Feature Extraction from sEMG of Forearm Muscles, Performance
Analysis of Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines for
Movement Classification
Luis Morales and Jaime Cepeda
Departamento de Automatización y Control Industrial, Escuela Politécnica Nacional Ladrón de Guevara,
E11-253, Quito, Ecuador
Keywords: Support Vector Machines, Feedforward Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, EMG Signals, Feature
Abstract: The propose of this work is to extract different features from surface EMG signals of forearm muscles such
as MAV, RMS, NZC, VAR, STD, PSD, and EOF's. Signals are acquired through 8 channels from "Myo
Armband" sensor that is placed in the forearm of the human being. Then, identification and classification of
5 types of movements are done, including open hand, closed hand, hand flexed inwards, out and relax position.
Classification of the movement is performed through machine learning and data mining techniques, using two
methods such as Feedforward Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. Finally, an analysis is done to
identify which features extracted from the sEMG signals and which classification method present the best
Nowadays advances in robotics have made life easier
for human beings, both domestically and industrially.
An application of the first one, is to assist people with
different types of disabilities, helping them to lead
their lives in the most normal way possible.
Specifically, in the case of people who have suffered
the loss of a superior member such as the amputation
of a hand, it is indispensable that the disabled person
recovers the ability to take or manipulate objects. The
muscular groups present in the forearm of the human
being are directly related to the different states of the
hand (Khushaba, Al-Timemy, Kodagoda, and
Nazarpour, 2016), for example, completely open,
closed, flexed inwards, flexed out, relax position, etc.
The surface EMG can be measured easily and
non-invasively (Nakajima, Keeratihattayakorn,
Yoshinari, and Tadano, 2014), through the use of dry
sensors, which measure the potentials generated by
muscle contractions. EMG signals are widely used to
perform medical diagnoses (Abel, Zacharia, Forster,
and Farrow, 1996), as well as to determine
movements of the upper limbs and thus control hand
prosthetics (Kawano and Koganezawa, 2016). With
multisensory information is possible identify human
hand motion via feature extraction and classification
(Ju and Liu, 2014)(Ju, Ouyang, Wilamowska-Korsak,
and Liu, 2013). There are different studies that have
allowed the estimation of mathematical models that
establish the generation of potentials in muscle
groups as in the case of those belonging to the
forearm, to study its behavior and its mechanism
which may be potentially used for assessment or
neuromuscular rehabilitation (Nakajima et al., 2014).
Other studies have focused on identifying different
states of the hand through myoelectric sensors placed
in the forearm, to control robotic prostheses
establishing states of supination, pronation, open and
closed hand, this through the classification of the
signals through the harmonic wavelet packet
transform (Wang, Zhiguo, Xiao, Hongbo, and
Zhizhong, 2006), and detection of the angle of the
hand, considering the position of relax, semi-flexed
and flexed to replicate those movements in an
orthopedic hand that may be useful for rehabilitation
(Kavya, Dhatri, Sushma, and Krupa, 2015), the
classification of these states is done through Support
Vector Machines (SVM). The force generated
between each of the fingers and the thumb is also
considered to determine the behavior of EMG signals
of the forearm (16 channels) and its relation to these
Morales, L. and Cepeda, J.