• Flow control through adjust the air separation an-
gle, close/open or through ventilation ducks,
• CRAC/CRAH fan speed, air temperature,
• Cooling water flow and temperature in mechani-
cal cooling system.
Figure 5: CFD simulation of cooling air flow patterns from
Modern data centers are equipped with Data Cen-
ter Infrastructure Management (DCIM), for example,
ABB Decathlon for data center. DCIM is a software
platform to manage data center IT facilities, cool-
ing system and power supply system with a number
of functions including process monitoring and con-
trol. The methodology developed in this work can
be implemented to DCIM to solve the problem of hot
spots and over cooling, which are common problems
in data centers. This approach can be used for data
center zone-level, rack-level and server-level cooling
control. The principal advantage of the proposed ap-
proach is the capacity of holistic control, where de-
cisions are taken based on integrated information of
different subsystems, for example power devices, IT
load, deep learning subsystems, Computational fluid
dynamics simulations, optimization routines, big data
algorithms. All this abstract information in the upper
layer is translated to the server-rack cooling controller
in the lower layer, through a coordinator of the cool-
ing units, which is responsible for providing the pa-
rameters for the server-rack cooling controller. Thus,
the right dosage of cooling power suits the particular
needs of each server-rack. This is another benefit of
this methodology as opposed to the classical control
way, which is to consider all server racks as an en-
tire cooling load and the control scheme manages the
entire load as a whole.
This paper proposed a cross layer methodology for
facing the global cooling control of data center. The
multi-layer approach includes two layers. A lower
layer which is responsible of the cooling control at
rack and the server level. It uses the electrical power
consumption of the servers and information provided
by the sensor network e.g. inlet and outlet temper-
ature, air flow. And an upper layer which incorpo-
rates Computational fluid dynamics simulations, ma-
chine learning, and artificial intelligence (all upfront
to the real operation of the data center) to provide
control parameters and configurations to the lower
layer. The upper layer integrated management of all
the variables that have influence on the cooling per-
formance of the data center air flow, temperature, and
humidity and provides recommendations for turning
off servers, placing, and moving the IT load according
to thermal distribution of the data center and customer
service level agreements. In the future, we will im-
plement developed method and structure to ABB De-
cathlon software platform to extend Decathlon func-
tionalities and capacity.
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