consider a genetic algorithm (GA) for the choice of
the number of layers, the number of neurons in each
layer and the type of the activation function of each
neuron for the multi-layered perceptron in the case
of semi-supervised learning.
4.1 ANN in Binary String
First of all, we choose the perceptron with 5 hidden
layers and 5 neurons in each hidden layer as the
maximum size of the structure for ANN. Each node
is represented by a binary string of length 4. If the
string consists of zeros (“0000”) then this node does
not exist in ANN. So, the whole structure of the
neural network is represented by a binary string of
length 100 (25x4); each 20 variables represent one
hidden layer. The number of input neurons depends
on the problem in hand. ANN has one output layer.
We use 15 activation functions such as a bipolar
sigmoid, a unipolar sigmoid, Gaussian, a threshold
function and a linear function. For determining
which activation function will be used on a given
node, the integer that corresponds to its binary string
is calculated.
Thus, we use optimization methods for problems
with binary variables for finding the best structure
and the optimization method for problems with real-
valued variables for the weight coefficient
adjustment of each structure.
Although the automated design of the ANN
structure by self-adapting optimization techniques
improves their efficiency, it can work unsatis-
factorily with large real-world problems. Therefore,
the automation of the most important input selection
can have a significant impact on the efficiency of
neural networks. In this paper, we use additional bits
in every string for the choice of relevant variables to
put them in model. The number of these bits equals
the number of input variables. If this bit is equal to
‘0’ then the corresponding input variable is not used
in the model and is removed from the sample.
During initialization, the probability for a variable to
be significant will be equal to 1/3. This idea can help
end users to avoid the significant and complicated
procedure of choosing the appropriate set of input
variables with the necessary impact on the model
For the choice of more flexible models, more
sophisticated tools must be used.
4.2 Self-configuring Genetic Algorithm
If the decision is made to use evolutionary
algorithms for solving real world optimization
problems, it will be necessary to choose an effective
variant of algorithm parameters such as the kind of
selection, recombination and mutation operators.
Choosing the right EA setting for each problem is a
difficult task even for experts in the field of
evolutionary computation. It is the main problem in
effectively implementing evolutionary algorithms
for end users. We can conclude that it is necessary to
find the solution for the main problem of
evolutionary algorithms before suggesting for end
users any EA application for the automated design
of tools for solving real world problems.
We propose using the self-configuring
evolutionary algorithms (SelfCEA) which do not
need any end user efforts as the algorithm itself
adjusts automatically to the given problem. In these
algorithms (Semenkin, 2012), the dynamic
adaptation of operators’ probabilistic rates on the
level of the population with centralized control
techniques is applied.
Instead of adjusting real parameters, setting
variants were used, namely the types of selection
(fitness proportional, rank-based, and tournament-
based with three tournament sizes), crossover (one-
point, two-point, as well as equiprobable, fitness
proportional, rank-based, and tournament-based
uniform crossovers (Semenkin, 2012)), population
control and level of mutation (medium, low, high for
two mutation types). Each of these has its own initial
probability distribution which is changed as the
algorithm executes.
This self-configuring technique can be used both
for the genetic algorithm (SelfCGA). In (Semenkin,
2012) SelfCGA performance was estimated on 14
test problems from (Finck, 2009). The statistical
significance was estimated with ANOVA.
Analysing the results related to SelfCGA
(Semenkin, 2012), it can be seen that self-
configuring evolutionary algorithms demonstrate
higher reliability than the average reliability of the
corresponding single best algorithm but sometimes
worse than the best reliability of this algorithm.
SelfCGA can be used for the automated choice
of effective structures and weight tuning of ANN-
based predictors. For such purposes, classification
accuracy can be used as a fitness function.
4.3 Semi-Supervised ANN Design by
Evolutionary Algorithms
Generally, any supervised techniques contain two
1. extracted attributes or the most relevant of them