The Two-Hemisphere Modelling Approach to the Composition of
Cyber-Physical Systems
Oksana Nikiforova
, Nisrine El Marzouki
, Konstantins Gusarovs
, Hans Vangheluwe
Tomas Bures
, Rima Al-Ali
, Mauro Iacono
, Priscill Orue Esquivel
and Florin Leon
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia
LIMS Laboratory, USMBA, Fez, Morocco
DMCS, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, The Netherlands
Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Caserta, Italy
Computer Science and Languages, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain
Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iasi, Iasi, Romania
Keywords: Two-Hemisphere Model-Driven Approach, Cyber-Physical Systems, System Composition.
Abstract: The Two-hemisphere model-driven (2HMD) approach assumes modelling and use of procedural and
conceptual knowledge on an equal and related basis. This differentiates 2HMD approach from pure
procedural, pure conceptual, and object oriented approaches. The approach may be applied in the context of
modelling of a particular business domain as well as in the context of modelling the knowledge about the
domain. Cyber-physical systems are heterogeneous systems, which require multi-disciplinary approach to
their modelling. Modelling of cyber-physical systems by 2HMD approach gives an opportunity to
transparently compose and analyse system components to be provided and components actually provided,
and, thus, to identify and fill the gaps between desirable and actual system content.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) have never been
more central to the corporate strategy today. The
features they offer, reliability, performance and
robustness are the queens qualities that allow
companies to be competitive. To cope with the
complexity of the execution of such heterogeneous
systems, it is necessary to define an approach to
tame its complexity. This approach should be
flexible and generic in order to adapt to any type of
component of such system and thus, should offer an
ability to manage system composition.
The two-hemisphere model driven (2HMD)
approach has been successfully applied for domain
modelling and software design (Nikiforova and
Kirikova, 2004). One of the most distinguished
features of this model is its applicability for both
human understanding and automatic transformation.
In this paper we illustrate the way how 2HMD
approach may be applied to the task of modelling
and composition of CPS.
The goal of the paper is to show the way how the
problem of complex system composition from
smaller parts can be solved by using 2HMD
approach for modelling of CPS components. From
the point of view of 2HMD approach, each
component of a CPS may be considered as a
conceptual class, which preforms the particular
operations and meet the defined requirements. The
requirements are derived from the model that
consists of functional and conceptual “hemispheres”.
Thus 2HMD approach is applicable for both
modelling of components and modelling of the
process of to be supported by that component at the
same level of abstraction. Moreover, the 2HMD
approach can help to identify conflict situations,
where the additional analysis is required for sharing
responsibilities between system components.
Features of Cyber Physical Systems and the
necessity to model and compose them are discussed
Nikiforova, O., Marzouki, N., Gusarovs, K., Vangheluwe, H., Bures, T., Al-Ali, R., Iacono, M., Esquivel, P. and Leon, F.
The Two-Hemisphere Modelling Approach to the Composition of Cyber-Physical Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006424902860293
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2017), pages 286-293
ISBN: 978-989-758-262-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in Section 2. The essence of the two-hemisphere
model driven approach is clarified in Section 3.
Application of 2HMD approach for composition and
modelling of components of CPS are outlined in
Section 4. Conclusions are given in Section 5.
A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a mechanism
controlled or monitored by computer-based
algorithms. In CPS, physical and software
components are deeply intertwined, each operating
on different spatial and temporal scales, exhibiting
multiple and distinct behavioural modalities, and
interacting with each other in a myriad of ways that
change with context (Khaitan, et al., 2014).
Being CPS inherently complex, any significant
analysis is a challenge. The behaviour results from
the different scales of the effect of the emerging or
fundamental phenomena, the different nature of the
components, the interactions and the drawbacks of
the internal compositions. A comparable domain is
System of systems (SoS), in which analysis exploits
decomposition (or, equivalently, design exploits
composition), and the system additionally exhibits
emerging behaviours or features that have to be
modelled at a higher level. While both for CPS or
SOS an holistic approach is viable for a general
understanding of the system from the point of view
of an external observer, in order to design or assess
in detail its behaviours the heterogeneity of the
problems that have to be analysed require that every
aspect and every component, and every scale and
every hierarchical subsystem, need a proper model
and a proper modelling technique. This is also a
natural consequence of the wide set of expertise that
has to be involved in the design, the maintenance
and the management of a CPS: every professional
takes care of a different aspect of a subsystem, using
a specialized view on it that privileges his
responsibilities and the modus operandi typical of
his field. Building up a comprehensive model of the
system could then benefit from the application of an
approach that allows model composition and use of
different modelling approaches together in a
coordinated framework, such as multiformalism
(Gribaudo and Iacono, 2014) or multiparadigm
(Vangheluwe, Lara and Mosterman, 2002)
modelling. For what is related to the design and the
analysis of non-functional specifications of system
components, some frameworks exist that allow
multiformalism modelling for non-functional
specifications by providing, by means of
metamodeling, the ability of designing new
modelling languages that can be naturally integrated
with existing ones and support modularity and
multiformalism: e.g., the SIMTHESys approach
(Barbierato, Gribaudo and Iacono, 2011) explores
these possibilities and is being extended to include
also support for a domain, hybrid systems
(Barbierato, Gribaudo and Iacono, 2016), that
includes CPS. The main directions behind this
approach aim to decouple whenever possible the
state spaces of the various components (with
significant results in favourable cases (Barbierato, et
al., 2013)), build natural interactions between
models written in different modelling languages, and
representing emerging properties of the overall
model. Leveraging this experience, it is possible to
abstract the main ideas and take inspiration for
implementing ideally similar compositional and
modular features in modelling approaches that focus
on aspects that are different from non-functional
specification. In this paper we want to discuss the
applicability of some of the concepts here presented
about non-functional specifications to a more
abstract modelling domain, specially focusing of the
perspective that allows the application of the 2HMD
approach. CPS involves transdisciplinary
approaches, merging theory of cybernetics,
mechatronics, design and process science (Hancu, et
al., 2007), (Lee and Seshia, 2011), (Suh, Carbone
and Eroglu, 2014). The process control is often
referred to as embedded systems. In embedded
systems the emphasis tends to be more on the
computational elements, and less on an intense link
between the computational and physical elements.
CPS is also similar to the Internet of Things (IoT)
domain, sharing the same basic architecture;
nevertheless, CPS presents a higher combination and
coordination between physical and computational
elements (Rad, et al., 2015). As far as CPS are
multidisciplinary heterogeneous systems, their
implementation requires a strategy for modelling
and decomposition into smaller components. The
components of such systems then should be detailed
at the same level of abstraction.
One of those systems is Ensemble Component-
Based Systems (Bureš, et al., 2013), (Keznikl, et al.,
2012), where components are autonomous and the
communication is implicit. Needless to say that
emergent systems as an up-and-coming systems
introduce new concepts for design (Bureš, et al.,
2013), (Hennicker and Klarl, 2014) as well as for
The Two-Hemisphere Modelling Approach to the Composition of Cyber-Physical Systems
whole system development process (Carloni, et al.,
2005). Working with such distributed systems
require dynamicity and scalability with reserving to
the autonomous behaviour in each component. This
allows designers to have their focus on individual
components and to work on developing each of the
following separately: 1) the component structure and
behaviour, 2) the implicit connector called
ensemble, and 3) the link between computational
and physical elements for each individual alone.
ECBSs are dynamic systems, which require
composition and decomposition of its components
and ensembles depending on the context. These
systems offer a combination of both architectural
and behavioural models to represent such
decomposition in their structure, providing by that
the ability to analyse and verify satisfaction of their
requirements. Moreover, the methodology in this
modelling approach considers each component in
the system as a black box. More specifically, each
component features a set of roles where each one
serves as an interface in the communication. Each
role consists of a set of data fields called knowledge
and mode-switch table (Bureš, et al., 2016). In the
knowledge section, an enumeration of component
modes is presented as a data field. Hence, the
behaviour of the component is held in the mode-
switch table that has all the context constraints and
their corresponding modes.
It is worth mentioning that each mode is
associated to a set of processes in the component
that is executed when the mode is active.
Furthermore, the component has sub-components
that are captured in the structure as data fields. By
setting this data field, it is possible to build a
hierarchical component (i.e. the data field could hold
a null value). Although the structure of the
components represents (de)composition structure, it
does not capture the (de)composition process; it is
only describing the flow of activities in an
autonomic component of the system using mode-
switch table for each role that the component
features. Simply put, the role activity diagram will
have the knowledge on the transitions and the modes
as activities. Therefore, a mode-switch table in the
architecture is a representation of the behaviour of
the component role. Regarding the (de)composition
process, ensembles are responsible for it, since they
form between the components that have specific
modes and exchange the knowledge between them.
The ensembles have three basic structures: 1) the
roles and their current modes of the components, 2)
the context as a membership condition, and 3) the
knowledge exchange. Hence, the ensemble
behaviour is held in the knowledge exchange part,
which is guarded by corresponding constraints (i.e.
roles or mode in the roles, and membership
condition). Ultimately, ensembles have a
hierarchical structure due to hierarchical structure of
their components (Bureš, et al., 2015).
Finally, in those terms, (Al Ali, et al., 2014) and
(Bureš, et al., 2016) introduce approaches to capture
the internal and external uncertainty in the system,
and to handle it during the adaptation process by
linking the physical elements in the same abstraction
level as computational ones. In (Al Ali, et al., 2014),
this is applied to Ordinary Differential Equations
(ODE) for physical objects at the process level. The
goal is to capture the impact of delays, which are
caused by networks or computational parts, on
physical elements (i.e. actuators). The method
enhances the prediction of the real state boundaries
of each physical object.
About the same problem, (Bureš, et al., 2016)
targets the uncertainty caused by sensor readings,
where the precision of sensed data is the main
concern. The effect of data precision is represented
in a self-adaptation process, where the authors
extend mode-switch logic to involve statistical
testing. The extended logic applies hypothesis
testing over historical data to evaluate the condition
in mode-switching with a certain confidence level. It
is worth mentioning that mode-switch conditions
deal with short time prediction as well as the current
situation. At the end, both kinds of uncertainty are
captured explicitly in the architectural view, making
it possible to apply traditional analysis and
transformations with a minimum amount of
modification on the existing tools. Similarly, we can
discuss the issue of composition in the context of
multiagent systems. Sometimes, the complex
interactions between the individual agents give rise
to an emergent behaviour of the system as a whole,
e.g. in modelling social systems, traffic simulations
etc. However, other applications can benefit from
system composition, e.g. agent-based business
process modelling. A tool that is often used in this
situation is the visual notation of Role-Activity
Diagrams (Ould, 2005). They contain roles, which
describe the behaviour of a set of role instances.
Roles have states, similarly to dynamic systems. A
business process may contain one or more active
instances of the same role. An actor is an agent that
enacts a role instance. Activities are the basic
building blocks of a role. Carrying out the activities
of a role can be interpreted as transferring the
process control from a state to another state. An
activity may be carried out in isolation or may
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
require coordination with activities in other roles,
and in this case it is an interaction. Some studies
showed that this class of workflows can be
formalized and modelled by a concise set of distinct
rules in a generic knowledge-based business agent
architecture (Badica, et al., 2016) and can be
implemented using both agent-oriented languages,
such as Jason, and general-purpose functional
languages, such as F# (Leon and Badica, 2016).
The variety of modelling capabilities and the ability
to express links traceability are decisive assets to
manage system’s complexity. The transformation
tool takes one model as input and produces a second
model as its output. The two hemisphere model
driven approach (Nikiforova and Kirikova, 2004)
proposes the use of business process and concept
modelling to represent systems in a platform
independent manner and describes how to transform
them models into UML models, shown in Figure 1.
The choice and design of these diagrams is not only
based on the previously mentioned analogy with the
human brain, but also due to the fact that
information shown in these diagrams helps to
describe the system from the two different points of
view that we believe to be able to capture the most
relevant aspects in system development. Business
process modelling, as (Polak, 2013) mentioned,
developed as a result of solutions made by
Management Science and Computer Science in the
1970s, and keeps showing its importance in
supporting process modelling and analysis. The
importance of business process modelling is
confirmed by (Harmon and Wolf, 2014) regular
researches about the usefulness and usability of
these processes. Results confirm that management of
business processes is valuable for companies and
that firms progressively adopt existing business
process modelling notations and methodologies.
Figure 1: The essence of the two-hemisphere model transformation.
The Two-Hemisphere Modelling Approach to the Composition of Cyber-Physical Systems
Consequently, the two-hemisphere model
benefits from the incorporation of well-known
business process tools and lowers, at the same time,
the gap between existing and needed internal
knowledge and procedures. As the two-hemisphere
model serves as a bridge between problem domain
and software design phase, business model is
understandable to both sides - business people and
developers. The inclusion of a conceptual model in
the approach is motivated by the principles of the
object-oriented paradigm and general context of data
analysis. In many widely accepted software design
approaches, in the first phases of the development
cycle a data dictionary is created or an analogous
document defines a shared agreement about
terminology used in software development and
documentation. (Johnason and Henderson, 2011)
describes conceptual modelling as the basis of
software development, absolutely needed to produce
a quality design. Conceptual models are high-level
software description, which contains concepts. Any
kind of things, events and living beings that are
important to given problem domain can be
considered as concepts. Concepts are described with
attributes, but methods shows actions specific to
these concepts. An early and consolidate example of
conceptual models is Peter Chen’s (Chen, 1976)
Entity-Relationship (ER) diagrams, used in database
design (Hesse, 2007), and, later, in software system
design. Consequently, a natural choice for the other
part of the two-hemisphere model is a conceptual
model, consisting of concepts and related attributes,
with a model notation similar to ER diagrams.
The strategy of the two-hemisphere model-driven
approach supports gradual model transformation
from problem domain models into program
components, where problem domain models reflect
two fundamental things: system functioning
mechanisms (processes) and structure (concepts and
their relations). Several two-hemisphere models
presenting different aspects of CPS and its
components structure and behavior have been
marked as input with mapping rules, the class
diagram and transformation trace has been received
on output (see Figure 2). Transformation trace
shows how an element of the two hemisphere model
is transformed into the corresponding element of the
class diagram, and which parts of the mapping are
used for transformation of every part of the two
hemisphere model (Nikiforova, 2009).
The model decomposition into small components
and composition of them as an integrated system is a
new research topic for two-hemisphere model-driven
approach, originally introduced in (El Marzouki, et
al., 2016). The work is under ongoing development
and evolution, consequently, there is still no mature
foundation to date for this. Our goal through the
research on the composition of CPS is to study
existing models of composition approaches by
analysing and identifying: 1) what are the elements
involved in the composition process, and 2) how the
model composition is made in these approaches.
The ultimate goal is to arrive at an understanding
of what is done for model composition in these
approaches. "Model composition is an operation that
combines two or more models into a single one."
(Cavallaro et al., 2010) "Model composition in its
simplest form refers to the mechanism of combining
two models into a new one." (Dubre and Dixit,
2012) According to this, it can be said that the
composition model is a process that takes two or
more input models, integrates them through an
operation and composition to produce a composite
output model. However, this scheme is very abstract.
No assumptions about the input models, output, or
on the compositing operation is expressed. In
practice, each approach must specify these
assumptions for its work context. These also include
the differences to classify approaches:
Mechanism of composition: melting, replacing
the union, weaving etc.
Element composition: what are the additional
elements involved in the composition. There
are two classification axes: the type and
formality of these.
Language of composition: The composition of
elements need formalisms to express them.
These formalisms are very diverse because each
approach has its own elements of composition. They
can be a weaving language, a metamodel of
composition rules, a UML profile for model
composition, etc (Dubre and Dixit, 2012). Despite
their diversity, they can usually assess a
compositional formalism on two points: the
composition that provides abstractions and
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
Target modelSource model
Process Model Concept Model
Two-hemisphere model
based transformation
Tool – BrainTool
Two-hemisphere model
Two-hemisphere model-drive approach
Target model
PM for CPS
component 1
CM of all the
components of CPS
Class Diagram for
integrated CPS
Two-hemisphere model
based transformation
Tool – BrainTool
Two-hemisphere model
Application of the approach for composition of CPS
PM for CPS
component 2
PM for CPS
component M
PM for CPS
component N
Source model
Figure 2: Adoption of the two-hemisphere model-driven approach to composition of CSP.
To synthesize, we can define the composition as
a model management operation, which generates a
single model by the combination of the contents of
at least two models:
Syntactic level: Expression model compound
from input models;
Semantics level: Assigning a semantic model
compound, depending on the semantics of the
associated source models;
Methodical level: Using the model compound,
derived from the composition process in a
software development process.
Therefore, the composition process cannot be
considered as an atomic operation. Before triggering
the composition process itself, it is necessary to
identify the links between the elements composing;
hence the emergence of the pre-match phase
followed by a composition operation that aims at the
creation of the model "global" by combining
elements using input patterns of relationships
defined in the matching pattern.
So, considering all these all these criteria, it is
clear that making a survey on composition
techniques and identify their gaps seems an
interesting path to build a new composition models
operations based on two hemisphere model
approach. In other words, we suggest using this
taxonomy to create a novel composer framework to
resolve composition conflicts for a given problem.
So now, we are also studying the made to take
into account the semantic properties of models. If we
take the example of two operations in two models
that appear with the same signature (name, type,
parameters), so to remedy this problem, we must
either include a step of reconciliation between the
separate designs or strengthen semantics associated
with the input metamodel, so that we can implement
finer comparison strategies that address the
behaviours described by the methods.
The evolutionary nature of CPS aims at building
cross-domain intelligence, in heterogeneous and
dynamic contexts (Khaitan and McCalley, 2015)
(Wu, Kao and Tseng, 2011). For this reason, CPS
composition should focus on the interactions
between the control logic and the physical systems,
contemplating the possibility of limited information,
e.g., stability, safety, performance, timeliness, etc.
CPS composition can be performed according to
different criteria, from the CPS itself which is a
schema of CPS as systems of systems (Nazari,
Sonntag and Engell, 2015), to a hierarchy of
components at the architectural level (Bhave, et al.,
2011). The common feature among the different
composition approaches is how they encapsulate the
cyber and physical aspects through an infrastructure.
The Two-Hemisphere Modelling Approach to the Composition of Cyber-Physical Systems
The latter should allow the integration of CPS
concerns and, also provide support for the
orchestration of a larger system architecture. In turn
to manage the process of CPS integration the
strategy of CPS components' composition became
the important task for CPS modelling. The model
composition is the central concept also in model
driven architecture for maximizing return on
investment, dealing with complexity and
maintainability. This paper discusses abilities on
adopting a new methodology presented in the form
of a conceptual prototype to automatically compose
models defined in terms of class diagrams in order to
build a global view of the system under construction.
We have presented the progress process on model
composition based on the two hemisphere model
driven approach introduced in (Nikiforova and
Kirikova, 2004). The idea is focusing on model
composition paradigm as a crucial activity. The
composition of CPS is applied based on two-
hemisphere model driven approach, which is an
approach that aims to automate the process of class
diagram development from correct and precise two-
hemisphere model and enables knowledge
representation in a form understandable for both
business users and system analyst. As far as the two-
hemisphere model-driven approach allow to share
responsibilities among object classes and to define
the relationships between them, we can consider that
for CPS we can define: 1) the general schema of
their components (the same as classes for object-
oriented system), 2) how to share
responsibilities between them, i.e., to define which
processes will be performed by which components,
and 3) structural relationships among CPS
components (as well as dependencies) within the
task of their implementation.
The central hypothesis of two-hemisphere
model-driven approach is to apply many
transformations for composition of the complex
system from small parts, where each of them
presented as the source model is defined in terms of
a business process model, associated with a concept
model, and the target model is defined in terms of
class diagram, which is generated for the whole
system. When the models are small enough and
developed by a single or a couple of designers, they
can be composed manually. However, in the case of
cyber-physical system, the models are too large to be
composed manually and it’s necessary to develop an
automatic composition method to ensure that all the
elements in the model are handled. In this paper we
have only taken into account the conceptual part of
our methodology, thereby the authors try at the
moment to investigate the possibility to implement
the proposed technique as an open source tool using
ATL Language. The idea of conceptual composition
prototype described in this paper currently can
handle not only homogeneous models, those that
share the same meta-model, it would be interesting
to extend this approach to handle heterogeneous
input models as well.
As a future work to what is presented in this
paper we are currently investigating a finer-grained
redefinition of every module of CPS separately, the
first one will be a repository dedicated to the
resolution of potential composition conflicts. This
allows focusing on any type of conflicts that requires
special treatment, thereby it will facilitate the
generic implementation of the other modules.
Another line of future investigations concerns the
model comprehension aspects of our model
composition technique. The benefits for model
comprehension address in particular the reverse
process of building model hierarchies. We hope you
find the information in this template useful in the
preparation of your submission.
This publication was developed in frame of COST
Action IC1404 Multi-Paradigm Modelling for
Cyber-Physical Systems and with minor revisions is
published by Departamentos Lenguajes y Ciencias
de la Computación, Universidad de Málaga in
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of the MPM4CPS
COST Action as Technical Report No. ITI16/01.
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