Formal Analyze of a Private Access Control Protocol to a Cloud Storage
Mouhebeddine Berrima
, Pascal Lafourcade
, Matthieu Giraud
and Narjes Ben Rajeb
LIP2, Universit
e de Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
LIMOS, Universit
e Clermont Auvergne, Aubi
ere, France
LIP2, Universit
e Tunis El-Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
Cloud Storage, Formal Methods, Attribute Based Signature, Attribute Based Encryption, Data and User
Storing data in the Cloud makes challenging data’s security and users’ privacy. To address these problems
cryptographic protocols are usually designed. Cryptographic primitives have to guarantee some security prop-
erties such that data and user privacy or authentication. Attribute-Based Signature (ABS) and Attribute-Based
Encryption (ABE) are very suitable for storing data on an untrusted remote entity. In this work, we formally
analyze the Ruj et al. protocol of cloud storage based on ABS and ABE schemes. We model the protocol and
its security properties with ProVerif an automatic tool for the verification of cryptographic protocols. We dis-
cover an unknown attack against user privacy. We propose a correction, and automatically prove the security
of the corrected protocol with ProVerif.
Cloud storage refers data storage services hosted over
the Internet. The cloud users store data online, so that
they or any other authorized users can access them
from any location via the Internet. However, the share
of the sensitive data on a third party through a pub-
lic network brings some security challenges. In par-
ticular, there are concerns with the privacy of users
and data. Protecting privacy in cloud is more difficult
than in traditional environments, because sensitive
data may be disseminated and stored over many exter-
nal location, managed by external service providers
(Wang et al., 2010a), and both cloud and user can
be malicious (Mulazzani et al., 2011; Zhang et al.,
2012). User privacy is required in many applica-
tions when users store sensitive information like fi-
nancial or health data (Tang et al., 2012). There
are two important privacy requirements when a user
stores data on the cloud: anonymity and unlinkability.
The ISO/IEC standard (governmental organisations,
2009) define anonymity as the property ensuring that
a user may use a service or a ressource without dis-
closing his (or her) identity. However, preserving
the anonymity property may still release information
about a user by allowing an adversary to track several
uses of a resource by the same user. Such information
might allow an adversary to deduce or at least
restrict the possible identities of a user. Therefore, the
unlinkability property is required, ensuring that the
different uses of a service or a ressource for the same
user should not be linked by an adversary. On the
other hand, the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) must
authenticate the user to be sure that he has the right
to store data on the cloud, moreover this authenti-
cation must be done without reveal any information
about his identity. Attribute-Based Signature (ABS)
is a cryptographic scheme privacy-preserving authen-
tication. Indeed, in ABS the verifier of a signature can
only check if the message is signed by authorized one
without knowing any information about its identity.
Data Privacy has been also gained research inter-
est because only authorized users have access to sen-
sitive data on the cloud. Data must be protected when
transmitted to CSP and during the storage. The pro-
tection is against the unauthorized users as well as
the CSP since the cloud is often assumed to be hon-
est but curious (Li et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2010). To
ensure data privacy, several works propose the stor-
age of data in encrypted form. Thus, if the storage
is compromised, then the leaked information should
be protected. Identity based cryptography is not fea-
sible in this situation because the inability of users
to share their encrypted data at a fine-grained level.
Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE), introduced by Sa-
hai and Waters (Sahai and Waters, 2005), solves the
Berrima, M., Lafourcade, P., Giraud, M. and Rajeb, N.
Formal Analyze of a Private Access Control Protocol to a Cloud Storage.
DOI: 10.5220/0006461604950500
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 495-500
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
problem of fine grained access control. There are
two complementary forms of ABE (Goyal et al.,
2006): Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption
(CP-ABE) and Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryp-
tion (KP-ABE). In CP-ABE, the users have given a set
of attributes and the data are encrypted under an ac-
cess policy described as Boolean formula. Only users
having the attributes satisfying the access policy can
decrypt the ciphertext. In KP-ABE, the situation is re-
versed: users are associated with access policies and
ciphertexts are encrypted with sets of attributes.
Related Work: (Bertino et al., 2009; Angin et al.,
2010; Chow et al., 2012) proposed approaches to deal
with security and privacy. In (Bertino et al., 2009),
the privacy of users is preserved with zero-knowledge
proof protocols while it is based on anonymous iden-
tification in (Angin et al., 2010). Recently, taking ad-
vantages of ABS and ABE has emerged as a widely
accepted approach by the cloud security community
(Ruj et al., 2012; Li et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2011).
The ABS is used to ensure the authentication while
hiding anonymity, and the ABE allows a fine-grained
access control to data. The protocol proposed by (Ruj
et al., 2012) is among the pioneering works to use
ABS and ABE. The protocol uses the SSH protocol to
secure the communication between the users and the
cloud, and supports reading and writing data stored in
the cloud.
Contributions: We analyze the Ruj et al. pro-
tocol (Ruj et al., 2012) which we abbreviate
RSN’12 protocol. We model it in the applied π-
calculus (Abadi and Fournet, 2001).We use ProVerif
tool (Blanchet et al., 2001) to analyze cryptographic
protocols (Puys and Lafourcade, 2015; Cremers et al.,
2009). For sake of simplicity, we consider one at-
tribute in our modeling of the ABE and ABS schemes.
We formalize and verify the fundamental security
properties of the protocol. In writing mode, we verify
the writer authentication and writer privacy which is
expressed by the anonymity of writer’s identity and
unlinkability, that is a user who stores data on the
cloud. While in reading mode, we check the required
property that is data privacy. We show that the un-
linkability of a writer is not satisfied against an attack
in which the adversary delays the messages of some
writers. Then, we propose a fix, which prevents this
Outline: We give a description of RSN’12 protocol in
Section 2. We model RSN’12 protocol in Section 3
and analyze the security properties in Section 4. Fi-
nally, we conclude in Section 5.
In (Ruj et al., 2012) the authors propose a proto-
col for reading and writing data stored in the cloud
which is based on the decentralized approach of CP-
ABE (Lewko and Waters, 2011) and ABS (Maji et al.,
2008) where many authorities distribute secret keys
associated to attribute. Using ABS the cloud verifies
the authenticity of a user without knowing his identity
before storing data. Using ABE only valid users are
able to decrypt the stored data. The protocol makes
the following assumptions:
1. The CSP is honest-but-curious, i.e. it tries to
derive some information from the messages he
learned during the execution of the protocol, but
cannot modify the user’s content.
2. Users can have a read or/and write access to a file
stored in the CSP.
3. All the communications between participants are
secured by SSH (Secure Shell) protocol.
The RSN’12 protocol involves a user who may be
a writer or/and a reader, a Trusty Authority (TA) reg-
istering users, one or more Key Distribution Center
(KDC) issuing the secret keys associated to users’ at-
tributes, and a CSP. The TA and the KDC are trusted
entities while the CSP is semi-trusted. Some users
can be malicious and thus are considered as untrusted
entities. The protocol is composed of three sub-
Figure 1: RSN’12 protocol.
Registering and getting attribute secret keys. In a
first phase, a user gets attribute secret keys from the
KDCs by presenting his token obtained from TA:
The user presents his identity to the TA, for in-
stance a federal government (
in Fig. 1).
TA registers the user if he is eligible and gives
him a token as described in ABS scheme (
Fig. 1). TA embeds a random value in the token
which will be incorporate in the attribute secret
keys for signing to prevents collusion of the users.
The user on presenting the token to the KDC re-
ceives secret attribute keys for signing and de-
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
cryption (
in Fig. 1). The KDC checks the va-
lidity of the token using TAs public key, and sends
the corresponding keys for signing and decryption
in Fig. 1).
Writing on the cloud. To store a message MSG on
the cloud, the user proceeds as follows:
He creates an access policy X containing all re-
quired fields, and encrypts the message MSG un-
der X as C = Encrypt(MSG, X ).
Then he calculates the message C
= H (C)kτ
where H is a hash function, τ is a timestamp and
k is the concatenation operation. The timestamp
is used to prevent the user to use stale message
back with a valid signature, when his attributes
have been revoked. Next, he generates the signa-
ture σ of C
with a claim policy Y .
Finally, he sends c = (C, τ, σ, Y ) to the CSP. Then
CSP verifies, using Veri f y algorithm, if the mes-
sage H (C)kτ was signed by a user satisfying the
claim policy Y .
Reading from the cloud. A user can access at any
time to the data and requests a ciphertext, then the
CSP sends the requested ciphertext using SSH. Note
that, the authors do not propose any revocation model,
but it is still possible to incorporate it. The protocol is
clear but contains some ambiguities. We discuss these
minor problems and explain how to fix them.
In this section we describe the Proverif processes used
to model RSN’12 protocol.
The main process. It is specified as the parallel com-
position of the processes modeling the roles of writ-
ers, readers, TA, KDC and CSP. First, the fresh se-
cret keys used respectively by the TA, the KDC, and
the CSP for asymmetric encryption and signature, are
generated. Their corresponding public keys are then
sent on a public channels, i.e. they are made available
to the adversary. Moreover, the fresh secret keys used
in ABS and ABE schemes, are also generated and
their corresponding public keys are published. The
secret keys of the writer and the reader are made un-
der replication to model an infinite number of writers
and readers. The processes writer and reader are un-
der replication, because one user may establish many
sessions with the CSP. In our modeling, we use public
keys of asymmetric encryption as identities of partic-
The writer process. The writer process models the
role of a writer. After the receipt of a token form the
TA, the writer sends a request to the KDC to get at-
tribute secret key for signing, this request is encoded
by a pair (token,write). Afterwards, the writer en-
crypts his message and signs it using the attribute se-
cret key.
The reader process. At first, a reader behaves as a
writer by requesting a token from the TA and an at-
tribute secret key for decryption from the KDC. Next,
it has access to the CSP, to read a message stored on
the cloud. Finally, he decrypts the message read from
the CSP using his attribute secret key, and behaves as
a sub-process with the received message.
The KDC process. When receiving a request from
a user, the KDC checks the correctness of the token
using the public key of user used as its identity, which
was authenticated during SSH authentication proto-
col. If the token is valid, it issues an attribute secret
key for encryption or signing following the mode ac-
cess ”write” or ”read”.
The CSP process. The CSP is responsible of the stor-
age of user data.If the signature is valid with respect
to the claim policy, the CSP stores the message that
becomes immediately accessible by the readers. A
reader access directly to the CSP to read a file.
We analyse the security properties of the protocol. All
proofs of our propositions are not presented because
they are directly implied by our ProVerif codes.
4.1 Confidentiality
It means that a user without valid access policy can-
not decrypt the data stored on the cloud. In applied
π-calculus this property can be expressed as a secrecy
property: it should be impossible for an adversary, in-
teracting with the protocol and without valid attribute
secret key, to learn a message which is encrypted and
stored on the cloud.
Definition 1. Given an access policy AP, a cloud
storage protocol ensures confidentiality if a secret
message stored on the cloud by an honest writer is
not deducible by an attacker without attribute secret
key satisfying AP.
Proving secrecy property is expressed by the
reachability notion. We request ProVerif to check that
a private message, encrypted using a public access
policy, cannot be deduced by the attacker. Proverif
proves this property in less one minute.
Proposition 1. RSN’12 protocol ensures the confi-
dentiality property.
Formal Analyze of a Private Access Control Protocol to a Cloud Storage
4.2 Writer Authentication
A user can only write in the cloud if he has the
attribute validating the claim policy. Moreover, an
invalid user can not receive attribute from a KDC,
if does not have the token from TA. Authentication
property can be captured as a correspondence asser-
tion. To define the authentication of a writer, we an-
notate the protocol by the following events:
AcceptSign: This event is placed inside the CSP’s
process and emitted if the signature is valid, i.e.
absCheckSign returns true.
DelivKeySign(IdUser): This event is placed in-
side the KDC’s process and emitted when the
KDC issues an attribute secret key for signing to
a user with identity IdUser.
DelivToken(IdUser): This event is placed inside
the TAs process and emitted when the TA delivers
a token to a user with identity IdUser.
Definition 2. A cloud storage protocol ensures the
authentication of a writer with identity Id if for every
execution trace of the protocol each occurrence of the
event AcceptSign is preceded by an occurrence of De-
livKeySign(Id) which is preceded by an occurrence of
This property can be expressed in ProVerif in
terms of nested correspondence (Blanchet, 2009)
which allows us to order events. ProVerif can auto-
matically prove the corresponding nested correspon-
dence in less one second:
event(acceptSign) (event(DelivKeySign(pkwriter))
Proposition 2. RSN’12 protocol satisfies the authen-
tication of a writer.
4.3 Writer Privacy
In the context of cloud storage, writer privacy is ex-
pressed by two properties; anonymity and unlinkabil-
ity. Anonymity of a writer’s identity is ensured if it
is not possible for anyone, even the CSP, to learn the
writer’s identity of a stored message. Unlinkability
means that no one can link the messages stored on the
cloud, more precisely no one is able to decide if two
messages were stored by the same writer, or not.
Anonymity: A cloud storage system ensures
anonymity if it keeps the writer’s identity secret from
everyone. Hence, anonymity can be formalized as a
secrecy property: no one can deduce the identity of a
writer who store a message on the cloud. Since the
identities of the writers are known values, anonymity
is captured by the concept of strong secrecy. Strong
secrecy means that the adversary cannot distinguish
two instances of the same protocol with two different
values of the secret. For the precise definition, we
refer the reader to (Blanchet, 2004). In ProVerif,
strong secrecy is expressed by diff-equivalence de-
fined between processes that share the same structure
and differ only in the choice of terms representing the
secret values (Blanchet et al., 2008).
Definition 3. A cloud storage protocol ensures
anonymity of a writer’s identity if for any two writers
with identities IdW
, IdW
and for any message msg,
an adversary cannot distinguish whether msg comes
from IdW
or IdW
We request to ProVerif to check if
C[W riter(IdW
, msg)] C[W riter(IdW
, msg)].
with C[ ] is an evaluation context modeling the whole
cloud storage protocol as described in main process
with a hole for a writer process, and the process
W riter(IdW, msg) models a writer with identity IdW
storing a message msg on the cloud. ProVerif suc-
ceeds to prove this request in 3 seconds.
Proposition 3. RSN’12 protocol preserves anonymity
of writer’s identity.
Unlinkability: Informally, in cloud storage context,
unlinkability holds when the differents stored mes-
sages of the same writer can not be linked by an at-
tacker even a dishonest user (writer or reader). Thus,
unlinkability can be viewed as the secrecy of link be-
tween writer and its messages stored on the cloud.
The definition of unlikability is similar to the defi-
nition of voter privacy in e-voting protocol (Kremer
and Ryan, 2005) in the sense that we must consider
at least two honest writers. To understand this as-
sumption, consider the case where all the writers are
dishonest except one, as the stored messages on the
cloud are published by the CSP, the dishonest writers
can collude and determine the message of the honest
Definition 4. A cloud storage protocol ensures un-
linkability if for any two writers with identities IdW
and for any two messages msg1 and msg2, an
adversary cannot distinguish the situation in which
stores msg1 and IdW
stores msg2 from the sit-
uation in which IdW
stores msg2 and IdW
In applied π-calculus this definition can be formal-
ized as the following equivalence:
C[W riter(IdW
, msg1)|W riter(IdW
, msg2)]
C[W riter(IdW
, msg2)|W riter(IdW
, msg1)] ,
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
where C[ ] is an evaluation context modeling the
whole protocol with a hole for two writers. In
ProVerif, the above pair of process can be expressed
as single biprocess as follows:
C[W riter(IdW
, choice[msg
, msg
])] |
C[W riter(IdW
, choice[msg
, msg
])] .
ProVerif finds an attack, in which a man-in-the-
middle attacker selectively delays or delete some mes-
sages sent to the CSP by one writer until he can link
a message to somebody.
Proposition 4. RSN’12 protocol does not ensure un-
linkability property.
For this attack we consider an attacker that is a
semi-honest reader with valid attribute secret keys,
who wants link the messages to a writer. In a real
cloud storage environment, to achieve the attack, an
attacker performs the following steps:
Access to CSP and memorize all the files stored
in the cloud.
Listen to the network, and wait for a message send
to the CSP.
When a new message MSG is sent, he identifies
its sender IdW and blocks all the messages sent to
CSP after the message MSG. He now has just to
wait until MSG becomes available on the CSP, i.e.
CSP appends MSG to the previous files.
Then, he can access to the files and then learn
MSG by comparing the current contents of files
with the previous contents. Thus, he concludes
that MSG was sent by a writer with identity IdW
and can link a file to somebody.
Fixed protocol: To fix this problem, a solution is
that the CSP simultaneously publishes at least two in-
coming messages from different persons. However,
the messages are accessible from a file, so if the mes-
sages are written on the file in a deterministic order,
for instance following arriving time of the messages,
the adversary can link a message with its writer by in-
specting the order of the sent messages to the CSP on
the network. Then, the CSP must write the incoming
messages on the files in non-deterministic way.
Proposition 5. The revisited RSN’12 protocol en-
sures unlinkability property.
In this paper, we revisit the security of the protocol
of (Ruj et al., 2012).We use ProVerif to prove auto-
matically claimed security properties by the authors
in the original paper. ProVerif helps us to discover
a flaw in this protocol for the unlinkability property.
We then give a correction and prove the security of
the modified version with ProVerif. The next step is
to use our framework to model and analyze more pro-
tocols using ABE and ABS in order to discover flaws
or formally prove the security of these protocols.
This research was conducted with the support of the
FEDER program of 2014-2020, the region council of
one-Alpes, the Indo-French Centre for
the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR) and
the Center Franco-Indien Pour La Promotion De La
Recherche Avanc
ee (CEFIPRA) through the project
DST/CNRS 2015-03 under DST-INRIA-CNRS Tar-
geted Programme.
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