Aligning Requirements-driven Software Processes with IT Governance
Vu H. A. Nguyen
, Manuel Kolp
, Yves Wautelet
and Samedi Heng
LouRIM-CEMIS, Universit
e Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
KULeuven, Faculty of Economics and Business, Belgium
IT Governance, Software Process, Requirements Engineering.
Requirements Engineering is closely intertwined with Information Technology (IT) Governance. Aligning
IT Governance principles with Requirements-Driven Software Processes allows then to propose governance
and management rules for software development to cope with stakeholders’ requirements and expectations.
Typically, the goal of IT Governance in software engineering is to ensure that the results of a software organi-
zation business processes meet the strategic requirements of the organization. Requirements-driven software
processes, such as (I-)Tropos, are development processes using high-level social-oriented models to drive the
software life cycle both in terms of project management and forward engineering techniques. To consolidate
both perspectives, this paper proposes a process framework called GI-Tropos to extend I-Tropos allowing to
align requirements-driven software processes with IT governance.
Requirements Engineering and, particularly, the man-
agement of requirements through the software en-
gineering life-cycle is closely interconnected with
Information Technology (IT) Governance practices
and frameworks (Kalumbilo and Finkelstein, 2014)
such as CobiT (Isaca, 2012). IT Governance is de-
rived from the underlying corporate governance ob-
jectives and reflects the alignment of IT strategy
with the organization strategy to provide value-added
for business (Weill, 2004). Software engineering
(Sommerville, 2010) follows development opportu-
nities corresponding to the evolution of IT and sup-
ply software to encounter demands for progressively
broader and sophisticated business applications (Ban-
nerman, 2009). Software engineering is, addition-
ally, through requirements engineering techniques,
dedicated to support human activities and to deal
with socio-intentional problems (Wautelet and Kolp,
The goal of IT governance in software engineer-
ing is to ensure that the results of a software or-
ganizations business processes meet the strategic re-
quirements of the organization (Chulani et al., 2008).
However, few specific research has been completed
on software processes governance since most gov-
ernance works have focused on more wide-ranging
fields than software engineering.
In software engineering, requirements engineer-
ing tasks (van Lamsweerde, 2009) are undertaken
during the early phase of the system life-cycle that
enables collecting and analyzing stakeholders’ needs
and expectations with the aim of adequately specify-
ing the future system. Requirements engineering in-
cludes not only understanding the needs of stakehold-
ers and the scope of the system-to-be, but also analyz-
ing the strategic goals and relationships of each orga-
nizational actor at different levels. It is an instrument
to answer the intentions behind an organization’s de-
Goal oriented modeling (Dardenne et al., 1993)
frameworks such as i* (Yu et al., 2011; Dalpiaz et al.,
2016) or KAOS (van Lamsweerde and Letier, 2002)
support the expression and reasoning of the inten-
tional aspects of goals and relations of organizational
actors. For instance, the i* framework has been used
for requirements engineering, business process re-
engineering, organizational impact analysis, and soft-
ware process modeling. It focuses on the notion of
intentional actor and dependency. i* consists of two
main models: Strategic Dependency (SD) and Strate-
gic Rationale (SR). The SD model represents the in-
tentional level of a system that contains actors and
dependencies in terms of Resource, Task, Goal, and
Quality dependums. SR models are used to discover
the rationale behind the actors, which can be explic-
itly described also in the same terms of Goals, Qual-
ities, Tasks, and Resources, and relationships among
them. An extension of i*, the Strategic Service (SS)
model (Wautelet et al., 2008) allows the stakehold-
ers to have a higher comprehensive view of the soft-
Nguyen, V., Kolp, M., Wautelet, Y. and Heng, S.
Aligning Requirements-driven Software Processes with IT Governance.
DOI: 10.5220/0006431303380345
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2017), pages 338-345
ISBN: 978-989-758-262-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ware system for adequate understanding of IT gover-
nance and management. It enables the stakeholders
to share a common comprehensive view of what the
governance and management processes should pro-
pose plus their dependency relationships.
The purpose of this paper is to align requirements-
driven software processes with IT governance rules
and constraints by using strategic modeling organi-
zation specifications. To this end, we propose GI-
Tropos, an iterative process framework for a proper
governance and management of requirements-driven
software processes from strategic to operational lev-
els. In this framework, we use strategic modeling
techniques to represent the organizational setting and
also governance and management structures. Then
we will discuss the use of these models within par-
ticular processes in order to align IT governance and
management with requirements-driven software life-
cycle and disciplines.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
overviews the proposed development template called
Governance I-Tropos (GI-Tropos) for requirements-
driven software process and IT governance alignment.
Section 3 proposes the meta-model while section
4 overviews the alignment between requirements-
driven software development process and IT gover-
nance. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper and
points out further work.
Requirements-driven development methodologies
have been presenting great interest since they satisfy
the increasing complexity and flexibility fo require-
ments for systems development (Wautelet and Kolp,
2011). Using the i* modeling framework, Tropos,
a requirements-driven development methodology
(Kolp and Mylopoulos, 2001), provides guidance for
the development of the systems based on agent from
early and late requirements analysis through architec-
tural and detailed design to test and implementation.
The methodology relates to a formal specification
language called Formal Tropos (Fuxman et al., 2004)
to capture the semantics of the subject domain to the
graphical models, which can be validated, by adding
constraints, invariants, pre- and post-conditions (Cas-
tro et al., 2002). Tropos consists of five phases: Early
Requirements, Late Requirements, Architectural
Design, Detailed Design and Implementation. These
phases are not following the traditional sequence of
requirements analysis, design, coding, integration,
and test. Thus, a Tropos phase can actually be
defined as a collection of activities that are all related
to a major ‘area of concern’ i.e., a discipline in
iterative development such as I-Tropos described just
Iterative-Tropos (I-Tropos) (Wautelet and Kolp,
2016) is a development process using coarse grained
(i.e., high-level) and social-oriented requirement
models, to drive the software development both in
terms of project management (PMI, 2013) and for-
ward engineering (transformational) techniques. I-
Tropos is an extension of the Tropos methodology
that supports iterative (Kruchten, 2003) and agent
development (Kolp et al., 2002; Mylopoulos et al.,
2002). With the aim of being compliant with the
most generic terminology, traditional Tropos phases
are considered as groups of iterations that are work-
flows with a minor milestone. In I-Tropos, the Or-
ganizational Modeling and Requirements Engineer-
ing disciplines respectively correspond to Tropos’
Early and Late Requirements phases. The Architec-
tural and Detailed Design disciplines correspond to
the same stages of the traditional Tropos process. I-
Tropos not only includes core disciplines (i.e., Orga-
nizational Modeling, Requirements Engineering, Ar-
chitectural Design, Detailed Design, Implementation,
Test and Deployment) but also supports disciplines to
handle Risk Management, Time Management, Qual-
ity Management and Software Process Management
(Wautelet, 2008).
We propose, hereby an extension of I-Tropos
named GI-Tropos for aligning requirements-driven
software processes with IT governance. This ex-
tension aims to enable governing and managing
requirements-driven software processes to cope with
stakeholders’ requirements and expectations in the
context of business aspects. From a systems develop-
ment perspective, GI-Tropos takes up the ve phases
of I-Tropos for software engineering process (i.e.,
Setting, Blueprinting, Building, Setuping, and Oper-
ation) but also adds up core processes of governance
(i.e., Evaluate, Direct, and Monitor) and management
(i.e., Plan, Deploy, Deliver, and Assess).
Figure 1 illustrates the GI-Tropos process in a
classical iterative perspective. It has been built based
on a series of disciplines represented in the vertical
dimension and a series of phases represented in the
horizontal dimension. The GI-Tropos’ disciplines are
grouped in each phase. Several iterations can be de-
ployed by phase depending on each software project
characteristics. Therefore, GI-Tropos’ disciplines can
be repeated iteratively and the effort spent on each
discipline can differ from one iteration to another.
Vertically, GI-Tropos includes all disciplines of I-
Tropos (Wautelet, 2008) plus four new ones; they are:
Aligning Requirements-driven Software Processes with IT Governance
Setting Blueprinting Building Setuping Operation
Detailed Design Detailed Design Detailed Design Detailed Design Detailed Design Detailed Design Detailed Design
Detailed Design
Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test
Deployment Deployment Deployment Deployment Deployment Deployment Deployment Deployment
Change & Risk
Change & Risk
Change & Risk
Change & Risk
Change & Risk
Change & Risk
Change & Risk
Change & Risk
Figure 1: GI-Tropos iterative process framework.
Software Processes Governance: Ensuring soft-
ware processes are evaluated, directed and mon-
itored to meet stakeholders’ requirements and to
achieve value added by aligning requirements-
driven software processes with IT governance
rules and constraints;
Change & Risk Management: Identifying, ana-
lyzing, assessing change and risk as well as devel-
oping strategies to manage them;
Quality Management: Ensuring that quality
expected and contracted with stakeholders is
achieved throughout the system;
Knowledge Management: Acquiring, storing
and utilizing knowledge for such things as prob-
lem solving, dynamic learning, strategic planning,
decision making and business processes.
Horizontally, GI-Tropos has the four following
phases redefining and improving those of I-Tropos
plus a new one, Operation, to operate the system in
the perspective of IT enterprise governance and man-
The SS model in Figures 2 - 3 is used to represent all
governance and management processes as services.
This model has three main actors (Operator, IT Ser-
vice Management Board, and IT Governance Board)
and core services of governance (Evaluate, Direct,
and Monitor) and management (Plan, Deploy, De-
liver, and Assess). Moreover, it also illustrates threats
(Risk and Resource) and quality expectations (Setting
and Maintenance, Benefit Delivery, and Stakeholders
Transparency) explained as follows:
Setting and Maintenance represents quality ex-
pectations from analyzing and articulating re-
quirements for governance of IT enterprise, to put
in place and maintain enabling structures, prin-
ciples, processes and practices, defining clear re-
sponsibilities and authorities.
Benefit Delivery represents quality expectations
from securing optimal value from IT enabled ac-
tivities, services and assets, optimizing the contri-
bution and value of IT to the business.
Stakeholders Transparency represents quality
expectations from communicating effectively and
timely to stakeholders, transparently measuring
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 2: GI-Tropos Strategic Service model (a).
Figure 3: GI-Tropos Strategic Service model (b).
and reporting IT performance and conformance,
for instance, stakeholder approval of goals and
Risk represents threats from IT related risks.
Resource represents threats from inadequate and
insufficient people, processes and technology to
support enterprise objectives.
This model allows all stakeholders to share a com-
mon aggregate view of the services including their
dependency relationships. The IT Service Manage-
ment Board is the responsible actor for governance
services (Evaluate, Direct, Monitor) while the Oper-
ator is the responsible actor for management services
(Plan, Deploy, Deliver, Assess). Each service repre-
sents a dependency graph summarized as follows:
The Evaluate service represents the processes
that examine and judge current and future use
of IT, include strategy proposals, supply arrange-
ments, consider internal and external pressures,
evaluate continuously, consider current and future
business needs and objectives: competitive advan-
tage and specific strategies;
The Direct service represents the processes that
assign responsibility, direct preparation and im-
plementation of IT plans and policies, set direc-
tions for IT investments, establish sound behavior
in IT use through policies, properly plan transition
of project to operational status, encourage culture
of good IT governance, direct submission of pro-
posals identifying needs;
The Monitor service represents the processes that
monitor and measure IT performance, assure that
performance is in accordance with plans and busi-
ness objectives, ensure that IT conforms with ex-
ternal obligations (regulatory, legislation, com-
mon law, and contractual), ensure that IT con-
forms with internal work practices;
The Plan service represents the processes that
cover the use of information and technology and
how best it can be used in an organization to help
achieve the organization’s goals and objectives. It
also highlights the organizational and infrastruc-
tural form IT is to take in order to achieve the
optimal results and to generate the most benefits
from the use of IT;
The Deploy service represents the processes that
identify IT requirements, acquire the technology,
and implement it within the enterprise’s current
business processes;
The Deliver service represents the processes that
focus on the delivery aspects of the information
technology. It covers areas such as the execution
of the software system within the IT system and
its results, in addition to, the support processes
that enable the effective and efficient execution of
these IT systems;
The Assess service represents the processes that
deal with an enterprise’s strategy in assessing the
needs of the enterprise and whether or not the cur-
rent IT system still meets the objectives for which
it was designed and the controls necessary to com-
ply with regulatory requirements. It also covers
the issue of an independent assessment of the ef-
fectiveness of IT system in its ability to meet busi-
ness objectives and the enterprise’s control pro-
cesses by internal and external auditors.
Figure 6 presents the SR model of GI-Tropos. It
is refined from the SS and the SD models. The IT
Governance Board performs three tasks (Evaluate,
Direct, and Monitor) correspond to the three core ser-
vices of governance (Evaluate, Direct, and Monitor)
respectively. The IT Service Management Board
Aligning Requirements-driven Software Processes with IT Governance
performs four tasks (Plan, Deploy, Deliver and As-
sess) correspond to the four core services of gov-
ernance (Plan, Deploy, Deliver and Assess) respec-
tively. The Plan task depends on the Direct task
based on the Policies resource and the Monitor task
depends on the Assess task based on the Perfor-
mance quality.
Figure 4 illustrates the main meta-classes and re-
lationships of the GI-Tropos process in the context of
requirements-driven software processes governance
and management. The meta-classes are:
Service represents the core processes of gover-
nance (Evaluate, Direct, and Monitor) and man-
agement (Plan, Deploy, Deliver, and Assess);
Dependency represents all dependencies;
Actor represents all actors;
Role represents all roles;
Resource represents all resources;
Task represents all tasks;
Goal represents all goals;
Quality represents all qualities;
Threat represents all threats;
Quality Expectation represents all quality expec-
Iteration represents all iteration plans;
Phase represents the five phases of the iterative
software engineering process: Setting, Blueprint-
ing, Building, Setuping, and Operation.
Figure 4: GI-Tropos meta-model.
The main actor function is to provide services
achievement through an iteration plan. The actor
has to perform a number of governance/management
tasks to achieve a goal/quality with the resource de-
pendency. Those tasks include the evaluation of
factors such as risk, the limit of resource, setting
and maintenance, benefit delivery, stakeholders trans-
Figure 5 depicts the SD model of GI-Tropos. It
has three main actors (Operator, IT Service Manage-
ment Board, IT Governance Board), resources (Orga-
nizational structures, IT infrastructure), goals (Imple-
menting IT management structure, Continuous oper-
ating IT services), qualities (Organization strategies,
IT services quality), and tasks (Business processes
modeling, IT development & operations). Moreover,
it also illustrates the dependencies between actors.
In the Strategic Dependency model, the IT Ser-
vice Management Board depends on the IT Gover-
nance Board to implement IT management structure
based on organizational structures. The IT Gover-
nance Board depends on the IT Service Manage-
ment Board to perform business processes model-
ing to achieve organization strategies. The Opera-
tor depends on the IT Service Management Board
to operate IT services continuously based on the IT
infrastructure. The IT Service Management Board
depends on the Operator to perform IT development
and operations to achieve IT services quality.
This section summarizes aligning requirements-
driven software processes with IT governance rules
and constraints. In our GI-Tropos proposal, Disci-
plines have now to ensure the following:
Organizational Modeling has to ensure that
stakeholders agreed on direction and objectives;
define project roadmap and resource constraints;
identify delivery timeline and risks.
Requirements Engineering has to identify solu-
tions and analyze requirements to ensure that they
correspond to business processes, applications, in-
formation/data, infrastructure, services; coordi-
nate with affected stakeholders the review of fea-
sible option and proposed solutions.
Architectural Design has to develop and docu-
ment architectural designs using agreed-on and
appropriate phased or agile development tech-
niques; ensure alignment with the IT strategy and
enterprise architecture; review and update the de-
signs when significant issues occur during de-
tailed design or building phases or as the solution
evolves; ensure that stakeholders actively partici-
pate in the design and approve each version.
Detailed Design has to develop, document and
elaborate detailed designs gradually using agreed-
on and appropriate phased or agile development
techniques, addressing all components; ensure
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 5: GI-Tropos Strategic Dependency model.
Figure 6: GI-Tropos Strategic Rationale model.
that the detailed design includes internal and ex-
ternal service-level agreements and operational-
level agreements.
Implementation has to develop solution compo-
nents progressively in accordance with detailed
designs following development methods and doc-
umentation standards quality assurance require-
ments, and approval standards; ensure that all
controlled requirements are addressed; install and
configure solutions and integrate with business
process activities; implement control, security and
auditability measures during configuration; pro-
tect resources and ensure availability and data in-
tegrity during integration of hardware and infras-
tructural software; update the services catalog to
reflect the new solutions.
Test has to establish a test plan and required en-
vironments to test the individual and integrated
solution components; execute testing continually
during development, including control testing, in
accordance with the defined test plan and develop-
ment practices in the appropriate environment; en-
gage business process owners and end users in the
test team; identify, log and prioritize errors and
issues identified during testing.
Deployment has to track the status of individual
requirements including all rejected requirements
throughout the project life-cycle and manage the
approval of changes to requirements; develop and
execute a plan for the maintenance of the solution
and infrastructure components; include periodic
reviews against business needs and operational re-
quirements; define and agree on new or changed
IT services and service level options; document
new or changed service definitions and service
level options to be updated in the services port-
Software Project Management has to provide
a structure of processes to direct and control the
governance of the IT project including risk, qual-
ity, cost and time management.
Software Processes Governance has to ensure IT
governance rules and constraints alignment and
mainly control the business process described in
Aligning Requirements-driven Software Processes with IT Governance
Figure 7 explained below.
Similarly, GI-Tropos phases have also to consider
new dimensions. In the Setting and Blueprinting
phases, this alignment ensures controlling the opera-
tional environment, comprehending the stakeholders’
requirements and expectations, gathering system re-
quirements, defining the project scope, assessing an
initial risk, and establishing an initial baseline for
the software system architecture. It includes describ-
ing an information architecture, forming framework
for technology planning, defining organization and
processes, describing development investment frame-
work, managing human resources, developing qual-
ity management system, developing project manage-
ment framework. It also measures, estimates and min-
imizes development risks and plans for compliance.
In the Building phase, the alignment ensures im-
plementing software system counterparts totally the
stakeholders’ requirements and expectations. It con-
sists of managing business goals and requirements
continuously, designing and developing resource, val-
idating and measuring quality, measuring develop-
ment and ongoing costs, estimating value, measuring
and reviewing risk with different stakeholders based
on initial prototyping result. It also manages projects
based on alignment between goals and software engi-
neering concerns.
In the Setuping phase, this alignment ensures de-
livering software system counterparts totally imple-
menting the stakeholders’ requirements and expecta-
tions. It comprises monitoring and managing effort
and other metrics to enable control and future plan-
ning, managing applications and information to max-
imize usage and flexibility, prioritizing risks, track-
ing actual values of effort, encountering compliance
needs.It also manages projects based on alignment be-
tween goals and software engineering concerns.
The workflow of tasks performed during the align-
ment of requirements-driven software processes with
IT governance rules and constraints is presented in
Figure 7. These tasks are assumed by the IT Gover-
nance Board in interaction with the Stakeholder and
IT Service Management Board. They are sorted in
three groups (Evaluating, Directing, and Monitoring)
correspond to the three core service of governance
(Evaluate, Direct, and Monitor) respectively. Each
task is summarized as follow:
Consider: Examine and judge current and fu-
ture use of IT include strategy proposals, sup-
ply arrangements; considering internal and exter-
nal pressures (technological changes, economic
trends, social trends, and political influences);
evaluating continuously; considering current and
future business needs and objectives: competitive
Figure 7: IT Governance Workflow.
advantage and specific strategies.
Set: Assign responsibility and directing prepara-
tion and implementation of IT plans and policies;
setting directions for IT investments.
Establish: Establish sound behavior in IT use
through policies; properly plan transition of
project to operational status; encouraging culture
of good IT governance; direct submission of pro-
posals identifying needs.
Measure: Monitor and measure IT performance.
Ensure: Assure that performance is in accordance
with plans and business objectives; ensure that
IT conforms with external obligations (regulatory,
legislation, common law, and contractual); ensur-
ing that IT conforms with internal work practices.
In today’s software engineering and IT project meth-
ods, the management of requirements all along the life
cycle and IT governance principles are closely inter-
twined. Aligning them allows governance and man-
agement rules for software development to cope with
stakeholders’ requirements and expectations. Contri-
butions of this paper consist of a framework includ-
ing a meta-level specification to emphasize integra-
tion and alignment of requirements-driven software
processes with IT governance rules and constraints.
Using strategic modeling organization specifications,
we have proposed an extension of I-Tropos, called GI-
Tropos, customized on the application of IT gover-
nance principles to software processes driven by re-
quirements. The main objective of this extension has
been to deliver an efficient governance for software
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
development that meets stakeholders’ needs and ex-
pectations. The strengths of I-Tropos is to offer sys-
tematically structure and direction through the whole
software development process and enable tailoring
the process to the project needs. However, I-Tropos
does not point out how to establish governance rules
to the software processes while IT governance con-
tains the principles of governance to apply in the soft-
ware processes. The GI-Tropos extension also deliv-
ers a sequence of phases for a collaborative software
development environment.
Further works point to other additional practices
that need to be integrated in this extension to propose
a completed aligned framework taking into consid-
eration, for instance, project management and agile
practices (Ambler and Lines, 2012; Kruchten, 2013)
for managing the day-to-day activities and reacting
to changing requirements and feedback. Moreover,
mapping processes that integrate relevant practices
(IT governance, IT management, software project and
program management and software development pro-
cesses) to GI-Tropos should also be performed. In
addition, a CASE tool should be developed to help
designing and implementing all the models defined in
this paper.
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Aligning Requirements-driven Software Processes with IT Governance