One Random Jump and One Permutation: Sufficient Conditions to
Chaotic, Statistically Faultless, and Large Throughput PRNG for FPGA
Mohammed Bakiri
, Jean-Franc¸ois Couchot
and Christophe Guyeux
FEMTO-ST Institute, UMR 6174 CNRS, Universit´e of Bourgogne Franche, Comt´e, France
Centre de D´eveloppement des Technologies Avanc´ees, ASM-IPLS Team, Algeria
Random Number Generators, Chaotic Circuits, Discrete Dynamical Systems, Statistical Tests, Cryptography
Hardware and Implementation, Applied Cryptography, FPGA.
Sub-categories of mathematical topology, like the mathematical theory of chaos, offer interesting applications
devoted to information security. In this research work, we have introduced a new chaos-based pseudorandom
number generator implemented in FPGA, which is mainly based on the deletion of a Hamilton cycle within
the n-cube (or on the vectorial negation), plus one single permutation. By doing so, we produce a kind of post-
treatment on hardware pseudorandom generators, but the obtained generator has usually a better statistical
profile than its input, while running at a similar speed. We tested 6 combinations of Boolean functions and
strategies that all achieve to pass the most stringent TestU01 battery of tests. This generation can reach
a throughput/latency ratio equal to 6.7 Gbps, being thus the second fastest FPGA generator that can pass
The theory of chaos, which refers here to a sub-
category of the mathematical topology discipline,
proposes attractive applications in computer science,
as in the information security field. For instance, var-
ious authors propose to use chaos for pseudorandom
numbers generation (PRNGs, which are not true ran-
dom number TRNGs, the former being deterministic
algorithms based on iterative processes like recurrent
sequences, while the latter use a physical or mechan-
ical phenomenon as sources of randomness), leading
to the notion of chaotic pseudorandom number gen-
erators (CPRNGs). Rigorously speaking, CPRNGs
are non-linear algorithms of the form x
R: x
), where f is a chaotic continuous map on a given
topological space, and x
is the t-th term of a sequence
x. In practice, and unfortunately, this acronym often
improperly refers to any attempt to use an element of
chaos (logistic map, etc.) within an algorithm, and for
pseudorandom generation purpose.
Reasons explaining the use of chaos for random-
ness generation encompass their sensitivity to ini-
tial conditions, their unpredictability, and their abil-
ity of reciprocal synchronization (Pecora and Carroll,
Authors in alphabetic order
1990). However, due to finite precision and quan-
tization of floating point numbers, a CPRNG may
exhibit both deflated periods and non uniformly dis-
tributed outputs when designing it on finite state ma-
chines. Additionally, from a security point of view,
these chaotic PRNGs have most of the times ma-
jor drawbacks that are frequently reported (Wiggins,
2003). To face these drawbacks, an original work
was firstly introduced in (Bahi et al., 2009; Guyeux,
2010), in which the authors present a new way to gen-
erate pseudorandom numbers that rigorously satisfies
the mathematical properties of chaos, as defined by
Devaney (Devaney, 2003), Li-Yorke (Li and Yorke,
1975), and so on. The main idea is to only manipulate
bounded integers, while iterating on an infinite count-
able set. By doing so, what is designed on computers
is exactly what is studied theoretically, the whole al-
gorithm is mathematically proven as chaotic, and they
do not deal with floating point numbers.
Following this approach, this article investigates
the hardware point of view, and targets to reach speed
generation with good statistical profile, while being
chaotic. Contributions can be summarized as follows.
A new pseudorandom number generator, specifically
designed for FPGA, is proposed. At each iteration,
it receives a new input from another given generator,
called the strategy. Thanks to an embedded Boolean
Bakiri, M., Couchot, J-F. and Guyeux, C.
One Random Jump and One Permutation: Sufficient Conditions to Chaotic, Statistically Faultless, and Large Throughput PRNG for FPGA.
DOI: 10.5220/0006418502950302
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 295-302
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
function and a permutation, our generator, which can
be considered as a post-treatment on the inputted one,
has usually a better statistical profile than its input,
while running at a similar speed. With more details,
we tested 6 combinations of functions and strategies
that all achieve to pass the whole TestU01, which
is the most stringent battery of tests currently avail-
able. This generation can be achieved with a through-
put/latency ratio equal to 6.7 Gbps, which is close
to the fastest existing FPGA generator (that can pass
TestU01 as XOR-CIPRNG). The proposal has been
fully deployed on a FPGA, it runs completely in par-
allel while consuming as low resources as possible.
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows. The next section recalls various proposals in
the use of chaos for hardware pseudorandom num-
ber generation. Their FPGA implementation is pre-
sented, explaining how to compare them in terms
of hardware resources and statistical behavior. Sec-
tion 3 describes our proposed design for a new chaotic
PRNG, targeting a FPGA implementation. Then, in
Section 4, the hardware platform used to evaluate all
evoked chaotic PRNGs is presented. Statistical com-
parisons are provided in the same section, using the
well-known TestU01 battery of tests. Finally, this ar-
ticle ends by a conclusion section, in which the con-
tribution is recalled and intended future work is out-
This section first presents an exhaustivelist of PRNGs
that are linked to a chaotic behavior in one way or
another. It next presents their FPGA implementation
to compare them in terms of hardware resources and
statistical behavior.
2.1 Chaotic PRNGs
Chaotic Mapping PRNG. Most of these generators
are based on the Logistic Chaotic Map, also called
the “LCG” map (May et al., 1976), defined as fol-
lows: x
= r × x
(1 x
), where 0 < x
< 1 and
r is the biotic potential (3.57 < r < 4.0). The lo-
gistic map mainly depends on the parameter r: its
chaotic behavior is lost when r is out of the range pro-
vided above. The second most frequently used func-
tion is the H
enon chaotic map (H´enon, 1976), which
takes a point (x
) within the plan square unit and
maps it into a new point (x
, y
). This map is
defined by these equations: x
= (1 a(x
) + y
and y
= bx
, where a and b are called canonical
In (Dabal and Pelka, 2011), the authors have
used fixed point representation (Padgett and Ander-
son, 2009) to implement the logistic map using Mat-
lab DSP System Toolbox software. They gener-
ate many designs with different lengths from 16 to
64 bits, where the resources are depending on the
precision (24 to 53 bits). Authors of (Dabal and
Pelka, 2012) compare this implementation with an-
other chaotic PRNG based on the H´enon map. Un-
like the logistic map, the 64 bits multiplication in
H´enon map cannot be implemented with a left shift
operation, which leads to the use of DSPs blocks of
the FPGA for all multiplications needed to imple-
ment a(x
. Two optimized versionsof PRNGs based
on chaotic logistic map are proposed in (Dabal and
Pelka, 2014), which aim to reduce resources and in-
crease frequency. The objective of these two PRNGs
is to pipeline the multiplication operations and syn-
chronize them while adding some delays into each
stage, in order to ensure a parallel execution of se-
In (Pande and Zambreno, 2010), the authors vary
the biotic potential r and observe the divergence of
random for almost all initial values. Accordingly,
they propose a range of the form [α, 1 α], where
α < 0.5. Another way to select the parameter r is
presented in (Liu et al., 2008). They propose a cou-
ple of two logistic map PRNGs, each having different
seed and parameter (x
, r
and y
, r
where both generates pseudorandom numbers syn-
chronously. The main idea is to recycle the pseudo-
random number generated by the first chaotic map,
namely x
, as the biotic potential r
for the second
one (y
) when either 3.57 < x
< 4 is satisfied or
the sequence output is divergent.
Finally, in (Giard et al., 2012) four different
chaotic maps are implemented in FPGA, namely,
the so-called Bernoulli, Chebychev, Tent, and Cubic
chaotic maps. The implementation is done with and
without FPGAs DSP blocks for the multiplication op-
erations. The results show that the Bernoulli chaotic
map gives a higher ratio of area/power compared to
the other chaotic proposed generators.
Chaotic based Timing Reseeding (CTR). Authors
of (
Cern´ak, 1996) address the short period problem
due to the quantization error from a nonlinear chaotic
map PRNG. Instead of initializing the chaotic PRNG
with a new seed, the seed can be selected by mask-
ing the current state x
at a specific time. More
precisely, the reseeding unit compares the two reg-
ister states to check whether a fixed point has been
reached. This main concept of CTR was first imple-
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
mented in FPGA (Li et al., 2006), in which the Carry
Lookahead Adder has been used to optimise the crit-
ical path of the partial products of the multiplication
operation. Authors of (Li et al., 2012) present more
hardware details for reducing multiplication operation
resources. They also mix the output from the PRNG
with an auxiliary generator y
to improve statisti-
cal tests. Finally, they suggest to choose a reseeding
period that must be not only prime, but also not a mul-
tiple of the nonlinear chaotic map PRNG.
Differential Chaotic PRNG. This is a digitized im-
plementation of a nonlinear chaotic oscillator system
in R¨ossler format (Rossler, 1976). It uses an approx-
imated numerical solution to solve a generalization
of the L¨orenz hyperchaos equation. The resolution
was the main study done in (Zidan et al., 2011a) with
other differential systems as the Chen and Elwakil
ones. The authors design various numerical methods
for each system. They show that obtained results with
the Euler numerical approach are the best regarding
area and throughput perspectives.
More details regarding implementation and opti-
mization of this L¨orenz Equation are given in (Zidan
et al., 2011b). In this article, authors proposed to use
again an Euler approximation with less area but same
range of throughput. Authors of (Dabal and Pelka,
2012), for their part, have implemented the so-called
Oscillator Frequency Dependent Negative Resistors
(OFDNR) (Elwakil and Kennedy, 2000), and use the
same Euler approximation.
Chaotic Iteration based PRNG (CIPRNG). For-
mally speaking, this is a random walk in the graph of
iterations of a specific binary function. The direction
to take and the path length are defined by the embed-
ded generator(s). Practically, it can be seen as post
processing treatment which adds chaos (as defined by
Devaney) to the embedded PRNG (Guyeux and Bahi,
2010). A first application of such an approach was
presented in the PRNG framework, leading to the so-
called chaotic iterations based pseudorandom number
generators (CIPRNG, (Fang et al., 2014; Bahi et al.,
2013)). Since then, various improved versions have
been proposed, one of them being designed specifi-
cally for FPGAs. This latter has been recently up-
dated, in which two CIPRNG variants for FPGA have
been designed, namely the XOR-CIPRNG and the
CIPRNG-MultiCycle, see (Bakiri et al., 2016).
Meanwhile, in (Couchot et al., 2014), the authors
have proposed to removea Hamilton Cycle, satisfying
some balance properties, from the Markov chain on
the n-cube, while in (Contassot-Vivier et al., 2017),
authors proposed new functions without a Hamilton
Cycle, and studied the length of the walk in their cube,
until having an associated Markov graph close enough
to the uniform distribution. In these first studies, the
minimum length of the chain between two uniform
outputs is larger than 109, which id prohibitive.
2.2 FPGA Performance Analysis
In this section, Table 1 and Table 2 resume the im-
plementation results of different chaotic PRNG pre-
sented in previousSection 2.1 and recall results of lin-
ear PRNGs (already presented in (Bakiri et al., 2016)
which pass TestU01).
In order to compare the considered generators,
we thus have computed throughput (rate), latency,
and the ratio throughput/latency of both. Obtained
results on FPGAs are provided in Tables 1 and 2.
We can conclude that the three best chaotic gen-
erators for FPGA are, namely, the one from (Da-
bal and Pelka, 2014) that uses the logistic map with
Matlab simulink macros, the chaotic iterations based
PRNG (Bakiri et al., 2016), and the one based on the
chaotic Bernoulli map (Giard et al., 2012). If we con-
sider the linear PRNGs who pass TestU01 (see section
below), they have the worst throughput due to their
use of multiplications and their various dependencies.
However, to have a large throughput does not mean
to produce an uniform distribution of numbers, which
leads to the investigation of statistical results.
2.3 Statistical Tests
Statistical tests are fast methods to study in practice
the randomness of generated numbers, by the mean
of software batteries. They are based on various
mathematical and physical approaches, and are thus
used as generator benchmarks. To perform compar-
isons, in this study, we considered the reputed NIST
SP80022 (NIST, 2010) and TestU01 (L’Ecuyer and
Simard, 2007) batteries of tests. On the one hand,
the NIST battery, considers 15 tests to evaluate the
randomness of a sequence of fixed length 10
, where
each test is passed if its p-value is larger than 0.0001.
On the other hand, TestU01 (L’Ecuyer and Simard,
2007) is the most complete and stringent battery to
pass, which embeds 7 big batteries that test more than
pseudorandom values for each inputted genera-
tor. TestU01 consider passing tests if the p-value is
[0.001, 0.999].
From our first experiments, it can already be no-
ticed that almost all chaotic PRNGs can pass the NIST
batteries, but they fail on TestU01, with the exception
of XOR-CIPRNG. Conversely, some linear PRNGs
like PCG32, xorshift64*, or MRG32, chosen for com-
parison in this study, can also pass the TestU01. This
is why the work in (Dabal and Pelka, 2014) and
One Random Jump and One Permutation: Sufficient Conditions to Chaotic, Statistically Faultless, and Large Throughput PRNG for FPGA
in (Giard et al., 2012), based on the logistic map and
the Bernoulli one, will be used for throughput com-
parison, while linear PRNGs will be considered for
statistical tests. We can however already conclude
that only XOR-CIPRNG satisfies both low hardware
resources and a success against the TestU01 battery,
which has already been stated in (Bakiri et al., 2016).
The previous section ends with the idea that it is hard
to have together the three properties of: chaos, hard-
ware efficiency, and a random-like statistical profile.
3.1 General Idea
Let us first discuss on how we tackle this problem.
The first key idea is to have a short internal state, pos-
sibly split into parallel blocs. This divide and con-
quer approach aims at ensuring hardware efficiency
but is in conflict with statistical quality. Chaotic it-
erations (Bahi et al., 2013; Fang et al., 2014) can
be used to achieve chaos objectives. However, the
general formulation of the chaotic iterations (Bahi
et al., 2015) should be preferred than the original one
when efficiency is needed. Finally, permutation tech-
niques (O’Neill, 2016) have presented a convenient
way to ensure statistical faultless, in a fast manner.
Our proposal is based on these three main ideas and
is summarized in Figure 1.
At first, it can be seen that the seed x
, the in-
ternal state x
, and the output x
are all expressed
with the same number N of bits. Without loss of
generality, we consider hereafter that N = 32. Let
us show how to produce a new output x
for a
given input x
. This one is first split into n blocs of
equal length. We consider here that n = 4 and we
thus have x
= (x
, x
, x
, x
) where x
is of size 8
for l {A, B,C, D}. The next step consists in ob-
taining a N-bits number s
from another embedded
PRNG, which is called the strategy. Similarly to x
the vector s
is split into n blocs. Here we thus ob-
tain s
= (s
, s
, s
, s
). Each s
, l {A, B,C, D}, can
be interpreted as a set of elements in {1, 2, . . . , 8}.
Each bloc x
is modified separately as the result of the
general formulation of the Chaotic Iterations (Bahi
et al., 2015) applied on x
, s
and a specific function
f : B
, as described hereafter. The i-th compo-
nent of x
is the i-th one of f(x
) if i is within the set
, else this component is the i-th one of x
(i.e., only
the components indicated by the set s
are updated).
This results x
. All the x
are concatenated here-
after, producing the new internal state x
. Finally, a
Figure 1: The proposal.
permutation over the N bits is applied on x
to pro-
duce the new output.
The choice of the function f executed inside the
ICG iteration, of the embedded PRNG, and of the
chosen final permutation function has a great influ-
ence on the quality of the generator. It is discussed in
the next sections.
3.2 Iterated Function
Let s (B
be a sequence of subests of {1, . . . N},
be a vector in B
, and f be a function from B
. The sequence (x
of vectors in B
according the general formulation of the Chaotic Iter-
ations (Bahi et al., 2015) is
= (x
, . . . , x
) where x
) if i s
Two functions from B
to B
are mainly studied
in this article. The former is the negation function,
further denoted as NEG. In this one, each f
is de-
fined with f
(x) =
. For instance, the image of 5 =
00000101 is 250 = 11111010. The latter, denoted as
F1, is a function whose graph of generalized iterations
is strongly connected and which has been obtained by
removing a balanced Hamiltonian cycle in a N-cube
following the method suggested in (Contassot-Vivier
et al., 2017). These two functions are recalled in Ta-
ble 3. The choice of these two functions is motivated
by the objective to make the iterations chaotic.
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: FPGA implementations of chaotic PRNGs.
PRNG 32 Bit Chaotic
(Bakiri et al., 2016) (Dabal and Pelka, 2011) (Dabal and Pelka, 2012) (Dabal and Pelka, 2014) (Li et al., 2006) (Li et al., 2012)
Function XOR-CIPRNG [A,B,2] LCGM
LCG- H´enon- FNDR
Timing Reseeding Timing Reseeding
Frequency (Mhz) 258 76.1 151.1 - 58.2 - 183 233 200 200
DSP 0 4 4-4-0 16 0 0
Area 7568 784 640 - 4568 - 4568 9240 *** 11903
Design Latency 2 *** *** 8 to 16 *** ***
Output Latency 1 1 1 1 1 1
Throughput/Latency (Gbps) 8.30 2.435 4.835 - 1.862 - 5.856 7.5 6.4 6.4
TestU01 (BigCrush) PASS NO NO NO NO NO
Table 2: FPGA implementation of chaotic (continuation of Table 1) and linear PRNGs.
PRNG 32 Bit Chaotic Linear
(Zidan et al., 2011a) (Fang et al., 2014) (Giard et al., 2012) PCG32 xorshift64* KISS32 MRG32
Function LRZ - Chen - ELW ICPRNG B - CH - T LCG xorshift Combine Combine
Frequency (Mhz) 53.53 - 122 - 126.7 200 265.9 - 118.7 - 111.8 112 113 100 106
DSP 8 - 0- 0 *** 0 0 0 0 0
Area 3064 - 13968 3652 *** 27632 27968 26520 33456
Design Latency *** *** *** 17 21 9 14
Output Latency 1 1 1 17 21 9 14
Throughput/Latency (Gbps) 1.71 - 3.9 - 4.06 6.4 8.5 - 3.798 - 3.577 0.189 0.34 0.8 0.24
3.3 Permutation Function
First of all, our proposal is a parallel execution of 4
blocks, each one producing 8 bits. The internal state
x is next produced as the concatenation of the results
of the 4 blocks. This design is guided by the goal of
reducing the required resources. However, such an
approach suffers from decreasing the statistical com-
plexity of the PRNG: without any post treatment it
would be dramatic, because it is equivalent to deal
with 8 bits only. A final step which scrambles the in-
ternal state is thus necessary to tackle this problem.
This can be practically implemented with a per-
mutation function (which allows to obtain a uniform
output) provided it does not break the chaos prop-
erty (as proven in the next section). Among the
large choice of permutation functions (such as rota-
tion, dropping, xoring...), we inspire from one de-
tailed in (O’Neill, 2016). This work indeed proposes
a bench of permutation functions allowing to succeed
statistical tests.
This permutation function is implemented as in
Algorithms 1. It is not hard to see that it is mainly
a composition of three subfunctions. Let In32 be the
internal state. The first function scrambles between
17 and 28 rightmost bits (i.e. middle bits) with a xor
function. The number of selected elements depends
on the value of In32. Then, the second function ap-
plies a modular multiplication in the cyclic group of
elements in {1, . . . , 2
2}. The chosen multiplier
b is a primitive root of the modulus 2
1. How-
ever, in (O’Neill, 2016) they need more than 36 bits
of internal state to pass TestU01, which is equiva-
lent of a modulus of 2
25. Therefore, b is set to
277803737, but any primitive root of 2
25 is con-
venient for their work in (O’Neill, 2016). The latter
function is a simple right xorshift on the lowest bits to
scramble them.
Algorithm 1: Random Xorshift Permutation
Input: In32 32-bit word)
Output: Out32 (a 32-bit word)
word1 (In32 ((In32 28u) + 4u)) In32
word2 word1b
word3 (word2 22u) word2
return Out32 word3
3.4 Chaotic Behavior of Our Generator
Let us recall or specify first some notations and def-
initions in use in this section. In what follows, B is
the Boolean set, while N is the usual sets of integer
numbers. For a, b N , Ja, bK is the set of integers:
{a, a+1, . . . , b}, X
is the set of sequences belonging
in X and s
is the k-th term of a sequence s =
which may be a vector (thus explaining the use of an
exponent). Finally, f
means the n-th composition of
the function f (i.e., f
= f f . . . f).
In the proposal, the internal function h
is iter-
ated on the current internal state, and with a new
One Random Jump and One Permutation: Sufficient Conditions to Chaotic, Statistically Faultless, and Large Throughput PRNG for FPGA
Table 3: Boolean functions.
Function f(x) for x [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. . ., 2
[255, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250 ..., 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
[223, 190, 249, 236, 243, 234, 241, 252, 183, 244, 229, 245, 179, 178, 225, 248, 237, 254, 173, 232, 171, 202, 201, 200,
247, 198, 228, 230, 195, 242, 233, 160, 215, 220, 205, 216, 218, 154, 221, 208, 213, 210, 212, 148, 147, 211, 217, 209,
239, 238, 141, 140, 235, 203, 193, 204, 135, 134, 199, 197, 131, 226, 129, 224, 63, 174, 253, 184, 251, 250, 189, 176,
191, 246, 180, 182, 51, 50, 185, 240, 47, 46, 175, 188, 139, 42, 161, 172, 231, 164, 181, 165, 227, 130, 33, 32, 31, 222, 153,
158, 219, 26, 25, 156, 159, 214, 151, 149, 146, 18, 144, 152, 207, 206, 157, 136, 138, 170, 169, 8, 133, 6, 5, 196, 3, 194,
137, 192, 255, 110, 109, 120, 107, 126, 125, 112, 103, 114, 116, 118, 123, 98, 121, 96, 79, 78, 111, 124, 75, 122, 97,
108, 71, 100, 117, 101, 115, 66, 113, 64, 127, 90, 89, 94, 83, 91, 81, 92, 95, 84, 87, 85, 82, 86, 80, 88, 77, 76, 93, 72, 74,
106, 105, 104, 69, 102, 68, 70, 99, 67, 73, 65, 55, 58, 57, 44, 187, 186, 49, 60, 119, 52, 37, 53, 35, 54, 177, 56, 45, 62, 61,
40, 59, 10, 9, 168, 167, 166, 36, 38, 163, 162, 41, 48, 23, 28, 13, 24, 155, 30, 29, 16, 21, 150, 20, 22, 27, 19, 145,
17, 143, 142, 15, 14, 43, 11, 1, 12, 39, 4, 7, 132, 2, 34, 0, 128]
term taken from the outer strategy. Then, the out-
put is a permutation p of the internal state, which is
not internally modified. The topological framework
proposed in (Bakiri et al., 2016) for the CIPRNG-
XOR and in (Contassot-Vivier et al., 2017) can be
applied, mutatis mutandis, to this generator. It is
then possible to state that iterations of the internal
function are chaotic on its iteration space, denoted
as X
= B
× J0, 31K
. And, using a topological
semi-conjugacy, that the permutation does not alter
such an unpredictable behavior. After having estab-
lished that the 8-bits ICG function, denoted as g
is strongly transitive on its iteration space X
, we
can first deduce that the discrete dynamical system
, x
= g
) is chaotic, and then that h
chaotic according to Devaney.
Finally, the whole generator with the permutation
p must be integrated inside the iterations, to see if the
output has a chaotic behavior when modifying the in-
put (internal state or strategy). To write the generator
as a discrete dynamical system, we need to introduce
the reverse permutation p
. To do so, let us define
p : X
(e, s) 7−(p(e), s),
its inverse being
: X
(e, s) 7−(p
(e), s).
We can now introduce the following diagram:
and p are obviously continuous on (X
, d
which can be directly deduced by the sequential char-
acterization of the continuity. So the commutative di-
agram depicted above is a topological conjugacy, and
the generator
= p
thus inherits the chaotic behavior of h
on (X
, d
In this section, the hardware implementation of the
PRNG described in this article is executed the test
platform presented in (Bakiri et al., 2016). It uses
a Xilinx Zynq-7000 (EPP) (Rajagopalan et al., 2011)
and an AXI core selector deployed as a wrapper for
PRNGs. The main methodology of comparison be-
tween PRNGs is based on Xilinx Vivado tool 16.4
and Zybo Board 125Mhz. For area comparison, we
only considered LUT and FF as follows:
(LUT + FF) × 8,
Rate, for its part, is the number of bits that are treated
or transferred in each delay unit (Bps).
Table 4 presents the results of six different im-
plementations of our proposal on FPGA with their
TestU01 statistical test evaluations. During these im-
plementations, we considered two distinct Boolean
functions, namely the negation and F1 as mentioned
in Section 3. Three PRNGs are used as strategies (in-
putted generators), which are LFSR113, Taus88, and
xorshift128. Obtained results are described hereafter.
Negation Function. Three implementations have
been realized and evaluated, see Table 4. Notice that
in these 3 evaluations the value of the minimum mod-
ular multiplication operand b used in the permutation
(see Section 3) function is not the same. To pass
TestU01, it must be equal to 95 for all strategies as
LFSR113, Tauss88, and xorshift128 (as a compari-
son, we found 277803737 for PCG32). We have ob-
tained that the negation function outperforms F1 in
terms of throughput and area. Additionally, it is obvi-
ously more efficient than its best competitors recalled
in this paper, as its throughput is between 1.0 and 4
times larger than the other chaotic PRNGs (that can-
not pass TestU01), while it is 8 times faster than the
linear PRNGs... with the exception of (Dabal and
Pelka, 2014) using the logistic map: it is true that
the latter has a throughput of 7.5 Gbps for 32bits, but
with 2 times less area (we discarded (Dabal and Pelka,
2014), as this latter is fully dependent on Matlab
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 4: FPGA Implementation Results.
Function Negation F1
PRNG Taus88 95 LFSR113 95 xorshiftP128 95 Taus88 811 LFSR113 811 xorshiftP128 811
LUT 222 250 224 426 431 420
FF 274 306 306 336 368 368
DSP 0 0 0 0 0 0
RAM 0 0 0 0 0 0
Frequency (Mhz) 200 202 210.7 162 165 167.5
Area 3968 4448 4240 6096 6392 6304
Design Latency 3 3 3 3 3 3
Output Latency 1 1 1 1 1 1
Throughput/Latency (Gbps) 6.4 6.5 6.7 5.2 5.3 5.4
Simulink macros, which is not relevant for ASIC im-
plementation). Similarly, our three implementations
using the negation function exhibit less robust results
compared to XOR-CIPRNG (Bakiri et al., 2016) for
throughput compared to the area. Finally, compared
to the linear PRNGs that can pass TestU01 too, our
three proposals with the negation function use less
area and are faster. To conclude this part, and when
considering the negation, our proposal using xor-
shift128 as strategy is our best candidate for FPGA,
and with a throughput/latency equal to 6.7Gbps.
F1 function. We performed similar experiments
than for the negation function. But, in these cases,
the minimum modular multiplication operand b is al-
ways set to 811 for all strategies. We obtained a lower
performance in terms of throughout when compared
with the negation function, which is due to the mul-
tiplication operation in the permutation, and because
in the negation we iterate a very simple logical opera-
tion (see Algorithm 1 to compare). However, despite
its use of a bigger constant, which leads to a longer
data path, the proposal with F1 does not consume any
DSP block of FPGA: logic operators are sufficient.
Additionally, results show that the three implemen-
tations with F1 function perform better than all the
other chaotic PRNGs that can pass the TestU01, if
we except both our proposal with the negation and
the XOR-CIPRNGTheir performances are close to
what has been obtained with the negation function, or
to (Bakiri et al., 2016) with Taus88 as strategy, while
F1 makes harder to reverse the process without know-
ing the internal transition function.
To conclude this experiment section, all what we
proposed can pass all statistical tests of TestU01, from
SmallCruh to BigCrush. Let us recall that the permu-
tation function (O’Neill, 2016) does not pass Crush
and BigCrush when the space is lower than 36 bits,
while in our case it does with only 32 bits and a lower
modular multiplicative constant. These results can be
improved with 64 or 128 bit outputted for a better
throughput. Finally, compared to the other CPRNG
evoked in this article, we presented the only ones who
can pass the stringent TestU01 battery.
In this research work, we have introduced a new
chaotic PRNG implemented in FPGA, which is
based on the combination of parallel executions of
generalized chaotic iterations and of an efficient
permutation scheme. Two Boolean functions have
been iterated: the vectorial negation and one issued
from removing a Hamilton cycle in the N-cube Three
interesting strategy builders have been evaluated
for each of them. These six variations lead to an
hardware generator with one of the best throughput
of the literature, and that can pass the most stringent
statistical batteries of tests. If we consider the two
conditions of throughput and statistics, we thus have
obtained one of the best existing hardware generator.
This work is partially funded by the Labex ACTION
program (contract ANR-11-LABX-01-01).
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SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography