
are intended to detect faults of a given CCRN. For ex-
ample, there is a case of detecting a fault in 24.73 sec
from one of problem instances of n = 10. If we detect
a fault from this problem instance by using symbolic
model checking, it takes 318.87 sec.
Note that some cases of n = 1 enclosed with a cir-
cle in Fig.6 take more time and more memory space
because no reactions of these cases are omitted by
chance. An usual bounded model checking verifier
confirms the property inductively by changing the
bound through k = 1 to k = 50. The verifier aborts
the verification as soon as it detects any faults. How-
ever if there is no faults in cases which we remark
above, the verifier is forced to verify until k = 50 (in
this case of this experiment setting) and this causes
to take more time and more memory spaces. In other
words, we can expect that a bounded model checking
method detects faults very fast if they exists.
We proposed a method to reduce a CCRN verification
problem to a symbolic model checking problem. Our
proposal method enables us to verify more large scale
UC scenarios in realistic time and memory space.
To show that symbolic model checking is useful ap-
proach to verify UC scenarios, we conducted experi-
ments using a museum example of UC scenario as a
case study. Additionally, we also show that bounded
model checking is also useful approach especially to
detect faults of UC scenario. As our future work, we
continue to improve the scalability of our method. To
do so, we consider to reduce variables in variable vec-
tor s.
This work was partly supported by JSPS KAK-
ENHI (S) Grant Number 15H05711.
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Efficient Scenario Verification of Proximity-based Federations among Smart Objects through Symbolic Model Checking