able to deal with probabilistic reconfiguration under
resources constraints. It would be helpful that the
specification can be analyzed, simulated and
debugged at any stage. Statecharts and temporal
logic are currently used to specify systems.
Nevertheless, statecharts are not able to specify
reconfigurable probabilistic behavior and time
constraints for real time systems. Temporal logic
could not easily deal with the unpredictable
reconfiguration scenarios during run-time process. It
is also complex to specify reconfigurable running
processes under limited energy and memory
resources because these systems can violate its
resources after some adaptation scenarios.
In particular, an optimized and an expressive
system specification positively affects formal
verification of probabilistic adaptive systems. An
expressive specification is essential for the system
requirements specification and the formal
verification. Typically, such descriptions involve
complex sequences of events, actions, conditions
and information flow, often with explicit timing,
energetic and memory constraints, that combine to
form the overall behavior of a system (Khlifi et al.,
2015). We focus on specification of systems that are
able to undergo structural changes. The purpose of
this paper is to introduce an optimized specification
approach based on GR-TNCES formalism
“Generalized Reconfigurable Timed Net Condition
Event Systems” (Khlifi et al., 2015) that would
enable us to cover the limits of statecharts and
temporal logic. We describe also how to encode
system specification and its requirements with an
optimized and expressive approach. There are many
systems which are operating under energy and
memory constraints (Andrade et al., 2009). The
designer has to optimize the consumption of
resources for energy efficiency perspectives. Thus,
the paper tries to present a complete approach
ranging from specification, modeling to simulation.
The authors will specify an automotive transport
system with the aim to save energy in a skid
conveyor system. Then, we present a model for this
system using the environment ZIZO which is used
for system modeling and simulation respecting the
GR-TNCES formalism (Salem et al., 2015).
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. The next Section describes the preliminaries
on top of system analysis and specification
approach. Section 3 introduces the new semantics of
the proposed specification. The case study, the
system’s model are introduced in Section 4. A
discussion is provided in Section 5. Finally, Section
6 concludes the paper.
In this section, we introduce the syntax and
semantics of R-TNCES, GR-TNCES and statecharts
(Chan et al., 2001). We present an approach used for
analyzing systems.
2.1 System Analysis
Complex adaptive systems under development need
to be specified and analyzed (Chen et al., 2014) from
three closely related points of view: functional,
behavioral and structural (Harel et al., 1990). In the
structural view, one provides a hierarchical
decomposition of the system under development into
its components, called modules. We present also the
information that flows between them; data and
control signals. Nevertheless, we do not specify
when that will flow, how often will it flow and in
response to what. The functional view can identify a
detailed hierarchy of activities and signals that flow
between them. However, we do not specify
dynamics: we do not say when the activities will be
activated, whether or not they terminate on their
own, and whether they can be carried out in parallel.
In the functional view, we specify only that data can
flow and not whether and when it will terminate
(Harel et al., 1990). In other words, the functional
view presents the decomposition into activities and
the possible flow of information, but not how those
activities and their associated inputs and outputs are
controlled during the continued behavior. It is the
behavioral view (Harel et al., 1990) that is
responsible for specifying control. This is achieved
by allowing a control activity to be present on each
level of the activity hierarchy. These controllers are
responsible for specifying when, how and why
things happen as the system reacts over time.
2.2 Related Work
In the previous related works that no one of our
community was interested in optimizing the
specification of probabilistic timed reconfiguration
aspect which is featured by many control systems.
Nevertheless, reconfiguration has become,
nowadays, a crucial feature to consider when
designing new probabilistic adaptive systems. There
have been a set of approaches for formal
specification of different systems. The state/event
approach, in the form of finite-state machines or
state transition diagrams, has been suggested
numerous times for system specification. It proposes
state machines for the user interface of interactive