commonly used lumped-parameter equivalent circuit
models used in literature for modeling lithium-ion
batteries are examined. The model parameters and
states of the battery model are estimated by using
dual Extended Kalman Filter (dual-EKF) and its per-
formance is verified through pulsed current test re-
sults and the New European Drive Cycle (NEDC)
driving cycle profile over a temperature range be-
tween 5∼45
C. Two cell chemistries are tested,
lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO
) and lithium nickel-
manganese-cobalt oxide (LiNMC). The simulation
studies indicate that two RC model structure is the
optimum lumped-parameter equivalent circuit model
for the battery energy and management applications.
In (Mesbahi et al., 2016), a 40Ah lithium-ion battery
cell is modeled by a dynamic equivalent circuit model
to be used in Electric Vehicle (EV) applications. A
hybrid Particle Swarm-Nelder-Mead (PSO-NM) opti-
mization algorithm is used in the identification of the
model parameters of the battery model. The perfor-
mance of the battery model is tested with a dynamic
driving cycle and a constant current/constant voltage
(CC/CV) charge profile. The obtained results show
that the modeling error is below 0.5% within a differ-
ent operating conditions.
This paper proposes a simplification on equivalent
circuit approximation by the usage of DC-IR data val-
ues. DC-IR values are internal resistance values of the
battery, which are dependent both on SOC and tem-
perature. For the calculation of the internal resistance,
two measured voltage and current values are needed.
These tests can be conducted in a short amount of
time. In this work, the aim is to obtain an acceptable
battery model in a reasonable amount of time.
In this study, two methods are used for the esti-
mation of the electrical battery model, Genetic Algo-
rithm(GA) and Nonlinear Least Squares (Levenberg-
Marquardt Algorithm) and their performances are
Genetic Algorithm is one of the most commonly
used Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) that can be ap-
plied to both constrained and unconstrained optimiza-
tion problems. It can be used in a wide variety of
engineering problems, such as; image analysis, opti-
mization, classification, and etc. (Sopov and Ivanov,
2014), (Kaabi and Jabeur, 2015), and (Gasanovaet al.,
2014). In (Sopov and Ivanov, 2014), an image anal-
ysis problem, age recognition, is investigated. In this
work, genetic algorithm is used with a novelty search.
The obtained results indicate that the computational
cost of the proposed approach is high compared to
traditional approaches. However, it can be imple-
mented to the problems that do not have a prior in-
formation about the problem. In (Kaabi and Jabeur,
2015), a Multi-Compartment Vehicle Routing Prob-
lem with Time Windows (MCVRPTW) with profit is
considered. This problem is handled via a hybrid ap-
proach, genetic algorithm with Iterated Local Search
(ILS). The novelty of this work is that the problem
is formulated considering the time windows and col-
lected profit. The genetic algorithm is used to obtain
a minimum traveling cost and this solution is solved
via Iterated Local Search considering temporal, ca-
pacity, and profit constraints. In (Gasanova et al.,
2014), text classification problem is handled. The size
of the text classification is reduced based on hierar-
chical agglomerative clustering algorithm. Then, the
weights of the clusters are optimized with cooperative
coevolutionary genetic algorithm.
The performance of the genetic algorithm
is compared with one of the most commonly
used parameter identification method, Levenberg-
Marquardt. There are several applications that uses
Levenberg-Marquardt method for parameter identifi-
cation (Talebitooti and Torabi, 2016), (Dkhichi et al.,
2014), and (Khan et al., 2014). In (Talebitooti and
Torabi, 2016), a semi-epirical tire is modeled with a
hybrid identification method, genetic algorithm and
Levenberg-Marquardt method. The advantage of the
hybrid method is indicated with a comparison of ex-
isting methods in literature, Starting Values Opti-
mization technique (SVO), IMMa Optimization Al-
gorithm (IOA) in terms of accuracy and convergence
rate. In (Dkhichi et al., 2014), a highly non-linear
solar cell is modeled based on Levenberg-Marquardt
(LM) method with simulated annealing (SA). The ob-
tained results of the proposed approach (LMSA) are
compared to the methods in literature and it is ob-
served that the proposed approach has a higher ac-
curacy as compared to the other methods in literature.
In (Khan et al., 2014), the State of Charge (SOC) es-
timation of the battery is estimated online based on
parameter identification methods of the battery model
and a linear recursive Kalman filter. The parame-
ters of the battery model is identified through a com-
bination of modified genetic algorithm and modified
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The proposed esti-
mation framework is online and the SOC is estimated
with an acceptable accuracy.
This study is organized as follows; In section 2,
the electrical battery model is presented. In section
3, the parameter identification methods that are used
in this study are given. In section 4, the simulation
studies and results are presented. In section 5, the
obtained results are analyzed and the future work in
this area is discussed.
ICINCO 2017 - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics