participants may be more supportive of research than
the general population. This may have resulted in an
overestimation of the support the Albertan pregnant
and parenting population may have towards data
Another study limitation was a result of the
complexity of the topic. Given the novelty and many
nuances associated with data sharing, it was
recognized during the qualitative component of the
project that participants required additional
information to inform their decisions
(Manhas et al.
2015; Manhas et al. 2016). As such, detailed
background information was provided to participants
for each section of the survey. Though efforts were
made to avoid including information that may
influence participants’ responses, it is possible that
the included information may have altered
participants’ perspectives.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the
participants for this research project for their time and
insight. We are grateful for the AOB and APrON
research teams. We acknowledge Carol Adair, and
her significant contributions during study design and
proposal development; and Lawrence Richer and his
team’s significant contributions during data
collection in providing ePRO technical support. We
are grateful to PolicyWise for Children & Families,
which provided the external grant funding for the
study and salary support for a principal investigator
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