the proofs and that interacts with the several proto-
col agent’s asking them for other Zero-Knowledge
proofs, so changing too much how an exam should
work. This argument requires however a proof and
we plan to inquire into this question as future work.
We have not benchmarked the new protocol. At
current stage, our result is only of theoretical rele-
vance due to the high computational cost of FE for
circuits that we assumed and for this reason we rec-
ognize that FE may look as be an overkilling to some-
one. However, there is another feature of electronic
exams that must be considered here. The limited di-
mension of the an exam’s audiences and the expected
time of an exam’s notification makes feasible im-
plementations that rely on time-inefficient encryption
schemes. Comparing with electronic voting, for in-
stance, where a whole country is involvedand where a
result is nowadays expected be announced within the
day, for an exam the expected audiences is definitely
far more contained while waiting weeks is a perfectly
acceptable time frame to get notified of the result.
We defer to further research about implementing our
privacy-preserving verifiability notion efficiently.
It should be stressed that although contextualized
in reference to exams, our research is not bound to
work in that domain only. The notion of privacy-
preserving verifiability is abstract and the solution
that we propose to ensure privacy-preservation is
demonstrated for a universal verifiability test of a
common integrity and authentiation property. There-
for it seems plausible to apply our results in other do-
mains, like voting or auction, where the verifiability
properties are also about integrity and authentication.
Proving this claim is future work.
We conclude by pointing to a future work for
us and an open problem to whom it may be inter-
ested: to study the relation between our notion and
that presented by M¨odersheim et al. of α-β pri-
vacy (M¨odersheim et al., 2013). Were this correlation
proved, we could gain a straightforward way to verify
formally privacy-preserving verifiability through the
fact α-β privacy subsumes static equivalence.
R. Giustolisi’s research is supported in part by
DemTech grant 10-092309, Danish Council for
Strategic Research, Programme Commission on
Strategic Growth Technologies; G. Lenzini’s by the
SnT / pEp Security partnership project “Protocol of
Privacy Security Analisys”. V. Iovino is supported by
a FNR CORE grant (no. FNR11299247) of the Lux-
embourg National Research Fund.
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