Figure 6: Localized and recognized traffic signs.
This paper considers an implementation of the
classification algorithm for the traffic signs
recognition task. Combined with preprocessing and
localization steps from previous works, the proposed
method for traffic signs classification shows very
good results: 99.94 % of correctly classified images.
The proposed classification solution is
implemented using the TensorFlow framework.
The use of our TSR algorithms allows processing
of video streams in real-time with high resolution, and
therefore at greater distances and with better quality
than similar TSR systems have. FullHD resolution
makes it posiible to detect and recognize a traffic sign
at a distance up to 50 m.
The developed method was implemented on a
device with Nvidia Tegra K1 processor. CUDA was
used to accelerate the performance of the described
methods. In future research, we plan to train the CNN
to consider more traffic sign classes and possible bad
weather conditions. In current, versions we
considered only daylight and good visibility.
This work was supported by the Russian Foundation
for Basic Research - Project # 16-37-60106
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Traffic sign recognition - how far are we from the
SIGMAP 2017 - 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications