iii) other sources (the so-called “grey literature”).
Our findings show that there is an increasing interest
in the evaluation of WebRTC services, both in the
academic and research arena (integrating QoS and
QoE in WebRTC testbeds) and the commercial
domain (for example with complete WebRTC
testing platforms such as TestRTC).
This work has been supported by the European
Commission under project ElasTest (H2020-ICT-10-
2016, GA-731535); by the Regional Government of
Madrid (CM) under project Cloud4BigData
(S2013/ICE-2894) cofunded by FSE & FEDER; and
Spanish Government under project LERNIM (RTC-
2016-4674-7) cofunded by the
Ministry of Economy
and Competitiveness, FEDER & AEI.
We would like to thank to Tsahi Levent-levi,
author of BlogGeek.me and cofounder of TestRTC,
for his valuable comments on this piece of research.
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