A Simulation Model for Integrating Multidisciplinary Knowledge in
Natural Sciences
Heuristic and Application to Wild Rodent Studies
Jean Le Fur
, Pape A. Mboup
and Moussa Sall
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD),
Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations (CBGP), Campus Baillarguet, CS 30016,
F-34988 Montferrier-sur-Lez, France
Dépt. de mathématiques et d’informatique, Univ. C. A. Diop/18522 Dakar, Senegal
Dépt. Informatique, Univ. G. Berger/Saint-Louis, Sénégal and lab. IRD-BIOPASS, Campus Bel-Air, Dakar, Senegal
Keywords: Multidisciplinary Knowledge, Heuristic, Object-oriented Modelling, Case Study, Agent-based Model,
Simulation Model, Robustness, Rodents.
Abstract: Knowledge about rodents has been obtained at multiple observation scales and covers many functional
levels, from DNA to ecosystems. We have developed an object/agent-oriented simulation model to
represent these elements and phenomena in an integrated manner. Given the diversity of domains, items,
processes and scales to be considered, we used an incremental approach to model development, with
contrasting case studies successively represented and connected within the same model. Each study enriches
the model and benefits from previous developments. The results emerging from this compilation are
reflected into a shared class tree composed of three broad domains of variability: (i) concrete agents, (ii)
specific genomes that instantiate the characteristics of each type of agent and (iii) agent containers that can
be described on several scales. The classification that appears is characterized by the triviality of the
categories obtained. It resembles natural partitioning, which lends it certain robustness, facilitating its
extension. The essentially transitory nature of the construction is discussed, together with its dependence on
the formalisms used. The current model, built on a combination of eight case studies, appears to be
sufficiently robust to address new aspects and to serve as a basis for the further construction of an integrated
view of the complex dynamics associated here with rodents.
Disciplinary specialization is, logically, seen as a
necessity for deciphering the increasingly specific
facets of natural systems (Newell, 2001). In the
context of research on small rodents, for example,
knowledge is obtained at all levels of life, from
genes, through cells, organisms, populations and
communities, and up to ecosystem level. Each level
can itself be broken down into numerous
departments corresponding to individual disciplines.
This discipline-based diversification is observed in
many domains of research on rodents, from
biogeography to taxonomy, morphometry or
The increasingly acute compartmentalisation of
approaches can sometimes become problematic
(Rouxel, 2002), particularly if it leads to a
disconnection from concrete situations (Burger and
Kamber, 2003) where the complex dynamics
displayed integrate several levels and scales with a
diversity of elements and relationships (Bar Yam,
1997). The development of an integrative model or
at least of a suitable approach for achieving such a
model, would facilitate characterization and
comprehension of the complex systems studied
(Newell, 2001). We focused on this issue of
integrated representation of disciplinary knowledge
in the restricted domain of the biology of small
rodents and their parasites with a view to improve
our understanding of the phenomena observed in
Object-oriented paradigms have long been
considered a powerful approach for the modelling of
complex systems (Clapham and Crosby, 1992).
When associated with simulation models and ‘agent’
Fur, J., Mboup, P. and Sall, M.
A Simulation Model for Integrating Multidisciplinary Knowledge in Natural Sciences - Heuristic and Application to Wild Rodent Studies.
DOI: 10.5220/0006441803400347
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2017), pages 340-347
ISBN: 978-989-758-265-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
formalism (Casti, 1997), this approach constitutes a
flexible and relevant tool (Goldspink, 2002) that has
already been used for the formal integration of
disciplinary knowledge.
The approach adopted is based on the empirical
construction of a model by the successive
aggregation of sub-models of concrete case studies.
This heuristic aims to develop a joint formalization
of the diversity of fields, questions and knowledge
worked separately by each discipline, while
remaining limited to the components strictly
necessary for the modelling of the case studies. This
approach aims to use object-oriented programming
generalisation to reveal (“let emerge”) a generic
architecture accounting for the composite knowledge
relating to the rodents populations dynamics. Given
the hypothetical outcome, this approach is
implemented as a heuristic, to facilitate progress
towards a better simulation of events or processes
really occurring in the field.
This article presents the heuristic we have used
and the case studies underlying the development of
the model. We then present two examples and the
overall class hierarchy obtained before discussing
the results in the light of our objectives.
2.1 Presentation of the Heuristic
The approach adopted is based on the incremental
accretion of case studies specific to each research
discipline (ecology, genetics, geography, etc.). Each
time a new study considered, it is selected on the
basis of displaying as large a contrast as possible
with the previous studies, so as to capture a diversity
of components and processes, thereby testing the
robustness of the approach. For each particular case
study, modelling represents only the relevant
elements. The general model ‘grows’ through
progressive aggregation of the concepts resulting
from the modelling of each case study and by
seeking the lowest common denominator, by
identifying similarities and then factorising them
(see below). The resulting model must be
systematically back-compatible with all the previous
case studies represented, and capable of integrating
For each case study, modelling is carried out in
collaboration with the researchers in biology,
ecology, geography, and other relevant disciplines
responsible for carrying out the study concerned.
Each case study is approached as an agent-based
model, in the usual way (e.g., Macal and North,
2006), by reifying data and knowledge with objects,
environments and processes required by the
particular context of each of the studies considered.
At each addition of a formalised study, new types of
objects may need to be implemented, but some of
the existing elements can be reused.
During the transition between studies, there is a
return to the 'generic' model, during which the code
is essentially revised through three types of
operation: (i) if common structures emerge, classes
are generalised by abstraction and interfacing.
Shared methods are factorised, through
polymorphism and inheritance. Packages may also
be defined or rearranged; (ii) the method names are
then refactored, to clarify the logic constructed, and
time and space unit conversions are checked; (iii)
tuning or encapsulation relating to new added
features is performed, to ensure the back-
compatibility of the code, which underlies the
validity and robustness of the approach.
2.2 Simulation Environment
The architecture presented was developed in Java,
with the Repast Simphony platform (North et al.,
2005) and some of its primitives (schedulers,
contexts, continuous space, and graphical interface).
The representation of studies and the continual
overhaul of the model also apply to its three
dependencies, which benefit from this approach of
continuous improvement and are also the subject of
methodological studies relating to the taking into
account of interdisciplinary knowledge.
A ‘data’ package is responsible for collecting
externalities to the case studies. A class system is
built up progressively to process data (maps, tables
etc.), constants, parameters and seeds of random
number generators.
An 'observation' package aims to ensure
multimodal rendering (display, data storage,
connection to other software) of the functioning of
the system. This module makes use of the principle
of epiphytic or recommender systems (Richard and
Tchounikine, 2004) based on a set of specialized
observers/inspectors that simulate the data collection
(surveys, trapping, counting etc.) actually carried out
in the field by scientists and compute output
Finally, each case study aggregated in the model
is characterised, distinguished and implemented
autonomously by a 'protocol' that realises the
A Simulation Model for Integrating Multidisciplinary Knowledge in Natural Sciences - Heuristic and Application to Wild Rodent Studies
world corresponding to the particular question
asked by the researcher (choice of scales, objects
and agents, output indicators selected, input data
sources, calendar and space manager).
2.3 Presentation of the Formalised
Case Studies
Rodents are the subject of many scientific studies,
because they are reservoirs of infectious diseases
(Taylor et al., 2008) or involved in the degradation
of goods and crops (Skonhoft et al., 2006). Rodents
have many characteristics and lifestyles. They may
be solitary, live in colonies, dig burrows or make
nests, or associate with humans. Rodent research is
extremely broad, ranging from laboratory
experiments to in situ studies, at both small and
large scales.
The boundaries of the study are defined by the
work carried out by a multidisciplinary team of
researchers working in the domain (the ‘Rodent’s
group’ of the French Biology Center for Population
Management, UMR 022 INRA-IRD-Cirad-SupAgro,
France). We used eight selected case studies for
model development and tests of the robustness of the
approach. These case studies were selected on the
basis of their being as different as possible, in terms
of the questions tackled and their temporal and
spatial extents, ranging from laboratory cages to the
eco-climatic zone (Table 1).
Table 1: Case studies from particular disciplines
successfully modelled (chronological classification) and
diversity of the corresponding scales.
Main Features
Space extent
Time extent
1. Common voles in
agricultural landscapes
2. Cage hybridisation of
African rodents
3. Catch-mark-recatch
experiment in an African
4&5. Epidemiology and
transportation of black rats
6. House mouse invasion in
7. household habitats
exploration by mice
8. Sahel invasion by a gerbil
In the first study, the notions of landscape,
agricultural operations, crop rotation, rodent
burrowing, reproductive and social behaviour were
included. In the second study, the chromosomal and
gene levels were represented, as well as the cellular
processes of fertilisation (meiosis, fusion, etc.). In
the third case study, the trapping devices and their
manipulation have been formalised. The next three
studies were devoted to the transportation of
commensal (associated with humans) rodents at
several spatial and temporal scales. Road networks,
transport vehicles, human carriers, cities, markets,
and economic zones were therefore added to the
model. The seventh study led to the introduction of
daily activity rhythms into the model.
The final study led to formalization within the model
of vegetation, its growth and the impact of rodents
on its dynamics, as well as the integration of data
derived from remote sensing or taking the effects of
predatory owls into account.
The model obtained and described hereafter is
constituted of 81 classes, 132 attributes, 143
relations, and 562 operations. As we focus here on
abstracting and interfacing, we have chosen to prefix
interfaces with ‘I_’, abstract classes with ‘A_ and
standard classes with ‘C_’ in the source code and the
article. Moreover, to ensure the integrity of the
multiple scales and units (more than 30 are used in
the current version) dealt with in all case studies, we
have suffixed most methods or properties with
‘_Uxxx’ where xxx is the unit (e.g., meter, day, cell,
tick, gramPerDay) of the method or property.
The model makes it possible to represent contrasting
simulations, addressing diverse aspects of dynamics,
for several rodent species, over various spatial and
temporal scales, within different simulation contexts.
For instance, in the example shown in Figure 1a,
only aspects relating to the cross-breeding of rodents
were considered, whereas, in the example shown in
Figure 1b, studies of the diffusion of black rats over
a century required the simulation of a rich historical
and geographical environment, including all forms
of commercial transport in the country concerned.
In this study, the main result lies in the model’s
structure that emerges from the compilation of case
studies. This model has three necessary and
sufficient domains of diversity: simulated concrete
entities, genomes associated with living organisms
and different types of substrate in which objects and
agents can be located.
SIMULTECH 2017 - 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 1: Displays of simulations for two extreme case
studies from the eight considered in this work (table 1).
a) case 2: simulation of an animal room protocol for the
crossing of rodents from sibling species in different
configurations. The challenge here is to study the barriers
to fertilisation linked to chromosomal differences between
the species. b) case 4: simulation of the colonisation of
Senegal (West Africa) by the black rat, over a century.
The biological, historical and geographical aspects relate
to the likelihood of invasion through the transport of
rodents in commercial vehicles (trucks, trains, boats).
For each of these domains, various classes have
appeared successively, corresponding to separate
functions compatible with several case studies. Class
methods were aggregated, abstracted, repositioned
or refined when integrating successive case studies.
The first domain constitutes the principal tree
(Figure 2). It describes the agents that can intervene
in the model.
At the root of the tree, any element within any
system represented in the model is considered to be
a nearly decomposable system (NDS) (Simon,
Figure 2: UML-based class diagram of the agents of the
model, as determined from the case studies and engineered
according to natural classifications. For the sake of clarity,
only the relevant methods, properties or relationships are
presented. Legend: A_: abstract class, I_: interface, C_:
Class, _Uxxx: unit of the method or property, NDS: nearly
decomposable system (Simon, 1962), see text.
This notion is used as a proxy for complex systems
organised into a hierarchy (Le Fur, 2013). It is
operative in the sense that a system, if it can be
identified as an emerging entity resulting from the
interaction of its components, automatically acquires
individuality. Once its existence is revealed, the
entity can be identified immediately (i.e., named),
and the beginning of its existence can be noted.
Finally, its existence necessarily has a duration that
is formalised by ageing, a method that can then be
recursively overloaded by the daughter classes, i.e.,
agents belonging to the leaf classes accumulate
‘skills’ for ‘growing older all over the steps of the
specialisation chain. They thus acquire sophisticated
competencies for action or capacity to respond to
their environment. These basic and minimalist
notions outline the definition of the model over time:
they make it possible to encapsulate here the
dynamic aspect of the model.
male species 1
fem. species 1
male species 2
fem. species 2
trainroad Transported rodent
setCurrentSo ilCell()
getAgeOfMatur it y_Uday()
see fig.4
see fig.3
C_Human Carrier C_BarnOwlC_TaxiMan
nextMove_ Umeter
A Simulation Model for Integrating Multidisciplinary Knowledge in Natural Sciences - Heuristic and Application to Wild Rodent Studies
The first specialisation (A_VisibleAgent) relates
to space and makes it possible to distinguish
between objects located in their environment and to
identify the fundamental properties relating to this
characteristic. Visible objects and agents implement
the I_SituatedThing interface with abstracted
procedures for localisation. In this model, as soon as
an object is located, the notion of environment takes
on a meaning. Perception then establishes a faculty
attributed to all agents. Beyond this class, NDS are
either the agents (organisms) or their containers
(Figure 4).
The second specialisation (A_Organism) is
linked to an essential characteristic of living
organisms: the determination of the properties of the
organism by the genes it carries, to which values can
be assigned. Each agent from this class or its
daughters bears a genome (see Figure 3) with
‘genes’ that can be transcribed into properties or
parameters (‘phenotypes’ or ‘life traits’ in Biology)
defining how agents carry out their action in their
environment. An agent belonging to the organism
hierarchy also implements I_ReproducingThing,
enabling it to reproduce with other organisms of the
same species and to transmit part of its DNA to its
descendants. Various agent properties from these
three superclasses were gradually introduced into the
model. Any function identified within a class was
matched systematically to a biological justification
within the hierarchy of life sciences for its
qualification: animals (A_Animal) are able to move,
burrowing rodents (C_RodentFossorial) dig
burrows, colonial rodents (C_RodentFosso-
rialColonial) have social interaction, and so on. The
agents operate according to a PDE (perception-
deliberation-execution) behavioural scheme (e.g.,
Macia Perez et al., 2014).
The root classes were rapidly identified and then
progressively refined by displacement or refactoring
of the methods or properties. Between case studies,
several rodent agent classes were successively
added, on the basis of functionality criteria. The
classification obtained (bottom of Figure 2) was
ultimately shown to correspond to the various
known social statuses in rodents (commensal,
fossorial, etc.). Once the nature of the classification
was identified, it was strengthened.
The second hierarchy used (Figure 3) represents
all aspects relating to the genetics of living
organisms. It includes the mechanical elements
(genes, alleles, etc.) required for genomic operations
such as meiosis, segregation, fertilisation, mutation,
and recombination.
Figure 3: UML-based class diagram of the genetic part of
the model, as obtained from the case studies. Left: Genetic
structure allowing the transmission of the genetic heritage
of a simulated agent to its 'progeny' following mating. The
structure of the tree on the right-hand site resembles a
knowledge base for instantiating, in the general scheme,
any type of species (rodent, predator, man, etc.) and its
characteristics (life expectancy, age at maturity, etc.).
Legend: identical to Figure 2, LUCA: last universal
common ancestor, the root of the species phylogeny
(Forterre et al., 2005).
The natural gene - chromosome - pair of
chromosomes - genome composition is adapted
from the work of Shaw and Wagner (2008) on locust
genomes. In this sequence, any genome aggregates
various pairs of chromosomes that can be
recombined and inherited, in part, during
reproduction. Each agent is associated with a
genome (I_DiploidGenome) that corresponds to its
species. This branch makes use of the inheritance
principle of the object paradigm to instantiate the
characteristics (called traits) of living agents in a
heritable and cumulative manner up to species-
specific values. By exploiting the analogy between
the biological approach (phylogeny) and object-
oriented programming (inheritance), this part of the
tree can also be considered as an object-oriented
knowledge base (right-hand part of Figure 3),
making it possible to value the movement speed,
litter size, age at sexual maturity, etc., as genetically
encoded characteristics for differing species of
agents. Here, too, the mother classes are established
by generalisation: when a biological trait
corresponds to a natural classification, the
corresponding class is created. For example, the
duration of gestation is coded as a property of
getDiploidNumber( )
C_GenomeMastoEryth roleucus
(see fig.2)
SIMULTECH 2017 - 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
amniotes, which constitute the branch of animals in
which a foetus is formed, or eukaryotes are
characterised by the possession of a genome
consisting of pairs of chromosomes.
The third variable domain concerns space. Most
agents are located at a particular point in space, the
status of which may be associated with diverse
contexts, depending on the case studies considered.
Successive rearrangements of the objects
characterising the substrates and elements of the
substrate in which agents evolve led to the
development of the arbitrary concept of a 'container'
(Figure 4). I_Container is implemented by all
structures that can contain agents. Containers are
defined as a recursive system, in that they may
themselves contain other containers.
Figure 4 UML-based class diagram of the types of ground
organisation, as determined from the aggregated case
studies. Every instance in this hierarchy shares the
I_Container features. Three successive levels of
composition have been distinguished: landscape, land plot,
soil cell. Each level of the composition is itself the root of
a hierarchy that can be further extended (on the right) to
describe various features of the worlds simulated.
A_Container implements I_Container and allows
containers to contain I_SituatedThing objects.
Containers are visible agents and, as NDS (Figure
2), they also have an age and an ability 'to age', or, in
other words, to change over time according to
specifications. Within this model, environment is
discretised into elementary cells of the same size
that describe the type of terrain (road, river, crop,
etc.). Cell size depends on the level of detail chosen.
A set of contiguous elementary cells of the same
type is a C_LandPlot. This class provides
information about the delimitation and identification
of different areas within the simulated environments
(e.g., crop, city, region, road, river). Finally, for each
case study, an object of type C_Landscape is defined
to contain the set of visible objects within the
simulation: this class contains one continuous space
representing the topology over which the agents
move and a grid (matrix) of I_Container, the
elements of which constitute a discretisation of the
environment and a topology used by the agents to
perceive their neighbourhood (Moore
As the model was gradually refined, it became
increasingly clear that almost all the relevant objects
of the represented systems (burrow, nest, vehicle,
trap) could be assimilated as containers for agents, a
single class (A_SupportedContainer) facilitating
their integration into this scheme.
The model developed here encompassed all the
components linked to the different domains
modelled between case studies. Every case studies
was simulated using the same model. Through time,
each of them both enriched, and benefited from, the
mechanisms and components included in the
simulator and hence, evolved following the model’s
development. This led, for example, to the
progressive inclusion of cell processes, social
behaviour, spatial structures, and several types of
According to the heuristic, only classes that
provide functions specific to their rank are
implemented. Several characteristics of the
architecture of the model emerge from this
approach. The first of these characteristics is the
partitioning of the model into three main areas of
diversity: the diversity of agents (concrete objects),
specific traits (genomes) and spaces (containers).
Other elements were gradually defined and
confirmed, such as the encapsulation of time-related
aspects in the root of the class tree (that may appear
convenient or appropriate for a simulation model),
the partitioning of rodent types according to a
behavioural classification (fossorial, commensal,
etc.) similar to that used in natural sciences, the
functional breakdown of genomes (eukaryotes,
amniotes), which also follows the natural tree, the
composition of space around the concept of a
container or the factorization of most of the objects
of the domains modelled via the notion of a
supported container (Figure 4).
(see fig.2)
A Simulation Model for Integrating Multidisciplinary Knowledge in Natural Sciences - Heuristic and Application to Wild Rodent Studies
Two salient features emerge from the results
presented. The first relates to the evidence-based or
trivial nature of the categories resulting from the
heuristic used. The second concerns the constantly
unfinished and perfectible aspect of the architecture,
which adapts and evolves over time.
4.1 Obviousness of Emerging
Categories and Associated
A posteriori, the arborescence that has emerged
appears trivial. This is the case for the root
categories, which sequentially encapsulate time,
space, biology, motion, and reproduction, for any
domain agent. Similarly, the typology of the
diversified behaviour of rodents obtained (Figure 2
bottom) reconstitutes a widely accepted
classification of known types of behaviour that is
common to zoology (e.g., Nowak, 1999). The same
is also true for the representation of genomes, for
which, thanks to the similarity between natural
phylogeny and OOP inheritance, the characterization
of the agents follows a universal biological
The a posteriori evidence of the classifications
obtained can be seen as a sign of robustness, an issue
of prime importance for the proposed approach. This
is the case for the time / space / biology / movement
/ reproduction / behaviour hierarchy, which may, a
priori, be applicable to a wide variety of domains.
This is also the case for classifications converging
on the hierarchies recognized in Nature, which are
inherently the most robust. The approach would be
thus analogous to those used in bio-inspired
modelling (Egan, 2015), but in this case dedicated to
the representation of living systems.
4.2 Transitory and Perfectible Nature
of the Construction
The incremental approach adopted assumes both
continuous re-engineering of the code and control
over back-compatibility. With this approach, all the
case studies modelled, even the oldest ones, remain
active and constantly updated as the model is built.
They, thus, continually generate new results,
enhanced by the new functions added.
The evidence of robustness for this heuristic
makes it possible to consider diverse extensions and
improvements to the model. For example, coupling
agents with species-specific genomes would make it
possible to simulate diverse species, with a view to
addressing community ecology issues (Chesson,
2000), a key element in the understanding rodent
spread. The model could also be adapted to consider
the representation of viruses or parasites in the
transmission or non-transmission of diseases to
humans, the perception of odours by rodents or the
taking into account of energy balances. This would
open up as many new possibilities for this approach
as there are functionalities to be added.
The class tree can, therefore, continually be
tuned step-by-step, by taking new studies into
account, provided that these new studies are
compatible with the previous ones, or that the
previous studies can be rendered compatible with the
constraints of the new ones. Consequently, the
construction is, by nature, unbounded or perpetually
transitory (as long as it remains robust), with
methods and properties that can be modified or
4.3 Influence of Formalisms on Results
Despite its generic nature, this model may not
provide a canonical representation of these diverse
worlds. Indeed, each of the choices made in
computer modelling, such as the choice of a
Perception-Deliberation-Execution paradigm for
agent activities or the choices made for the
discretisation of space, is only one of the many
possibilities that could have been proposed. For
example, it would have been possible to base the
model on other formalisms, such as Agent / Group /
Role’ (Ferber et al., 2004) or ‘Belief / Desire /
Intention’ (Caillou et al., 2015). Logically, even
using the heuristic presented here, the choice of one
of these other possibilities could have resulted in a
different architecture.
The proposed approach is based on the incremental
articulation of contrasting case studies within a
single model. The continuous consolidation and
questioning of the model through new case studies,
including studies based on other disciplinary
approaches, appears to satisfy the robustness
requirements for long-term integration.
The results obtained from the accretion of case
studies show that each approach adds to the others
already included in the model, to yield an integrated
system. The challenge, however, is articulating the
model so that it can reveal new processes or
dynamics through the multidisciplinary integration
of items, concepts or processes (McMurtry, 2009).
SIMULTECH 2017 - 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
The chosen approach must, by definition, be
considered to be in a state of continual improvement.
However, it can be used to identify the components
that are shared, could be shared, or are
irreconcilable, and, possibly, the ways to achieve the
mutually beneficial integration of points of view
specific to different disciplines.
We would like to thank J.F. Cosson, J.P. Quéré, C.
Berthier, B. Gauffre, J.M. Duplantier, L. Granjon, G.
Ganem, J. Britton, O. Ninot, J. Lombard, P.
Handschumacher, S.Piry, the scientists who kindly
agreed to decipher their disciplinary expertise for the
formalization of thematic case studies. This study
owes much to the work done by Q. Baduel, A.
Realini, J.E. Longueville, A. Comte and M.
Diakhate, as part of their student internships. The
SimMasto project (http://simmasto.org) was
supported, through the various case studies of the
Chancira projects (grant IRD-ANR-11-CEPL-0010),
Cerise (grant IRD-FRB no.AAP-SCEN -20B III), and with
occasional support from the French National
Research Institute for Sustainable Development
(IRD) and the ‘Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion
des Populations’ (CBGP, UMR no.22 INRA/IRD/Cirad/Sup-
agro). We also wish to thank J. Sappa and L. Granjon
for their help during the revision process.
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A Simulation Model for Integrating Multidisciplinary Knowledge in Natural Sciences - Heuristic and Application to Wild Rodent Studies