LOCALPKI: A User-Centric Formally Proven Alternative to PKIX
Jean-Guillaume Dumas
, Pascal Lafourcade
, Francis Melemedjian
Jean-Baptiste Orfila
and Pascal Thoniel
e Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, LJK, 700 av. centrale, IMAG - CS 40700, 38058, Grenoble cedex 9, France
University Clermont Auvergne, LIMOS, Campus Universitaire des C
ezeaux, BP 86, 63172, Aubi
ere Cedex, France
NTX Research SA, 111 Avenue Victor Hugo, 75116, Paris, France
Security Protocols, Web Security, Systems Architecture, Authentication and Non-repudiation, Formal
Methods for Security, Identification.
A public-key infrastructure (PKI) binds public keys to identities of entities. Usually, this binding is established
through a process of registration and issuance of certificates by a certificate authority (CA) where the validation
of the registration is performed by a local registration authority. In this paper, we propose an alternative
scheme, called LOCALPKI, where the binding is performed by the local authority and the issuance is left to
the end user or to the local authority. The role of our third entity is then to register this binding and to provide
up-to-date status information on this registration. The idea is that many more local actors could then take the
role of a local authority, thus allowing for an easier spread of public-key certificates in the population. We also
prove our scheme’s security with Tamarin an automatic verification tool of cryptographic protocols.
Public Key Infrastructure (abbreviated PKI) allows to
bind the user identity with his public key. On internet,
the PKIX standard is widely used. Almost all major
internet players authentify their servers with certifi-
cates via the TLS (Transport Layer Security) proto-
col. In this paradigm, end entities rely on Certificate
Authorities (CA) which deliver X.509 certificates con-
taining, at least, the user’s identity and public key and
a validity period. These certificates are then signed
by the CA. Then, to use the public key of an en-
tity, a user verifies the associated certificate: check-
ing validity period, correctness of signature etc. To
use long enough validity periods, a revocation mech-
anism has then to be set up. The most deployed so-
lutions for this are Online Certificate Status Protocol
(OCSP) (Santesson et al., 2013) and Certificate Revo-
cation List (CRL) (Cooper, 2008). In the first case,
the user sends a validity query of the owner’s certifi-
cate to an OCSP responder (either maintained by the
certificate’s issuer, or well known to the user). In the
second case, lists of revoked certificates must be reg-
ularly updated and published into CRL Distribution
Points (CDP). Users access these CDP and check that
the owner’s certificate is not present inside the list. In
the end, depending on the obtained certificate status,
the owner is authenticated or not by the user.
The current state of the art is quite substantial,
because of various security and efficiency require-
ments, mostly depending on the environment where
the PKI must be set-up (internet, industrial archi-
tecture, power limited devices...). In terms of effi-
ciency, solutions to reduce communication and com-
putation costs of the revocation checks arose, such as
noz et al., 2008) or Delta-CRL (Cooper,
2008). Moreover, the needed trustfulness in the CA
has been intensively studied in order to reduce the
impact of malicious behavior. Indeed, in PKIX, a
compromised CA is able to ruin the entire authenti-
cation mechanism by delivering illegitimate certifi-
cates. Then, solutions based on public logs of CAs
action emerged, with for instance Certificate Trans-
parency (Laurie et al., 2011). In this paradigm, cer-
tifications are included in append-only log structures:
the log maintainer is able to prove that a specific cer-
tificate is present into the structure, and that each new
added certificate has only extended the previous struc-
ture. The Accountable Key Infrastructure (Kim et al.,
2013) exploits public-logs for the certificate manage-
ment and distributes the trust between several enti-
ties. In (Ryan, 2014), the authors provide a solution
Dumas, J-G., Lafourcade, P., Melemedjian, F., Orfila, J-B. and Thoniel, P.
LOCALPKI: A User-Centric Formally Proven Alternative to PKIX.
DOI: 10.5220/0006461101870199
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 187-199
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
combining public revocation and a more largely dis-
tributed trust (using users’ browsers) with the Certifi-
cate Issuance and Revocation Transparency. More
recently, the Attack Resilient Public-Key Infrastruc-
ture (ARPKI) (Basin et al., 2014) proposes a PKI
where clients choose several authorities (CAs and log
maintainers) involved into the global process. There,
each of these authorities supervises the others’ be-
havior: as a consequence, a single non compromised
entity is sufficient to prevent attacks. The solution
described in (Yu et al., 2016) with the Distributed
Transparent Key Infrastructure (DTKI), provides se-
curity even in the case where all these entities are cor-
rupted. Notably, the security of ARPKI and DTKI
has been formally proven using the automatic cryp-
tographic protocols verification tool Tamarin (Meier
et al., 2013; Schmidt et al., 2012). Most of these
advanced solutions provide enhanced security to the
cost of some complexity in the procedures. In a prac-
tical set up these solutions involve several authorities,
which must be involved in the management of techni-
cal services (this is particularly true for the manage-
ment of worldwide append-only logs). Furthermore,
these schemes rely on a CAs signature of certificates
in order to guarantee the binding between the public
key and the identity.
Another issue of PKIX is the certificates cost
that still remains a problem. In order to reduce
this cost and to simplify the implementation com-
plexity, the project Let’s Encrypt emerged to de-
mocratize the implementation of server certificates
(https://letsencrypt.org/). Differently, the deployment
of people certificates has never really been carried out
on a large scale and still few end-users have certifi-
Contributions. In this paper, we formally de-
scribe and prove the security of a PKI called LO-
CALPKI, based on the PKI 2.0 paradigm (Bouzefrane
et al., 2011). The PKI 2.0 project and its instances
such as LOCALPKI are seeking to democratize the
attribution of people certificates, like what Let’s En-
crypt is doing for server certificates. They are essen-
tial for secured transactions: authentication, digital
signature, confidentiality. LOCALPKI removes three
known bottlenecks of PKIX: remote delivery, cost of
certificates and their complexity of use. The idea is to
replace CA signed certificates by user self-signed cer-
tificates. However, contrary to PGP (Zimmermann,
1995), trust is not given by users but by an author-
ity. This authority, a combination of notaries and local
actors in our setting, guaranties the binding. Indeed,
after registration of a certificate owner by a notary,
other users will be able to verify the authenticity of
this certificate via a request. For a private verifica-
tion, a possibility is to send a request to the notary,
similar to an OCSP procedure: the notary’s response
depends on the looking up of uniquely recorded le-
gitimate users in his database. For a public verifi-
cation, a possibility is to provide hashed and signed
subsets of the database, similar to NSEC3 (Kolkman
et al., 2012) (or NSEC5 (Vcelak et al., 2016)) records
within DNSSEC (Bau and Mitchell, 2010). Also, as
in PKIX, registration and authentication do not need
be performed by the same entities. In PKIX the for-
mer step can be performed by a Registration Author-
ity. In LOCALPKI, this entity is known by the no-
tary and must be close to the user. It can be a techni-
cal service, just like a classical registration authority,
but it can also be a local actor or a business service,
closer to users. We have in mind banks, postal of-
fices, mobile network operators, delivery points, uni-
versity offices, for example, and more generally any
actor used to check identities. For the user, he can
get a free certificate (with possibly paid options avail-
able) near his home or work place with the security
of face-to-face enrollment (identity verification). For
local registration desks, it would often be in its own
interest to deliver people certificates to its members or
clients. These member/client certificates will enable
them to authenticate and perform online operations,
for instance securely signing contracts. Moreover, the
involved entities, except for the notaries, do not really
need any technical knowledge. Overall, our propo-
sition, LOCALPKI, is a first instance of the PKI 2.0
paradigm offering an alternative to PKIX. LOCALPKI
is able to provide the same services as PKIX, but us-
ing a user-centric approach and without the need of
a signature by an authority for each certificate. Fur-
ther, in this paper, we also provide a security analysis
of our protocols, using Tamarin (Meier et al., 2013;
Schmidt et al., 2012) and show that the implementa-
tion of the LOCALPKI in a practical environment can
be realized using existing PKI tools.
Organization of the Paper. In section 2, we start
by defining entities involved in LOCALPKI, and we
make a high-level comparison with PKIX. Then in
Section 3, we formally describe all the protocols in-
volved, i.e. the registration, authentication and revo-
cation mechanisms. Section 4 is devoted to the de-
ployment of the architecture, using existing tools and
solutions. Finally, in Section 5, we define the required
security properties and an associated formal model for
LOCALPKI. Those enable us to formally prove the
security of LOCALPKI, using Tamarin.
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
LOCALPKI is a set of protocols which fulfills all
the requirements of a public-key infrastructure (PKI):
registration of a new user, authentication of registered
users, revocation of certificates, renewals, etc. We
start by introducing each entities’ role.
Entities. There are three different entities in LO-
CALPKI: Electronic Notaries (EN), a Local Regis-
tration Authorities (LRA) and users (or End Enti-
ties). The Electronic Notary might be seen as the
root CA in a classical PKI architecture. He manages
the databases containing registered users. The Local
Registration Authority represents the intermediate en-
tity between the user and the notary. It is somewhat
like a Registration Authority in a classical PKI, but
in LOCALPKI it is closer to users than to the CA.
In practice, the LRA could be an agency close to the
user, such as the user’s insurance company, his bank,
the postal office, etc. Those agencies usually already
have the abilities to check identities. The LRA is reg-
istered by some EN, and the identity checks are per-
formed during the recording of a new user. Finally,
users represent the entities who want to authenticate
or be authenticated by others.
Comparison with PKIX. The main differences
between LOCALPKI and PKIX are:
In LOCALPKI registration authorities do not need
to be security experts. Therefore they can be
closer to users and allow more widespread de-
ployment of the use of certificates in every day
life (see § 3.2).
Certificate creation is done by the CA in PKIX; in
LOCALPKI it is done by the LRA while the no-
taries store and make this decision available (see
§ 3.2).
The default authentication mode in PKIX is
buffering via CRL; while default authentication
mode in LOCALPKI is interactive, somewhat
like OCSP Online-Certificate Status Protocol (see
§ 3.3.1).
The alternative authentication mode in PKIX is
OCSP, while LOCALPKI can also propose an
alternative buffering mechanism called Certifi-
cate Verification Lists (CVL), described in Sec-
tion 3.3.2.
From a closer look at both protocols execution,
the major difference is in the signature of the user’s
certificate: in PKIX, the CAs signature is present
whereas in LOCALPKI only the self signature made
by the user is required. As shown in Figure 1, certifi-
cate creation is realized in the 2
step by the owner
instead of the 4
one by the CA for PKIX, as shown in
Figure 2. Furthermore, the registration authority for-
wards a certificate request to the CA, while the LRA
only sends the certificate’s hash to the notary. Finally,
in LOCALPKI certificates are not directly published
since the ENs database only contains hashes.
Local RA
2. Cert. Creation
3. Hash of cert.
ID: User
User Public Key
User Information
Self Signature by User
4. Storing hash
1. ID Check
Figure 1: LOCALPKI registration.
1. Cert. Request
2. ID Check
4. Cert. creation
ID: User
User Public Key
User Information
Signature by CA
5. Publication
3. Forward Req.
Figure 2: PKIX registration.
Hence, interactive authentication is also different
as shown in Figures 3 and 4: with LOCALPKI, own-
ers have to provide their certificates to users before-
hand, and then the users interact with notaries in order
to be convinced of the certificate’s validity; with PKIX
users can recover certificates in a local repository and
then interacts with OCSP responders to be convinced
of the certificate’s validity. The full protocol, in par-
ticular the buffering mechanism (the CVL, also called
public mode within LOCALPKI), is detailed next.
Notary Bob
3. Alice?
4. Hash
5. Checking:
Cert validity
Notary signature
1. Alice?
2. Cert
6. {M}
Figure 3: LOCALPKI end entity interactive authentication.
LOCALPKI: A User-Centric Formally Proven Alternative to PKIX
Repository Bob
1. Alice?
2. Cert
3. Cert
4. Ok/Unk/Rev
5. Checking:
Cert chain
OCSP signature
6. {M}
Figure 4: PKIX end entity interactive authentication.
We now give some notations and then formally define
the LOCALPKI protocols.
3.1 Notations
We denote by Pk
(resp. Sk
) the public key (resp.
private key) of a user A. We write {m}
) the action of ciphering (resp. signing) a mes-
sage m with the public key Pk
(resp. the private key
). Hashing a message m is written H(m), with H
the hash function. The concatenation of two messages
and m
is denoted m
. Generally, the notation
is used to express the belonging of the object O
(e.g., a certificate) to the user A. We denote by X
a function which takes user’s information and returns
them into the X
certificate format without any sig-
3.2 Registration of a New User
In order to be known within the infrastructure, and
to allow him to be authenticated by the others, a user
first needs to be enrolled into the system: this step is
called registration.
The first phase is the new key pair generation by
the user. Then, he interacts with a LRA to start the
registration process. In LOCALPKI the LRA should
be physically close to the user, so that they can meet
in person. The user begins by providing ID proofs ac-
cording to the established security policy (e.g., a vi-
sual check of the ID card). Once the identity check
succeeds, the user gives his public key to the LRA.
Next, the authority generates a field equivalent to the
ToBeSigned (TBSCert) in the X.509 certificates, con-
taining at least: the user’s ID, his public key, a Se-
rial Number (SN), a validity period and the URL of
the notary associated with the LRA. The SN has been
obtained by the LRA from previous exchanges with
the EN. The latter is in charge of the SN generation,
and communicates to each supervised LRA a specific
range of SN. For the next step, the user hashes the
previously generated T BSCert and signs the digest:
the result is called SI (Signature Id). Afterwards, by
using the previously provided public key, the LRA is
able to recompute the digest and then to check the
correctness of the signature. At this step, the user has
proven his knowledge about the associated private key
to the LRA. The final registration phase is performed
by the EN who registers the unique couple (SN, SI)
(this is a simplified version of what is called a “pub-
lic key ownership certificate” in (Bouzefrane et al.,
2011)). For this, the LRA ciphers the couple using
the ENs public key, and sends the result along with
its signature of this message (i.e., {H(SN, SI)}
In the end, the registered user owns a certificate Cert
containing the T BSCert, and in particular the SN and
the SI, while the EN has added the associated cou-
ple (SN, SI) to his database. The complete process is
detailed in Algorithm 1 and schemed in Figure 5.
Algorithm 1: Registration of Alice.
Require: The LRA owns a priori serial numbers,
provided by a trusted electronic notary EN.
Ensure: Identity check (by the LRA) and registration
of Alice into the EN database.
1: Alice generates his public key Pk
2: Alice LRA: Pk
3: LRA checks information and identity of Alice.
4: LRA Alice: Serial number (SN
), notary URL
), validity.
5: Alice generates a X .509 certificate T BSCert
(completed with URL
and SN
), and computes
= {H(T BSCert
6: Alice LRA: T BSCert
7: LRA checks SI
(PoK of the Alice private key).
8: if Verification OK then
9: LRA EN:
10: end if
11: EN decides to add Alice to his database.
3.3 Authentication
Once the owner of the certificate has been correctly
registered, other users could authenticate him i.e.,
they are ensured that the used public key is indeed
the owner’s one. The authentication process in LO-
CALPKI can be realized in two different ways. First
by using a private mode, where only the EN knows
the full database containing registered users. In this
case, the user requests the EN about the validity of
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Alice Local Registration Authority Electronic Notary
T BSCert
= X
(Alice, Pk
, SN
,Validity,U RL
= {H(TBSCert
T BSCert
Check: {SI
== H(T BSCert
= {H(SN
C = {SN
== H({C}
Add (SN
) to CVL
Figure 5: Registration of Alice.
the owner’s certificate, and no more information is re-
vealed. The second possibility is to apply the pub-
lic mode (also called buffering mode), where the EN
shares parts of his database with the user, who makes
the validity verification by himself. In both cases,
the user must be able to first authenticate the EN us-
ing the URL provided in the certificate. As in PKIX,
the mechanism used in LOCALPKI is the trust an-
chors (Reddy and Wallace, 2010). A trust anchor con-
tains certificates of the trusted notaries. Then, users
are able to retrieve information on notaries, in partic-
ular their associated public key. In the following, we
detail both the private and public modes.
3.3.1 Private Mode
The specificity of the private mode resides in the
database of registered users, which is only known by
the EN. Then the validity check of the owner’s certifi-
cate by another user (the verifier) is made by interact-
ing with the EN at verification time. First the verifier
gets the certificate from the owner. Then, the verifier
has two possibilities: he can check the owner’s self
signature by himself (Algorithm 2) or delegate also
this task to the notary (Algorithm 3).
In the first case, the Authentication Request (AR)
only contains the couple (SN, SI) and a nonce R. In
the second case, the AR is made of the complete cer-
tificate and a nonce. In any case, the entity verifying
the signature has to extract the public key, the SI and
the T BSCert from the certificate. Then, he hashes the
T BSCert and applies the cipher on the SI using the
public key. The verifier also checks that the EN asso-
ciated to the URL contained in the certificate belongs
to his trust anchor, otherwise authentication cannot be
realized. Then, he sends the correct AR (depending
on the choice of the signature verification) to the in-
dicated EN. During the next step, the EN looks for
Algorithm 2: Certificate check in private mode (self signa-
ture verification).
Require: Alice gets the certificate from Bob. She
wants to check the validity of the certificate.
Ensure: Authentication of Bob to Alice if the certifi-
cate is correct, failure otherwise.
1: if {SI
== H(T BSCert
) then
2: Alice: R
3: Alice URL
4: if (SN
) Database then
5: Rep = OK||AR
6: else
7: Rep = Unknown||AR
8: end if
9: URL
Alice: Rep||{H(Rep)}
10: Alice checks the response signature, and au-
thenticate (or not) Bob.
11: end if
the given IDs in his database. If they are found, he
responds positively, otherwise he gives a negative an-
swer. The complete message consists of the previ-
ous answer, the nonce R, the couple (SN, SI) and the
signature by the notary of all the previous contents.
Finally, the verifier checks the ENs signature of the
answer using the public key extracted from the ENs
certificate (stored in the user trust anchor). An exam-
ple of authentication can be found in Figure 6.
3.3.2 Public Mode: Certificate Verification List
In the public mode, checking the owner’s certificate
validity is realized by the verifier. He first obtains the
owner’s certificate. Then he must check that the cer-
tificate’s signature (i.e., the SI) is consistent with the
information contained in the T BSCert (i.e., the pub-
lic key and the SN). After having checked that the
LOCALPKI: A User-Centric Formally Proven Alternative to PKIX
Alice Electronic Notary
Knows Cert
from Bob
Recovers (TBSCert
, SI
) from Cert
with T BSCert
= Bob||Pk
Check: H(T BSCert
== {SI
If (SN
) CVL Then
Rep = OK||R
Else Rep = Unknown||R
= {H(Rep)}
Check: H(Rep)
== {SI
Figure 6: Authentication of Bob by Alice (in private mode).
Algorithm 3 : Certificate check in private mode (delegate
signature verification).
Require: Alice gets the certificate from Bob. She
wants to check the validity of the certificate.
Ensure: Authentication of Bob to Alice if the certifi-
cate is correct, failure otherwise.
1: Alice: R
2: Alice URL
: AR=Cert
3: if {SI
== H(T BSCert
) then
4: if (SN
) Database then
5: Rep = OK||AR
6: else
7: Rep = Unknown||AR
8: end if
9: else
10: Rep = Wrong Signature||AR
11: end if
12: U RL
Alice: Rep||{H(Rep)}
13: Alice checks the response signature, and authen-
ticate (or not) Bob.
EN belongs to his trust anchor, the verifier sends a
request to the EN designated by its URL in the cer-
tificate. This request asks for the Certificate Verifica-
tion List (CVL) i.e., the content of the database storing
the couple (SN, SI) of previously registered users. To
exchange the CVL with the user, the EN sends a sig-
nature of the CVL in addition to the list itself. This
also ensures its integrity. Finally, the verifier checks
the signature of the EN, and then verifies that (SN, SI)
belongs to the CVL. Of course, just like a CRL, a CVL
can be locally stored (buffered) and reused in a certain
time interval without any refreshment. Just like for a
CRL, a typical refreshment rate for a CVL could be in
days. An example of public authentication is given in
Figure 7.
Even if the public mode reduces the number of op-
eration realized by the EN, it implies a non-negligible
communication cost. In order to reduce it, the idea is
to divide the database into subdomains. Indeed, the
EN is in charge of the generation of the SN given to
the LRA. Hence, the database is intrinsically divided
into LRA subdomains. Then, the verifier could buffer
only the CVL associated to a subdomain, and hence
the communication cost between the client and the EN
is reduced to this subdomain size.
3.3.3 Comparison between Public, Private
Modes and PKIX Mechanisms
LOCALPKI is designed to be used by default in the
private mode, offering a lower communication cost
and an always up-to-date database. Nevertheless, the
CVL are interesting in the case where an online in-
teraction is not always guaranteed. In comparison
with mechanisms used in PKIX, the private mode can
be assimilated with OCSP and CVL with CRL. Ini-
tially, OCSP was not designed to resist against re-
play attacks. In a later version, a counter-measure
has been added to the responseExtensions field
(see (Santesson et al., 2013, § 4.4.1)). However, as
discussed in (Santesson et al., 2013, § 5), this solu-
tion is not required by the norm. In the private mode
of LOCALPKI, replay attacks are countered by de-
In PKIX, the complete list of revoked certificates
must be shared. Thus, the communication cost is
large. A way to reduce these large broadcasts, on
solution can be to use δ-CRLs. Similarly we pro-
posed to allow subdomain CVLs. In the case of the
CVL, only the subdomain part containing the certifi-
cates need to be exchanged to have a correct authen-
tication. But, unlike δ-CRL, a subdomain CVL is fail-
safe. Indeed a user looking only in a partial CRL can
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Alice Electronic Notary
MySubDomain CVL
= {H(CV L)}
Checks: H(CV L)
== {SI
Knows Cert
from Bob
Recovers (TBSCert
, SI
) from Cert
with T BSCert
= Bob||Pk
Checks: H(T BSCert
== {SI
Checks: (SN
Figure 7: Authentication of Bob by Alice (in public mode).
miss that a certificate has been revoked with another
reason, and still use it. On the contrary, if a valid
certificate is not present in a subdomain CVL, it just
cannot be used.
Furthermore, CRL based solutions expose users to
false positive authentications. Since a CRL is not con-
tinuously updated, recently revoked certificates could
still be considered valid. By using a white-list strat-
egy like CVL, verifiers may not succeed in authenti-
cating newly registered users. However, once again,
obtaining a false negative is usually a safer fail than a
false positive. Besides that, only valid certificates are
stored. Then, in case of authentication failure, the ver-
ifier cannot know the reason (revocation, unregistered
3.4 Revocation
A public key infrastructure should provide a solution
to revoke certificates before the end of their valid-
ity period. This allows for instance to manage lost
or compromised key pairs. In LOCALPKI, a certifi-
cate revocation can easily be done by the certificate’s
owner or by the LRA, via a request to the EN. In both
cases, this request is signed and contains the owner’s
certificate along with a Revoke message. In case of
a request from the owner’s certificate, the signature
acts as a proof of knowledge of the private key. In
case of a request by the associated LRA, the notary
has anyway to accept registrations from this LRA (for
instance within a range of allowed serial number val-
ues). This same range can be used to guaranty that the
LRA is allowed to revoke this serial number. Hence,
in both cases, the EN verifies the signature and if the
couple (SN, SI) is present in his database, he simply
removes the entry. Thus, an authentication attempt
using this revoked couple fails, since the entry has
been removed from the EN database. Then the re-
newal procedure is simple: after the revocation, the
user has to enter a new registration process with his
Algorithm 4: Certificate revocation.
Require: Alice correctly registered in the EN
database. X {LRA,U ser}
Ensure: The certificate revocation of User
1: X EN: SI
2: EN checks signature
3: if Verification is OK and (SN
) DataBase
4: EN removes (SN
) from the database.
5: end if
LOCALPKI has the advantage to be easily deployed
from an existing PKIX. Actually, each of these re-
quirements can be satisfied by adapting the current
standards of PKIX. In the following, we present how
to realize it.
First of all, certificates employed in LOCALPKI
can be based on X.509v3 certificates (Cooper,
2008). Indeed, both PKI, LOCALPKI and PKIX,
share the same kind of identification data (TB-
SCert). Then, the CAs signature is replaced by
the user’s signature and the SN can be stored in
the serialNumber field.
The communications with the notaries during
authentication in the private mode, Figure 6,
can be set up using the OCSP norm (Santes-
son et al., 2013). Within the OCSP request,
the SN replaces the current serialNumber in the
CertID sequence, and the SI is stored in the
signature field of the optional Signature se-
quence. Note that other fields in CertID, such that
the issuerNameHash and issuerKeyHash, could
be left empty since this information is either irrel-
evant or redundant with the SI. The nonce R
Figure 6 and Algorithms 2 and 3) can be stored
into the OCSP requestExtensions.
Similarly, the notary’s answer can also follow the
OCSP response format, where all the latter fields
LOCALPKI: A User-Centric Formally Proven Alternative to PKIX
are also present.
In the public mode, Certificate Verification Lists
(CVL) can be managed just like Certificate Revo-
cation Lists (CRL). For example, a CVL could be
published on the EN websites, and can be stored
in local repositories. Moreover, if an organization
with subdomains is required, e.g., each range of
SN represents a subdomain, the Delta-CRL indi-
cator could used (Cooper, 2008), as well as the
BaseCRLNumber field which could represent for
us an equivalent Base CVL number field.
The revocation requests within LOCALPKI and
PKIX are almost identical. Thus, LOCALPKI
may use the Certificate Management Proto-
col (Peylo and Kause, 2012) directly for revoca-
Finally, PKIX requires trust anchors (Reddy and
Wallace, 2010) to be deployed, e.g., within the
store of the users’ browsers or OS’s. Communi-
cations between LRAs and notaries, also require
an anchor mechanism and that of PKIX can also
be used directly.
Therefore, existing tools like OpenSSL allow for
all entities to generate keys, certificates, authentica-
tion and revocation requests or responses. The tech-
nical setup of LOCALPKI is mainly restricted to the
management of the databases. This is delegated to
the EN, who are thus also in charge of maintaining
the PKI availability. LRAs are in charge of commu-
nications with the notaries, that is mainly exchanging
serial numbers, and of the face to face identity verifi-
Differently, users have several possibilities, de-
pending on their expertise.
Expert users, first generate themselves their own
key pair. Then they request a serial number, SN,
through the LRA, in order to create and sign their
certificate. Finally they give the associated SI to
the LRA who will forward it to the notary.
An intermediate possibility, is for the user to only
generate a key pair. The LRA will then take charge
of the certificate creation and provide means for
the user to sign it with his private key (for instance
a usb port and a keyboard so as to type the pass-
word deciphering the private key stored in a usb
The LRA can also create fresh key pairs on the fly
and provide everything to the user.
Part or all of the latter two possibilities could even
be realized through a dedicated web site. Therefore,
the only technical requirement for the LRA is the use
of tools like OpenSSL, in order to help the users reg-
istration and the creation of a user-friendly associated
The main goal of LOCALPKI is to make authentica-
tion of users possible when using asymmetric cryp-
tography. However, the protocol must provide other
security guarantees. In the following, we define the
desired security properties. Then, we show how we
model the protocol in the automatic cryptographic
protocols verification tool called Tamarin Prover, in
order to prove these security properties.
5.1 Security Properties
The first property that is required is that the proto-
col must be correct, i.e., if a person has been cor-
rectly registered into the database and her certificate
is still valid, then he must be correctly authenticated.
The underlying property correspond to classical au-
thentication property and is thus about correct identity
Vice versa, the soundness property can be defined
as follows: an adversary who has not been registered
cannot be authenticated. This property implies that
an adversary cannot forge a certificate considered as
valid and cannot impersonate a valid one. A reformu-
lation of the soundness property is that authentication
at time i
implies a registration at time i
with i
< i
In (Basin et al., 2014), the authors defined the
Connection Integrity as follows: if a user establishes a
connection with another one, then the user communi-
cates with the legitimate owner of the private key. In
others words, in the case where registration has been
correctly done (i.e., by honest participants), no adver-
sary can possibly know the private key of the honest
Moreover, the protocol must ensure some secrecy
properties. Indeed, a protocol execution must not re-
veal any sensitive information: once authenticated,
the adversary cannot know the message.
To summarize, by assuming that LRA and the EN
are trusted, LOCALPKI verifies the following security
Correctness: if a user has been correctly regis-
tered and is not revoked then he must be correctly
authenticated ;
Soundness: if a user has been authenticated, then
he must have been registered before and he has
not been revoked before;
Connection Integrity: if a user is correctly regis-
tered, then the adversary does not know his private
Secrecy: once a user is authenticated, the mes-
sages sent to him cannot be learnt by the adver-
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
5.2 Tamarin Prover Modeling
In order to prove these security properties, we use
Tamarin Prover an automatic security protocol ver-
ifier (Meier et al., 2013). This tool implements a
protocol verification technique for unbounded num-
ber of sessions. Adversaries are defined according to
the Dolev-Yao model (Dolev and Yao, 1981). This
means that adversaries can extract information from
every exchanged messages. The usual perfect en-
cryption hypothesis is also assumed in this tool (i.e.,
the adversary does not learn any information from
a encrypted message if he does not own the associ-
ated private key). Moreover, we use classic equa-
tional theories provided by default by Tamarin for
the crypto-operations like ciphering or signing mes-
sages. In Tamarin, the protocols are modeled using
multiset rewriting rules. The rules are composed of
facts, which are used to model the local knowledge of
a participant, such as the reception of a message, or
the generation of a fresh number or the emission of
a message. Then, each player action is implemented
as a rule. A rule rewrites a fact into another one,
and is eventually labeled in order to trace the real-
ized actions. For example, a rule rewriting a fact
composed of a message and key into another state
containing the cipher of the message with the pre-
vious key could be labeled as Cipher. Facts could
be persistent (denoted with a ! before its name),
which means that it can be reused arbitrarily often by
rules. Otherwise facts are said to be linear and can
be used only once. Once all the protocol rules are
defined, we model the desired properties as lemmas.
A lemma is a first-order logic sequence applied on
the label of previously defined rules. They contain
quantifiers (: All, : Ex) and logical connectives
(&,|,not, ==>), along with timepoints (declared
with #, and employed with @). For example Ex sna
sia #i. Bob Auth Alice(<sna,sia>) @i means
that the event Bob Authenticates Alice using variables
<sna,sia> occurs at time i.
Now, we detail our model and the properties
proved. We also show that trust hypothesis on enti-
ties are mandatory, just like, e.g., trust hypothesis are
required on CAs in PKIX, by describing attacks found
by the tool if any of these hypothesis is removed.
All the Tamarin source files can be found at:
http://localpki.forge.imag.fr/. See the associated
Makefile for details on how to generate proofs and at-
5.3 LOCALPKI Tamarin Model
We consider a protocol execution where only one no-
tary, one LRA, one registered user (Alice) and one ver-
ifier (Bob) are represented, which is enough accord-
ing to a well-known theoretical result (Comon-Lundh
and Cortier, 2004) that proves that for secrecy and
authentication properties only one intruder is enough
and at most one honest participant per role. Our
model of this execution comprises the registration of
Alice, her authentication by Bob followed by an ex-
change of a message, and the revocation of her certifi-
In the classic model of PKIX, key pair generations
are done by generic persistent facts, instantiated with
different terms. These facts bind the identity of the
entity with its public key to represent the trust an-
chors, i.e., other entities have the correct association
between the public key and the identity. Thus, this
method is usable for modeling the trust anchors of the
LRA and the EN. In the case of Alice, we need to ex-
plicitly define the self-signed certificate described in
the Algorithm 1. Moreover, we assume that the Al-
ice’s certificate is public.
We employ two types of communication channels,
depending on the situation: a real-life meeting and
insecure channels. Since the registration must be re-
alized during a real-life meeting, we assume that it
is not subject to any intruder attack. Therefore, our
model expresses the information exchanged between
the LRA and Alice in a totally private manner (i.e., the
adversary is not able to learn or modify any informa-
tion for this exchange). All others communications
are exposed to eventual wiretapping.
The registration of the couple (SN
, SI
) in the
database is represented as a state which associate the
knowledge of (SN
, SI
) to the identity of the EN.
Finally, for revocation, since Tamarin is working
on execution traces, we must represent the removal
of the certificate from the database. For this we have
employed a tag into a persistent fact to express that
the revocation is definitive.
5.4 Security Properties
First, we explicit security properties i.e., lemmas, in
the case where all entities are supposed honest but
in presence of an intruder. As defined in the Sec-
tion 5.1, we have implemented lemmas about correct-
ness, soundness and secrecy of the protocol.
Soundness. The first lemma (soundness) proves
the soundness of the LOCALPKI. The couple
<sna,sia> represents SN the Serial Number and SI
LOCALPKI: A User-Centric Formally Proven Alternative to PKIX
the Signature Id of Alice. Each label in the lemma
represents the moment where the actual event oc-
curs. The idea is to prove that for all possible cou-
ples (sna, sia) related to the Alice’s private key ltkA,
if Bob has successfully authenticated Alice at time
i (Bob Auth Alice()), then it means that Alice has
been previously registered (at time j, by the notary,
EN Reg Alice()), and that if the certificate has been
revoked (Cert Is Revoked()), then it was at an ear-
lier time k:
lemma soundness:
"All EN B sna sia #i.
Bob_Auth_Alice(B, <sna,sia>, ltkA) @i
(Ex #j. EN_Reg_Alice(EN, <sna,sia>, ltkA)@j
& (j<i)) &
(All #k.
Cert_Is_Revoked(EN, <sna,sia>, ltkA)@k ==> i<k)"
Correctness. The second lemma (correctness)
ensures that our model is correct, i.e., there exists
an execution where Alice is registered, Bob authenti-
cates Alice and the certificate is not revoked. Thanks
to this lemma, we check that our model realizes the
protocol steps in a correct order. Other lemmas in our
modeling also provide sanity checks, for example to
show that there exists a trace where the certificate has
been correctly revoked.
lemma correctness:
"(Ex EN B sna sia ltkA #i #j.
EN_Reg_Alice_(EN, <sna,sia>, ltkA) @i
& Bob_Auth_Alice(B,<sna,sia>, ltkA) @j
& not(Ex EN #l.
Cert_Is_Revoked(EN, <sna,sia>, ltkA) @l & i<l))"
Secrecy. In the secrecy lemma (secrecy), we en-
sure the secrecy of exchanged messages using a LO-
CALPKI based authentication. Then, we prove in
Tamarin that the message (denoted x) should not be in
the adversary knowledge, written as K() at any time.
lemma secrecy:
"All x #i. Secret(x) @i ==> not(Ex #j. K(x)@j)"
Connection Integrity. Similarly, in the connection
integrity lemma (connection), we ensure that the se-
cret key of Alice, ltkA, should not be in the adversary
knowledge neither in the case where Bob authenti-
cates Alice from her certificate nor in the case where
the certificate has been revoked.
lemma connection:
"(All EN sna sia ltkA #i.
Bob_Auth_Alice(B, <sna,sia>, ltkA)@i
==> not(Ex #l. K(ltkA) @l))
& (All B sna sia ltkA #i.
Cert_Is_Revoked(EN, <sna,sia>, ltkA) @i
==> not(Ex #l. K(ltkA) @l))"
In other words, whatever subsequent messages
sent by any user, Alice’s private key remains private.
5.5 Trust Assumptions
Next, we show that our trust assumptions in both the
LRA and the EN are mandatory in order to preserve
the security of the protocol (as is the case in PKIX).
To show this we present attacks on the protocol where
one of the entity is malicious i.e. its private key is
given to the adversary.
Trust in the EN. In the case where the notary is
corrupted, the secrecy is not verified because he is
able to add a false key pair to his database. Then
after the authentication of Alice by Bob with these
keys, a wiretap between communications allows him
to retrieve secret exchanged information. Soundness
is also falsified: since the adversary has access to the
ENs private key, he acts as Alice has been previously
registered into the EN database whereas she is not.
In practice, this attack represents the possibility to the
notary of giving to the person of his choice the trust to
be authenticated. Concerning the connection integrity
property, Tamarin finds an attack as soon as the ENs
key is leaked to the adversary. The attack is the fol-
lowing: after its initialization, the EN registers him-
self as Alice. This means that the adversary forges
a certificate using Alice’s identity, and uses its own
private key to sign the certificate. At the next step,
Bob authenticates Alice using this certificate, and the
adversary knows the associated private key: therefore
the connection integrity is broken. First, this attacks
highlights the obvious forgery ability of a malicious
notary. Second, it shows that the connection integrity
property is well-defined. Indeed, such a forgery ruins
the integrity, even if the adversary has no knowledge
of the Alice’s actual private key. This proves that the
EN should be a trusted entity.
Trust in the LRA. When the LRAs private key is
leaked, the tool does not find any attack on the sound-
ness. From a practical point of view, this result makes
sense: the LRA is only involved into the registration
process. Then, even if he provides false information,
Alice should be registered before an authentication
process. However, by removing the restriction of a
unique registration per couple (SN
, SI
), the adver-
sary sends a revoked couple to the EN, in order to
pass over the revocation. In practice, serials numbers
are provided by the EN so that this attack is easily
preventable, by marking the used ones. Secrecy is
falsified because the adversary impersonates the LRA
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
during the last step of registration, by signing false in-
formation (i.e., false key pair). Then, since Bob does
not exchange messages with the correct Alice’s pub-
lic key, and a simple wiretap allows the adversary to
retrieve secret messages. When the LRAs private key
is given to the adversary, the connection integrity is
also broken. During this attack, Alice registers her-
self to the LRA. Then the LRA modifies Alice’s cer-
tificate by including its own key pairs: the public one
into the certificate, and the private one is used to sign
the forged certificate. Then, the fake certificate is sent
to the EN. Afterwards, suppose that the EN, for any
reason, decides to revoke this certificate. At this point
in time, the EN has succeeded in revoking the certifi-
cate while the adversary knows the associated private
key. Hence, the connection integrity is broken. This
attack shows the LRA ability to forge certificates. In
conclusion, this proves that LRA should be a trusted
Trust in Alice. When Alice is corrupted, repercus-
sions on the protocol security are limited. It does not
influence soundness property. This result is coherent:
even with Alice’s private key is given to the adversary,
he cannot be authenticated without a previous regis-
tering. In practice, a malicious behavior from Alice
could be an identity fraud during the registering if the
LRA has been misled. However, this kind of attacks
are out of the Tamarin scope, since ID checking can-
not actually be modeled. On secrecy aspects, obvi-
ously, if the private key of Alice is leaked, the adver-
sary is able to read the secret messages sent to Alice.
This attack could correspond to the Alice’s private key
theft, where both Alice and the attacker are able to
retrieve messages ciphered with the associate public
key. Finally, if the private key of Alice is leaked, con-
nection integrity is obviously broken, since the adver-
sary can then use her key. Overall, we conclude that
Alice does not need to be a trusted participant.
5.6 Security of the LOCALPKI
From our security analysis, using the Tamarin prover,
we have proven the following theorem:
Theorem 1. If the notary and the local registration
authority are not corrupted, then the LOCALPKI se-
curity architecture is correct, sound, and preserves
confidentiality and integrity.
Our implementation consists of about 350 source
lines of code to describe the model consisting of
20 rules and 4 lemmas. In order to reduce proof
timings we have associated each entity to a defined
Role. Moreover, we have enforced some actions to
be unique (denoted as Only One). These constraints
are called axioms into the code. They avoid generic
rewriting of rules either by associating a fixed string to
an identity variable or either by implying timepoints
equality in case of multiple uses of the same rules.
Therefore, using a single core of an i5 4590@3.50Ghz
with 8GB RAM, we obtain very good performance for
the security verification, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Timings of Tamarin’s proofs of lemmas.
Lemma CPU Time
Correctness: 4.7 s
Soundness: 4.4 s
Connection integrity: 10.9 s
Secrecy: 6.6 s
In this paper, we have proposed an alternative public-
key infrastructure model, LOCALPKI. This model
has been analyzed and its security formally proven
using Tamarin. The main feature is that, unlike the
PKIX standard, here user certificates are self-signed
and only the binding of a certificate with an identity
is signed by a third-party, a notary in LOCALPKI.
Therefore, it is easier for users to use certificates
within their local environment. Furthermore, the reg-
istration process can be transferred to the notaries
by local businesses, which only have to handle iden-
tity verifications. We think that this could foster
a wider spread of certificates among everyday end
users. For this, notaries just have to maintain an ac-
cessible database of fingerprints. Hence, LOCALPKI
is an alternative to the PKIX solution, providing sim-
ilar security properties.
However, in some cases, the key management of
LOCALPKI is better than PKIX. For example, bank
customers have the possibility to look at their account
from a website, sometimes using a certificate-based
authentication. Managing a classical PKIX either re-
quires a large internal department or a full delega-
tion of trust to a PKI actor. By deploying the LO-
CALPKI solution, the bank still preserves a local reg-
istration, and thus trust and responsibility of its cus-
tomers, and the technical part of ensuring their au-
thentication is deported to notaries. Overall, the cost
and the technical requirements for the company are
reduced. Moreover, LOCALPKI also offers to small
agencies the possibility to help users for their regis-
tration. The economics incentive would be to offer
this service only at a moderate cost, where deploying
a full PKI in every agency should be too expensive.
LOCALPKI: A User-Centric Formally Proven Alternative to PKIX
Also, as seen in the Section 4, the overall deploy-
ment of LOCALPKI can be made using only existing
tools, which facilitates the process.
As further work, legal aspect on the shared respon-
sibility of the LRA and the EN in LOCALPKI should
be studied, since both entities play an important role
into the registration and authentication processes. Our
first idea is that the EN could register the identity
of the LRA sending information about new users and
store this information also within the database. Thus,
if this user is recognized as malicious, the EN could
blame the LRA.
Further work also includes a study about adapt-
ing the secure trust computations described in (Dumas
et al., 2016). They compute a global trust by using
the trust evaluation of each certification authorities to-
wards the others. This allows to obtain a better hint
about the trust given in CAs, instead of being based
only on the trustfulness given by trust anchors. This
method could be relevant to the LOCALPKI architec-
ture, since it is also using the trust anchor mechanism.
We also plan to realize a study of whether this
model could also simplify identity-based approaches
like certificateless PKI (Gentry, 2003; Baek et al.,
Finally, just like Let’s Encrypt offers certificates
enabling HTTPS (via SSL/TLS) for websites, we plan
to set up a web site offering the possibility to create
self-signed LOCALPKI certificates for any user.
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LOCALPKI: A User-Centric Formally Proven Alternative to PKIX