Figure 5: Comparison of deadline success ratio.
Figure 6: Dynamic overhead of ERT reconfiguration sched-
tion of tasks called BFEBU performed offline. Then,
we proposed a dynamic adaption strategy applied on-
line to perform automatic dynamic reconfiguration
scenarios to deal with unpredictable external events
from the environment or hardware failures, in the pur-
pose to guarantee a feasible executions in the whole
multiprocessor system. We identified three cases of
processor infeasibility: i) Processor overload, ii) En-
ergy starvation, and iii) Both processor overload and
energy starvation. We consider two reconfiguration
scenarios: a) Software reconfiguration which consist
to migrate tasks from one faulty processor to a non
faulty one, and b) Hardware reconfiguration which
consists to switch the faulty processor to the idle
mode for recharging the storage unit. We developed a
new library for reconfigurable energy harvesting mul-
tiprocessor systems called REHLib based on POSIX-
implementation. The developed REHLib library im-
plement the proposed approach and consists of two
software components: reconfiguration manager and
energy harvesting scheduler. The proposed approach
is assessed from two aspects energy gain, and dead-
line success ratio. Extensive simulation experiments
show the effectiveness of the proposed approach com-
pared with previous works in terms of the percentage
of deadline success ratio. A simulation study evaluate
the impact of overheads on the relative performance
of the proposed approach. The authors are now work-
ing on the development of a simulation tool for the
reconfigurable real-time energy harvesting multipro-
cessor systems.
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REHLib: New Optimal Implementation of Reconfigurable Energy Harvesting Multiprocessor Systems