Table 5: Final proposed evaluation methods.
Adaptation layers Final proposed evaluation methods
Collection of input
a13, a14
Interpretation of the
a15, a16, a8
Modelling of the
current state of the
a1, a3, a6, a12,
Deciding upon
a4, a2, a5, a9, a10,
a17, a20
Applying adaptation a7, a11, a18
Every evaluation method is assigned to one layer
according to which this method might be appropriate
to assess the considered evaluation factors of the
considered layer. It is important to examine carefully
the evaluation methods generated and especially to
infer the criteria that really represent the feedback
from evaluator about the context of use factors. In
this study, the ELECTRE TRI method is applied to
the assignment problematic. It aims to allocate each
alternative evaluation method to the appropriate
layers. The different steps of adaptation are defined
a priori by the evaluator. Five adaptation layers are
identified in the adaptation process of the given
adaptive system.
In this research paper, we are interested in proposing
a decision model to guide the layered evaluation of
interactive adaptive systems. The goal is to apply a
multi-criteria decision sorting method in order to
help evaluators in the choice of appropriate
evaluation methods for individual layers. By doing
so, it is possible to assign the best evaluation
methods to the layers of adaptation for particular
evaluation settings. To this end, one MCDA method
is used, namely ELECTRE TRI. The proposed
decision model is applied to determine the suitable
evaluation methods for the individual layers of an
adaptive hypermedia system.
It should be noted that the number of layers may
change from an IAS to another and that not all layers
can be evaluated in isolation in all contexts. In some
cases, it may be necessary to evaluate the layers in
combination (Paramythis et al., 2010). This depends
essentially on some evaluation constraints and the
nature of the IAS. The evaluation also has to
consider the case of the whole adaptive systems in
which there is no distinction between the different
layers. Future directions of this research will then
investigate how to handle the case of the whole
adaptive system and the combination of layers. We
also intend to include other criteria and to test our
proposed model in real evaluation scenarios.
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