In this work, we proposed a new software quality
estimation approach, which employs information
about the popularity of source code components to
model their quality as perceived by developers.
Upon removing outliers using a one-class classifier,
we apply Principal Feature Analysis techniques to
effectively determine the most informative metrics
lying in five categories: complexity, coupling,
documentation, inheritance, and size metrics. The
metrics are subsequently given to five neural
networks that output quality scores. Our evaluation
indicates that our system can be effective for
estimating the quality of software components as
well as for providing a comprehensive analysis on
the aforementioned five source code quality axes.
Future work lies in several directions. At first,
the design of our target variable can be further
investigated for different scenarios and different
application scopes. In addition, various feature
selection techniques and models can be tested to
improve on current results. Finally, we could assess
the effectiveness of our methodology by means of a
user study, and thus further validate our findings.
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