A Lightweight Online Advertising Classification System using
Lexical-based Features
Xichen Zhang, Arash Habibi Lashkari and Ali A. Ghorbani
Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC), University of New Brunswick (UNB), Canada
Advertisement Detection, Machine Learning, Characterization, Lexical Features.
Due to the significant development of online advertising, malicious advertisements have become one of the
major issues to distribute scamming information, click fraud and malware. Most of the current approaches are
involved with using filtering lists for online advertisements blocking, which are not scalable and need manual
maintenance. This paper presents a lightweight online advertising classification system using lexical-based
features as an alternative solution. In order to imitate real-world cases, three different scenarios are generated
depending on three different URL sources. Then a set of URL lexical-based features are selected from previous
researches in the purpose of training and testing the proposed model. Results show that by using lexical-based
features, advertising detection accuracy is about 97% in certain scenarios.
The exploding development of World Wide Web in
the mid-1990s (Krammer, 2008) led to the birth of a
new and profitable business model online advertis-
ing. Then in the next following decades, due to the
expansional growth of mobile devices such as laptops
and smart phones, web-based contents and services
had become more easily accessible, and online ad-
vertising industry started flourishing. Involving with
the use of the Internet, online advertising is a mar-
keting strategy that can deliver commercial messages
and business information to the customers efficiently.
In order to draw the attention of potential customers,
enhance the brand recognition/awareness, and gener-
ate a favorable reputation for the products, web adver-
tisers tend to design distinctive online advertisements
constantly and display them in a wide variety of types.
Unfortunately, as the rapid growth of online adver-
tising, a massive amount of unnecessary and intru-
sive contents are downloaded during web surfing
nski et al., 2013). Users cannot get access to
the useful messages on the Internet effectively. And
a majority of the customers consider online advertise-
ments as annoying, obtrusive, distracting, and all over
the places (Adobe, 2013) (Jover et al., 2015) (Andri-
atsimandefitra and Tong, 2014).
Furthermore, online advertising is now the predomi-
nant model for marketing and promotion, and with it
online advertising fraud such as propagating malware,
scamming, click fraud, etc. (Li et al., 2012), has be-
come an increasing concern among researchers. Cur-
rently, there are potential interests in building systems
to prevent customers from visiting these websites (Ma
et al., 2009).
The main contribution of this paper is twofold. First,
we present a URL-based approach for online adver-
tisement classification. And based on previous stud-
ies, we propose an approach to select features with
high distinguishing power for identifying online ad-
vertisements. Second, we select a new set of features
for detecting online advertisements. With the appli-
cation of machine learning techniques, our proposed
features can provide efficient information for charac-
terizing online advertisements, and can be automati-
cally adapted to large datasets.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section
2 gives the related works; Section 3 describes how to
select the most indicating features; Section 4 presents
how to collect the dataset; Section 5 gives the imple-
mentation of our experiment; Section 5.2 shows the
analysis of the results; and Section 6 recaps the con-
clusion of this paper.
Related works from 2004 to 2015 have been reviewed
in order to identify a collection of commonly used
features that could yield high detection accuracy. Ta-
ble 1 shows 36 varied features extracted from the re-
Zhang, X., Lashkari, A. and Ghorbani, A.
A Lightweight Online Advertising Classification System using Lexical-based Features.
DOI: 10.5220/0006459804860494
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 486-494
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: List of detection features fetched from previous works.
# Category Feature Name Description Objective Reference
F1 Textual-based Feature Textual length of URL The total length of the URL Detect ads or malicious ads
nski et al., 2013)
(Kan and Thi, 2005)
(Ma et al., 2009)
(Ma et al., 2011)
F2 URL-based Feature URL component presence If query component or user information component present in the given URL Detect ads
nski et al., 2013)
(Kan and Thi, 2005)
F3 Textual-based Feature Token occurrences The occurrences of each word in URL Detect ads or web content
nski et al., 2013)
(Baykan et al., 2011)
(Baykan et al., 2009)
(Devi et al., 2007)
F4 URL-based Feature
Token occurrences by
URL component
The count of token occurrences for each component Detect ads
nski et al., 2013)
(Kan and Thi, 2005)
F5 Textual-based Feature Sequential n-gram URL first split into tokens, then derive sequence of n tokens from them Detect ads
(Baykan et al., 2011)
nski et al., 2013)
(Kan and Thi, 2005)
(Baykan et al., 2009)
(Zhang et al., 2006)
F6 Textual-based Feature Full token n-gram The count of occurrences of tokens with regard to succession relation Detect ads (Szczepa
nski et al., 2013)
F7 URL-based Feature
Token count
(total and per URL component)
Ads are likely to have many parameters in query component Detect ads (Szczepa
nski et al., 2013)
F8 Textual-based Feature
Numeric tokens count
(total and per URL component)
The count of occurrences of numeric values in URL Detect ads (Szczepa
nski et al., 2013)
F9 Textual-based Feature Ad-related keywords
Such as ’ad’, ’advert’, ’popup’,’banner’, ’sponsor’, ’iframe’, ’googlead’,
’adsys’ and ’adser’
Detect ads or phishing URL
(Bhagavatula et al., 2014)
(Krammer, 2008)
(Pradeepthi and Kannan, 2014)
F10 Textual-based Feature Suspicious symbol presence
If the URL contain semicolons to separate parameters?
If the URL contains valid query?
If any suspicious symbol just like @ present?
Detect ads or phishing URL
(Bhagavatula et al., 2014)
(Pradeepthi and Kannan, 2014)
F11 URL-based Feature Original page related
If the base domain name is present in the query of the URL?
If the requested URL is on the same domain?
Detect ads (Bhagavatula et al., 2014)
F12 URL-based Feature Size of Ads in URL Indicating the size of the ads it going to display Detect ads (Bhagavatula et al., 2014)
F13 URL-based Feature Dimensions of the URL Indicating the dimensions of the screen or browser Detect ads
(Bhagavatula et al., 2014)
(Shih and Karger, 2004)
(Krammer, 2008)
F14 URL-based Feature Iframe container
Indicating if the URL is requested from within an iframe either in the
context of the page or in the context of nested iframes
Detect ads (Bhagavatula et al., 2014)
F15 URL-based Feature
Proportion of external
requested resources
The proportions of external iframe, script and resource requests Detect ads (Bhagavatula et al., 2014)
F16 Textual-based Feature Textual length of hostname The length of hostname in given URL Detect malicious ads
(Ma et al., 2009)
(Ma et al., 2011)
F17 Textual-based Feature Dots occurrences The number of dots in the URL Detect malicious ads
(Ma et al., 2009)
(Ma et al., 2011)
(Pradeepthi and Kannan, 2014)
F18 Host-based Feature IP address Is the IP address in the blacklist? Detect malicious ads
(Ma et al., 2009)
(Ma et al., 2011)
F19 Host-based Feature WHOIS properties
What is the date of registration, update and expiration?
Who is the registrar?
Who is the registrant?
Is the WHOIS entry blocked?
Detect malicious ads
(Ma et al., 2009)
(Ma et al., 2011)
(Pradeepthi and Kannan, 2014)
(Li et al., 2012)
F20 Host-based Feature Domain name properties What is the TTL for DNS records associated with the hostname? Detect malicious ads
(Ma et al., 2009)
(Ma et al., 2011)
F21 Host-based Feature Geographic properties In which continent/country/city does the IP address belong? Detect malicious ads
(Ma et al., 2009)
(Ma et al., 2011)
F22 JavaScript Feature JavaScript source code
Including code obfuscation, dynamic code and URL generation, code
structure, function call distribution, event handling, script origin, presence
of keywords
Detect ads
(Orr et al., 2012)
(Yu, 2015)
F23 URL-based Feature URL tree
The left-most item (http:) becomes the root node of the tree, successive
tokens in the URL become the children of the previous token
Detect ads or web content (Shih and Karger, 2004)
F24 Host-based Feature Blacklist membership Is the IP address in a blacklist? Detect malicious URL (Ma et al., 2011)
F25 Host-based Feature Connection speed What is the speed of the uplink connection? Detect malicious URL (Ma et al., 2011)
F26 Textual-based Feature Presence of IP address IP is not included in a normal URL Detect phishing URL (Pradeepthi and Kannan, 2014)
F27 Textual-based Feature Unknown noun presence Domain names are not created by using some random letters Detect phishing URL (Pradeepthi and Kannan, 2014)
F28 URL-based Feature Misplaced top level domain If the domain name is present in the path section? Detect phishing URL (Pradeepthi and Kannan, 2014)
F29 Network-based Feature URL redirection If the URL has been used to redirect to many other pages? Detect phishing URL or ads
(Pradeepthi and Kannan, 2014)
(Yu, 2015)
(Krammer, 2008)
(Li et al., 2012)
F30 Network-based Feature Traffic received The amount of web traffic that each website gets Detect phishing URL (Pradeepthi and Kannan, 2014)
F31 Network-based Feature HTML table tree The visual/physical placement of links on a page
Detect ads or
webpage content
(Shih and Karger, 2004)
F32 Textual-based Feature Precedence Bigram The left-to-right precedence of two tokens in the URL Detect ads (Kan and Thi, 2005)
F33 Network-based Feature URL redirect path The redirection chain of a set of URLs Detect malicious ads (Li et al., 2012)
F34 Network-based Feature Domain redirect path The redirection chain of a set of domains Detect malicious ads (Li et al., 2012)
F35 Host-based Feature Domain frequency The number of publishers that associated with the domain each day Detect malicious ads (Li et al., 2012)
F36 Host-based Feature Domain-pair frequency The frequency of two neighboring URLs/domains Detect malicious ads (Li et al., 2012)
F37 Textual-based Feature Dash count in hostname The number of dash present in hostname Detect suspicious URLs (Chen et al., 2014)
lated works along with short descriptions.
Lawrence Kai Shih and David R. Karger (Shih and
Karger, 2004) in 2004 proposed a URL-based ap-
proach for webpage identification for ad-blocking and
content recommendation. They used four training
systems for data labeling. The four systems are: Web-
Washer, Redirect, Learn-WW and Learn-RD. And the
two type of features they used are URL-based feature:
}, and Network-based feature: {F
Min-Yen Kan and Hoang Oanh Nguyen Thi (Kan and
Thi, 2005) in 2005 demonstrated the use of URL
alone in performing webpage classification, such as
identification of online advertising. They applied
machine learning classifiers like Support Vector Ma-
chines (SVM) and Maximum Entropy (ME) to eval-
uate the performance of the following features: {F
, F
, F
, F
Jianping Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2006) in 2006,
M. Indra Devi et al. (Devi et al., 2007) in 2007 and
Eda Baykan et al. (Baykan et al., 2009) in 2009 stud-
A Lightweight Online Advertising Classification System using Lexical-based Features
ied the problem of URL-based webpage classification
with machine learning techniques. With the appli-
cation of SVM, Naive Bayes (NB) and ME, both of
the authors broke the URL into a sequence of tokens,
and treated the URL tokens as the feature {F
, F
Hern et al. in 2014 (Hern
andez et al., 2014) and 2016
andez et al., 2016) proposed a URL-based, un-
supervised tool called CALA, for webpage classifica-
tion. In their article, CALA took the URL of a web-
page as input, and then output a set of patterns that
represent the URL in different semantic classes.
Viktor Krammer et al. (Krammer, 2008) in 2008 in-
troduced a web browser-based content filter Quero.
And by applying different rules and features, they pre-
sented how to use Quero against web advertising. The
features related to URL included: {F
, F
, F
Justin Ma et al. (Ma et al., 2009) in 2009 detected
malicious websites by automated URL classification.
In their approach they measured different classifica-
tion models such as NB, SVM and Logistic Regres-
sion (LR) with mainly two types of features, lexical-
based features: {F
, F
, F
}, and host-based fea-
tures: {F
, F
, F
, F
}. (Ma et al., 2011) put forth
a similar study in 2011, and evaluated the same fea-
tures in (Ma et al., 2009). In addition, a real-time
system was developed with online classifiers such
as Perceptron, LR with Stochastic Gradient Descent,
Passive-Aggressive Algorithm (PA) and Confidence-
Weighted (CW) Algorithm.
Ludmila Marian et al. (Baykan et al., 2011) in 2011
classified webpage contents by URL analysis. The
four main features they used can be categorized into
two types: lexical-based feature and URL-based fea-
ture. The authors evaluated their approach by apply-
ing machine learning techniques such as NB, SVM,
ME, and Boosting with features: {F
, F
, F
, F
Caitlin R.Orr et al. (Orr et al., 2012) in 2012 im-
plemented a static analysis-based approach to identify
ad-related JavaScript. They assessed the performance
of their approach by applying SVM with the features
that extracted from given scripts: {F
In order to detect malicious web advertising, Zhou Li
et al. (Li et al., 2012) in 2012 developed a topology-
based system relied on the analysis of URL redirec-
tion chains. With network-based features {F
, F
} and host-based features {F
, F
, F
}, they
adopted a statistical learning framework based on de-
cision trees to automatically generate a set of detec-
tion rules for identifying malicious advertisements.
Piotr L. Szczepa
nski et al. (Szczepa
nski et al., 2013)
in 2013 presented a URL-based automated frame-
work as a solution to the problem of online advertise-
ments detection. Their experiments were performed
on the following popular classifier, K-Nearest Neigh-
bour (KNN), NB, Bayesian Network, SVM, Decesion
Tree, Random Forest, and AdaBoost with the fea-
tures: {F
Sruti Bhagavatual et al. (Bhagavatula et al., 2014) in
2014 designed a machine learning based approach to
classify ad-URLs using the AdBlockPlus classifica-
tion system. The features they used in their study can
be categorized into lexical-based feature and URL-
based feature. Their evaluation on the classification
models was conducted by the classifiers such as NB,
SVM, LR and KNN, along with the features: {F
Pradeepthi.K and Kannan.A (Pradeepthi and Kannan,
2014) in 2014 provided a solution for the problem
of phishing URL detection based on machine learn-
ing techniques. They concluded that the tree-based
classifiers showed better performance for identifying
phishing URLs. In their paper, totally four types
of features were selected for the purpose of classi-
fication: lexical-based features {F
, F
, F
, F
URL-based features {F
, F
}, network-based fea-
tures {F
, F
}, and host-based feature {F
In summary, machine learning techniques have been
extensively used to detect suspicious URLs. A total
of 36 features are mentioned in the previous papers,
which can be grouped into 4 main types: Textual-
based features, URL-based features, Host-based fea-
tures and Network-based features (See in Table 1).
A growing number of studies focus on URL-based
webpage identification. Beyond rule-based tech-
niques such as blacklist or whitelist, the application of
URL-based classification is significant for identifying
and detecting malicious advertisement. Since it can
protect end users from involving any malicious and
fraudulent activities before downloading the webpage
content. Also, the URL-based classification system
can be more stable to the evolution of obfuscation or
choaking techniques with less human involvement.
Among all the features we mentioned in Table 1,
lexical-based features are the most readily available
ones. Lexical-based features can provide sufficient
information about the webpage content. They have
been used in previous researches in (Szczepa
et al., 2013) (Kan and Thi, 2005) (Ma et al., 2011)
(Baykan et al., 2011) (Baykan et al., 2009) (Devi
et al., 2007) (Zhang et al., 2006) (Bhagavatula et al.,
2014) (Pradeepthi and Kannan, 2014) (Chen et al.,
2014) (Le et al., 2011). Compared with other types
of features, such as host-based features or network-
based features, using lexical features alone can also
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
lead to a comparable classification accuracy (Le
et al., 2011) without any time latency issues or re-
source consuming issues. The high accuracy and
the lightweight properties make lexical-based features
potential candidates for classifying malicious adver-
3.1 Available Features
We test and evaluate the performance of the following
7 features that have been previously used to identify
online advertisements.
Textual Length of URL: The length of a URL with-
out considering ‘www. .
Textual Length of Hostname: The length of host-
name in a given URL.
Numeric Tokens Count: A binary value indicating
if there is any numeric tokens in a given URL.
Ad-related Keywords: A binary value indicating
if there is any ad-related keywords in a given URL,
such as “ad, advert, popup, banner, sponsor, iframe,
googlead, adsys, adser” .
Suspicious Symbol: A binary value indicating if
there is any suspicious symbol in a given URL, such
as “ @ ; ”.
Dots Occurrences: The number of dots in given
Dash Count in Hostname: The number of dash oc-
currences in the hostname of a given URL.
3.2 New Proposed Features
URL obfuscation techniques are commonly used in
phishing and malicious attacks (Ma et al., 2009) (Le
et al., 2011) (Lin et al., 2013). For example, the at-
tackers can obfuscate the host with an IP address,
large host name or another domain. In order to iden-
tify phishing URLs, several lexical-based features are
used in (Le et al., 2011) to address different types of
obfuscation techniques: (I) Features related to do-
main name. These features include the length of
the domain name, the length of the longest token in
domain. (II) Features related to filename or path.
These features include the length of the filename or
path, the length of the longest token in filename or
path. (III) Features related to delimiters. These fea-
tures include the number of dots and delimiters (such
as ‘-’). In addition, some other lexical-based features
are used to detect malicious URLs (Mamun et al.,
2016) (Lin et al., 2013). For instance, length ratio
of different components in URL can help to find the
abnormal component.
Although the features mentioned above can provide
extra information about the suspicious URLs, and are
common candidates for detecting phishing or mali-
cious URLs, they have never been used for adver-
tisement URL identification. In order to character-
ize the obfuscation techniques in malicious advertise-
ment and improve the accuracy of our system, the fol-
lowing 26 lexical-based features are used as new fea-
tures in our experiment:
Length of Domain: The length of domain in a given
Length of Filename: The length of filename in a
given URL.
Longest Token Length: The length of longest token
in a given URL.
Average Token Length: The average length of all
the tokens in a given URL.
Longest Path Token Length: The length of the
longest token in the path of a given URL.
Average Path Token Length: The average length of
all the tokens presence in the path of each URL.
Number of Symbols: The number of symbols in a
given URL, such as “() [] // - + = . / ? : ! ,”.
URL Token Count: The number of tokens in a given
Length Ratio: We check the length division of Do-
main name / URL, Path / URL, Reference / URL,
Query / URL, Path / domain, Reference / domain,
Query / domain, Reference / path and Reference /
query as length ratio features.
URL Pattern-based Features: We want to check if
there is any specific pattern for online advertisement
URL. The following features are considered as URL
pattern-based features.
Letter-digit-letter: If there is a digit presents be-
tween two letters in the given URL.
Digit-letter-digit: If there is a letter presents be-
tween two digits in the given URL.
Delimiter Count: The number of delimiters in
the given URL.
Letter Count: The number of letters in the given
Digit Count: The number of digits in the given
Continuity rate: We categorize the charac-
ter type in the URL as letter, digit and sym-
bol. Then we record the longest length for each
type. For example, the continuity rate for URL
go0gle12*@” is (3 + 2 + 2) / 10 = 0.7.
Number Rate: The proportion of digits in the
given URL.
Executable File: If the given URL contains “.exe”.
IP as Domain: If the domain name is an IP address.
Finally 33 lexical-based features are selected and used
in our paper.
A Lightweight Online Advertising Classification System using Lexical-based Features
Table 2: Summary of the dataset and the experiment.
Scen. Data Source Feature Set Algorithm
Scen. A Benign-ad (3000) vs Non-ad (5000) Selected Set Full Set C4.5 RF KNN
Scen. B Malicious-ad (1115) vs Non-ad (5000) Selected Set Full Set C4.5 RF KNN
Scen. C Ad-URL (4115) vs Non-ad URL (5000) Selected Set Full Set C4.5 RF KNN
4.1 Previous Datasets
Viktor Krammer (Krammer, 2008) chose the Alexa
Global Top 500 list of popular websites in their study.
A total of 502 pages were examined in their experi-
ment and 314 (63%) of them displayed some forms
of advertising.
Zhou Li et al., (Li et al., 2012) continuously crawled
the home pages of Alexa’s top 90,000 websites from
Jun 21st to Sep 30th, 2011. They found that 53,100
webpages are involved in ad-related delivery. They
also discovered that over 1% of the top Alexa home
pages lead to malicious advertising.
Justin Ma et al. (Ma et al., 2009) collected benign
URLs and malicious URLs separately. For benign
URLs, they choose two data source, DMOZ Open
Directory Project (Netscape, 2007) and random URL
selector for Yahoo’s directory, with a total number of
15,000 benign sources. For the malicious sites, Phish-
Tank (OpenDNS, 2007) (5,500 malicious sources)
and Spamscatter (Anderson et al., 2007) (15,000 ma-
licious sources) were selected in their research.
In a similar study , Justin Ma et al. (Ma et al., 2011)
chose two dataset feeds in their experiment. Their ma-
licious URLs came from a large web mail provider,
who provided 6,000+ examples of spam and phish-
ing URLs per day. And their benign URLs were ran-
domly collected from Yahoo’s directory listing. Over-
all a total of 20,000 URLs per day were used in
their research, which included about 30% malicious
Sruti Bhagavatula et al. (Bhagavatula et al., 2014) se-
lected the Alexa top 500 US sites from February 2014
as their dataset input, and crawling all the links from a
page up to depth 2 from the source page, which led to
a total of 60,000 URLs with 50% ad-related sources.
Caitlin R. Orr et al. (Orr et al., 2012) used 339 web-
sites from Alexa, which distributed in 16 categories
and 24 countries. They selected 250 unique scripts
from the 339 websites for training purpose. They
tested their classifier on scripts from 25 randomly
chosen websites from Alexa Top 100,000.
4.2 Our Dataset
The main contribution of this research is the char-
acterization of online advertisements. We decide
to build a dataset which includes normal URLs
(Non-ad), Benign-ad URLs and Malicious-ad URLs.
Upon inspecting all the datasets listed in the previous
subsection, we found that none of them has included
all these materials together. So, this section describes
the dataset we have generated and used in our testing
and training processes. Three types of URLs sources
are collected in order to conduct the classification
Source I (Malicious-ad URLs): We obtained ex-
amples of malicious advertising URLs from a URL
blacklist service website, www.urlblacklist.com. The
data sources are all about malicious advert servers
and banned URLs, the latest modification date of the
dataset is July 28th, 2016.
Source II (Benign-ad URLs): We collected be-
nign advertising URLs from an advertising dataset,
dataset/, which is created by the University College
London as an independent computational advertising
dataset from the publicly available sources.
Source III (Non-ad URLs): We built a crawler to
fetch all the non-advertising URLs from Alexa Top
5000. For each Alexa domain (such as google.com),
the crawler visits at most 20 pages which are origi-
nally linked with Alexa top page, from August 28th,
2016 to September 10th, 2016. After that, 5000
non-advertising URLs are selected manually from
the above fetched URLs.
Three scenarios are defined for the experiments based
on these three types of URLs sources.
Scenario A: consists of pairing benign-ad URLs
from Source II and non-ad URLs from Source III for
the purpose of “detecting benign advertisements”;
Scenario B: includes malicious-ad URLs from
Source I and non-ad URLs from Source III for the
purpose of “detecting malicious advertisements”;
Scenario C: contains benign-ad URLs from Source
II, malicious-ad URLs from Source I and non-ad
URLs from Source III, in order to examine the task
of distinguishing advertisements from normal URLs.
Table 2 shows a breakdown of the number of URLs
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
related to each scenario.
Based on (Krammer, 2008), average two-third (nearly
0.67) of Alexa top websites display some forms of
advertising. So in order to simulate the real-world
case as realistic as possible, we set the advertising
URLs vs non-ad URLs ratio to 0.6 in Scenario A, and
add 5% noisy data in each scenario. The distribution
of positive labeled data and the negative labeled
data are still uneven in Scenarios B and C (see in
Table 2). Also, by dividing our URL sources into
three scenarios, we can evaluate how our feature set
performs in different circumstances, and estimate the
potential use of URL lexical-based features in more
In this section, we will first discuss how to select the
most influential features for online advertising detec-
tion, and then introduce the implementation of our ex-
5.1 Features Selection
Features may be considered as noisy features if they
do not contribute to the detection performance. In-
stead of improving the performance of classifiers, the
presence of such noisy features will be harmful, re-
sulting in an increase in training time and error rates.
Based on different evaluation approaches, feature
selection heuristics can separate the useful features
from the unimportant ones. The selected features can
deepen our knowledge about the nature of different
data sources.
The estimations of feature selection algorithms de-
pend on either a single feature or a subset of features
nski et al., 2013). For example, the popular
information gain heuristics can evaluate each single
feature individually, but it cannot estimate the corre-
lations between features. In order to measure the ef-
fectiveness of the features in our detection system, we
used CfsSubsetEval in Weka toolbox, with Best-
Search method. By considering the predictive abil-
ity of each feature, this evaluator can return a subset
of features, which are highly correlated with the clas-
sification but having low inter-relation with each other
(Xu et al., 2013) (Hall et al., 2009). The subset of fea-
tures obtained from this approach is called “Selected
Feature Set” and will be used in the following exper-
iments. All the selected features in each scenario are
list in Table 3.
Figure 1: The execution time (in ms) of different classifiers
in each scenario.
5.2 Classification and Evaluation
In our experiment, three different machine learning
classifiers namely Decision tree algorithm (C4.5),
Random Forest (RF) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
have been used. the three algorithms are trained and
tested on the Selected Feature Set (see in Table 3) and
the Full-feature Set. In each scenario, we performed
10-fold cross validation to evaluate the results. The
summary of different scenarios in our experiment is
given in Table 2.
The Accuracy(Acc), F-score, and False Positive Rate
(FPR) are used as evaluation metrics to assess the per-
formance of the system, and are given by the follow-
ing formulas:
Acc =
T P + T N
T P + T N + FP + FN
F score =
2 Pr Rc
Pr + Rc
FP + T N
Where TP, TN, FP, FN are true positive (detected
ad-URL), true negative (detected legitimate URLs),
false positive (undetected ad-URLs) and false nega-
tive (misclassified legitimate URLs). Pr and Rc rep-
resent precision and recall, and are given by formulas
TP / (TP + FP) and TP / (TP + FN) respectively.
Table 4 shows the detailed results of our experiment.
We notice that using the full feature set, we can al-
ways achieve high precision/recall and low FPR. This
indicates that using lexical-based features alone can
lead to a satisfactory classification effectiveness. The
performance of selected feature set is still acceptable
(see in Table 4). This shows that by reducing the
dimension of full feature set with feature selector,
A Lightweight Online Advertising Classification System using Lexical-based Features
Table 3: Summary of selected features in each scenario.
Scen. Selected Feature Set (Subset with BestSearch)
Ad-related keyword, Dash count, Average token length, URL token count, Domain / URL, Ref / URL,
Path / domain, Number rate
Ad-related keyword, Suspicious symbol, Dash count, Length of filename, Path / URL, Number rate,
Executable file, IP as domain
Ad-related keyword, Suspicious symbol, Dash count, URL token count, Domain / URL, Number rate,
Executable file
Table 4: Summary of the experiment results.
Full Feature Set Selected Feature Set
Scen. Algo. Acc F-score FPR Acc F-score FPR
C4.5 97.6% 96.8% 1.5% 97.2% 96.8% 1.6%
RF 97.3% 96.1% 1.7% 97.0% 96.4% 1.9%
KNN 96.7% 95.7% 2.1% 95.9% 94.4% 3.7%
C4.5 97.5% 97.4% 0.6% 97.4% 93.4% 0.6%
RF 97.4% 96.2% 0.9% 97.3% 96.1% 1.3%
KNN 97.5% 96.5% 0.6% 96.5% 95.7% 1.8%
C4.5 97.4% 97.1% 2.2% 97.3% 97.0% 2.3%
RF 97.1% 96.8% 2.2% 97.0% 96.8% 2.6%
KNN 96.5% 96.1% 2.7% 93.1% 95.0% 4.4%
the selected features contain sufficient information for
online ad-URLs, and are powerful attributes for on-
line advertisement detection task.
Previously, many researches are working on URL-
based webpages classification and detection. (Ma
et al., 2009), (Choi et al., 2011), (Xu et al., 2013)
and (Li et al., 2013) were focusing on malicious URL
detection. (Le et al., 2011) and (Whittaker et al.,
2010) designed automated classification systems for
phishing URLs identification. (Szczepa
nski et al.,
2013) identified advertisements URLs by lexical-
based analysis, whereas (Li et al., 2012) described
a topology-based framework for malicious advertise-
ment detection. However, our paper is the first
study to deploy a comprehensive system for detecting
benign-ad URLs and malicious-ad URLs at the same
A lightweight detection system is significant for on-
line advertisement detection task, since any delay of
classification can cause unexpected results for cus-
tomers. Although features like WHOIS properties
contain useful information about the URL instances,
and are widely used in previous researches such
as (Ma et al., 2009) (Ma et al., 2011) (Pradeepthi
and Kannan, 2014) and (Li et al., 2012), they will
cause time latency issues by sending requests to re-
mote servers. And these issus will become more se-
vere when the size of data is large. (Szczepa
et al., 2013) demonstrated a classification system for
benign-ad URLs with lexical-based analysis. How-
ever, since the introduction of “n-gram” and “bag of
word” techniques, the size of their lexical-based fea-
tures is large. This leads to a problem that the training
time for their classification system is long, and the
time delay will still suffer user experience. Accord-
ing to (Whittaker et al., 2010), online blacklist sys-
tem will averagely take 1 hour to 10 hours to identify
a single malicious URL. Based on Figure 1, the max-
imum execution time is only 40s (using Random For-
est algorithm in scenario A), which indicates that our
lightweight detection system shows a considerable
improvement over the existing blacklist approaches.
In our study, a lexical-based feature set with size 33
is selected and used in our experiment. Compared
with previous works, our study proposes a lightweight
solution for online advertisement detection. By us-
ing only lexical-based features, we can achieve a high
classification performance and avoid the overhead of
querying remote servers.
Nowadays, online advertisement is one of the largest
annoyances for users in web surfing and reading. Cur-
rent tools are using a large list of regular expression
filters for matching every requested URL to detect the
malicious-ads. So it is necessary to have an automated
solution that can be adapted to thousands evolving ad-
verts easily and fast. To tackle this issue, in this re-
search we design and implement a lightweight classi-
fication system using lexical-based features. For the
experiment, three different scenarios have been de-
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
fined based on three different sources: non-ad URLs,
benign-ad URLs, and malicious-ad URLs. The results
show that by using the selected lexical-based features,
online advertisement detection accuracy is about 97%
in certain scenario.
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