-based
information. Both combined with other type of in-
formation (e.g. Person, Event, Subject, etc.). Such
information is complex, first, to identify, and after,
to analyse and understand correctly. Navigating and
extracting knowledge from it may require data min-
ing and data visualisation techniques. The LOCALE
project (Tamisier et al., 2016) (supported by the Lux-
embourg National Research Fund FNR) has been
designed in order to coincide with the 70th anniver-
sary of the end of World War 2 (WW2). The focus of
the project will then be given to facts/events/stories
that happened during the period 1945-1975, in the
Luxembourg region, to contribute for its cultural her-
itage preservation. The acquired information will be
made freely available for users in general by the Lo-
cale project.
First, we built a repository of stories, obtained
from different users, who lived after the second world
war in Luxembourg (or its region). Thus, the sto-
ries were obtained in majority from old people and
were about several subjects of interest for the region,
mainly occurred after the second world war, e.g. poli-
tics, relations with other countries, work, health, fam-
ily, etc. However, since they are told by different el-
derly people and happened several decades ago, some
conflicts and inconsistencies may exist. However, we
do not focus our work on this problem assuming that
stories are correct. The idea is then to analyse these
stories in order to understand and get knowledge in
several fields and answers to certain doubts we have,
How the Luxembourg and neighborhood evolved
these last decades?
What was the effect of the second world war for
the country in general and for its population?
Which were the main events occurred in the re-
gion after the fifteen years following this period?
Considering the possibility of having a large
repository of stories to analyse, fulfilled by different
persons and related with various types of events and
subjects, the difficulty to obtain a good understand-
ing of a story can highly increase along the volume of
data to analyse. The same subject of discussion have
numerous and different interpretations if debated by
different persons. We support the idea that the use of
Information visualisation techniques can support and
help users to obtain a better and more precise idea
about the content and meaning of a story. In this arti-
cle, we will show how such techniques are beneficial
for such purpose.
We define in this work Storytelling as being about
people telling a narrative about a specific event that
happened in the past. The way stories are obtained
can be different. E.g. writing a story using a com-
puter to describe it, recording the recital using a voice
recorder or a smartphone, a simple conversation we
have that we transcribe to a computer after, etc. Based
on these different sources, we now have a centralized
repository - a database - of stories concerning Lux-
embourg and its region, happened between 1945 and
1960, and which can be accessed and exploited di-
rectly by a computer application.
2.1 Story Structure
Each story can be described as being a set of sen-
tences. Depending on its size and its level of detail,
each story is composed by one or more sentences. For
example, these two sentences addresses to the same
topic but they do not have the same level of informa-
The National Railway Company of Luxembourg
(CFL) is officially established on May 14, 1946.
The National Railway Company of Luxembourg
(CFL) is the public railway company of Luxem-
bourg and has been created on 14 May 1946.
The structure of a story and the way how sentences
are organised has a big influence on its interpretation
and comprehension (Cirilo and Foss, 1980). Some
studies support the idea that the link between recog-
nized terms and entities in the text and predicates has
to be made manually (Mulholland et al., 2012). Oth-
ers sustains that this mapping can be made, at least
partially, automatically using Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP) solutions. E.g. named Entity Recog-
nition and classification techniques (ER) (Sekine and
Ranchhod, 2009).
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
2.2 Entity Recognition
In order to be able to interpret a story, we must first
have the knowledge to interpret each sentence that
compose it. For that, we must recognize specific
terms existing in each sentence: a name, a person, a
local, a number, a date, etc. A brief example is shown
in Section 2.2.1. Entity recognition (ER) can be de-
fined as the task and methods responsible to detect
and classify terms existing in a sentence into differ-
ent classes (e.g. date, location, person, etc.) (Toral
and Munoz, 2006). Based on this definition, we as-
sume that ER is a good candidate to support us in the
task of understanding stories. The complexity of the
data to analyse also have a direct implication over the
comprehension of a story. This complexity depends
on several factors and increase if one or more of these
factors occurs (McCallum and Li, 2003):
Several languages are used in the text (e.g. an En-
glish story with French names).
The scope of used locations is large (e.g. popular
Vs unknown locations - Luxembourg Vs Weiler).
The volume of organisations is large (e.g.
Spuerkess as a company name, OGBL as a union
organisation, etc.).
There is a high variety of Named Entities (e.g.
Volkswagen as a brand, Luxembourguish as a na-
tionality, etc.).
The study made by (Nadeau and Sekine, 2007)
presents a survey of fifteen years of research made in
the ER field (1991-2006). It supports that the choice
of a specific ER solution must be made having in mind
a clear idea about the features that should be covered.
This fact has to be taken into account since it has im-
pact on the computational needs. ER field problems
are far from being solved. While an important aspect
of ER is the manual annotation of data (supervised),
it is also true that some studies shows that other solu-
tions exist and should also be considered, depending
on the objective to be accomplished. Indeed, some
work has already been made supporting that unsu-
pervised and semi-supervised ER techniques can also
lead to encouraging results.
2.2.1 Simple Example
E.g. The [Alzette] [River] originates in [France].
The words between square brackets are the terms
which must be automatically and correctly recog-
nized in order that we are able to interpret and un-
derstand the meaning of the sentence. We have then:
a) [Alzette] - a name? b) [River] - a name? c) [France]
- a place?
2.2.2 Disambiguation & Multiple Occurrences
Moreover, it may happen that a term appears several
times but with different meanings. The need of
external knowledge may be necessary to solve this
kind of issues because it represents an important
barrier to overtake in order to obtain the correct
meaning of a sentence (Ratinov and Roth, 2009).
E.g. The Luxembourg population felt more
protected during the war in Luxembourg than in
In this example, the sentence has two different
occurrences of the term Luxembourg but with differ-
ent meanings: Luxembourg (the country) and Lux-
embourg (the city). It is mandatory that we are able to
obtain first, a correct identification of both terms and
finally to obtain the right meaning of each. Otherwise,
obtaining the correct understanding of the sentence is
2.3 Several Sources, Different
Depending on the story’s source - the person who
has told the narrative - different interpretations of the
story may happen and distortions can be injected in
it (Smith et al., 1983). This leads that the subject
discussed in different stories, and told by different
persons, can origin a different conclusion. To avoid
this, it is important to have the opportunity to view
and analyse different stories, coming from different
sources and related with the same subject in order to
have the means to obtain a more precise evaluation
and understanding about a specific event/story.
3 Extracting Knowledge from
Acquiring knowledge from a story can be quite sim-
ple. However, depending on its size, it may be-
come a complicated task if the text to be analysed is
large. The complexity of its interpretation can also
be largely influenced if many stories addressing to
the main subject exist (e.g. Luxembourg-city, Lux-
embourg’s airport, Luxembourg-country, etc.). This
complexity will even be larger if the stories were told
by different persons, using different languages and
maybe having different opinions about the subject.
To obtain the better and more precise result in terms
of a story interpretation, we support the idea that it
Using Visualisation Techniques to Acquire a Better Understanding of Storytelling for Cultural Heritage
is useful to compare different stories being somehow
related. This relation can exist due to a period time
(e.g. year), a location (e.g. Luxembourg), an event
(e.g. flood), etc. Based on this idea, we have worked
on different approaches to visualise the information
of several stories at once and, simultaneously, to have
the ability to view how these stories are linked. Our
idea is also to use the advantages provided by Infor-
mation Visualisation techniques to furnish an efficient
platform to analyse and interpret correctly the stories.
An important aspect we had to take into account to
build our prototype is the type of users who will use
the application: users with and without IT expertise
and belonging to different generations. The prototype
we have developed is introduced in the next sections.
3.1 Architecture
Our prototype is composed by four modules:
The database where all collected stories are
The ER (Entity Recognition) module - responsi-
ble to detect, identify and classify by classes terms
existing in each story.
The JSON module - builds a file, containing the
information computed from the ER module (e.g.
Date, Local, Person; Date; Location) and repre-
sented in the JSON format.
The visualisation module - interprets the gener-
ated JSON file and displays its information using
different types of charts in order to provide an ef-
ficient and user-friendly support for stories inter-
pretation and understanding.
Figure 1: Global architecture with its main components.
3.1.1 The Database
The idea is to gather stories related with Luxem-
bourg and its region, occurred in the period after
the second world war. More precisely during the
period 1945-1960. We already collected 267 sto-
ries just using information obtained from several
web portals (e.g. Wikipedia,, Gathered stories are normally
short, relating a specific event occurred in a concrete
place during during a certain date. We are also gather-
ing stories by visiting retirement homes to interview
people interested in participating in our initiative, in
order to record their memories. Another phase we
are working on is related with how to process these
records with voice recognition software so we can
obtain automatically a version under text file formats
(Speech to text recognition).
3.1.2 Entity Recognition Module
We have used the Natural Language Understanding
API (formerly AlchemyAPI) to extract entities from
. Nevertheless, despite the engine being capable
of recognize different localities (e.g. Paris, Luxem-
bourg, etc.), it seems to have some limitations regard-
ing smaller Luxemburgish localities like Sandweiler
or Kirchberg. As a result, we have taken the stories,
applied Alchemy over them, fixed semi-manually the
results and built a JSON file ready to be processed
by the next module (Information visualisation mod-
ule). The idea here is to build first a proof-of-concept
to show the different existing possibilities we can use
and apply to analyse, understand and interpret stories.
Everything related with entity recognition and classi-
fication still has to be deeply studied and developed.
3.2 Information Visualisation
In a recent work, various visualisation techniques
were applied in order to analyse textual data related
to Digital Humanities (J
anicke et al., 2016). We think
that the strength and flexibility of Information Visu-
alisation (Ware, 2012; Chen, 2013) is a major asset
for our aim. It may be applied to help us to visu-
alise the information related with a specific story but
also to get an overview of all the stories related with it
and the way they are linked. Some work and studies
were already made related with how information vi-
sualisation is applied in the field of storytelling and
stories analysis. Stories evolution is a topic which
has been studied by (Suba
sic and Berendt, 2008) and
where graphs are used to show this evolution. The
work made by (Gershon and Page, 2001) is based on
how stories can be visually represented. Despite be-
ing very interesting and related with our own topic, it
does not approach the problematic of visualising re-
lations existing between stories. Finally, (Wojtkowski
and Wojtkowski, 2002) supports that information vi-
sualisation can be of major importance in the field of
This led us to build a visualisation information
module to show this information using different forms
of representations (charts). Thus, its meaning can be
efficiently and easier understood and interpreted, both
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
by users with or without IT or information visualisa-
tion expertise and users belonging to different genera-
tions. Indeed, some visualisation techniques are easy
to understand in general but others require knowl-
edge in terms of data visualisation (e.g. Scatterplot,
Voronoi Diagram, Treemap, etc.).
The visualisation information module is built un-
der a combination of the Javascript and Php lan-
guages and using an external Javascript library (D3JS
- which aim is to build the charts
needed. It is important to notice that, normally, peo-
ple born during the first half of 20th century are not
very familiar with new technologies and information
visualisation techniques. To be prepared for the dif-
ferent user profiles the application must support, we
worked on different visualisation charts. In the next
section we present some of them, which we think are
adapted for a wide range of user profiles.
3.2.1 JSON File
The JSON file, built by the JSON module and us-
ing the information generated by the entity recogni-
tion module, is the input received and interpreted by
the information visualisation module. In order that
the information visualisation module is able to dis-
play the information related with a story and all the
stories having a relation with it, the JSON file is com-
posed by different sections:
Main story information.
Entity classes recognized in the story.
Entity recognition values.
Stories with common entities with the main sto-
The image 2 shows an example of a JSON file con-
taining these four sections and ready to be processed
by the visualisation module.
3.2.2 Visualisation Solutions
In order to achieve our aim, we have worked and tried
several information techniques: the Partition Layout
(Figure 3), the Collapsible Indented Tree (Figure 4),
the Dendrogram and Grouped Horizontal Bar Chart
(Figure 5), the Sankey Diagram (Figure 6) and the
Zoomable Sunburst (Figure 7). These solutions were
chosen because of their ability to present the rela-
tions between stories and because they are also user-
friendly and easy to understand. Both charts presents
the same information, under a different shape, but or-
ganising always the information in four different sec-
First - the main story section. The history title is
shown on the section. If the user moves the mouse
over it, the story is shown.
Second - the different classes of entities recog-
nized in the story (e.g. Local, Period, Person,
Third - the different entity values related with
each class of entity recognized.
Fourth - the stories somehow related with the
main story. The story title is displayed on the story
section. If the user moves the mouse over it, the
content of the story is shown.
In the Table 1, we present a brief overview and
conclusions for each of the visualisation chart anal-
ysed and tested.
The aim of the project is to provide support, for
a wide range of user profiles. The application is
meant to be used by people without IT knowledge,
information visualisation experience or even without
any computer usage experience and also by people
belonging to different generations: young people to
raise their interest over historical events, mid-age peo-
ple but also old people, born before the WWII, etc.
This fact led us to take special care to the types of
visualisations to use: they have to be efficient and
easy-to-understand. The reason is that, there are many
visualisation techniques, which are very efficient but
also very complex to interpret by people without any
information visualisation background. For this rea-
son, we think that the charts Collapsible Indented
Tree and the Dendrogram and Grouped Horizontal
Bar Chart are the most suitable for our needs, based
on the analysed solutions. Indeed, the Partition Lay-
out has some limitations regarding its capacity to
show large amount of information which may limit
us if the quantity of stories to analyse is large. On the
other hand, since circular charts are are often consid-
ered due to their efficient behaviour (e.g Pie chart),
we needed to analyse a circular chart solution able
to display stories information. Despite its popularity,
the pie chart would not fit to our objective because
it is more designed to display statistical information
and distribution values than relations between objects
(Spence, 2005). The Zoomable Sunburst has this abil-
ity. Despite being a different chart than the Collapsi-
ble Indented Tree, we think that it is more complex
to analyse, especially if the analysis is made by old
people or users without computer expertise.
3.2.3 Map Chart
Historical narratives are many times related with a
specific location. A story occurred in the past has
Using Visualisation Techniques to Acquire a Better Understanding of Storytelling for Cultural Heritage
Figure 2: JSON partial file example containing the collected stories from Luxembourg and region so far.
Figure 3: Partition Layout. The information is organised
into four different sections to increase chart’s understand-
ability and efficiency.
often been experienced in a region, a city, a monu-
ment, etc. This led us to sustain that the place where
an historical event happened is of high importance to
establish the link between stories having some corre-
lation. For this reason, we give importance and work
with Map chart visualisations, by using the Google
. The figure 8 shows us the place where the
stories presented in the section 3.1.1 occurred.
Figure 4: Indented tree chart. The information is organised
into four different sections.
In this paper, we started by presenting our definition
of storytelling and its relation and importance with
historical heritage. The different problems and chal-
lenges related with storytelling, especially when the
stories are orally told by people, were discussed. A
prototype able to interpret visually stories and their
respective relations was described. The problems to
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 1: Charts comparison.
Partition Layout
(figure 3)
Efficiency; Easy to understand; Sober Design not attractive; Scalability
Collapsible Indented
Tree (figure 4)
Efficiency; Easy to understand; Sober;
Scalability (due to the possibility to
collapse sections)
Not the sexiest chart
Dendrogram and
Grouped Horizontal
Bar Chart (figure 5)
Efficiency; Easy to understand; Sober;
Scalability (due to the possibility to
collapse sections); Colors helping to
evaluate the proximity between stories
Sankey diagram
(figure 6)
Efficiency; Easy to understand; Sober;
Scalability (due to the possibility to
collapse sections); Design more
attractive than other solutions
May be complex to understand
Zoomable Sunburst
(figure 7)
More sophisticated
Scalability; More complex to interpret;
Not fit for some types of user profiles
Figure 5: Dendrogram and Grouped Horizontal Bar Chart.
The information is organised into four different sections to
increase chart’s understandability and efficiency.
Figure 6: Sankey diagram. The information is organised
into four different sections and uses colors to enhance its
understandability and efficiency.
be overtaken were discussed. After having converted
the stories from their source (e.g. audio) to text, other
issues must be solved. It is first necessary to interpret
and comprehend the meaning of each sentence com-
posing a story. Entity recognition methods are used
Figure 7: Zoomable Sunburst Chart - the complexity to
understand information in this type of chart is higher than
other solutions presented previously.
to extract the meaning of each word. Entities like a
place, a person, a date and so on, should be recog-
nized. We show that information visualisation is a
valid solution to understand stories.
Due to the public the solution is designed for -
people belonging to different generations and people
with(out) IT expertise - not every visualisation solu-
tion fits to our scope. The provided solution must be
well studied taking into account this important prob-
lematic. We have identified some visualisation charts
able to display the relations between stories. These
are easy to interpret and should be usable by a wide
group of users, with different type of profiles and ex-
pertise. However, there is still work to do. A user
testing phase should be done to support and evaluate
our work. The reason we did not execute such phase
Using Visualisation Techniques to Acquire a Better Understanding of Storytelling for Cultural Heritage
Figure 8: Map chart with the stories locations. To summa-
rize the information, clustering of points is applied.
yet is because we still have to focus and invest time in
the entity recognition module in order that entities are
automatically and correctly recognized.
This work was realized in the context of the LOCALE
research project (Tamisier et al., 2016), funded by a
Core grant from the Luxembourg National Research
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DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications