It is clear from Figs. 6–9 that the distortion
correction of the laser-scan data provides a better
mapping result.
The laser-mapping position obtained using the
Kalman filter (the right figure in Fig. 8) is closer to
the actual position shown in Fig. 6, compared with
that obtained using the linear extrapolation and
interpolation method (the right figure in Fig. 9). This
indicates that the mapping performance of the
proposed method is superior to that of the
conventional linear extrapolation and interpolation
In this paper, we presented a distortion-correction
method for laser-scan data obtained from in-vehicle
multilayer laser scanner. The method was achieved
by Kalman prediction, estimation, and smoothing of
the robot’s pose data using NDT scan matching.
Experimental results of mapping a signal light in a
road environment showed the effectiveness of the
proposed method.
Future research will aim at evaluating the
performance of SLAM and moving-object tracking
systems using scan data where the distortion is
corrected using the proposed method.
This study was partially supported by the Scientific
Grants #26420213, the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the MEXT-
Supported Program for the Strategic Research
Foundation at Private Universities, 2014–2018,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology, Japan.
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