A Novel Record Linkage Methodology based on Graph Interactions
Mahmoud Boghdady and Neamat El-Tazi
Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Record Linkage, Profile Matching, Graph Theory, Data Quality, Call Data Record, Social Interactions, Online
Social Networks.
With the advent of the big-data era and the rapid growth of the amount of data, companies are faced with more
opportunities and challenges to outperform their peers, innovate, compete, and capture value from big-data
platforms such as social networks. Utilizing the full benefit of social media requires companies to identify
their own customers against customers as a whole by linking their local data against data from social media
applying record-linkage techniques that differ from simple to complex. For large sources that have huge data
and fewer constraints over data, the linking process produces low quality results and requires a lot of pairwise
comparisons. We propose a study on how to calculate similarity score not only based on string similarity
techniques or topological graph similarity, but also using graph interactions between nodes to effectively
achieve better linkage results.
Linking scattered data that may or may not share a
common identifier requires sources to be joined to-
gether. This can be achieved by applying record-
linkage techniques that vary from simple matching,
where the common identifier is available in both
sources, to complex matching, where the common
identifier is missing, and it becomes more and more
complex depending on the scale and the degree of het-
erogeneity among the sources.
Since the early 1940s, scientists have been trying
to identify the record-linkage process. (Dunn, 1946)
described the foundations of modern record linkage,
also called entity resolution or de-duplication, which
is simply the process of finding records in a data
set that refer to the same entity across other data
sources. Today, with the advance of computer sys-
tems, record linkage is used in many applications,
such as customer relationship management, fraud de-
tection, data warehousing, law enforcement, profile
matching, medical record linkage, and government
administration (L. Gu and Rainsford, 2003).
In this paper, we investigate the problem of link-
ing corporate local data with social networks. Our
contribution in this paper is a matching framework
able to calculate the similarity score based on com-
mon attributes and the interactions among the users
within each other with no need to further explore the
graph based features (mutual friends, mutual friends
of friends). The set of experiments and tests con-
ducted with our proposed similarity score shows a
lot of enhancements in comparison with current ones.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we present some related works. In Section
3, we present our proposed framework on how to en-
hance the linkage. In Section 4, we discuss the results
of the conducted experiments. Finally, we conclude
in Section 5 and describe future works in Section 6.
Record-linkage techniques differ from simple if then
methods to complex probabilistic methods that com-
pare each pair of records to detect whether there is a
match or not, and assign a matching score (Blakely
and Salmond, 2002).
Matching can either be an exact match, which is
based on using a common key identifier in the two
data sets, or it can be calculated by applying determin-
istic record linkage, which is a match based on a set of
identifiers using multiple criteria to establish a match
or by using probabilistic record linkage. This is true
when two records satisfy the linkage rule and the sim-
ilarity measure is above a certain threshold (D. Dey
and Liu, 2011).
Boghdady, M. and El-Tazi, N.
Clink - A Novel Record Linkage Methodology based on Graph Interactions.
DOI: 10.5220/0006416001650171
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017), pages 165-171
ISBN: 978-989-758-255-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Using Networks to link data emerged as (M. Bil-
gic and Shneiderman, 2006) presented (D-Dupe) a
tool that uses networks to perform linkage. It was
applied in scientic publications domain to use the re-
lation between authors to detect duplicates. If the
authors share very similar names and their articles’
names are also similar, then these authors are identi-
fied as the same author.
(Bhattacharya and Getoor, 2007) used relation-
ships between individuals as well as the information
about attributes. For example, if two records have the
same relation (wife) of the same person this informa-
tion can affect the likelihood that the two records refer
to the same entity.
Research papers (Jupin and Shi, 2015; D. Zhang
and Gemmell, 2015; S. Randall and Semmens, 2014)
investigated the use of relations between entities to
enhance the linkage quality using the fact that if one
of two matched nodes is connected to another node,
then the connected node has a higher possibility that
it is connected to those nodes. This is called relational
similarity or collective entity resolution (Kalashnikov
and Mehrotra, 2006), which links records that share
string attribute similarities and common neighbor
nodes. For example, in a movie matching example,
movies from different sources could be matched if
they have the same featured actors.
Some researchers used private data to link pro-
files (M. Balduzzi and C.Kruegel, 2010) For example
data from Friend Finder system, while some use pub-
licly available data (G. You and Wen, 2011) based on
features extracted from the user proles (profile name,
age, etc.).
(L. Ding and Joshi, 2005) used FOAF (Friend of a
Friend which is a machine-readable ontology describ-
ing persons, their activities and their relations to other
people and objects) to link the profiles. For example,
to match two profiles they must have a common email
address, full name, etc. to be linked to the exact same
In (Rowe and Ciravegna, 2008) the use of social
circles of the users was explored which represent a
group of people linked to a central person using a
common relation.
(Veldman, 2009) used two models to solve the
linkage problem across two social networks. first,
he compared all profiles from first network against
all profiles from second network to assign a similar-
ity score, and the higher this score, the higher the
possibility that these proles related to the same per-
son. Then he calculated a network similarity based on
network topological features (mutual friends, mutual
friends of friends). This was done by determining the
overlap in the networks. The more the networks over-
lapped, the higher the network similarity score was.
(T. Iofciu and Bischo, 2011) used tags to link
users’ profiles, (S. Vosoughi and Roy, 2015) utilizes
users’ activity patterns (linguistic and temporal) to
match users’ accounts across diffrent social networks.
(J. Mugan and Coffman, 2014) used behaviors to
identify relationships between users and activities in
their social groups to calculate similarity.
(Goga, 2014) defined (ACID) attributes availabil-
ity, consistency, non-impersonality and discriminabil-
ity to match accounts using users posts.
(S. Liu and Krishnan, 2014) introduced a HYDRA
framework which can link user accounts of the same
user across different social network platforms that uti-
lize unlabeled data.
(Y. Wang and Ren, 2015) proposed a method to
link accounts of individuals on social network sites
and online shopping sites, using accounts’ profiles
and user’s historical behaviors.
(O. Peled and Elovici, 2015) presented a method
to match user profiles across multiple OSNs. They
used a variety of features which is a combination of
name based features, user information based features
and network topological based features. They evalu-
ated their approach using real life data collected from
two OSNs, Facebook and Xing.
On our approach, we expand the linkage using
users’ activities introducing block rank (interactions
between users and each others) according to a com-
mon user in the source graphs to assign block rank
against the total interactions of this common user that
will be used to calculate the similarity score, to further
refine the matching process.
Our goal is to link social profiles to corporate cus-
tomers’ local data that refer to the same person. Clink
(cyclic linking) is inspired from the TF-IDF (numeri-
cal statistic that is intended to reflect how important a
word is to a document in a collection), which means
the more the items are referenced together, the more
related they are.
For example, in the movies data sets to investigate
the impact of block rank based on the frequency/ re-
latedness between the entities. We used the movie se-
quel Back to the Future as an example. This movie
has its information listed in two different websites
) and allmovie (
). Considering that the cast
members’ names are sorted in descending order based
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
on their participation, the first main actor has more
featured minutes (frequency) than the second main
actor as in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Movies data sets.
We assumed a block rank to contain two nodes at
a time, and higher blocks (based on the participation
on the movie) have a higher impact on the connection,
then the overall score is the number of matched names
within the block multiplied by the block rank. If we
have four blocks, then the high-rank block weight is
four, and the lowest would be one. This application
is a great way to solve the matching even for movie
sequels (movies that might have similar names) or for
movies that have missing names.
Using the two samples from the two data sources,
the probability that a movie from A dataset is matched
with a movie in B dataset will be calculated using this
similarityscore blockrank
To get the score that A1 is matched with B1,
blocks are being compared against each other. So, in
case there is a match the block rank will be multiplied
by one and in case there is no match the block rank
will be multiplied by zero as follows:
ProbabilitythatA1matchesB1 =
1 4 + 1 4 + 1 3 + 1 3 + 0 2 + 1 2 + 1 1 + 1 1
= 18
Using the same rule for the remaining comparison
pairs, we can generate the following results regarding
the matching algorithm score, which accounts for the
block rank. (See Table 1.)
Table 1: Scoring matrix table.
A1, B1 (2*4) +(2*3) +(1*2) +(2*1) 18
A1, B2 (2*4) +(1*3) +(0*2) +(0*1) 11
A1, B3 (2*4) +(0*3) +(0*2) +(0*1) 8
A2, B1 (2*4) +(1*3) +(1*2) +(0*1) 13
A2, B2 (2*4) +(2*3) +(0*2) +(0*1) 14
A2, B3 (2*4) +(1*3) +(1*2) +(0*1) 13
A3, B1 (2*4) +(0*3) +(0*2) +(0*1) 8
A3, B2 (2*4) +(1*3) +(0*2) +(0*1) 11
A3, B3 (2*4) +(2*3) +(2*2) +(2*1) 20
The maximum score per each node in A, B shows
that (A1, B1), (A2, B2) and (A3, B3) are matched
even if the compared names are very similar or there
is a missing name.
Using the graph interactions between nodes,
we can group related objects in the same cluster
(O.Hassanzadeh, 2009), which means that the pos-
sibility of a match for records is proportional with
nodes that have dense connections. In our study,
we identified the weights assigned to interactions
between nodes based on the frequency of interac-
tions with the parent node in our data sources. The
higher value presents a stronger connection between
the nodes and a higher block rank (a scale from 0 to
100) which is the ceiling of the frequency percent-
age against the overall interactions to the next higher
block rank value. Block rank is dependent on the
blocking interval being used for example, using an in-
terval size of ve will result into twenty blocks to be
used. So, a frequency of 89 is assigned to block rank
90 in the previous assumption.
Our algorithm uses matched pairs of nodes (par-
ent nodes) that could be a result of a previous linkage
process to explore the neighbors (child nodes) of such
nodes and the degree of relationships between them.
We propose a blocking technique to divide the nodes
based on their relation degrees with parent nodes. The
matching will be calculated based on string similar-
ity and block rank. Below, we try to explore our
algorithm on how to link network based graph data
sources with each other:
Two graphs (G1, G2) consisted of a set
of nodes (N1, N2, .), (M1, M2, ).
Nodes consist of (Parent rank with Node,
Name Attribute).
Clink - A Novel Record Linkage Methodology based on Graph Interactions
A similarity score matrix
between nodes from different graphs.
get list of initial nodes where parent
= 0
LOOP through each initial node
IF (child node N. Name is NULL) OR
(child node M. Name is NULL) with the
same parent nodes
THEN calculate similarity using the
similarity score = Weight*(100-abs (G1. Common
parent rank with Node N- G2. Common
parent rank with Node M)) -(10- (Average
(G1. Common parent rank with Node N,
G2. Common parent rank with Node M)/10)
Calculate similarity score for child
node N from graph G1 against child node
M from graph G2 with the same parent
and with the same Nodes in the same block
using the formula:
similarity score = Weighted Average((Average(
Cross similarity,Sentence similarity)* 10),
(100- ABS(G1. Common parent rank
with Node N - G2. Common parent rank
with Node M)))
-(10-(Average (G1. Common parent rank
with Node N, G2. Common parent rank
with Node M)/10))
WHILE there is no match with nodes with
the current block rank
LOOP calculate similarity score for
child node N from graph G1 against
child node M from graph G2 for next
block ranks (upper, lower) using the formula:
similarity score = Weighted Average((Average(
Cross similarity,Sentence similarity)* 10),
(100- ABS(G1. Common parent rank
with Node N - G2. Common parent
rank with current Node)))
-(10-(Average (G1. Common parent rank
with Node N, G2. Common parent
rank with current Node)/10))
We proposed two types of similarity to calculate
string similarity since the two strings are not with
equal number of words, which are the similarity be-
tween words in the two sentences (cross similarity:
max similarity per words of the fewer sentence) and
the similarity between the full two sentences (sen-
tence similarity).
For example, to calculate the similarity between
(Barack Obama) and (Barack Hussein Obama) first,
the cross similarity will be calculated depending on
the smaller sentence as:
Table 2: Cross-words similarity.
Barack Barack 1
Barack Hussein 0
Barack Obama 0.58
Obama Barack 0.58
Obama Hussein 0
Obama Obama 1
So, cross Similarity = (1+1)/2 (max similarity per
words of the fewer sentence), and the sentence Sim-
ilarity = similarity (Sentence1, Sentence2) which is
0.81. The final string similarity score combined will
be (0.81+1)/2 = 0.91.
And, the final similarity score will be dependent
on the string similarity and the block rank with the
parent node in the all data sources using the below
SimilarityScore =
(Average(Crosssimilarity,Sentencesimilarity) 10),
(100 ABS(G1.CommonparentrankwithNodeN
And to indicate that higher block ranks is better
than lower ones we added this portion to our equa-
SimilarityScore =
(Average(Crosssimilarity,Sentencesimilarity) 10),
(100 ABS(G1.CommonparentrankwithNodeN
(10 (Average(
Our algorithm only compares nodes within the
same blocks, and in some cases with next subsequent
blocks (in case there is no match within the same
block). So, it reduces the total number of required
comparisons in regard of comparing whole graphs.
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
However, it requires pre-time for forming the graph
and calculating block rank per each node, which is an
offline operation that will be conducted once as a step
of data preprocessing to format and prepare data to be
used as input for the matching process.
In this section, we presented our approach. and ex-
plained the results of experiments to prove the rele-
vance of our proposal.
4.1 Datasets
This study was conducted using Vodafone Egypt cor-
porate data (approximately 40 million records) and
data from Facebook related to the fan page (approx-
imately 6 million records) for social data integra-
tion. Both the data sources have (name, gender, in-
teractions) to be used as matching attributes. Each
data source has its own interactions between entities.
Vodafone has call-data records (CDRs) like voice call
and SMS, and for Facebook, there are interactions
such as comments and likes. Table 3 represents the
common attributes in both data sets. Figure 2 repre-
sents the interactions inside the two graphs.
For initial parent nodes and for testing results, we
used social media registered customers using their lo-
cal profile (approximately 1.2 million records).
Table 3: Datasets common attributes.
Current city
4.2 Evaluation Strategy
4.2.1 Data Preperation
We applied a set of data cleansing steps to enhance the
data quality, and to avoid any misleading behavior, we
used rosette API for names’ translation to unify the
language across the whole data sets (
Figure 2: Facebook vs. CDR Graphs.
Then a set of data cleansing steps conducted to
generate the analytic data that will be used as input
for the matching process.
Spell checking to avoid structural problems that
may arise due to spelling errors. For example, a
name can be written as Ahmed or Ahmet.
Words representation improvement by capturing
different representations of a single word with the
same meaning or the same name. For example, a
name can be written as Mohamed or Muhammed.
4.2.2 Building the Graph and Assigning Block
We used Facebook API to get public posts for the
parent nodes to draw interactions to assign the block
rank between nodes. Using parent nodes which are
the matched set, or result from a previous matching
algorithm, we calculated the block rank for all the
descending child nodes in the two graphs based on
the total number of interactions (likes, comments and
shares) in Facebook graph. (Check Figure 3 we used
User 2 as the parent node).
4.2.3 Similarity Score
Using the block rank and applying Clink methodolo-
gies we conducted our similarity score between the
Vodafone base customers and Facebook users’ pro-
files. Also, we selected a different five nodes from
Vodafone data sets that happens to have all of its child
nodes and 3rd level child nodes to have a Facebook
profile. First we applied the total similarity score
based on string similarities between records that be-
long to the same cluster (are child or grandchild nodes
for the same parent node) and secondly we added a
condition to have a similar network topological graph
Clink - A Novel Record Linkage Methodology based on Graph Interactions
Figure 3: Block ranks.
(that have at least 3 mutual nodes or 1 mutual nodes
and 4 mutual of mutual nodes) and at last we calcu-
lated the similarity score based on the string similarity
and the block rank, as records that exceeds a similarity
threshold of 90 % are considered as new parents for
next step and records that exceeds the threshold are
considered to be a potential match (to be confirmed
based on the number of co-occurrence using a differ-
ent parent). we used a cutoff threshold of 40 % to
consider the records as a match or not.
4.2.4 Results
For assessment, we divided the pre-matched accounts
into two sets (training 40 %-testing 60 %). Then we
calculated the percentage of successful matches ap-
plying text similarity on the testing set and it was
36.3 %. And used the training set as parent nodes
to calculate similarity and it showed that over 62.2%
are matched correctly. Also, we picked ve ran-
dom nodes to draw more comparisons between dif-
ferent techniques and assessed the results based on the
number of false results (false positive -false negative)
found in the results. (check figures 4, 5). First, we cal-
culated similarity only based on text similarity within
the same cluster (all nodes that interact with the par-
ent node), Then we applied more graph exploration
and calculated text similarity if the nodes are in the
same cluster and share at least two common Childs,
Last, we calculated similarity using text similarity and
block rank within the parent cluster. With topologi-
cal graph similarity, we managed to decrease the to-
tal error rate, but more data are required to achieve
good results and the graph size should be similar in
the two sets. Results shows even when the number of
attributes is limited block rank can represent differ-
ent societies interactions in a unified form that helps
to enhance the linkage results using only one level of
graph exploration.
Figure 4: Single sample result.
Figure 5: Overall results.
In the era of big data, data is being generated each
minute in many formats and in different sources, such
as e-mails, tweets, SMSs, blog posts, social media
content, and financial, medical, shopping, and travel
transactions. Yet it belongs to the same entities that
would reflect the local cooperate customers, and with
advances in modern computer systems, it is applica-
ble to link data from those sources to gain better in-
sight into and understanding of these entities. The
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
major challenge is that there are no unique identiers
between the huge data sources that have different At-
tributes. By applying graph analysis, the two sources
can be joined together by removing the records that
are obviously not a match or by proposing records that
appear together many times, which indicate potential
Our proposed solution enhances the quality of re-
sults and reduces the total number of required com-
parisons by using the weights and frequency relations
between nodes to decide whether there is a match.
The total number is significantly reduced since the
comparing step is not against the whole cluster. Using
record linkage, along with graph analysis, shows a lot
of opportunities and a very promising area of study.
Using the block rank shows a lot of potential opportu-
nities, yet it will be further explored and investigated
to enhance the overall similarity score by finding the
best formula of the weighted average between string
similarity and block rank similarity, depending on the
availability and rareness of attributes being matched.
Also, we will enhance the block rank ranges which
will divide the whole space to several blocks, we will
try to find a relation between the ranges and the nodes
interactions within the graph.
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Clink - A Novel Record Linkage Methodology based on Graph Interactions