of connection and applicational data transmission
One last possible concern with the use of a proxy
server could be raised regarding scaling, since a
server-side application must relay the communica-
tion between the client and the DBMS in the SPDC
presented in this article
. However, there is no issue
in having several of these proxy servers to process
the client’s requests to connect to the database since
they are inherently stateless
. They establish a
connection given a token, and once the connection
terminates a new connection can only be made by
presenting another token.
Finally, in terms of future work it would be
interesting to address the eavesdropping issue on the
proxy server. This could be achieved by adding a
layer on top of the database that accepts connections
and all data is encrypted using, for example, the
authentication server password of the user. The
implications of such alteration must be carefully
studied and tested.
This work is funded by National Funds through
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under
the project UID/EEA/50008/2013 and
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