data. To benefit from this new technology, we
proposed, in this paper, an approach to build a
NoSQL Document Warehouse. More accurately, we
transform the multidimensional galaxy model of the
DocW into the column-oriented NoSQL model. From
NoSQL models, we elected the column-oriented
model because its performance has been proven in the
literature works.
To build a NoSQL DocW, we distinguish two
transformation types: simple and hierarchical. The
first transformation converts the concepts of the
galaxy model into a NoSQL model without detailing
the hierarchy concept. For this transformation, we
define a set of four rules. While, the hierarchical
transformation explains the hierarchy concept when
transforming the multidimensional model into a
column-oriented NoSQL model. It retains three rules
from the simple transformation and defines one
specific rule for this transformation.
To substantiate these rules, we use the NoSQL
database management system Cassandra and
Cassandra Query Language (CQL) to apply the
simple and hierarchical transformation rules. We
obtain respectively DocW-S
and DocW-H. Moreover,
the evaluation of the obtained NoSQL DocW in terms
of the two metrics Write Request Latency and Read
Request Latency on a medical collection shows that
the DocW-H is better than the DocW-S.
As a future work, we will propose rules to
transform the multidimensional model of the
document warehouse into the document-oriented
NoSQL model and compare the performance of the
two NoSQL DocWs: column-oriented DocW and
document-oriented DocW. In addition, we expect
define a set of analytical operations dedicated to the
galaxy model of the NoSQL DocW.
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