PB-PKI: A Privacy-aware Blockchain-based PKI
Louise Axon and Michael Goldsmith
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, U.K.
Public-key Infrastructure, Blockchain, Privacy-awareness, Security.
Conventional public-key infrastructure (PKI) designs using certificate authorities and web-of-trust are not
optimal and have security flaws. The properties afforded by the Bitcoin blockchain are a natural solution to
some of the problems with PKI - in particular, certificate transparency and elimination of single points-of-
failure. Proposed blockchain-based PKI designs are built as public ledgers linking identity with public key,
providing no privacy. We consider cases requiring privacy-aware PKIs, which do not link identity with public
key. We show that blockchain technology can be used to construct a privacy-aware PKI while eliminating
some of the problems of conventional PKI, and present PB-PKI, a privacy-aware blockchain-based PKI.
Internet communications rely on the security of their
underlying public-key infrastructure (PKI), by which
the keys that entities use to establish communications
channels are managed. The conventional approach
to PKI uses certificate authorities (CAs). Web-of-
trust (WoT) models (Barenghi et al., 2015), and sim-
ple public-key infrastructure (SPKI) are also used to
construct PKIs (Buchmann et al., 2013). These ap-
proaches have security flaws: CAs are single points-
of-failure; WoT PKIs have a high barrier to entry
(Roosa and Schultze, 2013). High-profile events such
as the 2011 hacking of CA DigiNotar have encour-
aged work to improve PKI security (Leavitt, 2011).
An emerging solution to constructing secure PKIs
is blockchain, a design for distributed public ledgers
introduced as the transaction record underlying the
Bitcoin cryptocurrency (Nakamoto, 2008). In the-
ory, blockchain meets many PKI requirements, and
addresses some security problems of conventional ap-
proaches: in a decentralised blockchain-based PKI,
the single points-of-failure that CAs represent are
eliminated, and a ledger of PKI events is published
that is reliable as long as the majority of blockchain
contributors are honest (Fromknechtet al., 2014). The
construction of blockchain-based PKIs has been pro-
posed in prior work (Hari and Lakshman, 2016).
Proposed blockchain-based PKI solutions provide
desirable security properties; however, since they link
entities publicly with public keys, they are unsuited to
applications in which a level of privacy is required. In
PKI applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT),
ad-hoc networks and smart cards, preventing tracing
of entities and their actions is important. We therefore
address privacy-awareness in blockchain-based PKI.
In this paper, we adapt Certcoin, a blockchain-
based PKI (Fromknecht et al., 2014), to be privacy-
aware. Our contribution, PB-PKI, does not publicly
link identity with public key. PB-PKI provides un-
linkable short-term key updates and user-controlled
disclosure, in which a users identity and previously
used public keys can be disclosed either by the user
himself, or through consensus of a network majority.
We begin by presenting relevant background on
conventional approaches to PKI and the use of
blockchain in Section 2. In Section 3, we consider the
type of privacy-awareness required for a set of PKI
use-cases. We present PB-PKI in Section 4, and dis-
cuss its uses and limitations in Section 5. We con-
clude and indicate future work in Section 6.
2.1 Conventional Approaches to PKI
Public key cryptography requires entities to have a
public and secret key pair. A PKI manages these
keys, usually based on certificates which provide ver-
ification of ownership of a public key by some entity.
PKIs must support the registration and update of pub-
lic keys, and provide mechanisms, e.g., key revoca-
tion, for coping with key compromise or loss.
Axon, L. and Goldsmith, M.
PB-PKI: A Privacy-aware Blockchain-based PKI.
DOI: 10.5220/0006419203110318
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 311-318
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The most common approach to PKI is CA-based
specifically, the X.509 standard. CAs are trusted
parties, who will issue a signed certificate verifying an
entity’s ownership of a public key on request. In order
to “trust” a CA, a device accepts a root certificate for
that CA into its store. A hierarchical certificate chain
stems from this root, in which any certificates signed
using a trusted certificate are also trusted.
WoT-based PKI are also widely used. Members
of the network establish trust by verifying that others
have a certificate signed by an entity in whom the ver-
ifier has previously established trust. Unlike in CA-
based PKI, trust is decentralised in WoT certificate
issuance can be performed by any party.
2.2 Blockchain-based PKI
Blockchain was rst introduced as the transaction
record for the Bitcoin cryptocurrency (Nakamoto,
2008). Alternative blockchains havesince been devel-
oped, including the Namecoin blockchain, on which
Certcoin and PB-PKI are built. Namecoin works as
a decentralised domain name server (DNS) which,
unlike the Bitcoin blockchain, is able to store data,
making it suitable for wider applications (Kalodner
et al., 2015). A blockchain is a public ledger to which
events are posted and verified by network members,
before being “mined” in an incentivised system in
which members compete to complete some proof-of-
work – usually a cryptographic challenge.
Blockchain has a unique combination of proper-
ties that make it suitable for a number of applications:
it is decentralised (it is controlled through majority
concensus of members), and the transaction record is
reliable (events recorded in the past cannot be altered
without consensus of a majority of the network’s min-
ing power). Proposed and existing applications in-
clude smart contracts, reputation systems, and IoT de-
vice interactions. In theory, blockchain provides de-
sirable security properties for PKI: certificate trans-
parency and revocation, elimination of central points-
of-failure, and a reliable transaction record.
Building decentralised PKIs using blockchain
removes the potential points-of-failure created by
the use of CAs which, if subverted, can compro-
mise entire certificate chains (Ellison and Schneier,
2000). Furthermore, blockchain-based PKI, as a pub-
lic append-only log, naturally provides the certificate
transparency (CT) property implemented by Google
to improve CA-based PKI security through public
logging and monitoring of certificates (Laurie, 2014).
Blockchain-based PKI also has potential advan-
tages over WoT-based PKI, where the need to estab-
lish trust results in a high barrier to entry. The amount
of work required to build a web that proves“trustwor-
thiness” to a usefully large proportion of the network
is significant. In blockchain-based PKI, entities do
not require this web of attesting members, so the work
needed to perform as a network member is removed.
Block 1 header
Hash of previous
block header
Merkle root
Block 2 header
Hash of previous
block header
Merkle root
Block 1 transac-
tions: (id, pk, action)
Block 2 transac-
tions: (id, pk, action)
Figure 1: Blockchain PKI structure.
The structure of blockchain-based PKI is illus-
trated in Figure 1. Key registration, update and revo-
cation are performed by posting the identity and the
public key to the blockchain as a transaction. The
contents of previously mined blocks are hashed and
contained with the following block, creating a reli-
able transaction record that can only be altered by a
network majority mining power. The merkle root is
a hash of transactions per block, and can be used to
securely verify transactions, eliminating the need to
download the entire blockchain for verification.
Blockchain-based PKIs proposed in prior work do
not provide privacy-awareness. We focus on Cert-
coin blockchain-based PKI (Fromknecht et al., 2014),
the output of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology
class project, on which PB-PKI is based. Certcoin
is not suitable where privacy is required, since it is
built as a ledger to which identity is posted publicly
with public key, along with action (registration, up-
date, verification). Hence all actions carried out using
a public key can be traced to the owning identity by
any entity who viewing ledger. Furthermore, the key
update verification stage links all updated public keys
to the updating entity’s previous public keys.
Privacy-aware PKI describes PKI built to protect user
privacy, where we consider privacy to be the abil-
ity of the user to control their disclosure of informa-
tion. Prior work has detailed the need for privacy in
PKI (Brands, 2000), and proposed approaches to its
provision, e.g. using group signature schemes (Ren
et al., 2008). To our knowledge, no privacy-aware
blockchain-based PKI has been constructed, and ex-
isting proposals are unsuited to uses requiring privacy.
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3.1 Privacy-aware PKI Use-cases
We provide a set of use-cases in which PKI are used,
but in which the linking of public keys with identi-
ties is undesirable. Such situations arise particularly
where it is required that entities’ actions cannot be
tracked by their use of public keys.
Ubiquitous Computing and the IoT. A user’s
interactions with a computing system may oc-
cur through multiple devices such as laptops and
smartphones, and IoT devices such as wearables.
A user’s actions and location may be traced if
linked across multiple devices. Privacy is required
such that the user’s identity and public key cannot
be linked across devices (Zeng, 2006).
Vehicular Networks. PKI is required for secure
inter-vehicular communications, but its use must
not enable remote tracking of a vehicle’s actions.
The identity corresponding to a public key must
not be publicly disclosed, or keys linked at update.
Anonymous Forums and Networks. Such net-
works requiring user anonymity need a PKI in
which users can verify network membership, but
need disclose no further information pertaining to
their identity or linking their separate actions. In
this case, an entity’s public keys should be fre-
quently updated, and key updates not linkable.
Identity should not be linked with public key.
Smart Cards. Smart cards have multiple uses
authenticating payments, and proving credentials
or identity. A single smart card may be used in
multiple locations and for multiple purposes, so
its use should not be traceable by repeated use of
the same public key, or by linkable updates.
3.2 Notions of Privacy
The privacy levels needed in the identified use-cases
vary. For example, anonymous forums require com-
plete anonymity, whereas for vehicular networks the
PKI should prevent tracking by all entities except
those remaining within line-of-sight of the vehicle (it
being futile to prevent tracking in this case). We can
concede a lower level of privacy for the latter case,
in which each entity’s actions are linkable by a small
subset of “neighbours” in the network. We term such
a subset a neighbour group. We address the varying
privacy needs using total anonymity, neighbour group
anonymity, and user-controlled disclosure.
Total anonymity: for each entity E, no other entity
can link a public key owned by E to any other of
Es public keys, or to Es identity. Network mem-
bers pool public keys within view of the rest of
the network, so that messages can be sent to non-
specific network members, or broadcastto the net-
work as a whole, without knowledge of the iden-
tities corresponding to the public keys.
Neighbour group anonymity: the actions of an en-
tity E are identifiable within a neighbour group
containing E, but E remains totally anonymous to
the rest of the network. Members of a neighbour
group disclose some identifying, or key-linking,
information at updates to their neighbour group.
The other members can then attest the correctness
of the update to the rest of the network.
User-controlled disclosure: each entity chooses to
disclose their identity or past public keys.
There is a trade-off between PKI security and the
level of privacy the PKI provides: with the conces-
sion of some anonymity in order to move from total
anonymity to neighbour group anonymity comes an
increase in the functionalities of the PKI, with respect
to tracing misbehaving entities in particular. Security
is weaker in the case of total anonymity, and neigh-
bour group anonymity provides better security prop-
erties. The basic version of PB-PKI, which we present
in Section 4, provides total anonymity; we then show
how neighbour group anonymity can be achieved.
To derive the required functionalities for PB-
PKI, presented below, we adapted the requirements
for Certcoin (the necessary functionalities listed for
that PKI (Fromknecht et al., 2014)) to provide total
anonymity. The requirements for registration and up-
date are identical. Processes for look-up, verification
and revocation of a public key are required with re-
spect to a given identity in Certcoin, but with respect
to the network in PB-PKI. It should therefore be pos-
sible to verify that a public key corresponds to some
network member, and to revoke it from the network.
1. Registering an identity with a public key
2. Updating the public key corresponding to a previ-
ously registered identity
3. Looking up a public key valid on the network
4. Verifying that a public key is valid on the network
5. Revoking a public key from the network
PB-PKI is a privacy-aware adaptation of the Certcoin
blockchain-based PKI (Fromknecht et al., 2014) de-
scribed in Section 2. Our proposal for PB-PKI takes
root in the observation that in order to achieve to-
tal anonymity, as described in Section 3, identity and
public key should not be publicly linked. For trac-
PB-PKI: A Privacy-aware Blockchain-based PKI
Entity E posts to
ledger viewable by
all network mem-
E stores:
Block 1 header
Hash of previous
block header
Merkle root
Block 2 header
Hash of previous
block header
Merkle root
Block 3 header
Hash of previous
block header
Merkle root
Block 1 transactions: (id,
, register, σid, σm)
Block 2 transactions: (pkn
update, R
, σr
, σr
Block 3 transactions: (pkn
update, R
, σr
, σr
, pk f
, sk f
, mpk f
, pk f
, sk f
, pk f
, sk f
Block 1 transactions:
(id, register, pkn
, σid)
Block 2 transactions: (id,
update, pkn
, σr
, σr
Block 3 transactions: (id,
update, pkn
, σr
, σr
E posts to ledger
viewable by Neigh-
bour Group of E:
Figure 2: PB-PKI structure.
ing and revocation purposes, in the case of misbehav-
ing entities on the network or of key compromise, the
link between an identity and its public keys should be
available when required (by law, for example).
PB-PKI avoids the public linking of public key
with identity, or with previous public keys, by pub-
licly separating the identity value id from the short-
term public keys pk posted to the blockchain. In Cert-
coin, both identity and public key are posted at regis-
tration and update, while in PB-PKI once an identity
id is established, its key updates are anonymous.
PB-PKI also provides decentralised control over
access to linking information. The identity owner
may choose (user-controlled disclosure) to reveal the
hidden links between his past key updates (e.g., to
prove ownership or action in case of key compro-
mise), using his offline secret keys (see Section 4.1).
The link can also be revealed upon concensus of a net-
work majority (for legal investigations, for example).
In Figure 2 we show the structure of PB-PKI. An
entity posts identity and public key to the blockchain
at registration, and then posts a new public key, with-
out identity, at updates, storing the offline and secret
keys. Table 1 presents the setup and initial key reg-
istration processes for PB-PKI, and Table 2 shows its
key update process, compared with Certcoin.
4.1 Key Updates in PB-PKI
The main difference between PB-PKI and Certcoin is
the key update process. In PB-PKI, this process gives
no public link between the updated public key and ei-
ther identity or the previous public key. Instead, a hid-
den link (an offline key pair) is created between key
updates that traces back to an initially posted identity.
The user can thus update his public key anonymously.
We illustrate the offline key linking process of PB-
PKI in Figure 3. For an entity E, pkf and skf are the
Online keys:
Posted online:
Stored offline:
Offline keys:
) (pkn
) (pkn
(pk f
,sk f
) (pk f
,sk f
) (pk f
,sk f
sk f
sk f
sk f
Figure 3: Using offline keys for hidden linking process in
offline public and secret keys respectively, while pkn
and skn are the online keys. The new online public
key at each update is computed as a function of the
previous online public key and the offline secret key.
Hence, while each short-term online public key pkn
posted is publicly unlinkable to the last, E retains a
linking record of his offline keys (used in the online
key update function). E can use this record to prove
his ownership of past online keys and prove the link
between his public key and his identity. In this way,
a chain of online public keys is created that can be
verified right back to the initial identity registration,
and which the identity owner can choose to reveal.
As shown in Table 2, the offline key pair at each
update is randomly generated, as in the initial regis-
tration stage. A nonce R
is also randomly generated
for the n
update. In order to update a key, entities
must prove that they are network members – that they
already have a current online public key registered, as
detailed in the update verification stage.
For the key updates, as shown in the offline/online
key generation stage in Table 2, the n
online public
and secret keys are generated as functions of the pre-
vious online key pair (pkn
) and the newly
generated offline key pair (pkf
,sk f
). This creates
a verifiable chain of anonymous online public key
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Comparison of Certcoin and PB-PKI structure: setup and initial registration.
Certcoin PB-PKI
sig is a digital signature algorithm; ver is a signature
verification algorithm evaluating to 0 or 1
Offline/online key generation: Identity owner E
generates (locally):
an online public and secret key pair (pkn
an offline public and secret key pair (pk f
sk f
Key registration: E posts:
(id, register, online, values=(pkn
, σ
)), where
, id) demonstrates ownership of
the online secret key skn
corresponding to
public key pkn
(id, register, offline, values=(pk f
, σ
where σ
=sig(sk f
, id) demonstrates
ownership of the offline secret key sk f
corresponding to public key pk f
Verification: It must be verified that:
id has not been registered previously
, σ
, id)=1
ver(pk f
, σ
, id)=1
sig is a digital signature algorithm; ver is a signature verification algorithm
Offline/online key generation: Identity owner E generates (locally):
an online public and secret key pair (pkn
) such that pkn
× skn
1(modNn), where Nn
is the online key pair modulus
an offline public and secret key pair (pkf
,sk f
) such that pk f
× sk f
1(modN f
), where
N f
is the offline key pair modulus
a master offline key pair (mpkf,msk f)
Key registration: E posts (id, register, online, T
, values=(pkn
, σ
, σ
)), where T
is a timestamp,
is the initial value signature sig(skn
, id) - the identity id signed with online private key skn
proves Es ownership of the online secret key skn
corresponding to online public key pkn
) - and σ
is the master key pair signature sig(msk f, id) - the identity id signed with the master offline private
key mskf. The remaining information generated (skn
, pk f
, sk f
, mpkn, mpkf) is retained by E
Verification: It must be verified that:
id has not been registered previously
has not been registered previously
ver(id, pkn
, σ
Encryption and Digital Signatures
A message m can be encrypted using Es online public key pkn
to send to E, and decrypted by E
using the online secret key skn
as (m
m(modNn). Similarly, E’s digital signature on
a message m
can be verified using the online public key pkn
, as (m
updates for an entity owner E, which E can choose
to disclose by proving that his chain of online pub-
lic keys were generated using his offline keys (which
should only be known by E). In the case of compro-
mise of these offline keys, an adversary could imper-
sonate E, and we therefore require the master offline
key pair (mpk f,msk f ). This is an additional security
feature: the master public key mpk f is posted at the
initial identity registration (see Table 1) and the owner
can use his master secret key msk f to prove identity
ownership in case of lost offline keys.
In order to enable tracing in case of misbehaviour,
at the point of updating his online public key each en-
tity should share his offline secret key between a ma-
jority of the network using a secret-sharing scheme.
This is further detailed in Table 2 and Section 4.2 and
means that a misbehaving entity can be traced if re-
quired through collusion of a majority of the network.
If at any time only one network member performs
a key update, the previous key can be linked with the
new one based on time, so the transaction becomes
linkable. There are two ways of addressing this.
Random Time Delay. Where total anonymity is
required, a random time delay can be instigated
from the time of posting a new online public key
to the time to old one is discarded. During this
time delay, both are valid public keys for the en-
tity. This prevents key updates from being linked
based on time, while preserving total anonymity.
Simultaneous Key Updates. Where neighbour
group anonymity is appropriate, neighbour group
members can update their keys simultaneously
whenever any single member needs to update.
4.2 Recovery, Revocation and Tracing
We begin by summarising the key recovery and revo-
cation methods for Certcoin, and then present those
for PB-PKI. In Certcoin, recovery of lost keys is en-
abled through social backup: the secret key for an
entity must be secret shared (by Shamir secret shar-
ing, for example (Shamir, 1979)) between trusted
“friends”, and reconstructed with a threshold. Both
online and offline secret keys can be reconstructed
through the key shares in the case of key loss.
The revocationprocess in Certcoin differs depend-
ing on which key is accessed or stolen. If only the on-
line secret key is lost or stolen, then the ownership
of the offline secret key means the true owner can
prove his ownership of the secret key. If the adver-
sary gains access to, but does not steal, both online
and offline secret keys, then the adversary cannot be
distinguished from the true owner, so the owner can
use both keys to invalidate their use. If both keys are
stolen, then there is no revocation process in Certcoin;
the keys are controlled by an adversary. Certcoin pub-
lic keys expire after a given lifetime.
In PB-PKI, a lost online secret key can be recon-
PB-PKI: A Privacy-aware Blockchain-based PKI
Table 2: Comparison of Certcoin and PB-PKI architecture: key updates.
Certcoin PB-PKI
Offline/online key generation: For the n
key update,
identity owner E generates:
an online public and secret key pair (pkn
, skn
), or
an offline public and secret key pair (pk f
, sk f
Update registration: E posts, for online/offline key
(id, update, values=(pkn
, pkn
, σ
), σ
aux), where σ
, (id, pkn
) is the
identity and new public key, signed by the old
secret key, and is given to demonstrate ownership
of the old secret key skn
corresponding to
public key pkn
. σ
= sig(skn
, id) is the
identity signed by the new secret key, and is given
to demonstrate ownership of the new secret key
corresponding to new public key pkn
. aux is
an auxiliary message that may be required in case
of key compromise, or
(id, update, offline, values=(pk f
, pk f
, σ
, aux), where σ
=sig(sk f
, (id, pk f
) is the
identity and new public key, signed by the old
secret key, and is given to demonstrate ownership
of the old secret key sk f
corresponding to
public key pk f
. σ
= sig(skn
, id) is the
identity signed by the new secret key, and is given
to demonstrate ownership of the new secret key
sk f
corresponding to new public key pk f
Update verification: It must be verified that:
corresponds to id
, σ
, (id, pk
, σ
, id)=1
Offline key generation: Identity owner E generates a new offline public/secret key pair, for the
nth update (pkf
, sk f
), such that pk f
× sk f
1(modN f
Online key generation: for the n
online key pair, E calculates:
= f
,sk f
,Nn) = pkn
× sk f
(modNn), and
= f
,sk f
,Nn) = skn
/sk f
Then for the updated key pair,
× skn
× sk f
) × (skn
/sk f
) pkn
× skn
1(modNn) .
Note: this is cryptosystem-specific and the above assumes a Discrete Logarithm Problem-based
cryptosystem. For an elliptic curve-based cryptosystem, for example, the above values would
need to be constructed differently
Update registration: E posts (update, T
, values=(pkn
, R
, R
, enc
), σ
is a timestamp,
, R
are nonces,
is the signature sig(skn
, R
) (this is used to verify that E already owns a public
key on the network). It is posted, encrypted with a function enc
that encrypts σ
each of a set of public keys PK of a subset of network members to be involved in the
verification; the subset is chosen randomly at each update, and
is the signature sig(skn
, R
) (this proves E’s ownership of the online secret key skn
corresponding to new online public key pkn
E then secret shares (using e.g. Shamir secret sharing scheme (Shamir, 1979)) the updated offline
key skf
between a majority of network members
Update verification: It must be verified that:
number of ids=number of public keys
has not been registered previously
, pk, σ
)=1. This step verifies that the submitter already had a registered public
key previously. Here, pk is some public key currently registered as in use on the network.
Verifiers (those in the subset PK of network public keys, involved in this verification) check
that one current online public key in the PKI satisfies this verification.
, pkn
, σ
the offline secret key sk f
has been secret shared between a majority of the network
structed using the offline secret keys, since online se-
cret keys are a function of offline secret keys and pre-
vious online public keys (see Table 2). For this rea-
son, online secret keys should be stored offline af-
ter updating. If an offline secret key is lost, then the
owner cannot prove his identity, and the key must be
retrievedor the identity re-established. The owner can
invalidate his online public key using his online se-
cret key, and then return to the registration stage, re-
establishing identity against a new online public key.
Another option is social backup, as in Certcoin:
an owner may choose to secret share his offline secret
keys with a few trusted “friends”. In the case of of-
fline secret key loss, the key can then be reconstructed
from the secret shares. If both secret keys are lost,
then the offline secret key can be retrieved through so-
cial backup, as described, and used to prove the link
between current online public key and identity. The
online public key can then be invalidated, and iden-
tity registered again against a new online public key.
An entity can revoke his online public key by in-
validating it using his online secret key. If a key is
compromised, an owner has several possible actions,
depending which keys are affected. We consider an
attacker with all possible types of key access or theft.
Case 1: Online Secret Key Only, Accessed. The
owner may use his online secret key to invalidate
the online public key, before re-establishing his
identity against a new online public key.
Case 2: Both Secret Keys, Accessed. The owner
may use his online secret key to invalidate the on-
line public key, then re-register identity against a
new online public key. The adversary, in posses-
sion of the online secret key, could perform the
same action, invalidating the online public key.
An adversarys capabilities against the targeted
entity end here, since the identity becomes void.
Case 3: Online Secret Key Only, Stolen. The
owner may use his offline secret keys to prove
his ownership of the current online public key
(since pkn
(modNn) ), and thus authen-
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
ticate an invalidation of that public key, before re-
registering identity with a new online public key.
Case 4: Both Secret Keys, Stolen. The owner
may reconstruct his offline secret keys using so-
cial backup, and use this to prove ownership of
the current online public key. The case is then re-
duced to Case 2 – access. If social backup has not
been enabled, then the owner may prove owner-
ship of the master key pair (mpkf, mskf) used in
the initial key registration stage (see Table 1), and
use this to invalidate the current online public key.
Case 5: All Keys, Including Past Offline Se-
cret Keys, and Master Keys, Stolen. There is no
mechanism for dealing with this case, in which the
owner cannot prove identity using either past of-
fline, or master, keys. Past offline keys and master
keys should be stored separately for this reason.
Where identity must be traced (e.g., for liability
cases in vehicular networks) authoritiescan ask a pub-
lic key to disclose his offline secret keys and nonces,
present and historic. The original identity posting can
thus be traced back, and identity reliably retrieved.
This procedure is secure against identity spoofing,
since without knowledge of all their offline secret
keys, an entity cannot pose as any network member
other than himself. If the public key owner does not
cooperate, a network majority can use the key shares
from each update to reconstruct the keys of the target.
4.3 Neighbour Group Anonymity
Entities in the PKI may form neighbour groups of
“trusted” members. This trust may be based on so-
cial knowledge, in online forums, or on physical prox-
imity, in vehicular networks, for example. Since
entities are not anonymous within their neighbour
groups, other group members can attest the correct-
ness of their actions (key updates, revocations) to the
rest of the network, improving the security of certain
PKI functionalities. The members of these neighbour
groups can also perform simultaneous key updates,
preventing linking of key updates by timestamp.
Vehicular ad-hoc networks are an example of an
application in which neighbour group anonymity is
appropriate. In this case, it is unnecessary to seek
unlinkability of actions towards the group of entities
that are physically nearby, the prevention of tracking
through keys by whom is futile. Vehicles in phys-
ical proximity can therefore form temporary neigh-
bour groups, attesting to the rest of the network that
the correct entity is performing key updates. Systems
for the management of these trusted groups across dif-
ferent use-cases are outside the scope of this paper.
An adversary might have some attack capabilities
against PB-PKI aside from those gained from stealing
or accessing a party’s secret keys. Network members
havegreater adversarial capabilities than non-network
members. Since the verification process at key up-
dates involves only checking that the party involved
is a network member, an adversarial network member
may update the public key of a targeted party to a new
public key under his control. Similarly, an adversar-
ial network member may revoke the online public key
of another member, preventing communication until
ownership is proved and the key retrieved.
In the total anonymity case, it is possible for net-
work members to cause disruption by updating or re-
voking other members’ keys in this way. Our mecha-
nism allows retrieval of prior keys and therefore iden-
tity, but does not prevent other members from chang-
ing the keys for the period of time until retrieval.
Since network members are anonymous, such attacks
cannot be targeted at identities but at public keys.
Neighbour groups prevent adversarial network mem-
bers from attacking in this way, since members of a
targeted partys neighbour group can attest to the net-
work that the change was not initiated by the correct
identity, and the change would not be processed.
To achieve the total anonymity privacy level us-
ing PB-PKI, there is a trade-off with security. As
described, an entity E can be temporarily disrupted,
leaving a time gap in which an adversarial network
member may pose as E. In the total anonymity case,
this is intuitively the best we can do. To prove own-
ership of the current public key, or prove the identity
at the time of update, would mean revealing either the
current and updated keys together, or identity en-
abling either linking of public keys, or knowledge of
the identity to which the new public key belongs. This
security weakness can be addressed using neighbour
groups who can attest the correctness of an entity’s
actions in cases where this privacy level is sufficient.
The security of the Namecoin blockchain itself
relies on the majority of miners being honest par-
ties. A collusive majority of dishonest network mem-
bers could undermine the security of PB-PKI, since
its security relies on the underlying blockchain be-
ing unsubverted. PB-PKI enables identification of ad-
versarial network members by the two methods be-
low, which correspond to the total anonymity case.
For neighbour group anonymity, these methods apply,
and the members of the misbehaving user’s neighbour
group can also aid identification.
Majority Consensus. The offline secret key shar-
ing process at each update (see Table 2) means
PB-PKI: A Privacy-aware Blockchain-based PKI
that a majority concensus of network members
can provide the secret key shares required to re-
construct the offline secret keys of the target. Us-
ing this, authorities can trace back through up-
dates to recover the identity.
Network Member Consent. Each network mem-
ber can choose to prove ownership of previous
public keys, or the link between public keys and
identity. This means that authorities can order a
misbehaving public key to reveal this information.
We consider the efficiency of network member
verification, which involves traversing all public keys
in the network until one is met which satisfies the ver-
ification algorithm; this confirms the network mem-
bership of the entity posting the updated public key.
The time involved in this traversing process can be-
come part of the blockchain proof-of-work described
in Section 2.2, as long as it is smaller than the re-
quired proof-of-work for that particular network. In
Certcoin, the efficiency of network membership ver-
ification is improved using cryptographic accumula-
tors. This method can be applied to improve the effi-
ciency of the PB-PKI key update verification stage.
Constructing PKI using blockchain is a viable al-
ternative to the conventional CA-based and WoT-
based approaches, and offers desirable security prop-
erties, but existing proposals not provide the privacy-
awareness that is required of PKI in certain present
and emerging applications. In PB-PKI, we showed
how a blockchain-based PKI can be constructed to
provide varying levels of privacy-awareness. The pro-
posal achieves total anonymity at some security cost:
network members may tamper in the short term with
the public keys of others. A slightly lower level of
privacy can be achieved through attestation by neigh-
bour groups, who verify key changes at updates, and
the security of the PKI is improvedby this adjustment.
As future work, we will explore the management
of group trust for particular use-cases of PB-PKI, and
formally assess its security. We intend to investigate
methods for improving the efficiency, experimenta-
tion with which is outside the scope of this paper. We
intend also to implement a proof-of-concept to assess
the feasability and efficiency of PB-PKI.
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SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography