In this work, we reduce cryptographic service
providers to three different types namely software,
hardware, and remote providers. Our case study
showed that current applications cannot assume to use
one specific provider even on the same device class.
Furthermore, we found that the characteristics of an
application can change considerable by changing the
provider type. Not knowing which provider is going
to be used can therefore compromise security of an
application. And finally, our security analysis showed
that no single provider can excel in every use case.
Based on these findings we create a list of features
that we believe would answer the challenges given:
• an application has to use the cryptographic service
provider which is most suitable for a task at hand,
• modern multi-device users need to access their
cryptographic keys wherever and whenever in
• the user deserves to decide which cryptographic
service provider she wants to use, and
• it is crucial for applied cryptography to be easy to
use for users and developers.
These features are not yet available in applied cryp-
tography and we believe that providing these features
will get personal data security up to speed again.
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SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography