In addition, the adaptive control strategy is used
in (Adolph, Kopmann, Lupulescu, & Muller, 2014),
(Lauenburg & Wollerstrand, 2014) for radiator
heating systems and single room heating system. In
these systems, an operator decision is required to
adapt the control scheme. These methods are usually
named as push-button approach which are not so
user-friendly. In (Tanaskovic, Fagiano, Smith, &
Morari, 2014), (Landau, Lozano, M'saad, & Karimi,
2011), (Kim, Yoon, & Shim, 2008) an adaptive
procedure has been applied on the constrained
MIMO (multi input multi output) system to deal
with the constrains on the input (for example valve
saturation) and output. However, these adaptive
control approaches cannot deal with hard output and
input constraints and wrong initial states and initial
control configuration. And also, the state space
structure of the plant needs to be known. In all these
approaches, the system and initial control scheme
are required to be stable.
Among all, gain
scheduling is one of the most parsimonious method
of choice to rapidly adapt controller tuning to the
prevailing operating conditions in a mildly time
invariant system. (Yang, et al., 2015) (Leith &
Leithead, 2010) (Wilson & Jeff, 2000) (Azwar, et
al., 2014)
The approach proposed in the present paper, on
the contrary is able to update the compensator based
on a recursive cluster selection procedure which can
guarantee the stability and robustness of the system
even with poorly performing initial configuration for
feedback controller and feedforward compensator.
The convergence of this approach has been tested in
all situations defined by technical literature and it
can be shown that by using an appropriate starting
point the convergence rate will increase rapidly.
According to the adaptive approach the PID
controller will be updated to deal with constraints of
input and improve the transient behaviour of the
system. The main novelty of the presented paper is
in the application of a well-known algorithm
(adaptive startegy) for choosing the best cluster
among a wide range of buildings. Moreover, the new
clusterization has been conducted to cover majority
types of buildings ranging from old to new ones.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Sect. 2 the reference model and its control scheme
are given. Classification of residential buildings is
provided in Sect. 3, while in Sect. 4 closed-loop
auto-tuning techniques are described and tested
inside and outside a cluster. The overall adaptive
scheduling approach is analysed. Finally, some
concluding remarks are given in Sect. 6.
A generic building can be seen as a set of zones
(rooms) interconnected through heat exchange.
Rooms can be described with the same model. In a
radiant floor system all the rooms receive a heating
fluid (generally water) at the same temperature. The
fluid runs through pipelines under the pavement.
The returning water from all the rooms is collected
and mixed with hot water from a generator to have
the right water inlet temperature to keep heating the
rooms. The thermal behaviour of a room heated
through radiant panels has been here modelled as a
four-states dynamic linear system. The state
variables of the system are the following:
• T
: Average temperature of the air in the
room [°C];
• T
: Average temperat. of room walls [°C];
• T
: Average temperat. of pavement [°C];
• T
: Average temperature of the pipeline
water [°C].
The inputs of the system are:
• T
: Outside air temperature [°C];
• T
: Inlet temperature of pipeline water [°C].
The dynamic equations of the system come from
the energy balance of the room air, walls, pavement
and pipeline. The energy balance equation for the
room air is:
The energy balance equation for the room walls
The energy balance equation for the room
pavement is:
ICINCO 2017 - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics