define extension rules governing how meta-models
can be extended, an aspect in which our work is
novel and complements these existing works.
In this article we have proposed a mechanism, archi-
tecture, and a set of tools that allow to define exten-
sion rules for meta-models, as well as to make spe-
cific extensions according to the defined rules. The
rules are defined by an extension model, typically
constructed by the designer of the meta-model to be
extended. Subsequently other engineers can use the
extension rules to extend the base meta-model. Our
tools guide in this extension ensuring that they obey
the defined rules.
The proposed approach has the advantage that it
is non-intrusive, and generic, that is, extension rules
can be linked to any meta-model. On the other hand,
an explicit definition of extension rules avoids the
introduction of accidental errors due to the use of
natural language.
We are currently improving the tool, and the ex-
pressiveness of the extension rules. Although the
current rules allow expressing the extensions des-
cribed in standards like KDM or DD, we will ana-
lyze other systems, to check if improvements are
necessary. We will improve the tool with an assis-
tant helping in the creation of suitable meta-model
extensions. Finally, we will extend the tool to handle
multi-level modeling and adaptation of DSLs.
This work has been partially funded by the Spanish
MINECO (project TIN2014-52129-R), and the Gov-
ernment of Madrid (project S2013/ICE-3006). As
well as by Escuela Politécnica del Ejército ESPE-
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