are used to launch a specific attack with the aim
of denying the normal service or degrading the
quality of services. One of the reasons why the
DoS attacks are very threatening is the automated
tool. Because of using the automated attack
process, if once the attacker finds the systems
with weak security, it does not take above 5
seconds to install the tool and attack the victim.
And it takes thousands of hosts only one minute
to be invaded (S. Khan and Z. Farooqui, 2016)
(Saadia Ghribi, 2016).
3.1.2 Data Breaches Attacks
In the case of a poorly designed multitenant Cloud
service database, a flaw in one client’s application
could allow an attacker access the data of that client
and all other clients. In 2012, researchers introduced
a side-channel attack by which one Virtual Machine
(VM) can extract private cryptographic keys on the
same physical machine. Mitigation of this threat is not
a simple task. One way of eliminating data breaches
is to encrypt all of the client’s data. However, if the
encryption key is lost, the client would have a
complete data loss. Thus, the client would need to
have a backup copy of the data, somewhere else, or
even offline backup. The client should keep in mind
that having more copies of the data would potentially
increase the probability of data breaches. (M. M.
Alani, 2014)
3.1.3 Cloud Malware Injection
It is the first considerable attack attempt that inject
implementation of a malicious service or virtual
machine into the Cloud. The purpose of malware cloud
is anything that the adversary is interested in, it may
include data modifications, full functionality
changes/reverse or blockings. In this attack adversary
creates its own malicious service implementation
module (SaaS or PaaS) or virtual machine instance
(IaaS), and add it to the Cloud system. Then, the
adversary has to pretend to the Cloud system that it is
some the new service implementation instance and
among the valid instances for some particular service
attacked by the adversary. If this action succeeds, the
Cloud automatically redirects the requests of valid user
to the malicious service implementation, and the
adversary’s code is executed. (Y. Wang and C. Wang,
3.1.4 Side Channel Attacks
Associate degree assaulter may decide to compromise
the cloud by inserting a malicious virtual machine in
shut proximity to a target cloud server then launching
an aspect channel attack. In a side-channel attack, the
attacker gains information about the cryptographic
technique used by analyzing physical characteristics
of the cryptosystem implementation. In Cloud
Computing, side-channels attacks are conducted
through gaining access to the physical node hosting
the target VM. This access can be available through
creating a VM in the same physical node that is
hosting the target VM. The attacker can keep creating
VMs in the Cloud until one VM is created in the same
physical node of the target VM. Afterwards, the
attacker can start collecting information necessary to
conduct the attack. An attacker attempts to
compromise the Cloud system by placing a malicious
virtual machine in close propinquity to a target Cloud
server system and then debut a side channel attack.
(S. Khan and Z. Farooqui, 2016)
3.1.5 Authentication Attacks
Authentication could be a liability in hosted and
virtual services and is often targeted. There square
measure many alternative ways that to manifest users.
For example, supported what someone is aware of,
has, or is. The mechanisms wont to secure the
authentication method and also the ways used square
measure a frequent target of attackers. Currently,
concerning the design of SaaS, IaaS and PaaS, there's
solely IaaS giving this sort of data protection and
These categories of security attacks can affect
specific cloud layer and compromise it. We note also
that all these mentioned attacks are considered as
distributed attacks. (S. Khan and Z. Farooqui, 2016)
3.2 Objectives of the Proposed
The proposed solution aims basically to reduce the
impact of several types of attacks in the cloud
Computing. The architecture proposed in our work
includes two types of Intrusion Detection System
(IDS) placed at different Cloud model (IaaS or SaaS),
a correlative algorithm and Manager. The objectives
of this approach are grouped as follows:
Intrusion detection on IaaS and SaaS layers. We
use IaaS Based IDS (I-IDS) at IaaS layer to
collect and detect attacks specific to this layers
from all the attacked VM. In case of attack, I-IDS
updates its signature database and sends a
security alert including all information about the
attack to S-IDS located on the same physical