Towards Knowledge and Data Fusion Community
Knowledge Sources, Transfers and Co-Creation in Externally Funded Research
and Development Consortiums
Rauno Pirinen
Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Espoo, Finland
Keywords: Adaption, Co-Creation, Continuums, Integrative Model, Knowledge Association, Knowledge Transfer,
Learning by Research and Development, Partnership, Research Consortium, Resilience.
Abstract: One of the most important functions of every externally funded research consortium, e.g., FP and
HORIZON, ACADEMY and TEKES, is to contribute to knowledge transfers and research and development
related continuums between research programmes, higher education institutions, world of work, authorities,
and actors of regional-national-union policy development and decision making. This empirical study is
intended to the data and knowledge which can be transferred and co-created with participators as well as to
the partnership relations of research consortium that can exploit parallel the data and knowledge sources,
transfers, future continuums and high-value impacts in research-development-innovation processes. In this
study, user and stakeholders needs, proactive views and operational scenarios stimulates the knowledge and
data fusion user community to foster proactive involvement of stakeholders following a user-stakeholder-
centric approach in the validation and utilisation of knowledge sources and transfers, addressing to: user and
stakeholder needs and requirements, user experience, animated and interactive design, legacy systems
connectivity, interdisciplinary and co-creativity over vary silos and mutual trust building.
The important focus of higher education is on
achieving a role as a co-operator and trusted partner
of higher education functions, knowledge
management, R&D (research and development)
networks, and research consortiums and on
combining useful knowledge from multiple sources
and co-creating it with other participating actors for
novel and beneficial competences and capabilities
related to authentic R&D&I (research &
development & innovation) programmes and
projects, clusters, innovation systems, industry,
collective research consortiums, regional-national
configurations, policy development and decision
making organisations and institutions.
At the center of this knowledge fusion and
mobilisation is a collective way of R&D-related
learning and knowledge sources and transferring.
Here, the setting of this study involves R&D&I and
adaptive-resilient learning integration and research
consortiums as the operative environment of this
study, in where the role of higher education
institutions is traditionally seen as contributors of
new knowledge, services models and technology. In
this view, new types of action, integration,
aspiration, trust, confidence and collaboration are
required for the stimulation of creative and adaptive
innovations in services, technology, economy and
In this way of “integrative learning” or
“adaptive-resilient learning”; an individual learns
alongside with a workplace, school and R&D
community, near with a learning organization and
focused learning in region-global scale. The
expected advances of this integration can be
associated through various formal and informal
structures such as R&D networks, actors and
partnerships, especially to a growing students and
learners to become specialized in their areas of novel
expertise where an applicable knowledge is
produced and mobilised in the collective R&D
related learning processes, with structures of
consortiums and partnerships.
The term “integrative model” is designed here to
the learner-centred and user-stakeholder-centered
integration of R&D&I projects, higher education
Pirinen R.
Towards Knowledge and Data Fusion Community - Knowledge Sources, Transfers and Co-Creation in Externally Funded Research and Development Consortiums.
DOI: 10.5220/0006450700850092
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 85-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
functions and regional-national-global development.
The focus of “integrative way is on collaborative
means acting and learning in an interoperable and
co-creative manner with other learners which are
encouraged to develop their own ideas and train in
competences to become developers and researchers
at a regional-national-international level.
The “study of knowledge” is called epistemology
in literature. However, no single agreed upon
definition of the term “knowledge” exists; there are
numerous theories to explain knowledge and its
sources, paths and transfers. In this study, the
rationality and motivation to the description of the
realized knowledge sources, transfers, knowledge
transformations and knowledge achieving approach
is in usefulness of these themes and categories for
the data collection, data fusion, knowledge fusion,
analysis and triangulation in real R&D&I cases,
research consortiums, and externally funded R&D,
especially for implementation and design of
thematic studies and for more resilient configuration
and its integration strategy as adaptive-thematic
curriculum in higher education.
The related literature for the progress of integrative
and user-stakeholder-centric data fusion community
model was followed: the sense of interactions and
collaborative functions of higher education
institutions and regional configuration, governance
policy, and strategy scenarios (Harmaakorpi, 2004);
Democracy and Education (Dewey, 1916)
“education is not an affair of telling and being told,
but an active and constructive process”; learning to
work creatively with knowledge (Bereiter, 2007);
situated cognition and the culture of learning
(Brown, et al., 1989); learning by expanding as an
activity-theoretical approach (Engeström, 1987); the
new production of knowledge (Gibbons, et al.,
2008); experiential learning (Kolb, 1984): the
critical theory of adult learning (Mezirow, 1981);
action learning (Revans, 1982); knowledge building
theory (Scardamalia and Bereiter, 2006); the school
as a center of inquiry (Schaefer, 1967); metaphors of
learning (Sfard, 1998); situated learning (Lave and
Wenger, 2009); and interaction between learning
and development (Vygotsky, 1978).
The foundation for the “knowledge economy”
was introduced in the book The Effective Executive
(Drucker, 1969). Drucker describes the difference
between the manual worker and the knowledge
worker. The manual worker, according to him,
works with his hands and produces goods or
services. In contrast, a “knowledge worker” works
with his or her head not hands, and produces ideas,
knowledge, and information. For the setting of this
study, (Piore and Sabel, 1984) explains how new
and flexible production technologies are
transforming and transferring. References (Best,
1990) and (Porter, 1990) explain how such
production networks, which are resilient and
dynamic, take the form of regional or territorial
production systems (Asheim, 2012; Best, 1990;
Rutten and Boekema, 2012; Storper, 1997). The
term “knowledge economy” and its implications for
the organization of production and services are
currently accepted in mainstream economic thought
literature, followed (Best, 1990; Cooke and Morgan,
1998; Piore and Sabel, 1984; Porter, 1990).
As understood in the context of this study,
orientation of (Schumpeter, 1939) advises five
possible meanings to the term “innovation”,
followed: new goods; new processes; new markets;
new sources of supply of new materials; and new
organizational status. Article by (Tichy, 1998)
maintains followed: “innovation is as organizational
capability which includes: scientific; technological;
socioeconomic and even cultural aspects.
Reference (Geffen and Judd, 2004) advocates that,
“the successes of commercialization and
commercialized advantages are major determinant of
innovation”. Probable, the most fitting for this study
is proposal by (Galanakis, 2006), which places a
broader meaning to the term “innovation”, such as:
“the creation of new products; processes; knowledge
or services by using new or existing scientific or
technological knowledge, which provides a degree
of novelty either to: the developer; the industrial
sector; the nation or the world; or to succeed in the
market place.”
The foundation of higher education itself has
long traditions. For example, a strong resonance of
this R&D related study of knowledge transfers can
be found far behind the Democracy and Education
(Dewey, 1916, 33), “education is not an affair of
telling and being told, but an active and constructive
process.” Then, Dewey continues: “Its enactment
into practice requires that the school environment be
equipped with agencies for doing, with tools and
physical materials, to an extent rarely attained. It
requires that methods of instruction and
administration be modified to allow and to secure
direct and continuous occupations with things. Not
that the use of language as an educational resource
should lessen; but that its use should be more vital
and fruitful by having its normal connection with
shared activities.” Reference (Revans, 1982)
describes the term “action learning” which
particularly obliges subjects to become aware of
their own value systems, by demanding that the real
problems tackled carry some risk of personal failure,
so that “the subjects can truly help each other to
evaluate in what they may genuinely believe”
(Revans, 1982, 627).
In earlier context of this study, the action
learning processes within action research
frameworks were used as learning processes for
development of the capabilities and professional
competences of individuals, teams, overall
organizations and emergent network (Lewin, 1942).
In the context of this study, the term “Learning by
Action Research” was understood as action learning
process whereby the learner studies their own
actions and experience in order to improve
professional competence, capability and
performance (Lewin, 1946; Mezirow, 1978; Revans,
1982). Here, learners acquire knowledge through
action and practice with co-instructions, learning
space, living lab, test bed, workplace, consortiums,
and communities of work.
According to (Sfard, 1998, 5), the acquisition
metaphor of learning is old: “Since the dawn of
civilization, human learning has been conceived of
as an acquisition of something.” This statement
addresses the act of gaining knowledge and the
growth of knowledge in the process of learning,
which often has been analysed in terms of concept
development. Concepts are to be understood as basic
units of knowledge that can be accumulated, refined
and combined to form richer cognitive structures
(Lewin, 1942). The learner is seen as a person who
constructs meaning and knowledge. Reference
(Sfard, 1998, 5) describes: “the language of
knowledge acquisition and concept development
makes us think about the human mind as a container
to be filled with certain materials and about the
learner as becoming an owner of this material.” The
acquisition metaphor, in terms of action, is seen as
“transformation, reception, acquisition, construction,
attainment, development, accumulation and grasp
and the teacher should help the student to attain the
appropriate goal by e.g., delivering, facilitating and
conveying” (Sfard, 1998, 5). In this study, the
acquisition metaphor represents a traditional view of
learning in which an individual acquires abstract and
generalizable knowledge by following pre-given and
clear-cut rules or algorithms (Engeström, 1987;
Schaefer, 1967).
The participation metaphor of learning should be
viewed as a person interested in a certain kind of
activity rather than in accumulating private property
or possessions. Here, learning is conceived of as a
process of becoming a member of a community,
communicating in the language of that community,
and acting according to its norms. The norms
themselves are to be negotiated in the process of
consolidating the community. While the learners are
newcomers and reformers of practice, the teachers
are preservers of the community. From the lone
entrepreneur, the learners are an integral part of a
group. Participation is almost synonymous with
“taking part” and “being a part”, and “both of these
expressions signify that learning should be viewed
as a process of becoming a part of a greater whole”
(Sfard, 1998, 6). In the “integrative model”, this
perspective is involved with participation to the
research consortiums, regional R&D configuration,
policy development, and strategies in higher
education institution (Pirinen, 2015).
Reference (Bereiter, 2007) places a knowledge-
creation representation that addresses the processes
of deliberate transformation of knowledge and
corresponding social practices: here, the knowledge-
creation metaphor of learning can be understood in
way that learning is seen as analogous to “processes
of inquiry, especially to innovative processes of
inquiry where something new is created and the
initial knowledge is either substantially enriched or
significantly transformed during the process.”
In this study, the knowledge creation or as its
extended form knowledge co-creation approach of
learning is expected to provide a way of integration
of lines between problem-based, solution-based,
acquisition-based, and participation-based
approaches (Burr, 1995; Eraut, 1994; Gibbons, et al.,
2008; Bereiter, 2007; Porter, 1990; Simon, 1996).
In the operative environment of this study, the
knowledge sources, knowledge transfers, triggers
and enablers for co-creation were investigated in the
viewpoints of research consortia, higher education
institution, regional innovation system, and
participated actors and students. The analysed
processes in higher education were externally
funded R&D projects related learning and co-
creation processes, such as realization of Learning
by R&D functions by solution-focused nexus. The
empirical part of study was conducted on how
knowledge was transferred and how co-creation
exists between Learning by R&D processes and
authentic cases of externally funded R&D projects
which includes strong ties to the consortium’s and
regional-national research agenda.
A qualitative multiple case studies were selected
as the research approach. The study consists as a
continuum of research interventions: the knowledge
transfers in the externally funded R&D projects as
single cases (n=8). The Learning by R&D processes
in the higher education study units as single cases
(n=18); and finally cross case conclusion of “mutual
knowledge transfers” and “co-creative and
continuum-focused R&D approach”. This multiple
case study analysis addresses the investigation of
R&D-related higher education and learning
realizations along with a regional-national-
international research integration and included five
(n=7) EU-EC funded R&D projects as cases in the
domain of a higher education institution.
In this study, the multiple-case study approach
was used; the method is well explained in reference
sources that address “the case research strategy in
studies of information systems” (Benbasat, et al.,
1987); “building theories from case study research”
(Eisenhardt, 1989); “case studies and theory
development in the social sciences and qualitative
data analysis” (Miles and Huberman, 1994); “real
world research” (Robson, 2001); and “case study
research design and methods” (Yin, 2009).
In this study, data on externally funded R&D
were investigated and results concluded in the
viewpoints of realization of R&D related activities
and international-local knowledge transfers and
mobilization theme. The brief description of
included R&D projects as continuum of cases is
described in the following Table 1. The data
collection of this study was cumulative and
systematically used for this qualitative analysis
between January 2008 and April 2017.
Table 1: The investigated externally funded R&D projects.
R&D Project
SF-TEKES-SEC 2007-2013
SF-TEKES-SEC 2007-2013
The study indicate that the characteristics and
dissemination efforts by the research consortiums
have a strong influence on knowledge transfer and
co-creation processes and realization of R&D related
learning in higher education institution, which draws
collaborative links, knowledge transfers,
competence improvements and shared mutual
confidence and trust between participators. Strong
ties within stakeholders and users, working life and
higher education makes a difference to continuums
and knowledge transfer functions, but for high-value
impacts, working life, authorities, government
relations and users participation have to be fostered
and mutual confidence and trust over silos achieved
in first stage in building phase of user-stakeholder
Study revealed that strong involvement of the
larger user-stakeholder community, such as
knowledge and data fusion community is needed to
capture the relevant operational needs and validate
the results in investigated R&D projects.
Especially, the EU funding related research
consortiums relies on the large scale user-
stakeholder community (national-global expertise
community) that will include “end user
practitioners”, partners, associates, field expert,
government actors, and authorities to explore and
exploit the human capital in Member States and their
institutions identifying operational needs, steering,
scenario analysis, proactive issues, existing gaps,
relevant requirements and adoptions, acceptability
subjects and societal impacts that the dissemination
solutions entails.
The typical design of expertise community
integrates the end users’ experience and design-
development related R&D, trust building and co-
creativity in the collective-authentic manner. The
user-stakeholder community can also provide
guidance to the partners and enable interactions in
the consortium for the implementation of the new
technologies and “legitimate peripheral participation
(Lave and Wenger, 2009)” to EU research nexus and
produce high-value dissemination impacts.
4.1 Knowledge Sources
The followed proposal of knowledge sources as a
sample of learning within knowledge fusion expands
the emergent middle range theory of knowledge
sources and transfers (Pirinen, 2015) including:
metaphors of learning (Sfard, 1998); knowledge
building metaphor (Scardamalia and Bereiter, 2006);
learning by expanding (Engeström, 1987); situated
cognition and cultural dependency (Brown, et al.,
1989); and situational learning, legitimate peripheral
participation (Lave and Wenger, 2009).
The study revealed that “research-learning
scopes”, “triggers and purposes”, “research agenda”,
and Learning by R&D settings can address to the
knowledge sources and increase knowledge
transfers, such as comprised to Table 2.
Table 2: Knowledge Sources.
Knowledge Sources (metaphors)
Knowledge transition and sharing: such as shared or
diffused knowledge, especially in the initiation
phase of research-learning activity in consortium.
Knowledge transformation metaphor: such as
knowledge from legacy service-systems or cultures,
especially in phase when the learning-scope is
selected for studies.
Inquired knowledge: such as knowledge from
domain or field; traditional metaphor of acquisition
related knowledge gathering in R&D projects; exists
in linear research parts of consortia knowledge
Focused knowledge or led knowledge: such as
regional R&D agenda or research consortium
connected knowledge which can be adopted for
radical innovations, e.g., often described in an
excellence part of FP and H2020 proposal.
Knowledge co-creation and knowledge building:
such as improving knowledge collectively upon
experience, quality aspects, action data and action
related competence.
Artifact and service related embedded-implicit
knowledge: e.g., knowledge inside a service-system
which can only be observed, or such as knowledge
of decision trees that can be implemented
Knowledge by disruptive change: such as
knowledge of disruptive innovations that creates a
new market and related high-value network and
eventually disrupts an existing market and related
value network.
Knowledge by adaptive changes and resilience
needs on-demand. Such resilience aspects as: to plan
and prepare; absorb disturbance; recover from; and
adapt to known or unknown threats.
4.2 Knowledge Achievements
It is noteworthy that knowledge achieving has to
include a systematic and rigorous research, such as
knowledge inquiries for validation of service,
systems or standards. In this study, then knowledge
achieving addressed to the analytic investigations
and collaboration between networked research units.
Then, the knowledge achievements can be described
as “universal”, e.g., results of case studies or design
research studies in investigated R&D projects.
In investigated R&D projects, the typical
outcomes of inquiry based knowledge were such as:
descriptions of phenomenon or problem; specified
requirements; reasoning for development; logic or
models which explain phenomenon; descriptions of
interest; and communal aspiration-volition. The
main research questions were such as: how can
“some phenomenon” be understood, modelled and
realized in the operative domain.
The study revealed that achieved type of
knowledge in international research setting can be
further improved, modularised, transformed and
utilised. The shared knowledge by research
consortium can increase strengths to the related
R&D projects and studies, work designs, and
understanding of appropriate research gaps. The
knowledge achievements were further aligned with
realisations of study units, integration of word
packages and facilitation of metrics in R&D
projects. The main knowledge achieving elements
and factors are described in Table 3.
Table 3: Knowledge Achievements.
Knowledge Achievements (elements)
Led & focused knowledge sources (knowledge
sources for learning scopes).
Research consortium related knowledge (body of
Relevant requirements and needs, advices and
guidance by expertise (knowledge for reasoning).
Knowledge for creativity and communal aspiration
(knowledge for spirit and participation).
Knowledge of steering forums (knowledge as
leadership and management driver).
Knowledge related to research agenda (knowledge-
based steering driver).
Inquiries of needed new knowledge (covering of
knowledge gaps).
Shared or diffused knowledge by value network
(knowledge implications).
Ethical and legalisation related knowledge
(knowledge for a collective policy implementation
and development).
Analytical and science based knowledge, such as
scenario analytics (rigorous).
4.3 Knowledge Transfers
It is remarkable that experiential knowledge
transfers do not necessarily follow a fixed order or
direction, and do not definitely complete all of the
described and understood knowledge aspects in but
rather knowledge transfers are in mutual interaction
and all knowledge transfers include some type of
learning and competence.
It can be comprised that study revealed six
processes or aspects of knowledge transfers
between: knowledge building (creation & co-
creation); knowledge transformation (e.g. legacy
alignments); knowledge achieving (e.g., inquiring,
sharing and participation); and knowledge
dissemination as described in Table 4.
Table 4: Knowledge Transfers.
Knowledge Transfers (aspects | process)
Process from knowledge building to knowledge
achieving: knowledge transfers from knowledge
building (creation and co-creation) which represents
as entity of thinking, ideas, aspiration and
motivation to knowledge achieving which represents
rigorous research and knowledge transfers which
was needed for planning, designing, building,
improving or testing something.
Process form knowledge achieving to knowledge
sharing: knowledge transfers from knowledge
achieving, such as research agenda or knowledge of
outcomes of rigorous research to the knowledge
sharing and dissemination such as proofing of
relevant outcomes in terms of competence and
knowledge, which were related to dissemination of
services, artifacts and capabilities.
Process from knowledge validation to knowledge
activation: knowledge transfers from knowledge
validation into vary knowledge approaches; the
high-value impacts of these knowledge transfers,
such as new knowledge can be proved in
dissemination which includes both aspects rigor and
Process from knowledge which is related into
thinking of constructs for domain ontology
development: the ontological view of the knowledge
transfers takes place in the meanings of new or
changed “terms in an evolution of legacy services
or artifacts, which changes the terminology and
domain ontology; “new terms” are first thought,
internalized, and developed inside knowledge
building process.
Then, these “revised terms are externalized to the
collective meaning and purpose, and then expanded
to the “terms” and “definitions” into more rigorous
environment of research, and in the end to the
“terms” which are assimilated in the context by
disseminated service or artifact and finally these
domain ontological knowledge achievements
“terms” are transferred to the body of appropriate
knowledge reserves.
Lastly, dissemination of terms: in the next loop, the
meanings of “terms in a new service, which were
first developed by individual’s mental intra-level,
are then disseminated to the regional domain, and
then extended to the national level, and in the end to
the international level. With these ontological
knowledge transfers, the meaning of a “new born
term”, such as “co-creation” and “resilience” what it
means in this newly developed service as a view of
ontology. The “new termas “proposal of term” is
extended, externalized, and synthetized from the
individual understanding level to the dissemination,
and in the end, to the global level and probably
accepted to the global body of knowledge.
One additional finding of this study is that the value
related knowledge structures would be concentrated
as in manners of knowledge fusion to maximize a
possible resilience for an adaptive progress and
capabilities. Then as statement of study, value of
new knowledge, such as intellectual knowledge,
value of competitiveness related knowledge, and
business related knowledge can be collocated in
integrative and knowledge data fusion related
models and R&D collaboration.
4.4 Knowledge Transformations
In this context, the knowledge transformations were
especially enabled in the design research studies in
improvements and rebuilding of legacy information
systems, such as: new or revised requirements;
reviewed definitions; revised or new action logic;
more rigorous metric for future using; and
implications for needed improvisations. In the
continuum of this study, reasoning to knowledge
transformation was studied and recognized by action
research or case studies for design and development
purposes. The description of knowledge
transformations are contained to the followed Table
Table 5: Knowledge Transformations.
Knowledge Transformations (aspects)
Transformation of knowledge which was related to
the life cycles, such as legacy systems.
Transformation of knowledge related to design and
development path-dependency.
Transformation of knowledge related to system
Transformation of knowledge related to
Transformation of knowledge related to cultural-
Transformation of knowledge related to adaptive
systems and resilience needs.
4.5 Knowledge Co-creation
Co-created knowledge or knowledge creation
process, such as building of new knowledge was
related to building of new artifact, service or
expanded ontology in such forms as meanings of
signs, symbols and constructs. The focus was on
inductive approach of creation or co-creation
processes, and outcomes included strong
consortium-dependency, cultural-dependency,
government-helix-dependency and work place
The knowledge co-creations were achieved by
service design and information systems design
research with multimethodological studies in R&D
projects. In our co-creation settings, learning was
related to processes of inquiry, especially to
innovative processes of inquiry where something
new was created and the initial knowledge was
substantially enriched or significantly transformed
during the process.
The knowledge creation or as its extended form
knowledge co-creation metaphor of learning was
expected to provide a way of integration of lines
between problem-based, scope-based, solution-
based, acquisition-based, and participation-based
learning approaches.
The typical outcome of knowledge creation or
co-creation approach was such as: new proposal for
next externally funded project or pilot;
understanding of potential solution; co-creation of
new scopes; new model; description of novelty and
feasibility; description of aspiration or interest; and
issues to steering and shared volition. Knowledge
relation to high-value impacts as dissemination
effort elements in our R&D projects included such
communication related understanding as described
in the followed Table 6.
Table 6: Co-creation Impacts by Dissemination.
Co-creation and Dissemination (impacts)
Dissemination and co-creation are functions of
networked body of shared knowledge.
Dissemination proofs usefulness of achieved
knowledge which is co-created.
Dissemination validates methodology for
distribution of co-created artifacts and services.
Dissemination proofs co-created realizations.
Dissemination is realized by demonstrations, models
and methods (samples of co-creation).
Dissemination meant co-validation of distribution.
Dissemination addressed to focused universities and
schools (co-creative peripheral participation).
Dissemination included conferences and journal
articles as deliverables to the body of knowledge.
Dissemination was addressed on the way to
harmonization (last-mile research).
Dissemination was towards understanding and
confirmation that how to design, build and evaluate
artifacts and services.
The dissemination function includes R&D focused
knowledge or thematic knowledge for future, e.g.,
probable new led knowledge for future continuum of
studies, which can be, joined to the improvements of
regional-international research agenda or future
targets of research consortium and R&D projects. In
addition, the dissemination and co-creative scopes
were context-depended and thematic, they was
achieved by studies and addressed by how and why
questions and by design research interventions in
R&D projects.
Then, last remark of study: an implication is that
dissemination metrics should be addressed to
successful realisation of artifact or service and high-
value impacts in scales of direct- and indirect
impacts; the R&D interventions have to include both
rigor and relevant dimensions for generation of high-
value impacts.
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