Towards Common Information Systems Maturity Validation
Resilience Readiness Levels (ResRL)
Rauno Pirinen
The National Defence University, Helsinki, Finland
Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Espoo, Finland
Keywords: Adaptive Information Systems, Common Information Sharing, Resilience, Resilience Readiness Levels,
Resilient Systems, Maturity, Operational Validation.
Abstract: The intent of this study is on a proposal of resilience readiness level (ResRL) metrics towards their aspects,
factors, definition, criteria, references and further questionnaires for the contribution of combined-total
maturity measures and pre-operational validation of shared and adaptive information services and systems.
The study attempts to answer the following research question: how can ResRL metrics be understood in the
domain of shared information systems and services. It aims to improve ways of the acceptance, operational
validation, pre-order validation, risk assessment and development of adaptive mechanisms as well as the
integration of information systems and services by actors and authorities across national borders.
In the operative environment of this study,
knowledge management is understood as a
discipline concerned with the analysis and technical
support of practices used in an authority-related
organization and decision-making to identify, create,
represent, distribute and enable the adoption and
leveraging of real-world practices, which were used
in collaborative authority settings and, in particular,
public authority organizational processes.
This study of resilience is based on the ongoing
and cumulative data collection of three (n=3)
preliminary research and development (R&D)
projects: 1) European Union’s Common Information
Sharing Environment (EU_CISE_2020), including
R&D-related research on work packages (n=8) of
the EU_CISE research consortium and research
agenda targets related to the public authority in
Finland; 2) Maritime Integrated Surveillance
Awareness (MARISA) including eight work
packages (n=8) as current H2020 project and
EU_CISE continuum; and 3) From Failand to
Winland, the Academy of Finland Strategic
Research Council project as ongoing National
Critical Research Project (#WINLandFI) covering
five (n=5) work packages. The perspective of study
is in contribution of information systems combined-
total maturity validation and new resilience metrics.
The study addresses to information sharing
environments that foster cross-sectorial and cross-
border collaboration among public authorities, the
dissemination of the EU_CISE initiative and steps
along the Maritime EU_CISE roadmap. EU_CISE
work entails the widest possible experimental
environments encompassing innovative and
collaborative services and processes between
European institutions and takes as reference, a broad
spectrum of factors in the field of European
integrated services arising from the European legal
framework as well as collaborative studies and
related pilot projects: [EU_CISE_2020; Project ID
608385; Funded under FP7-SECURITY].
The overarching goal of MARISA project is to
provide the security communities operating at sea
with a data fusion toolkit, which provides a suite of
methods, techniques and software modules to
correlate and fuse various heterogeneous and
homogeneous data and information from different
sources, including Internet and social networks, with
the aim to improve information exchange, situational
awareness, decision-making, reaction capabilities
and resilience. The expected new solutions will
provide mechanisms to get insights from big data
sources, perform analysis of a variety of data based
on geographical and spatial representation, use
techniques to search for typical and new patterns
that identify possible connections between events,
Pirinen R.
Towards Common Information Systems Maturity Validation - Resilience Readiness Levels (ResRL).
DOI: 10.5220/0006450802590266
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 259-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
discover predictive analysis models to represent the
effect of relationships of observed objects and
phenomena: [MARISA: Project ID 740698; Funded
under H2020].
The #WINLandFI research project will take you
from Failand (failed future Finland) to Winland, in
such as Finland where key security threats have been
responded to with resilient policy-making. What
kinds of security risks and threats could paralyse
Finland so fundamentally that our country becomes
Failand? The project data includes arguments that
Failand becomes reality if two of the most
fundamental elements of a functioning society fail
food security and energy security, which both are
closely linked to water security. In addition, this
research data comprises reasoning for a setting of
resilience that such failure is likely to result from the
sum of four key components: long-term pressures,
shocks and surprises, decision-making, and policy
responses: [#WINLandFI; Funding ID 303623;
Funded under the Strategic Research Council (SRC)
at the Academy of Finland].
This “study of resilience” is challenged by
adaptive nature of networked systems, they become
increasingly difficult to understand, predict and
control. However, no single agreed upon definition
of the term “resilience” exists; there are numerous
theories and literature to explain resilience and its
sources, paths and impacts. In this study, the
rationality and motivation to the proposal
description of the resilience metrics is in usefulness
of these themes and categories in data collections,
data fusions, knowledge fusions, analysis and
especially triangulation fashion in real R&D cases,
research consortiums, and externally funded R&D,
for implementation and design of thematic studies,
domain configuration and its integration strategy.
In this specific operative environments, the term
“resilience in information systems or services” is
understood as a complex process involving multiple
overlapping and iterative tasks that address to design
theory and system theory as well as a multi-
methodological approach that involves thinking,
building, improving and evaluating a successful
information system and its communication, which
fits the needs of the applied domain, information
sharing and resilience readiness viewpoints.
An expected contribution of information sharing
related resilience is related to the alignment of
ontology of information technology, data additivity
capabilities, parallel communication protocols,
nexus management and adaptive dynamic factors of
high-value impacting technological artifacts, digital
infrastructures and critical systems, e.g., ontology
and semantic fusion capabilities taking advantage of
Web Ontology Language (OWL) and Resource
Description Framework (RDF) languages.
Although standardization is indeed an essential
element in sharing information, information systems
resilience and effectiveness requires going beyond
the syntactic nature of information technology and
delving into the human functions at the semantic,
pragmatic, critical realist and social levels of
institutional-organizational functions.
The research domain prioritizes improvements in
resilience settings of a complex service or system.
The term “external validity”, in resilience
viewpoints, refers to establishing the expanded
cross-domain in which the study’s findings and
conclusions can be generalized. This study adopts
the method of increasing understanding through
information systems research and maturity-
integration facilities, such as utility and
communication, resilience readiness and networked
realization capability.
The expected contribution of study addresses to
the operational and pre-operational validation (POV)
and utility of ISO standardization and
interconnection followed: 1) improvement in metrics
for information system and service integration; 2)
advances in global procurement management and
pre-order validation; 3) pre-operational validation in
information system investigations; 4) progress in
operational validation in information system
implementation; 5) findings of methodological
implications for the implementation of ResRL
metrics and improved resilience; 6) usefulness of
information system sharing and interconnection; 7)
expansion of large and networked information-
intensive services that can extend shared solutions
and routes of shared information utilization and
common global information and information system
sharing; and 8) educational advances in R&D-
related functions in higher education institutions,
which in this case, can be shared across national
The macro-level target of this research is to
further the examination of how existing TRL, IRL
and new ResRL metrics and their definition, criteria,
references, questionnaires and guidelines can be
useful and employed to realize and validate
integration, communication and dynamic
functionalities in information systems and
information sharing.
At the micro level, this study was performed on
shared information systems in the case of shared
maritime systems and focuses on readiness targets as
realizations and validation. Realization such as the
usefulness, sharing and dissemination of an
information system as a common digital service,
product or solution involving shared information
across appropriate borders of applied domains.
Validation, that is, pre-operational validation, pre-
order validation for procurements, internal validity
and external validity, which can, for example, be
useful in the national and global deployment-
dissemination processes, operational validation of
information systems, improving integration success,
outsourcing, achieving common ontological
understanding and improving methods.
The overall motivation of this research
continuum is to address increasing trustworthiness
such that related studies make sense and are credible
for such as HORIZON audiences. The study design
is based on a combination of a thorough
understanding of the theoretical framework, studies
in the related literature and experimental knowledge
of the collaborative integration used to explain the
research question as well as learning processes and
their meaning. Validity in this analysis refers to the
establishment of casual relationships such as nexus-
mutual-impacts. Causal relationships appears in such
as interactions and relationships among shared
readiness measures and information systems
realizations from the perspective of readiness levels,
information sharing across borders of various
domains and the use of shared information systems.
The key knowledge aspects for development of
ResRL metrics proposal included path-dependencies
with the related literature, for example, system
engineering (Eisner, 2011), systems readiness levels
(Sauser, Verma, Ramirez-Marquez and Gove, 2006)
and the development of an integration readiness
level (IRL) metrics (Sauser, Gove, Forbes and
Ramirez-Marquez, 2010).
Following these works, as continuum, the overall
research question was that how can ResRL metrics
be understood in the domain of shared information
systems and services. First, here, how ResRL
metrics can be understood and realized in the
context of the Common Information Sharing in such
environments using generally understood and related
metrics and models for the realization and reasoning
of furthered common maturity development.
This study, thus far, showed that a technological
readiness and integration readiness metric are two
basic elements of the thinking, building, improving
and testing of information systems, networked or
distributed integration and ontology. This view is
furthered by combined system readiness level (SRL)
metrics, which have been described as a
combination of TRLs function of technologies and
IRLs of integrations, as introduced by (Sauser et al.,
2006) and continued by (Luna, Lopes, Tao, Zapata
and Pineda, 2013). Figure 1 describes an approach
towards the combined-total maturity in Information
Systems Maturity Validation in the context of this
continuum of studies.
Figure 1: An Approach towards Common Information
Systems Maturity Validation.
In Figure 1, described Common Information
Systems Maturity Concept and SRL metrics are
understood here as the collector of metrics
represented by a single SRL metric defined on the
basis of the amalgamation of other existing readiness
levels, thus providing a method to chain and utilize
different readiness level metrics.
An aspect of SRL’s significance is that it gives
credibility to the quantitative collection of readiness
levels and opens possibilities to expand SRLs by
incorporating other readiness-level and validity
metrics, such as the manufacturing readiness level,
software readiness level, SRLs, and information
systems maturity as well as validity on an overall
scale [see also (Tan et al., 2011)].
In the context of EU_CISE information sharing,
MARISA data fusion and #WINLandFI resilience
and learning, it is noteworthy, that the related
literature on readiness metrics has similarities to a
combination of decision-making items, such as a
component of pre-operational or pre-order validation
and procurement management viewpoints.
The first widely understood and well-known
model regarding of our ResRLs proposal
development was open system interconnection (OSI)
(Zimmermann, 1980), described in Figure 2. For
related IRLs development, Sauser et al. (2006)
described this development path as follows: ‘it was
necessary to develop an index that could indicate
how integration occurs’ (p. 6). This index
‘considered not only physical properties of
integration, such as interfaces or standards, but also
interaction, compatibility, reliability, quality,
performance and consistent ontology when two
pieces are being integrated’.
Figure 2: Interpretations of OSI 7 layer model
(Zimmermann, 1980; revised form Pirinen et al., 2014).
Figure 2 describes the compacted structure of the
OSI model as the first approach to our ResRLs
proposal development. As well, Sauser et al. (2006)
selected the OSI model, its layers and targets, Figure
2 as the starting point of overall maturity readiness
levels development. The OSI model has been widely
referenced in computer networking to structure data
transmitted on a network and allows for the
integration of various technologies on the same
network, networking theme (Beasley, 2009) and
system approach to computer networks (Peterson
and Davie, 2012).
Much of the early works in this field involved
defining the risks and costs associated with various
TRLs. The related literature indicates that TRLs
addresses the evaluation of the readiness and
maturity of an individual technology. Hence, TRL
metrics adopt a given technology from the basic
principles as well as concept evaluation, validation,
prototype demonstration, and finally, completion
and successful operations.
These TRL characterizations are useful in
technology development, they address, to an extent,
how this technology is integrated and on needed
changes adapted within complete information-
intensive systems and applied services. In addition,
we recognised that, currently, many complex
systems fail in the integration phase and especially
in case of “adaptive change needed on demand” and
then, these readiness functionalities of resilience are
proposed for further development and discussions.
The Horizon Work Programmes includes TRL
guidelines, which are widely referenced and used in
H2020 proposals and evaluation. Figure 3 describes
the TRL metrics with methodologies used the R&D
context of study.
Figure 3: Description of TRL metrics and used R&D
methodology in the study.
In addition, integration, nexus as mutual causalities
and impacts of integration processes which are
owing increasing speed of technological
development, effects of new updates and needs of
more resilient systems for relevant adaptive needs
were implicated (Tan, Ramirez-Marquez and Sauser,
The IRL metrics were introduced by the Systems
Development and Maturity Laboratory at the
Stevens Institute of Technology and developed to
assess the progress of information system integration
and communication in the engineering field. The
study aimed at realizing and validating IRL metrics
in the extended context of the ISO DIS 16290
standard development framework by the
International Standards Organization.
A reason underpinning the present IRLs research
is that the TRLs do not accurately capture the risk
involved in adopting a new technology and that
technology can have an architectural difference
related to integration readiness and system
integration. In this environment, because the
complexity of a system or information increases, and
a practical situation often involves a service-oriented
network and shared systems, it is reasonable to
employ a reliable method and ontology for
integration-resilience readiness. This also allows
other readiness levels to be collectively combined
for the development of complex information-
intensive systems in information sharing and the
integration of systems as a common shared system.
The IRL metrics are defined as a ‘systematic
measurement of the interfacing of compatible
interactions for various technologies and the
consistent comparison of the maturity between
integration points (Sauser et al., 2006) (p. 5). IRL
metrics are used to describe of the integration
maturity of a developing technology using another
technology or mature information systems.
IRLs contribute to TRLs by checking where the
technology is on an integration readiness scale and
offering direction to improve integration with other
technologies. In general, just as TRLs has been used
to assess risks associated with developing
technologies, IRLs was designed to assess the risk
and development needs of information systems
Sauser et al. (2006) described IRLs development
path dependency that is based on the OSI model as
follows: ‘to build a generic integration index
required first examining what each layer really
meant in the context of networking and then
extrapolating that to general integration terms’ (p.
6). With this description, as shown on the left-hand
side of Figure 4, IRLs were defined to describe the
increasing maturity of the integration between any
two technologies between 2006 and 2010 through
the development of an integration readiness level
(Sauser et al., 2010) and using a system maturity
assessment approach (Tan et al., 2011). On the right-
hand side of Figure 4, the IRL metrics are described
in the context of the continuum of study.
The integration and data fusion standpoints can
also be related to a modular implementation strategy
as an approach that addresses challenges related to
the mobilization, steering and organization of
multiple stakeholders in wide-scale R&D
collaboration. Here, the focus is on the challenges of
realizing large-scale technological and information-
intensive systems, which are understood not as
standalone entities, but as those integrated with other
information systems, communication technologies
and technical and non-technical elements as well as
in a data and information fusion functions.
It is also included with the fact that an integrated
system can be a shared system in a network of
shared information [cf. building nationwide
information infrastructures (Aanestad and Jensen,
2011) and the case of building the Internet (Hanseth
and Lyytinen, 2010)].
In Figure 4, the description of IRL metric
includes nine levels (Sauser et al., 2006). The IRL
and TRL metrics are developed to assess technology
and integration by research interventions included in
numerous of National Aeronautics and Space
Administration and United States Department of
Defence efforts.
As shown in Figure 4, IRL layer 1 represents an
interface level: it is not possible to have integration
without defining a medium. In turn, selecting a
medium can affect the properties and performance of
a system. Layer 2 represents interaction, the ability
of two technologies to influence each other over a
given medium; this can be understood as an
integration proof of the concept, such as facilitating
bandwidth, error correction and data flow control.
Layer 3 represents compatibility. If two integrating
technologies do not use the same interpretable data
constructs or a common language, then they cannot
exchange information and data fusion if difficult.
Layer 4 represents a data integrity check. There is
sufficient detail in the quality and assurance of the
integration between technologies, which means that
the data sent are those received and there exists a
checking mechanism. In addition, the data could be
changed if part of its route is on an unsecured
medium [cf. realizations (Beasley, 2009) and
understanding of layers (Sauser et al., 2010)].
Figure 4: Integration readiness levels
(Sauser et al., 2010; Pirinen et al., 2014).
In Figure 4, IRL layer 5 represents integration
control: establishing, maintaining and terminating
integration, for example, possibilities to establish
integration with other nodes for high availability or
performance pressures. Layer 6 represents the
interpretation and translation of data, specifying the
information to be exchanged and the information
itself as well as the ability to translate from a foreign
data structure to a used one. Layer 7 represents the
verified and validated integration of two
technologies, such as the integration achieving
performance, throughput and reliability
requirements. Layers 8 and 9 describe operational
support and proven integration with a system
environment, corresponding to levels 8 and 9 of the
TRLs (Sauser et al., 2010). In IRL, level 8, a system-
level demonstration in the relevant environment can
be performed (the system is laboratory-test proven).
Level 9 denotes that the integrated technologies are
being successfully used both in the system
environment and operations [see Tan et al., (2011)].
In this study, the term “resilience” following
with Latin world “resilier” was extended as the
study of proactive-response ability and learning to
rebound, recover or jump back in the addressed
critical fields of national and cross-border decision
process systems and models. Here, the term
“resilience” can be address foremost to an ability of
critical, institutional, organizational, hardware,
software or operative service-systems to mitigate the
severity and likelihood of failures or losses, to adapt
to changing condition, and respond appropriately
after the evidence of failure, fact-finding, proactive
preparedness, consideration of response, and
scenario-based alignment and progress of action
competencies. Note literature: Resilience
Engineering (Atooh-Okine, 2016) and viewpoints of
robustness, persistence and resilience (Kott and
Abdelzaher, 2014).
First, we decide whether to continue with a case
analysis (Pirinen, 2014) or cross-case analysis
according to (Patton, 1990). The first two pilot
studies (Pirinen et al., 2014) were conducted on
integration projects in the context of industrial
solutions and operative systems: Industrial System
Projects (Sivlén and Pirinen, 2014) and Operative
System Projects (Mantere and Pirinen, 2014).
We begin with a case analysis, which involved
writing a case study for each integrated unit. These
results are documented and comprise a research data
continuum [according to the Art of Case Study
Research (Stake, 1995) and the description of
multiple cases in (Yin, 2009)]. A description of our
overall continuum of R&D based environments and
data collection of externally funded projects between
2007 and 2017 is briefly introduced in the Table 1.
As a research continuum, this study employs a
complementary multiple-case analysis, which means
grouping together answers to various common
questions and analysing different perspectives on
central issues as resilience themes in (n=3) projects
A summary list of research attributes was made
to validate and describe the methodological rigor in
the performed case study analysis (Dubé and Paré,
2003). While the level of achieved methodological
rigor has been used in different cases with respect to
specific attributes, the overall assessed rigor can be
still extended and furthered [cf. (Davison et al.,
In this study, the multiple-case study approach
was used; the method is well explained in many
references, e.g., the case research strategy in studies
of information systems; building theories from case
study research (Eisenhardt, 1989); case studies and
theory development in the social sciences;
qualitative data analysis; the real world research
(Robson, 2001); and “case study research design and
methods” (Yin, 2009).
Table 1: A continuum of externally funded R&D.
R&D Project
SF-TEKES-SEC 2007-2013
SF-TEKES-SEC 2007-2013
According mainly to Dubé and Paré (2003), the
main research attributes of this study are as follows:
1) title of the study: Towards Common Information
Systems Maturity Model: Resilience Readiness
Levels (ResRL); 2) research questions: ‘How can
ResRL metrics be understood in the domains of EU
CISE 2020 (information sharing), MARISA (data
fusion) and #WINLandFI (resilience and learning)”;
3) unit of analysis (UoA): an experience of samples
of resilience aspects of information systems
integration and data fusion cases which are
implemented, well documented and experienced; 4)
importance of the study: contributes to research on
information systems maturity, ResRL metrics and
related development of the ISO/DIS 16290 standard
series in EU CISE 2020, MARISA and
#WINLandFI projects; 5) methodological focus:
discovery of a continuums of case study analysis,
including triangulation (Campbell and Fiske, 1959)
and final cross-analysis; 6) analysis form: mainly a
qualitative analysis, saturation and triangulation
(Patton, 1990); 7) research target: information
service-system standardization and dissemination; 8)
data collection extensions and methods: MARISA
strategy canvas (n=38 participators and n=4 parallel
sessions) graphical canvas representations produced
(n=4) of high-value elements of authorities and
stakeholders that connects determination of
development targets, purchase choices and
continuums for utilization of innovative data fusion
functionalities, product and service; and 9) the
Academy of Finland Strategic Research Security
Programme namely From Failand to Winland
(#WINLandFI) data collection of co-creative work
including n=62 stakeholders and n=82 documents.
In this operative environment, described in Figure 1,
information systems maturity validation is
understood as an approach that an individual
institution with respect to a specific validation
depends on, for example, the rules, guidance,
regulation, legislation, standards, agreements,
adoption model, best practices, ethical-legislation
codex, and characteristics of the system, which
aspects are then validated as an obligatory
prerequisite for activation.
Before activation, the validation processes are
used to determine whether the improved or
developed service or product meets the requirements
of the activity and whether the service or product
satisfies its intended trust-based use, collectively
agreed and with understood needs. The validation
processes have similarities with methodological
validation in a grounded approach and especially in
a triangulation.
Study revealed that there are certain similarities
between the activities performed in practical
validation and the type of documented information
produced for the validity of integrated information
systems. Obtained understanding of these practices
case analysis addressed to the canonical documents
and standards accumulated in the practices of the
actors in question and their operative experiences
continued with CANVAS settings. As examples of
such experienced documents included following:
users and stakeholders needs; requirements and
specifications; field regulations; validation plans;
project plans; supplier audit reports; functional
specifications; design specifications; task reports;
risk assessments; infrastructure and architecture
experiences; operational qualifications; standard
operating procedures; performance qualification;
security qualification; and validation descriptions,
plans and reports.
Study discovered that the term “resilience”,
“functionalities of resilience” and “resilient
learning” are depending on case, evolution path,
institution, cultural and development paths, event
mechanisms, integrations, and applied technology.
Here, the term “resilience” concentrated to a
proactive view of response design and achievements
of surviving capabilities for unexpected changes and
manners to enhance the capability at all levels of
concept of operation (CONOPS) and event
mechanism to create adaptive decision-making paths
that are robust yet flexible. See the outcomes as
aspects of ResRL proposal description of event
mechanisms in comprised to Figure 6.
Figure 6: Proposal of ResRL metrics.
The operative focus of the term “resilience” was in
monitoring and revising risk models and using of
resources proactively in the face of disruptions or
pressures of ongoing activities such as control,
operations, production, learning, service, or trade-
industry interactions.
The term “resilience” addressed also to an ability
to recover from, or building new positions to,
misfortune or adaption of mandatory change.
Aspects of “resilience” included typically four
aspects: 1) proactive plan and prepare, 2) absorb
disturbance, 3) recover from, and 4) adapt to known
or unknown threats.
Here, outcome for genealogies of the term
“resilience”: empirical and multidisciplinary R&D
results contributed rather to practical-operational
basis and associated necessitate revisions of its
theoretical views such as modular strategy: the
second level of ResRL proposal describes these
factors for modularity in Figure 6.
According to feedback and lessons learnt so far:
study exposed advantages and challenges towards
standardization and maturity validation, mainly
related to the ISO DIS 16290 and authority-based
decision-making interconnections and mechanisms.
Development of ResRL metrics is promising area
of maturity, as remark for future, more studies for
scaling ResRL to nine level model as compatible
with TRL and IRL metrics is needed, hence, it can
make more balanced for comparisons to the overall
scale of information systems maturity metrics.
It is noteworthy that the proposed ResRL metrics
are challenging in global procurement management
such as in national-international agreements and
descriptions of work. Then, more fine grained
descriptions and shared understanding for pre-
operational validation of ResRL metric and
resilience functionalities are needed, such as
terminology development settings in way of a web
ontology and resource description languages.
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