by users with or without IT or information visualisa-
tion expertise and users belonging to different genera-
tions. Indeed, some visualisation techniques are easy
to understand in general but others require knowl-
edge in terms of data visualisation (e.g. Scatterplot,
Voronoi Diagram, Treemap, etc.).
The visualisation information module is built un-
der a combination of the Javascript and Php lan-
guages and using an external Javascript library (D3JS
- which aim is to build the charts
needed. It is important to notice that, normally, peo-
ple born during the first half of 20th century are not
very familiar with new technologies and information
visualisation techniques. To be prepared for the dif-
ferent user profiles the application must support, we
worked on different visualisation charts. In the next
section we present some of them, which we think are
adapted for a wide range of user profiles.
3.2.1 JSON File
The JSON file, built by the JSON module and us-
ing the information generated by the entity recogni-
tion module, is the input received and interpreted by
the information visualisation module. In order that
the information visualisation module is able to dis-
play the information related with a story and all the
stories having a relation with it, the JSON file is com-
posed by different sections:
• Main story information.
• Entity classes recognized in the story.
• Entity recognition values.
• Stories with common entities with the main sto-
The image 2 shows an example of a JSON file con-
taining these four sections and ready to be processed
by the visualisation module.
3.2.2 Visualisation Solutions
In order to achieve our aim, we have worked and tried
several information techniques: the Partition Layout
(Figure 3), the Collapsible Indented Tree (Figure 4),
the Dendrogram and Grouped Horizontal Bar Chart
(Figure 5), the Sankey Diagram (Figure 6) and the
Zoomable Sunburst (Figure 7). These solutions were
chosen because of their ability to present the rela-
tions between stories and because they are also user-
friendly and easy to understand. Both charts presents
the same information, under a different shape, but or-
ganising always the information in four different sec-
• First - the main story section. The history title is
shown on the section. If the user moves the mouse
over it, the story is shown.
• Second - the different classes of entities recog-
nized in the story (e.g. Local, Period, Person,
• Third - the different entity values related with
each class of entity recognized.
• Fourth - the stories somehow related with the
main story. The story title is displayed on the story
section. If the user moves the mouse over it, the
content of the story is shown.
In the Table 1, we present a brief overview and
conclusions for each of the visualisation chart anal-
ysed and tested.
The aim of the project is to provide support, for
a wide range of user profiles. The application is
meant to be used by people without IT knowledge,
information visualisation experience or even without
any computer usage experience and also by people
belonging to different generations: young people to
raise their interest over historical events, mid-age peo-
ple but also old people, born before the WWII, etc.
This fact led us to take special care to the types of
visualisations to use: they have to be efficient and
easy-to-understand. The reason is that, there are many
visualisation techniques, which are very efficient but
also very complex to interpret by people without any
information visualisation background. For this rea-
son, we think that the charts Collapsible Indented
Tree and the Dendrogram and Grouped Horizontal
Bar Chart are the most suitable for our needs, based
on the analysed solutions. Indeed, the Partition Lay-
out has some limitations regarding its capacity to
show large amount of information which may limit
us if the quantity of stories to analyse is large. On the
other hand, since circular charts are are often consid-
ered due to their efficient behaviour (e.g Pie chart),
we needed to analyse a circular chart solution able
to display stories information. Despite its popularity,
the pie chart would not fit to our objective because
it is more designed to display statistical information
and distribution values than relations between objects
(Spence, 2005). The Zoomable Sunburst has this abil-
ity. Despite being a different chart than the Collapsi-
ble Indented Tree, we think that it is more complex
to analyse, especially if the analysis is made by old
people or users without computer expertise.
3.2.3 Map Chart
Historical narratives are many times related with a
specific location. A story occurred in the past has
Using Visualisation Techniques to Acquire a Better Understanding of Storytelling for Cultural Heritage