Autonomous Navigation with ROS for a Mobile Robot in Agricultural
Mark A. Post, Alessandro Bianco and Xiu T. Yan
University of Strathclyde, 75 Montrose St., Glasgow, U.K.
Field Robotics, Navigation, Agriculture, ROS.
Autonomous monitoring of agricultural farms and fields has recently become feasible due to continuing ad-
vances in robotics technology, but many notable challenges remain. In this paper, we describe the state of
ongoing work to create a fully autonomous ground rover platform for monitoring and intervention tasks on
modern farms that is built using inexpensive and off the shelf hardware and Robot Operating System (ROS)
software so as to be affordable to farmers. The hardware and software architectures used in this rover are
described along with challenges and solutions in odometry and localization, object recognition and mapping,
and path planning algorithms under the constraints of the current hardware. Results obtained from laboratory
and field testing show both the key challenges to be overcome, and the current successes in applying a low-cost
rover platform to the task of autonomously navigating the outdoor farming environment.
Interest in the application of robotic automation to
agriculture has grown quickly in recent years, due to
robotic technologies having reached a degree of matu-
rity that allows autonomous experimentation in agri-
cultural fields. Mobile robotic platforms have tradi-
tionally been very expensive in term of production
costs with only the ability to perform simple tasks
such as moving and recording images, and have been
focused on data gathering and repetitive work in ap-
plications such as space exploration or factory mass
production. Agricultural tasks are more challenging:
in a non-structured environment, gathering informa-
tion from the environment, harvesting randomly dis-
tributed crops, and simply navigating continuously
for a long time away from a power source require a
higher level of autonomous intelligence. It is only re-
cently that improvements in sensor and actuator tech-
nologies and progress in data processing speed and
energy have enabled robots to process enough infor-
mation to reliably and affordably perform basic nav-
igational tasks autonomously in an agricultural envi-
ronment. The development and testing of navigation
methods suitable for an autonomous agricultural data
gathering robot is the focus of this paper.
In (Roßmann et al., 2009), (Krahwinkler et al.,
2011) and (Roßmann et al., 2010), the authors pro-
pose a robotic platform which is able to move through
a large forested area and produce a map of the
trees. Their robot senses the environment by mean of
GPS, stereo camera, and range scanner information.
Since the GPS could not be always reliable under the
canopy of trees, it is used as a first position estimation
for a Kalman Filter. Aerial and satellite information
are integrated in order to extract a better representa-
tion of the environment. Finally a virtual forest is ex-
tracted as a map of the area, and trees are classified
according to their image.
In (Katupitiya et al., 2007), the authors propose a
robotic platform for precision seeding. Their robotic
architecture uses two high precision differential GPS
units and an IMU to determine the exact location for
the placement of the seeds. The path tracking algo-
rithm monitors the movement with high precision in
order to reduce the error of seed placement.
In (Henten et al., 2003b), (Henten et al., 2003a),
(van Henten et al., 2002) the authors propose a robotic
cucumber harvester. The platform is a robotic arm
that moves along rails mounted in a greenhouse. The
robot uses stereo vision information to detect the cu-
cumbers hanging from the vines, determine whether
they are ready for harvest and create a 3D represen-
tation of the environment. The 3D representation is
used to allow the arm to plan a harvesting task. An-
other strawberry harvesting system have been devel-
oped in (Hayashi et al., 2010) and (Hayashi et al.,
2012). These harvesting systems require that the arm
Post, M., Bianco, A. and Yan, X.
Autonomous Navigation with ROS for a Mobile Robot in Agricultural Fields.
DOI: 10.5220/0006434400790087
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2017) - Volume 2, pages 79-87
ISBN: Not Available
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Rover Platform.
moves along predefined rails and resulting in a long
harvesting time and still exhibit a high failure rate.
The purpose of our project is to combine several
approaches to navigation and control into one au-
tonomous rover, which shall be able to navigate au-
tonomously in a farm field while constructing a map
of the environment. The rover’s main use is auto-
mated visual inspection and soil nitrogen level data
gathering, but as an autonomously navigating plat-
form it is designed with the capacity for other tasks
such as harvesting and crop treatment. A soil testing
payload and a controllable arm payload are currently
being developed for use on this rover.
Our ongoing aim to create a low-cost, fully au-
tonomous mobile robotic platform, which can provide
useful services to farmers and make full use of mod-
ern robotic technology. In this paper, we describe the
current state in development and technology of this
practical rover that has the ability to localize itself
through odometry and the ability to navigate reliably
to locations in a farm field while using off the shelf
parts in its construction without the need for high-
priced inertial measurement, processing, and sensing
An image of the rover used in this work is shown
in 1. The chassis is articulated to allow the front
and back halves of the rover to rotate and compen-
sate for balance in the advent of uneven rough ter-
rain. Two wheels are attached to the front and back
of the chassis, each with an integrated DC brush gear-
head motor and controller within the wheel hub and
with angular steering by means of small linear steer-
ing actuators. The space within the front half of the
rover stores a 22 amp-hour lithium-polymer battery
pack for power, and the space within the back half
contains an NVidia Jetson TK1 single-board com-
puter (SBC), an SPI-connected Arduino board that
handles fast kinematic control of the drive and steer-
ing motors, and a SparkFun Razor attitude and head-
ing reference system (AHRS) board. Four sensors
allow the perception of the environment: the Razor
AHRS board containing a three degree of freedom ac-
celerometer, angular rate sensor, and magnetometer, a
Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW scanning laser rangefinder
mounted on the front of the chassis, a Stereolabs ZED
stereo vision camera mounted on top of the laser and
a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver
mounted on top of the camera.
As the Jetson TK1 and ZED stereo camera are rel-
atively inexpensive, the sensor and processing hard-
ware has a total price of a few hundred Euros, only the
laser can be considered as a fairly high-priced com-
ponent in this system, and with the current interest in
development of low-cost LIDAR technology it is ex-
pected that the cost of this component will decrease
in the near future. Differential GNSS is not yet used
due to the lack of internet access to reference stations
in most farming environments. Two ultrasonic range
sensors on the front of the rover provide additional ca-
pability to detect potential collisions. The sensors are
small and leave the entire back half area on top of the
rover for payloads, and the total weight of the rover
platform is 15.5kg. Payloads currently being built
for the rover include a laser-induced breakdown spec-
trometer (LIBS) system for measuring chemical com-
ponents of soil such as Nitrogen, and a lightweight
mechanical arm with three degrees of freedom for
camera-based crop inspection and sample cutting.
Figure 2 contains a representation of the hardware
components and their connections. Inertial sensors
are connected directly via TTL serial to the Jetson
TK1 SBC. The Hokuyo scanning laser rangefinder
is connected via Ethernet, the ZED stereo camera by
USB3, and the GNSS unit by USB2. All sensor pro-
cessing is done on the Jetson TK1 SBC. Directional
movement commands (speed and steering rate) are
generated using an on-board planner and sent at a rate
of 100Hz to the Arduino board for kinematic trans-
formation. The Arduino board in turn calculates the
required steering angles and motor speeds to execute
the desired movement and transmits them via TTL se-
rial and PWM to the motor controllers and steering
actuators. Communications and telemetry from the
rover is provided using an Intel Mini-PCI Wi-Fi card.
A software system allows the rover to au-
tonomously navigate and perform tasks in the envi-
ronment. The NVidia Jetson TK1 board runs Robot
Operating System middleware (ROS Indigo) on an
ICINCO 2017 - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 2: Hardware Architecture.
Ubuntu Linux 14.04 operating system environment,
allowing convenient and free access to a large array
of open-source software modules developed by the
ROS community (with names noted when appropri-
ate here), including many that implement results from
other research projects. ROS nodes may be connected
to sensors or actuators, or they may be intermedi-
ate nodes that process data. Sensor-connected nodes
broadcast sensor information via topics in the ROS
system, so that other nodes may use them as inputs for
computation, actuator-connected nodes read informa-
tion from ROS topics and output commands to their
controllers, and other nodes simply process informa-
tion from topics while broadcasting new topics. Our
system contains four ROS sensor nodes: an IMU node
(razor imu 9dof), a ZED stereo camera node (zed-
ros-wrapper), a laser scanner node (hokuyo node) and
a GPS node (nmea navsat driver).
Several intermediate nodes that are available as
part of the ROS community perform various naviga-
tion processing tasks as follows:
A transform broadcaster publishes information re-
garding the relative movement of the rover parts.
A GPS transform node (navsat transform node)
converts the GPS coordinates to approximate 2-D
orthogonal coordinates in a fixed Cartesian Coor-
dinate System parallel to the rover plane of oper-
A Hector-SLAM node (Kohlbrecher et al., 2011)
converts laser readings into odometry estimation
according to the displacement of laser-detected
A visual odometry node converts information
from the stereo camera into estimation of robot
movements. and extended Kalman Filter node
(Moore and Stouch, 2014) fuses all the odometry
information and the velocity and orientation infor-
mation from the IMU to produce one final global
odometry estimate.
An RTAB-MAP node (Labb
e and Michaud, 2014)
uses the final odometry estimate and the camera
data to reconstruct a 3-D and 2-D representation
of the environment
A map-server node manages complex maps by de-
composing them into multiple smaller parts and
determines when to use the various map parts.
Several new ROS nodes were written specifically
for the agricultural rover platform to facilitate outdoor
agricultural navigation tasks in the context of farm
monitoring as follows:
A custom-designed controller node sets wheel
speed for all four wheels, controls the wheel an-
gles through the linear actuators for steering, and
feeds back wheel and steering odometry via the
SPI interface to the Arduino board.
As most existing path planners are precise in
nature and do not perform well in uncertain or
changing environments, a path planner node was
created with a simplified algorithm for choos-
ing uncomplicated paths efficiently through open
spaces such as farm fields.
A global planner node takes goal information and
produces a plan though the 2-D map that allows
the rover to reach its destination, a local planner
takes a global plan and sends command to the
wheel controller, moreover it stops the rover in the
advent of unmapped obstacles such as passing an-
imals, a navigator node store the set of goals that
a user may input into the rover and oversees the
execution of the plan.
Finally a connector node connects ROS to an ex-
ternal user interface, such interface is the point of
access of a farmer and it offers the ability to look
at the re-constructed map and input high level
goals to the rover, such as sampling at multiple
These new ROS nodes perform the key functions
that are the focus of the remainder of the paper. Figure
3 shows an overview of the architecture of the soft-
ware system.
Autonomous Navigation with ROS for a Mobile Robot in Agricultural Fields
Figure 3: Software Architecture.
Due to the focus on reducing costs of the rover plat-
form and sensors, rover perception is short in range
and low in precision, and due to the focus on outdoor
mobility, wheel odometry by itself is too unreliable
for mapping purposes and GNSS localization alone
is considered to be too inaccurate for short (less than
3m) distances. To obtain accurate movement odom-
etry, a combination of visual odometry using RTAB-
Map, laser-based odometry using Hector-SLAM, and
wheel odometry is used. This information is fused us-
ing the Extended Kalman Filter and robot localization
model available in the ROS robot localization pack-
age (ekf localization node).
The greatest challenge for robotic navigation in
farming fields is the uniformity of terrain and exter-
nal features. Each part of a field or orchard looks
very much the same visually or in terms of solid ob-
stacles, and even when navigating down crop rows,
visual measurement of distances is a challenge. The
most precise sensor on the rover is a Hokuyo UTM-
30LX-EW laser scanner, which performs very well
in an indoor environment with walls and well-defined
obstacles, but cannot provide consistent tracking in a
sparse, unchanging or empty environment. Initially,
visual odometry and mapping using the ZED stereo
camera and RTAB-Map was evaluated as a single sen-
sory method, producing a good-quality 3D represen-
tation of our lab and some outdoor areas in which fea-
tures are rich in complex, recognizable objects such as
the grove of trees shown in Figure 4. However, exper-
imenting with RTAB-MAP software under different
system configurations made it became clear that small
Figure 4: High-quality 3-D reconstruction of a grove of
trees on a farm from RTAB-Map. Visual odometry is con-
sistent only while differences between locations in the scene
are obvious and discernible.
errors in the odometry estimation caused the 3-D ob-
jects to shift in space and produce very bad recon-
structions, and in outdoor environments it is generally
not possible to reproduce good quality 3-D maps like
these in real time.
RTAB-Map has not been extensively tested in out-
ICINCO 2017 - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
door environments, and the use of appearance-based
mapping requires large numbers of distinct features
for accurate odometry and loop closure. RTAB-Map
does not provide any correction on the odometry es-
timation between two successive frames, only large
loop closures are subject to optimization once a map
has been created. In the agricultural context the great-
est challenge is traversal across farmers’ fields, where
very few nearby visual references are available for
odometry and loop closure. Figure 5 shows a naviga-
tional map obtained from a farm field with a fenced
boundary, in which good visual odometry is main-
tained as long as distinct objects around the bound-
ary are present. This represents a relatively easy map
to obtain at a speed of approximately 0.5 m/s due to
the diversity of features available and navigation is
straightforward as long as the boundary is in view of
the rover. A more difficult situation is shown in 6,
where the farm field boundary is grassy and lacking in
distinct features. A slower forward speed of 0.2 m/s or
lower is necessary to perform mapping while travel-
ling along the boundary of this field, and visual odom-
etry is less consistent. It is still possible to maintain
good odometry when travelling along the perimeter
of this field as long as some features are tracked well.
However, as soon as the boundary is out of the rover’s
view when entering the centre of the field, odometry
is easily lost and the quality of the map is compro-
To evaluate the quality of odometry in an outdoor
environment, a test was run outdoors in which five
points were chosen in a 100 squared meter area and
their relative position from a starting point was mea-
sured. The rover was manually driven through the five
points, and the odometry estimation was recorded.
Table 1 reports the average error between real position
and recorded odometry under different configurations
of the extended Kalman Filter node. The left column
highlights the sensor information that has been fused
in the EKF node, and the right column contains the
average error in meters. The smallest error recorded
in this test was 1.77 meters.
Our experiment confirmed that while the laser
scanner was the most reliable sensor indoors, provides
little reliable information in a large outdoor area. The
irregular shapes of the plants does not only offer a
challenge to Hector-Slam node in the reconstruction
of a 2-D laser map, but the uneven terrain adds noisy
shifts in the laser readings. As 3D reconstruction at-
tempts proved that the error was too large to produce
a full 3-D map of the area under test, emphasis in the
mapping process is now being shifted to producing a
reliable 2-D obstacle map that can be overlaid on a
topographic elevation map.
In our original design we planned to use the
global planners and local planners available for the
move base node of ROS, which provides a general
infrastructure to integrate different pairs of global and
local planners. The node requires a 2-D occupancy
map and a set of goal locations to compute a global
plan and output velocity commands in real time to
the drive motors until the destination is reached. Ini-
tially, the basic Navfn global planner in ROS was
tested on the rover since it provides valid planning
around mapped obstacles. However, it was found that
nearly all ROS-based planners made critical assump-
tions about the underlying mobility hardware, in par-
ticular that commands and odometry feedback would
be executed immediately with negligible time lag and
that small incremental movements would be possible.
As the rover platform uses four-wheel steering and
takes time to accelerate and turn, the planning algo-
rithms would repeatedly issue commands for small,
incremental angular adjustments (or in the case of
the ROS teb local planner, back-and-forth steering
movements) and when this failed due to either actua-
tor lag or lack of precise movement, execute recovery
behaviours. To remedy this problem, we developed
a new and simplified planner that relaxed the con-
straints on timing and precision in favour of a best-
effort approach.
For trial testing, we created a very simple al-
gorithm: at the start the rover rotates on the spot
and aligns itself along the direction of the global
path, then it tries to follow the path by steering
when needed either when the direction of the curves
changes too much or the rover moves too far away
from the plan. Once the destination is reached a sig-
nal is sent to the navigator nodes which may provide
another goal or halt the rover. The planner uses ve
states of operation with appropriate commands sent
to the drive motors for the duration of each state:
Start, Forward, Backward, Pause, and Rotation. A
flowchart of the process the planner uses when mov-
ing from the current movement state to the next move-
ment state is given in Figure 7.
Making use of the high-quality odometry informa-
tion available by using Hector SLAM and the scan-
ning laser rangefinder in the lab environment, this
planner showed much better reliability on the rover
platform. In the trial for the planner, seven different
points were set spaced far apart on the lab floor and
the rover was directed to visit them autonomously in
order. Table 2 reports the distance between the set
goals and the point the rover stopped at, and an aver-
age error of 15cm was recorded at the points the rover
stopped. Figure 8 shows the 2-D Hector SLAM and
Autonomous Navigation with ROS for a Mobile Robot in Agricultural Fields
Figure 5: High-quality 3-D reconstruction of a farm field with fenced border from RTAB-Map. As long as the border is in
view, visual odometry can be maintained.
Figure 6: High-quality 3-D reconstruction of a farm field with grassy border from RTAB-Map. The border of the field provides
barely enough discernible references to maintain visual odometry.
Table 1: The average fused odometry error in localizing at five points in a 100 squared meter outdoor area with respect to the
different sensors fused by the EKF node.
GPS Wheel
absolute 6.81
absolute absolute 2.22
absolute absolute 4.01
absolute absolute 4.31
absolute absolute absolute 2.74
absolute absolute 5.13
absolute absolute 2.95
absolute differential 7.14
absolute differential absolute absolute 6.03
absolute absolute 7.92
absolute absolute 5.25
absolute absolute absolute 5.96
absolute absolute 4.61
absolute differential 7.99
absolute differential differential 4.26
absolute absolute absolute absolute 8.10
absolute absolute absolute differential absolute absolute differential 4.47
absolute absolute absolute differential absolute absolute differential absolute absolute 4.99
differential absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute 1.77
differential absolute absolute absolute absolute 1.23
differential absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute 3.87
ICINCO 2017 - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 7: Flowchart of the navigational planner process. The planner sends commands to the drive motors while in each of
five states, and state transitions are performed where indicated.
reconstructed 3-D RTAB-Map maps of our lab and the
testing path: S marks the starting point and each num-
bered goal point is marked G. The goals are structured
in order of the difficulty of reachability:
1. from S to G1 there is a straight path
2. from G1 to G2 a turn on the spot is involved
3. from G3 to G4 there is a sharp corner
4. from G5 to G6 there is a narrow path
5. from G6 to G7 the path includes a narrow door
The same experiment was executed in an outdoor
area. Unfortunately, due to the low mapping quality
and the higher position uncertainty of the rover in out-
door environment, the rover could reach only the first
goal with an error of 1-2 meters and was not able to
reach the following ones. Table 3 reports the distance
between the set goal and the point the rover stopped
at. During these test the GPS system was not used,
since it was missing at the time and the experiment
was not repeated.
Figure 8: Reconstructed map of our lab and testing paths.
The picture was taken when the rover was attempting the
navigation from G6 to G7, but G7 was never reached as the
rover could not cross the door.
In this paper we introduced a practical and cost-
Autonomous Navigation with ROS for a Mobile Robot in Agricultural Fields
Table 2: The navigation error in the lab environment for each one of the six goals, depending on the enabled sensors (NR
stands for Not Reached).
Measure Goal 1
Error (cm)
Goal 2
Error (cm)
Goal 3
Error (cm)
Goal 4
Error (cm)
Goal 5
Error (cm)
Goal 6
Error (cm)
Goal 7
Error (cm)
absolute 0 20 20 NR NR NR NR
absolute IMU Angular Velocity 0 5 15 0 0 0 NR
absolute IMU Linear Acceleration 25 10 35 NR NR NR NR
absolute IMU Both above measures 0 20 35 0 20 NR NR
absolute Visual Odom. Linear Velocity 20 30 5 5 NR NR NR
absolute Visual Odom. Angular Velocity 0 10 25 0 0 20 NR
absolute Visual Odom. All Velocities 0 50 20 5 40 20 NR
absolute Wheel Odom. Linear Velocity 70 30 30 0 NR NR NR
absolute Wheel Odom. Angular Velocity 10 60 25 150 25 0 NR
absolute Wheel Odom. All velocities 5 NR NR NR NR NR NR
Table 3: The navigation error in garden environment for
one goal located 15 meters ahead of the starting position,
depending on the enabled sensors. NR stands for Not
Measure Goal
Error in
absolute 1.5
absolute IMU Angular Velocity 2
absolute IMU Linear Acceleration 3
absolute Visual Odom. Linear Velocity 0.5
absolute Visual Odom. Angular Velocity NR
absolute Wheel Odom. Linear Velocity 1
absolute Wheel Odom. Angular Velocity 1.5
-effective robotic rover platform for autonomous envi-
ronment monitoring in agriculture, and discussed sev-
eral key technologies implemented in ROS for odom-
etry and localization, identification of objects, and,
path planning under limited kinematic precision. Our
results to date regarding navigation indicate that the
rover can successfully reach set navigational points
with high precision so long as accurate and real-
time localization is available such as that provided
by Hector SLAM against fixed obstacles. We have
also established that the methods used for indoor and
feature-rich localization and odometry are not suit-
able for use outdoors in uniformly-visual farm fields.
We are nonetheless able using a low-cost rover plat-
form with a minimal sensor set to traverse naviga-
tional goals efficiently and quickly using a simple, ef-
ficient, and kinematically-tolerant planning algorithm
for our rover platform.
The next steps in our ongoing work to develop
this platform include the integration of differential
GNSS localization between a local base station and
the rover using the recently-released u-blox C94M8P
devices as a supplement for odometry in feature-poor
field environments, and the integration of soil sam-
pling and visual measurement technologies to allow
autonomous monitoring activities to be tested in the
This work was made possible and supported by grants
from the Science and Technology Facilities Council
Newton Fund. The authors gratefully acknowledge
the work of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories
(RAL) Autonomous Systems Group for the design
and construction of the mechanical platform for the
rover, the James Hutton Institute for providing field
test facilities in support of this research, and the work
of Jonathan Watson, Giacomo Corvi, Kyle Burnett,
Jennifer Miller, and Finlay Harris on setting up and
testing RTAB-Map algorithms in ROS.
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Autonomous Navigation with ROS for a Mobile Robot in Agricultural Fields