robot trajectory emerges. These are all issues for
further research.
C Further Work
The first focus for further research is mounting the
camera(s) on a mobile robot and allowing it to drive
semi-autonomously down a corridor at speeds of up
to 1 m/s. The final aim is for the robot to liaise with
“pheromone” carrying RFID tags placed at discrete
and longer intervals in the corridor as described by
Doran (2011.) This body of work will include
investigating an extension of the algorithm for the 2D
case and whether and how the robot should be
allowed to move in reverse. General robustness is also
an issue.
The suitability for offloading the algorithm into an
FPGA is also to be examined as we believe that the
combination camera, CPU and FPGA – as opposed to
the use of GPUs - to be the most cost efficient for
mobile robotics. This idea is supported by the
increasing number of SoC FPGA devices with multi-
(hard) cores being offered on the market. A second
reason is that Lichtensteiger (2004) showed that an
optimal fly-eye facet pattern (i.e physical
arrangement and size of photoreceptors) could be
derived for specific tasks. By using a learning
algorithm Lichtensteiger generated one pattern for
navigation along a wall and a second one for
optimised obstacle detection, both in the direction of
travel. By streaming images through an FPGA it is
possible to apply the facet principle multiple times,
like a filter, on different physical locations of the
image. It should therefore be possible to generate
hybrid fly-eyes that achieve different aims at very low
computation expense. Work is needed to show the
viability of this approach.
Thanks are due to Erich Ruff of InES for his kind
support in building the measurement and test systems.
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