parties. We have also shown that whenever a vehicle
get sufficient information about the alert trustworthi-
ness, it may not run the remaining processes. This
fact may accelerate the decision-making process es-
pecially for time-critical applications.
This paper proposes a self-adaptive trust model for
VANETs. This model intends to handle with the spec-
ifications of each class of applications in a different
manner. The aim of our proposal is to enhance the
decision-making process, minimize both time and en-
ergy for decision-making and improve the network’s
security. We have applied this model on a real life
case to evaluate its performance and to show its ben-
efits. In the future, we plan to detail this proposal
and further to identify the appropriate techniques to
estimate the accurate trust value. Besides, we plan to
pay more attention to the quality of raw sensed data
in order to preserve the quality of the provided appli-
cations. Finally, we have to investigate and validate
the efficiency, scalability, robustness and overhead of
this model.
This work was supported by the PHC Utique pro-
gram of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Ministry of higher education and research and the
Tunisian Ministry of higher education and scientific
research in the CMCU project number 16G1404.
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