Table 2: Experimentation using parallel examples.
Example Original Transformed Time (µs)
Lines Place Trans Time (µs) Lines Place Trans Time (µs) FSMD Eqiv PRES+ Eqiv
Model Const. Translation Model Const. Translation
BCM 11 34 21 650 234 11 32 20 628 232 3001 8345
MINANDMAX-P 20 42 20 983 312 20 41 20 982 312 3421 8451
LUP 32 80 73 1025 775 32 80 71 1028 771 5152 10678
DEKKERS 29 53 45 994 702 29 53 41 979 623 4352 10414
PETTERSON 29 53 45 992 710 29 53 41 989 673 4758 10612
pecially that of the automatic PRES+ constructor, is
demonstrated. Some of the possible future extensions
of our work are as follows. Optimization of the con-
structed PRES+ model is a short-term goal. More-
over, PRES+ models permit specifications of timing
behaviours too; enhancing the present tool for timing
analyses seems promising as well.
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project (SB/S3/EECE/0170/2014) for this research
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