idea that humans don’t detect emotions from pure
audio signal but from signal that had been
previously processed by the cochlea, in this work we
proposed a new feature set for music emotion
An audio signal was filtered with a bank of
Gammatone filters resulting with 20 channels each
representing output of the basilar membrane at
particular location corresponding to filter’s central
frequencies. During automated process proposed
features were extracted as average power of each
filter's output and compared with other state of the
art features. Support vector machine and TreeBagger
classifiers were used for performance evaluation.
Experimental results on 1000 Songs Database
showed that the proposed feature vector outperforms
basic set as well as MFCC features. Proposed
features also performed better in terms of accuracy
gain when combined with the base set. Comparison
with MFCC coefficient is particularly relevant
because it gives us the real insight on how well our
proposed feature performs over other perceptually-
motivated feature.
Although the results are good they still need to
be improved for real-life applications where
emotional changes should be tracked continuously
during audio clip. In our future work, we will focus
our research in direction of developing improved
features based on auditory perception.
Extracting features from a more complex model
of auditory processing, thus simulating cochlea in
more detail could bring us further in improving
music emotion recognition.
This work has been fully supported by the Croatian
Science Foundation under the project number UIP-
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SIGMAP 2017 - 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications