Real-time communication in contrast to e-mail
might seem expendable in many applications. How-
ever, we need real-time communication for the chat
functionality of our application. Google is the only
platform supporting this functionality. Its channel
API offers an easy way to implement real-time com-
munication in a web application.
The evaluation clearly shows that scalable web appli-
cations can be developed and deployed on all evalu-
ated cloud platforms. The differences only become
visible in the details.
The idea behind PaaS is to have a runtime provided,
which is runnable out of the box. This is actually done
by all platforms. But for the combination of local and
offline development isn’t. Only Google AppEngine
provides a full local emulation out of the box with a
database. The Maven support is excellent. On Azure
and Bluemix the local runtime environment must be
manually installed and configured. There might be
differences on the local environment configuration in
contrast to the platform that can lead to bugs on the
online application. For experts, this is not an obstacle.
Furthermore, if a NoSQL Database is used, it’s nec-
essary to have the same product for local developing.
That can’t be done on Azure. Heroku provides a local
runtime out of the box without a database. Deploying
an application is easy on all platforms.
To sum up, the number of available services is high
on each platform, even though the portfolios are dif-
ferent. But it's still a long way off to a one-click local
developing sandbox with all services available…
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