Note that information about transitions with
higher priority can be obtained before the state space
is generated. Currently, in state space generation, a
single buffer is used to store new markings. There-
fore, when a new marking is generated, the firing pos-
sibility is evaluated from the marking, and the highest
priority marking is selected if a given condition ap-
plies. If a priority marking is selected, it is inserted
into the priority generation buffer; otherwise, it is in-
serted into the normal buffer. After generating a high
priority marking, the algorithm inserts it into the be-
ginning of the normal buffer.
Here, we consider methods to prioritize transi-
tions. One approach is to set priorities by analyzing a
specification automaton in advance. The rating anal-
ysis for a specification automaton is expected to be
calculated relatively quickly because the number of
states in the specification automaton is much smaller
than that of the state space. Another approach is to
update priority relative to transition appearance fre-
quency in the set of priority transitions when generat-
ing the state space.
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incorporates on-the-fly model checking to describe
LTL (FLTL) and accomplish specification descrip-
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