2.4 Revision of the Dead-Space (Kd)
The type-2 fuzzy model for Kd was revised to include
all possible combinations of input membership
functions to form the fuzzy rules. The Kd model has
five inputs and three MFs for each input. This resulted
in 243 manually tuned rules for the revised fuzzy
model. The revised model appears to have removed
the plateauing effect and the ‘peaks’ at the higher
region of the input parameters (see Figure 11).
The overall performance of the revised Kd
prediction was reduced when compared to the nPSO
optimized model (Table 9). This is mainly due to the
fact that the fuzzy sets and rules were manually
selected. The following section will discuss the
revised model’s performance when integrated into
SOPAVent v.4.
Figure 11: Surface plot for revised Kd model.
Table 9: Result for Kd Revised Model.
Data Set MSE MAE s.d R
Modelling 21.76 14.48 4.53 0.74
Validation 32.76 14.96 5.76 0.62
The Kd and VCO
models were integrated into
SOPAVent to create the latest version, SOPAVent
v.4. In combination with the other inputs, SOPAVent
v.4 will predict the ABG parameters of PaO2, PaCO
and pH. The predicted ABG parameters were
compared with actual ABG measurements. Two types
of output were generated by SOPAVent: i) the initial
ABG prediction and, ii) the ABG prediction after
settings changes were applied to the ventilator. Data
processing protocol, as defined in Goode (2001) and
Wang et al., (2010), was also used for this research.
This included the following:
The patients were ventilated under Bi-level
Positive Airway Pressure mode (BiPAP)
The ABG samples were taken no less than 30
minutes and no longer than 60 minutes before
ventilator settings were changed. ABG samples
were taken at least 30 minutes but no longer than
three hours after ventilator settings were changed
The mean blood pressure variance between pre-
ventilator-changes and post-ventilator-changes
were within +15%, and
The patient’s spontaneous breathing to total
breathing ratio between pre-ventilator-changes
and post-ventilator-changes were less than +15%
A total of 29 data sets from 21 patients were used to
validate SOPAVent v.4. The patients included 14
males and 7 females with a mean weight of 70.4 + 16
kg, a mean height of 170 ± 9.18cm, and a mean age
of 58 ± 13 years (Table 10). SOPAVent v.4 results
were compared with SOPAVent v.3 by Wang et.al
(2010). SOPAVent v.4 results are categorized across
two versions of SOPAVent:
i) SOPAVent v.4.1 with nPSO optimized Kd and
nPSO optimized VCO
ii) SOPAVent v.4.2 with revised Kd and nPSO
optimized VCO
Table 10: Patient Demography.
Male Female
58+13 170+9.18 70.4+16 14 7
3.1 SOPAVent Validation Result
The results for SOPAVent v.4 versus SOPAVent v.3
are shown in Table 11. The comparison of
performance between SOPAVent v.4 and SOPAVent
v.3 is shown in Table 12.
For initial ABG prediction, both SOPAVent v.4
and SOPAVent v.3 showed identical performance for
prediction with a correlation coefficient
between modelled and measurement maintained at 1.
For PaCO
prediction, SOPAVent v.4 has reduced the
mean absolute error (MAE) from 11.60 to 9.11
(21.46% improvement) and increased the correlation
significantly from 0.69 to 0.91. The majority of the
predictions were within the +10% margin of error.
For pH prediction, the MAE was reduced from 0.71
to 0.54 (23.94% improvement) and correlation
coefficient increased significantly from 0.67 to 0.88.
Most predictions were within the +10% margin of