Identification of Opinion Leaders and Followers in Social Media
Chun-Che Huang
, Li-Ching Lien
, Po-An Chen
, Tzu-Liang Tseng
and Shian-Hua Lin
Department of Information Management, National Chi Nan University, Puli, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Department of Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering, The University of Texas at El Paso,
El Paso, TX, U.S.A.
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chi Nan University, Puli, Taiwan, R.O.C.
ywords: Opinion Leaders and Followers Identification, Matrix Analysis, Social Media, Web Analytics.
Abstract: In recent years, with the development of Web2.0, opinion leaders on the Web go up onto the stage and lead
the will of the people. Many time, government, private companies and even traditional news media need to
understand the opinion leaders’ ideas on the Web. Identifying opinion leaders and followers becomes a very
important study. To study the characteristics of opinion leaders and the impact of opinion leaders on followers,
our research evaluates whether every speaker in social media satisfies characteristics of opinion leader. The
characteristics of opinion leader and relationship between opinion leader and follower are studied. By
observing relational matrix, the interacting relations between users in social media are analysed and opinion
leaders and followers are identified.
Nowadays the opinion leaders have significant
impact on the Internet. To recognize the opinion
leaders’ ideas is crucial from government, private
companies to traditional news media. Spanish scholar
Ramonet (2003) proposed that there should be the
fifth right, a public power to balance the increasingly
chaotic fourth right. In ‘Towards a Civil Society’
seminar in 2008, when discuss the role of blog in
improving social development and discussion
promotion, Blog is defined as the fifth right.
New network media such as Facebook, Twitter
and Taiwan local PTT as the fifth right have huge
users in discussing different issues. In these forums,
there are many opinion leaders with professional
knowledge to provide opinions to discuss. In this
way, there are many followers who could be
influenced by opinion leaders. However, the studies
related to opinion leader identification emphasize on
business sales rather than opinion leaders of social
policies. Previous studies utilize quantitative methods
to analyse and without considering from the
qualitative perspectives. It is difficult to accurately
identify the potential opinion leaders and followers
without exploring the relationship between opinion
leaders and followers.
This study surveys literature in Section II. Section
III proposes a methodology to identify the opinion
leaders and followers. Based on opinion leaders’
social network characteristics and whether their
speeches could get resonation, the matrix approach is
proposed to model the relationship between users and
identify opinion leaders set Section IV concludes this
study. In addition, this study contributes offering
three patterns to help the enterprises/government to
implement their corresponding strategy. For example
of general pattern, business take advantages of
opinion leaders to change follower behaviour;
therefore, their products/services can be promoted
effectively. According to Discussion pattern, the
opinion leaders and followers is not obvious such that
business can ignore them to decrease investment. For
example of blindly pattern, business can focus on
negotiation professional to improve recruiting the
opinion leaders and followers.
The word ‘opinion leader’ comes from study of
president election in 1940 by Lazarsfeld, Berelson,
and Gaudet (1948). They observed the behaviors of
voters in election and found that the election
advertisements were not as effective as opinion
Huang, C-C., Lien, L-C., Chen, P-A., Tseng, T-L. and Lin, S-H.
Identification of Opinion Leaders and Followers in Social Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0006416801800185
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017), pages 180-185
ISBN: 978-989-758-255-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
leaders. However, opinion leaders are defined
broadly. Opinion leaders are very important in social
network because they are capable to informally
influence others’ attitudes and behaviors (Cho,
Hwang & Lee, 2012, Li & Du, 2011; Li, Xing, Wang,
& Ren, 2012,; Venkatraman, 1989). Opinion leaders
usually have access to far more information on certain
topic and have profession in this topic. These people
are usually core of the social network and easy to get
along with. The roles of opinion leaders vary by
different themes, fields, cultures, social environments
and eras (Weimann & Brosius, 1994). Those who
receive the information and change their behaviors
and attitudes are called followers (Burt, 1999).
Compared with opinion leaders, the followers are not
as important. In other words, the followers are those
who will be influenced by opinion leaders and change
their attitudes and behaviors. (Li et al., 2012)
According to the study listed above, we can
conclude the properties of opinion leaders in the
1. The life experience is rich and the
understanding of the knowledge is though.
Many of them are highly educated.
2. Strong social skills, strong connection with
broad masses, good reputation due to
professional and knowledgeable. They have
great influence and appealing power.
3. Sensitivity to the information, willingness to
accept new things, with innovative spirit.
In this study, we define the opinion leaders are those
who have a lot of followers. They are celebrities or
important leaders in some areas. They have good
reputation and higher education level. So their
speeches and behaviors could influence others. And
the followers are defined as those who are usually
influenced by opinion leaders’ speeches and
behaviors. As a result, the followers will change their
attitudes on the issues.
In previous studies, Ma and Liu (2014) used
SuperedgeRank algorithm to analyze 3 seed network
property. This was applied on identifying opinion
leaders in Fukushima nuclear issue. Cho et al. (2012)
analyze the role of opinion leaders in marketing
strategy with innovatively spreading social network
research. Leal, Hor-Meyll, and de Paula Pessoa
(2014) use interviews to study how opinion leaders
influence users’ purchase decision in virtual
communities. Li and Du (2014) propose a framework
by building key words base and apply this framework
to identify opinion leaders in Twitter users. William,
McMurray, Kurz and Lambert (2015) use key words
labels and social network analysis to analyze the
behaviors and attitudes of Twitter users towards
climate change. In summary, most previous studies
use methods such as social measure and self-report
which are based on questionnaire or interview to
identify opinion leaders. Few of them are based on
articles published by opinion leaders or social pattern
of opinion leaders and followers. Our study proposes
a method to analyze the articles published by the
users, users’ characteristics and their interactive
relationship. Combined with relational matrix
method, we identify opinion leaders and followers as
well as social pattern when they interact with each
In this study, the users’ published contents is
classified according to expert’s judgement (Table 1).
Positive speech means that the spokesman’s
statement is the same with responder’s attitude, the
opinions are the same. Meaningless speech means the
statement and spokesman are unrelated or
undetermined. Negative speech means spokesman’s
statement are different from responder’s attitude, the
opinions are different.
Table 1: Speech Contents Classification.
Contents Classification
Speech Contents Score
Uniform Speech
Meaningless Speech +0
Not uniform Speech -1
Next, the relationship between users is
represented by a matix formation. Matrix M is a
relational matrix between users. The row of matrix is
defined as , the column of the matrix is defined as j.
The count of users are set as C={1 … n}. The
elements in matrix T are count of responses and being
responded. The elements in matrix I are influence
factor between users and social community support
Matrix T represents count of responses and being
responded between users.
represents count of
responses between each pair of users.
n: count of users.
: count of user’s speech.
i: index of the user who responds to other people’s
j: index of the user whose opinion is responded.
Matrix I represents users’ power to influence and
being influenced and social community support level.
: social community support level of the user.
Identification of Opinion Leaders and Followers in Social Media
i: index of the user who influences to other people.
j: index of the user who is influenced.
In matrix T, ≠j, then
means counts of
responses of i to j. When i=j, relationship
counts of speech of i. In matrix I, when characteristic
and property ≠j,
means influence of on j. In
this study, the influence of and j can be classified
into 3 different layers according to job title,
professional knowledge and social community
support level. Each criteria have three levels, no
influence (NI), general influence (GI), high influence
Table 2: Influence Power Comparison Table.
Social Status
low General high
Social Status
low General high
Social Status
low General high
In this study, we compare and analyze two users
based on these three criteria. In table 2 influence
comparison table, we compare influence relationship
between users. For the higher job title, professional
knowledge or social community support level, the
influence power is high influence (HI). For the
general job title, professional knowledge and social
community support level, the influence power is
general influence (GI). For those with no job,
inaccurate professional knowledge or fair social
community support level, the influence power is no
influence (NI). Note that when compare these users,
we could only analyze the users’ speech contents and
professional knowledge. So in our study, we need not
to complete data for each user. We can list the part we
could not get or judge as missing. The missing part is
listed as blank.
In the Influence Power Comparison Table, the
Social Community Support refers to the power of the
forum and how close between the user and the media.
For example, if users can easily get and pass the
message to the media, we define the user has high
social community. Besides, if a particular user posts
the article that are read by large of users, we also
defined it is high social community.
In matrix I, when characteristic and property are
equal i=j, then the relationship I(ij) means the social
community support level of this user. This study
classifies social community support into four levels.
For the well-known, well followed social media, it is
classified as social community support high (H)
Table 3). For the less-known, less followed social
media, it is classified as low (L). However, due to
some users’ privacy setting or anonymous discussion,
our study could not know this user’s social
community support level. Our study defines these
users as social community support level missing (O).
After defining influence power, compared with
expert justified speech counts in table 1 classification
of speech contents, our study lists the user with
negative speech count as non –follower. At the same
time, if the contents being responded is negative, it is
listed as Non-opinion leader.
Table 3: Social Community Support Level.
In this study, there are three ways to show the
social relationship between opinion leaders and
followers in relational matrix, as shown in below
social community pattern.
Social community Pattern:
General Pattern:
In this pattern, the opinion leaders usually have
high social community support and their posts
are very professional. So they can broadly
influence many followers. This is most common
pattern in general social community.
Discussion Pattern:
The appearance of discussion pattern comes
from discussion space provided for social
community platform users. Users may propose
different specific advice when discuss with each
other and thus influence other users.
Social Community Support Level
Category Code
Low Social
Community Support
Neutral Social
Community Support
High Social Community
Missing O
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Blindly Follow:
This pattern comes into exist because the
followers follow the opinion leaders by their
personal charm. Generally, followers in this
pattern do not care about the correctness of the
contents published by opinion leaders.
This study defines the opinion leader and follower
identification problem as searching of two mutual
influenced relational matrices, where the speech
counts and influence power in two matrices are
separated following the limitations:
(1) The users with negative count of responses
are not followers.
(2) Consecutive speech is viewed as one speech.
(3) Users’ speech contents should be first
justified by experts.
(4) The influence power of users’ speech is
decided by speech contents and social
community support level.
(5) The high social community support between
users is judged as “GI” or “HI”
(6) The low social community support is judged
as “NI”
Next, the solution approach to resolved the problem
is proposed:
Figure 1: Matrix modeling.
Step 1 Crawling data: According to forum (fan pages,
posts) in social media according to a particular topic,
data are crawled including text and responses
Step 2 Convert data to the matrix formulation:
Crawled data are cleaned and converted to matrix T
from social media according to counts of interaction
between users (Figure 1).
Step 3 Remove meaningless users: Remove
meaningless users from matrix. The users with no
speech and never being responded are removed
(Figure 2).
Figure 2: Remove meaningless users.
Step 4 Label users’ class: Label users’ social
community support level based on collected materials
and put into matrix T according to table 3 social
community support level (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Label users’ class.
Step 5 Influence power analysis: According to
influence power level in table 2 influence power
comparison, analysis the users’ influence power
based on experts’ judgement and input the influence
power into matrix I (Figure 4).
Step 6 Sorting: Based on counts of speeches,
responses, being responded and influence power,
move forward the related users. The users with
greater counts of responses and being responded are
listed in the more front.
Step 7 Grouping: Base on Clustering Identification
(CI) Algorithm, the Group are formed. Group users in
matrix T and I by the users’ relationship. When
influence power between users is high or there are
responses between users, we classify these users in
Identification of Opinion Leaders and Followers in Social Media
the same group. If there is no relationship, we do not
group them.
Figure 4: Influence power analysis.
Step 8 Identification: In each group, based on opinion
leaders’ definition in this study, define interaction
between users, opinion leaders and followers.
At final, the ABC network platform is used as an
example to explain application of our study method
in practical. The platform is open since 02/10/2015.
This example is based on national energy conference
held by bureau of energy, ministry of economic affair.
After four months’ discussion, this national energy
conference produces a great of common opinions and
other opinions. This study utilizes relational matrix to
analyze green energy related issues in ABC network
platform. The users in ABC network platform could
use anonymous style to discuss or use Facebook,
Google or Yahoo and so on social media username
and password to log in. This study collects, classifies
and analyzes the discussion data in ‘Stable Energy’
issue on ABC network platform.
After remove meaningless users, M=[T|I] (partial
data in Figure 5&6) is formulated. Note that the
related users is moved forward based on count of
users’ speech, responses, being responded and
influence power. The users with greater count of
responses and being responded are listed more front.
In Step 7, Group A {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 18, 20, 21, 24},
Group B {2, 16, 24, 26, 27, 34, 36}, Group C {17, 18,
19}, Group D {19, 20, 21, 36}, Group E {2, 27, 28,
29, 30, 36}, Group F {7, 20, 26}, Group G {2, 9, 27,
31, 34}, Group H {7, 27}, Group I {7, 8, 15}, Group
J {21, 22, 23}, Group K {25, 26}, Group G {34, 35}
are formed. In Step 8, for example of Group A, both
response and responded contents of user 1 have quite
influence power.}
So user 1 is an opinion leader. User
18, 24, 21, 3, 5 and 6 are positive towards user 1’s
opinion and they are followers. There are discussions
in this group, so this is a discussion pattern (Figure 6).
Figure 5: Matrix elements conversion.
Figure 6: Matrix elements conversion.
Figure 7: Matrix elements conversion.
Note that opinion leader is labeled with . Follower
is labeled with . Mutual influenced discussion
pattern is labeled with .
In group D, the influence power of user 19’s
responses to user 20 and 21 are high. But the
responses influence is not high. User 19 and 20 have
discussion relationship, so this is a discussion pattern
(Figure 8).
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 8: Group D social pattern analysis.
Note that refers Mutual influenced discussion
pattern is labeled with .
All other groups are analyzed. User 1 and 36 are
summarized as opinion leaders. Group A, C, D, F and
H are discussion pattern.
Table 4: Analysis Results.
Opinion Leader Discussion Pattern Group
User 1, 36 A, C, D, F, H
The results are validated by domain experts and
shows that this study can effectively identify opinion
leaders and define social community pattern in the
social communities, where users’ support level could
not be obtained because users disagree with each
other, users are high controversial, less persons are
involved in discussion or many users are anonymous.
Through observation of social community pattern
among users, we could know users will not support a
user’s opinions because the user has many speeches.
This study utilizes relational matrix to find the
relationship between opinion leaders and followers.
Create criteria of social community support level and
influence power level between users. Combined with
experts’ judge to identify opinion leaders and
followers. According to social community support
level and influence power level in this study, utilize
relational matrix to identify opinion leaders in green
power issue in the social communities. Utilize our
study method to identify social pattern between users.
Then we can know, when identify opinion leaders, the
social community support level and posted contents
are very important to identify opinion leaders. Users
could have positive and negative opinions toward the
issue. Only considering connection between users’
posts are not enough. Even the users’ post a lot, if they
can’t get support from others, they could not be
defined as opinion leaders.
Future study and suggestions:
Currently, this study is applied on green energy low
carbon issue. In future, this could be applied in
marketing filed. Opinion leaders and followers could
get comments and reviews of products from social
This study proposes social community support level
and influence power level. Also we apply relational
matrix to analyze relationship between users and
social community pattern. If this could be applied in
the social media with many information and highly
discussed. This study could be more complete.
This study analyzes with static information. In
future, we could collect dynamics information to
analyze and get instant identification.
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Identification of Opinion Leaders and Followers in Social Media