Suppressing the Effect of Dispersion Fluctuation on Broadband
Optical Parametric Amplification using Highly Nonlinear Tellurite
Microstructured Optical Fibers
Tong Hoang Tuan, Kawamura Harukata, Takenobu Suzuki and Yasutake Ohishi
Research Center for Advanced Photon Technology, Toyota Technological Institute,
2-12-1 Hisakata, Tempaku, Nagoya, 468-8511, Japan
Keywords: Optical Parametric Amplification, Dispersion Fluctuation, Microstructured Optical Fiber, Highly Nonlinear
Optical Fiber.
Abstract: The contribution of fiber nonlinearity to the signal gain spectrum of a fiber-optical parametric amplifier
(FOPA) in presence of fiber transverse geometry variation is numerically studied in this work. This is the
first time to demonstrate that the degradation of FOPA signal gain performance which is caused by fiber
diameter fluctuation and zero-dispersion wavelength (ZDW) variation can be suppressed by using highly
nonlinear optical fibers with short fiber length. By increasing the fiber nonlinear coefficient, the fiber length
which is required to have similar value of signal gain is reduced, the signal gain bandwidth can be
broadened and the spectral shape can be maintained. A tellurite microstructured optical fiber was fabricated
by using a developed tellurite glass 78TeO
mol%. The fiber outer-diameter
fluctuation is less than ±0.53 % and the corresponding ZDW varies less than ±2 nm over a 1-m-long section
of the fabricated fiber. The fiber nonlinear coefficient is calculated to be 676 W
which is 23 times
larger than those values of highly nonlinear silica fibers. When the pump source is 5 W at 1557 nm, the
influence of ZDW fluctuation on signal gain spectra is almost suppressed.
With the explosive spread of telecommunication
devices such as smartphones and computers in
recent years, the amount of information travelling
through the Internet is rapidly increasing and the
demand for high transmission capacity over global
telecommunication networks will continue to grow.
Currently, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)
systems where different wavelengths propagate
simultaneously in an optical fiber are used for multi-
channel transmission. Although Erbium-doped fiber
amplifiers (EDFA) are widely used as gain media
for WDM systems, their gain bandwidths are as
narrow as 30 nm from 1530 to 1560 nm (T. Jose,
2015). In order to expand the WDM operating range,
fiber-optical parametric amplifiers (FOPAs) are very
promising candidates because they can provide
broad gain bandwidths and high signal gain in many
spectral bands where conventional EDFAs cannot
reach. FOPAs have been exploited for various
applications such as signal amplification, wave-
length conversion, phase-conjugation, slow and fast
lights, optical signal processing and biomedical
applications (M. E. Marhic, 2008).
The gain performance of FOPA is obtained by
employing four-wave mixing (FWM) process in
optical fibers. However, the phase-matching
condition which determines FWM gain properties is
very sensitive to the fluctuation of the chromatic
dispersion and zero-dispersion wavelength (ZDW)
which is caused by the fiber transverse geometry
variation. As a result, it reduces the achievable
parametric gain and gain bandwidth of FOPA and
restricts practical applications of FOPA. The gain
performances of FOPA in presence of dispersion
fluctuation have been investigated by using
conventional silica fiber. (M. Karlsson, 1998, M.
Farahmand, 2004, B. P. Kuo, 2012). Due
to their low nonlinearity, extremely long fibers (up
to a few kilometres) are required to obtain proper
values of parametric gain (G. Agrawal, 2007). In
these configurations, the effect of ZDW fluctuation
along the fiber length on FOPA gain spectra
becomes significant and unavoidable.