on the distance to which the camera is located, in the
case of the collimator being larger the camera was sit-
uated between 65cm and 75cm further,this distance is
because of the limited dimensions of the LHC tunnel,
Figure 11.
Figure 11: Schematic of a cross section of the LHC tunnel.
During the tests, Figure 12, it has been verified that
the processing time of the algorithm is between 5 and
10 seconds. This depends on the segmentation op-
eration, which must sometimes iterate over and over
again until it finds the right plane. The times are quite
acceptable, since the algorithm must be run only once,
because the global position is known.
The test point clouds were taken at distances to the
target between 50 cm and 136 cm, which is the maxi-
mum distance in the tunnel, Figure 11.
As seen in the validation tests on large pieces, such
as the collimator, the error of the estimated position
increases, approaching levels that would cause prob-
lems in tele-operation. One way to reduce this error is
to make a second estimation of the position. Once the
first estimation is made, the camera in the robot arm
can be approached to a predetermined part, this could
be done automatically. Using the algorithm to detect
that part of the large piece, it is detected with minor
errors. And since the position of that part is known
a priori with respect to the rest, this allows to reduce
the error of the global piece.
In this paper, a novel algorithm to detect a 6D pose
of an object was presented. The novel solution has
been shown to be robust to be deployed in harsh and
unstructured environment, like the CERN accelera-
tors complexes. The proposed solution is time-wise
light and allows the three-dimensional reconstruction
of an object. This aspects are fundamental for robotic
inspections and telemanipulation, in the specific for
detecting collisions and performing path planning in
areas that the 2D cameras detect incompletely.
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