Figure 9: BER performance to the misalignment.
to by the equalizer, a simple threshold method is used
to generate information to be referred to by the equal-
izer, and the equalizer is updated using the informa-
tion. In addition, the threshold value is determined by
analysing the statistical characteristics of the received
image, rather than simply using the average value, and
thus the same performance can be maintained even
when the environment is changed.
The second step is to add a decision feedback loop
behind the equalizer in order to compensate for the
blind equalizer that may cause errors. In the field of
communications, the DFE updated both the equalizer,
which act as FFF, and the FBF by comparing the value
obtained by subtracting the decision feedback from
the equalizer output to the training sequence. How-
ever, since it is structurally difficult to implement a 2D
FBF in HVD, a decision feedback loop is constructed
by multiplying the upper and left pixel values, which
have the greatest effect on the current pixel, by an ap-
propriate scalar value.
Although the blind DFE which consists of two
parts does not perform the entire equalization process
at the same time as the DFE in the field of communi-
cations, the data page is roughly restored in the equal-
izer part even if there is a slight error caused by the
ISI, and the effects of errors due to ISI are eliminated
in the decision feedback part. As a result, the two
parts combine to create the blind DFE for HVD, that
effectively removes ISI and performs well.
This research was supported by Basic Science
Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Min-
istry of Education, Science and Technology (NRF-
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Blind Decision Feedback Equalizer for Holographic Versatile Disc