gorithms. Algorithms based on fixed step as P&O and
IncCond must run at high frequency in order to reach
the MPP. Algorithms based on the power gradient as
MEPO and RUCA can operate at lower frequencies.
MEPO, RUCA, and NL-ESC present oscillations in
front brutal variation of irradiance and temperature.
The best MPPT algorithms of the litterature have been
reviewed and analyzed in this work. This comparison
allowed us to select five of them to be compared in
simulations and experimental application. The sim-
ulations was performed under PSIM software to use
realistic physical models.
The analysis has shown the rationale behind
MPPT and the generalization leading to a unified
framework RUCA, as a Robust Unified Control Algo-
rithm. The well known algorithms can be viewed as
particular cases of the RUCA. The proposed approach
RUCA generalizes the PO, the InC, the ESC and the
Sliding Mode Control schemes to non linear systems
with commutations. The proposed MPPT has several
advantages: simplicity, high convergence speed, and
is independent on PV array characteristics. The ob-
tained results have proven that the MPPT is tracked
even under sudden change of irradiation level or tem-
The algorithms are tested under various operating
conditions. Realistic simulations are used to show
ease of implementation of our new algorithm, and to
compare its execution efficiency and accuracy to the
the studied MPPT methods.
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using the SASV-MPPT approach and Lyapunov de-
sign method considering that the PV system can move
from one characteristic to another. The proposed al-
gorithms are the most efficient despite using low fre-
quency commutation. They are the faster converging.
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ICINCO 2017 - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics