decreasing order which has already been known as
an excellent order. In all test cases, the average
difference between the area decreasing order and
random orders never exceeds 2.5 bins for input size
of 100. The 4 figures also show that there is visually
not much difference between them. An important
consideration is that results on the two randomly
generated orderings are almost identical. The
maximum difference between them is 0.67 bin as
shown in table 7 for input size of 40. If the order of
placement is an important factor, there is no possible
way that they do not differ by even 1 bin in all 120
test cases. That implies that all possible orders of
placement should generally yield very close results.
Considering our results and results from
shown in table 1
, we strongly believe that the order of
placement is not relevant for researches in this topic.
Our experimental results do not demonstrate that the
order of placement has no effect at all in this
problem, but they confirm that the influence is so
little that even a random permutation of input should
be good comparatively to the best one. Hence there
is no practical benefit in using complicated
optimization techniques, which should be about
hundreds of times slower than a normal greedy
approach especially for large input size, to find the
best order of placement. Further researches into this
topic should investigate into other dimensions such
as the placement method.
Our study investigates the relevance of the order of
placement, which has been one of the main
objectives of optimization, in the 2D bin packing
problem, and conclude that its influence is so little
that it does not deserve the attention of researchers
in this topic by using experimental results to show
that even random orderings may yield very good
results comparable to a good ordering.
Improvements should be made on the placement
method instead of the order of placement. We
believe an advanced placement method with a
simple order of placement would outperform a
simple method with complicated order of placement.
Even though our experiment yields generally
acceptable results, it is not up to our expectation. We
believe that the differences between the three
orderings in section 5 may be even closer if a better
placement algorithm is used. Our placement
algorithm is acceptable, but it is based on a regular
packing algorithm which is not fully intended for the
irregular problem.
In future experiments, we will continue
investigating into other placement methods that are
designed for the irregular packing problem to
produce better experimental results. In addition, we
would like to make one-to-one comparisons between
random orderings with orderings generated from
advanced search techniques such as Simulated
Annealing or Evolutionary Algorithm to point out
how little the algorithm may improve at the huge
cost of resource consumption.
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