On the Application of Fuzzy Set Theory for Access Control Enforcement
Diogo Domingues Regateiro,
Oscar Mort
agua Pereira and Rui L. Aguiar
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, DETI, Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal
Access Control, Fuzzy Set Theory, Database and Information Security.
Access control is a vital part of any computer system. When it comes to access to data, deterministic access
control models such as RBAC are still widely used today, but they lack the flexibility needed to support some
recent scenarios. These include scenarios where users and data can be dynamically added to a system, which
emerged from IoT and big data contexts. Such scenarios include data from network operators, smart cities,
etc. Thus, models that are able to adapt to these dynamic environments are necessary. Non-deterministic
access control models fall into this approach, as they introduce new ways of mapping users to permissions and
resources, but lack the auditing capabilities of deterministic models. In this paper, the usage of these models
will be defended and argued for. In particular, a solution based on fuzzy set theory is proposed as it is thought
to be able to provide some flexibility benefits of non-deterministic models, while giving some assurance to
security experts that the resources are not accessed by unexpected users.
Access control has always been an important fea-
ture on any system, be it physical or digital, as it re-
stricts the access to a location or resource in a con-
trolled and selective manner(Shirey, 2007). However,
these types of systems are usually defined with bi-
nary permissions that either allows an entity (a hu-
man or some other system) to access that location/re-
source or not. The most successful access control
models are usually those that mimic real world ways
of managing permissions within the context of their
application, of which the Role-based Access Control
(RBAC)(Ferraiolo and Kuhn, 1992) model takes a
central position in many of them. RBAC maps en-
tities trying to access some resource to a role, a mean-
ingful category within the context of the system be-
ing protected and that determines to which resources
that entity may access to successfully complete their
tasks. This way, RBAC can be seen as a deterministic
model, since given a user its permissions are explic-
itly defined.
However, with the advent of the Internet of Things
(IoT) and 5G, the quantity and complexity of data
available that needs to be stored and processed (big
data) has increased considerably. Classical storage
solutions that deployed these access control models,
such as relational databases, are ill-suited to handle
this issue because the deterministic nature of these
models require a tight mapping between users, per-
missions and objects(Fradique Duarte et al., 2017).
Furthermore, the real world is not always as un-
ambiguous as these models require it to be in their
policies. For example, some documentation from Eu-
ropean projects may not be publicly available, but ac-
cess to some portions of it could be disclosed to ex-
perts researching in some area related to a project.
There is no hard definition of what makes someone
an expert, so normally it would have to be checked
manually on a case-by-case basis. Fuzzy set theory
can handle vague notions such as expertise or envi-
ronmental risk, allowing it to be much more flexi-
ble with its policies while retaining the auditing ca-
pabilities due to the fact that it still is deterministic in
nature. Non-deterministic models on the other hand
can be much more flexible. They can use machine
learning techniques or probability approaches to han-
dle the vagueness associated with such notions and
classify users on it, allowing access control decisions
to be made. However, they lack auditing capabilities
as permissions can change over time.
Additionally, given a big data scenario, every re-
source must classified manually if they are to be made
publicly available or not. The application of ac-
cess control when there are potentially millions of re-
sources that are (semi-)structured and heterogeneous
is then problematic, as a user request would have to
be manually verified to each individual resource. Ma-
chine learning techniques can be used to classify doc-
uments based on their contents, and policies can be
Regateiro, D., Pereira, Ó. and Aguiar, R.
On the Application of Fuzzy Set Theory for Access Control Enforcement.
DOI: 10.5220/0006469305400547
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 540-547
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
written for each class the documents can be classi-
fied into. There are non-deterministic models that
use machine-learning techniques to make access con-
trol decisions, which can be considered almost like
a black box that takes information about the user re-
questing access, the document to give access to and
outputs an access control decision. There are also
models that make probabilistic calculations if there
are missing attributes(Chen et al., 2016; McGraw,
2009) or models that calculate the risk associated with
a request(McGraw, 2009).
Finally, there are those that use methods based
on fuzzy set theory, classifying users in terms
of fuzzy relations and fuzzy permissions over the
ıa et al., 2011). This paper will
explore the usage of fuzzy set theory in more de-
tail and contrast deterministic and non-deterministic
models on their benefits and issues. Furthermore,
the possibility of pairing a fuzzy model with machine
learning techniques as a solution for access control in
highly dynamic scenarios will be proposed as an ap-
plication scenario.
This paper is divided as follows. Section 2 will
provide a short background introduction into some
non-deterministic access control models and tech-
niques. Section 3 will present current state of the
art related these access control models. Section 4
will present arguments in favor of such models and
in particular to fuzzy sets. Section 5 will present the
counter arguments to use such models. Section 6 will
present solution which aims to address some of the is-
sues found, and finally section 7 will present a brief
As stated, there are scenarios where the manual clas-
sification of users and data is not practical due to their
dynamic nature. Systems where new users can re-
quest access at any time and/or new kinds of data,
with different structure and information, can be added
at runtime. It has been explained how deterministic
models such as RBAC cannot handle these situations
in a satisfying manner, leaving access to be defined
manually from one user to some data. This section
will introduce three techniques to tackle this problem:
through probabilistic methods; cognitive systems; and
fuzzy set theory.
Probabilistic models(Chen et al., 2016; McGraw,
2009), on the one hand, attempt to some measure
of probability related to the access control decision.
RAdAC attempts to take into account the profile of
the user attempting to access some resource and the
context of the request, such as current thread levels.
From this information, a risk measurement can be cal-
culated for a given request using probabilistic meth-
ods. A policy in this context should state the accept-
able level of risk to grant access, so the calculated
risk measure can be used to reach an access control
decision. These models can also add additional con-
straints to override a high risk request, such as the
operational need. Hence, if a request is allowed to
be executed due to operational need, it can be granted
access regardless of the risk involved.
Cognitive systems, on the other hand, are simi-
lar to a black box that takes user profiles and other
inputs to provide an access control decision. This
can be achieved through the usage of machine learn-
ing techniques and other methods such as reasoning,
natural language processing, human-computer inter-
action, etc. This is the simplest method as the model
only needs to be configured with the appropriate al-
gorithms and then given a sample dataset of access
control decision for training. While this allows for
a request from a new user to be easily processed, it
has some problems since security experts cannot eas-
ily determine what the outcome of an access control
decision will be. More so if the cognitive system is
allowed to learn from the access control decision it
makes, allowing it to evolve over time.
Finally, fuzzy set theory involves sets where its
members might only have partial membership to it.
As an example, consider a liquid in a bottle labelled
as 90% water. The liquid does not have a 90% chance
of being water, but instead it IS 90% water and 10%
something else. Thus, fuzzy set theory is not related
to probabilistic models, as the membership values do
not convey a notion of chance. It allows for more
vague conditions to be used. For example, a fuzzy set
could contain all the temperature values that a room
feel ”hot”. A room being hot is a vague notion, but
nevertheless it is possible to create a function that
more or less models it. This function can take the ex-
act temperature value, also known as the crisp value,
and turn it into a membership degree to the fuzzy set
just described. Hence, a temperature input of 5
could be considered to have 0% membership, at 15
it would start to rise linearly from 0% and when the
input becomes 30
C the membership degree is 100%.
An access control model based on fuzzy set theory is
still deterministic in nature, but it would be able to
model vague conditions that are usually found in the
real world and that are more intuitive to use by hu-
To finalize this section, all of these approaches
are valid and can be used to address the problem dis-
cussed, depending on the situation at hand. Proba-
On the Application of Fuzzy Set Theory for Access Control Enforcement
bilistic models can be used to handle unexpected situ-
ations, such as missing attributes, or situations where
the access decision must take into account risk related
situations. Fuzzy set theory based models allow poli-
cies to be defined based on the vague conditions that
exist in the world, enabling a more natural way of ex-
pressing said policies. It also has the benefit of clas-
sifying users and data into each defined fuzzy set as
they come into the system in a predictable and reli-
able way. Cognitive systems employ a great variety
of tools, from machine learning to reasoning, to be
able to generate an access control decision based on
the user and the data requested, however the decision
may change over time.
In the area of non-deterministic access control mod-
els, the techniques and approaches used to achieve
non-determinism can vary significantly. (Crampton
et al., 2015) argues that in cases where user attributes
may be missing, the access decision may be incon-
clusive and a probabilistic model is used. This would
lead to more than one decision generated by the ac-
cess control system, a possibility also introduced by
the ABAC access control model. When facing this
scenario, the access control decision process can be
quite complex. Instead of building an entire new eval-
uation mechanism based on probabilities, fuzzy set
theory could assume a membership degree of 0% to
the associated conditions. Depending on the condi-
tions used and the importance of the missing attribute,
the user could still be granted access.
Other non-deterministic models exist in the
literature, such as DRAC (Chen et al., 2016),
RAdAC(McGraw, 2009) and other frameworks(dos
Santos et al., 2016). DRAC proposes a model based
on risk evaluation for the cloud which uses a dynamic
threshold for the risk associated with the request. The
associated risk is calculated based on a sliding win-
dow of the subject’s history. However, it does not
differ much the ABAC model, integrating only the
measured risk into the access control decision mak-
ing. When it comes to handling dynamic users and
data, it suffers from the same problem that determinis-
tic models suffer. RAdAC is similar to DRAC, adding
operational need to the decision making process that
can override a too high risk request. In the end, it also
fails to solve the issues presented in this paper.
In regard to existing deterministic models, ex-
tensions can be made to give them more function-
ality or make the applications built for them more
secure(Pereira et al., 2014; Regateiro et al., 2014).
However, the intent of applying fuzzy set theory to
access control is to create a more flexible determinis-
tic model that is not held back by previous models.
In addition, IBM(IBM, 2016) has also argued that
most information regarding security is written in nat-
ural language, i.e. humans can easily understand it but
machines cannot. This also means that a human can-
not know every bit of information about threats and
other security related information that exists. How-
ever, by using cognitive systems it is possible to an-
alyze this type of information and include it so that,
for example, new threats are accounted for when in-
vestigating some issue. This helps an analyst to have
greater knowledge about the latest security threats,
freeing his time to focus on other issues.
Current solutions such as IBM Watson, Microsoft
Cognitive Services, Google Prediction API and Ama-
zon Machine Learning show how important cognitive
systems are becoming. However, most of these ser-
vices are just APIs that allow to build cognitive ser-
vices. One problem with the cognitive systems is that
the algorithms used are a lot of the times opaque to the
people that use them. This means that it is not pos-
sible to know what the behaviour of the system will
be in every situation, specially when the system can
evolve over time, which can result in the lack of trust
in its correctness. Fuzzy set theory, however, follows
membership functions that can be understood and vi-
sualized, allowing more easily to verify its correct-
Finally, fuzzy set theory is an idea that has been
researched in recent years to tackle use cases where
authorization-related information is vague. It can be
applied in two different levels(Kacprzyk et al., 2015)
when it comes to its application to access to data:
on the databases(Mart
ıa et al., 2011; Prade,
1984; Buckles and Petry, 1982; Ma, 2006) or on the
querying language(Bosc and Pivert, 1995; Bosc and
Pivert, 1992b; Bosc and Pivert, 1992a).
In (Mart
ıa et al., 2011) the authors
present an access control model based on RBAC that
is applied on the database level. The model uses fuzzy
sets to model the relations between subjects, roles and
the permissions. Such a model can handle some un-
certainty when it comes to the degree a subject ac-
tually plays a certain role and what permissions are
actually granted. However, this model is restricted to
using the role associated with each user and does not
handle other attributes directly into the access control
An example of the application of fuzzy set the-
ory on the querying language level is SQLf(Bosc and
Pivert, 1995), an extension made from the SQL lan-
guage, where vague querying is achieved on regu-
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
lar databases. Instead of applying fixed predicates in
queries, such as querying accounts with balances over
some particular number, they can be created that use
fuzzy conditions in the predicates. For example, given
a table with account balances, it would allow to query
for entries where the account balance is high. This
allows for more intuitive queries to be written when
exactness is not needed for the results returned. How-
ever, this approach also does not solve the issue men-
tioned in this paper, as it only applies to the querying
procedure and not the decision-making.
One of the arguments used to justify the inclusion of
fuzzy access control models in computer systems is
the fact that the real world is not always unambiguous
by nature, specially when it comes to human inter-
action. This includes human decisions which can be
influenced by many external factors such as human
language which can convey the same information in a
multitude of ways and is oftentimes vague and depen-
dent on context, emotions, etc.
Access to resources can also be seen as another
form of human interaction. Person A possesses data
that other people want to access, and so person A sets
conditions that must be met for access to be granted
in their policies. When humans enforce the access
control policies, it is possible to process the subjectiv-
ity inherent in some of the access requests. However,
when it comes to computer systems, it is not generally
the case due to their unambiguous nature.
Non-deterministic models allows computer sys-
tems to capture the subjectivity and vagueness of the
human world. These can include the conditions that
do not have a concrete definition but that are used by
humans constantly in speech, such as the example of
someone being an expert in some area, through train-
ing. While deterministic, fuzzy set theory is particu-
larly good in capturing these vague notions but taking
inputs that can be used to define them - in the case
of being an expert it would mean values like number
of publications, number of citations, etc - and use a
function to map those inputs into a membership de-
gree. In this sense, a person does not have to either be
an expert or not at all. Instead, someone can be par-
tially an expert, like 40%, working their way higher
but still not considered to be like a person who does
not know anything of said area.
In fact, a policy based on fuzzy set theory can
grant access to someone provided they have some
minimum degree of membership to a fuzzy set. To re-
iterate, fuzzy sets are defined by a domain of elements
and a function that takes values from that domain and
maps them to a membership degree between 0 and
1. Furthermore, fuzzy logic uses a generalization of
two-valued logic to support values any between 0 and
1, meaning that vague conditions can be used together
in logical expressions. Since the logic used is a gener-
alization, a condition that is precise is allowed in such
a model, with membership functions that either out-
put a membership degree of 0 or 1 for a given input.
Thus, it becomes simple to categorize users based on
their attributes and policy defined fuzzy sets automat-
ically. These fuzzy sets can represent the users that
can access a certain resource, with a different fuzzy
set for each permission if required. A defuzzification
process can then be carried out to map the member-
ship degrees to access control decisions.
Fuzzy-based models also have the benefit of being
easier to audit and analyze when compared to cog-
nitive based solutions. Fuzzy set theory is based on
membership functions to sets, which are well defined.
On the other hand, cognitive systems use a collec-
tion of technologies and methods to learn from infor-
mation and to be able to perform reasoning over it.
For example, a cognitive system, given enough infor-
mation about access attempts and the corresponding
access decision, is able to categorize access requests
and answer with a decision. However, auditing such a
system is hard, as the model used to reach a decision
is based on training data, complex machine learning
techniques and reasoning. As such, a cognitive sys-
tem is many times considered to be a black box in
a system that takes certain inputs and outputs an an-
Fuzzy set theory is also beneficial for IoT and big
data contexts where a big amount of data is generated
and/or new data-sources can dynamically appear. A
model based on fuzzy set theory can categorize re-
sources based on several attributes, such as its origin,
contents, and other (meta-)information. The classes
that a given classifier classifies resources into can be
defined in the policy. Alternatively, resources can be
classified beforehand. These classes can then be as-
sociated with the fuzzy sets that denote permissions
within that class, to which a subject must have some
degree of membership to be granted the associated
Regarding probabilistic models, they usually out-
put more than one access decision, depending on the
probability values. In the case of the model presented
in (Crampton et al., 2015), missing attributes are mod-
elled as a non-deterministic attribute retrieval process.
The process is extended to be a probabilistic attribute
retrieval and probabilistic tools are used for imple-
On the Application of Fuzzy Set Theory for Access Control Enforcement
mentation. While these can possibly be used to imple-
ment a model with similar goals as a fuzzy set theory
based model, it does not exactly support vagueness
in the same way. For example, using a probabilistic
model, a subject can have some chance of being an
expert, but in the end it means that it either is, or it is
not an expert. Fuzzy set theory allows for users to be
partial experts, a notion that is closer to reality.
To summarize, when it comes to scenarios where
the conditions for granting access to data are vague or
there is a high dynamism of users and resources, such
as in IoT and big data scenarios, non-deterministic
access control models pose an interesting solution.
However, models based on fuzzy set theory are able
to handle a large number of new users without the
need for manual permission granting. Furthermore,
resources that are added to the system can be catego-
rized into security classes that, based on the member-
ship degree of a user to one or more fuzzy sets, can
allow those resources to be made available instantly.
Finally, fuzzy set theory allows security experts to au-
dit the correctness of the access control system more
easily when compared to other solutions such as cog-
nitive systems, since membership functions are deter-
ministic and can be analyzed.
There are several claims that can be made against non-
deterministic and fuzzy access control models being
used in computer systems. These range from model
specific issues to the ethics surrounding the fact that
computer systems are being allowed to grant or deny
access to a resource without human intervention.
The first issue that can be raised with the usage of
non-deterministic access control models is detailed in
(Matzner, 2016), where the notion of a gap between
the perceived situation between a human and a cogni-
tive system differs. This difference is branded as ”the
model gap”. The model gap itself is not a problem,
but instead it is the main feature of a cognitive system.
Deploying human operators to analyze the output of
a cognitive system is often thought to be enough to
address the ethical problems related with the automa-
tion. Hence, it is important to reflect on this model
gap when deploying a non-deterministic model, in
which the presentation and description of the system
are necessary so ethically problematic judgments do
not occur by recognizing the difficulty of independent
Note that this issue is not confined to non-
deterministic models, but since deterministic models
follow a set of static rules imposed by a human, the
issue is not as great and problems can be resolved
rather easily by a human operator by adding another
rule. Non-deterministic models require an easy way
for a human to control it and grant or deny access
to a user. RAdAC(McGraw, 2009) achieves this by
taking into account the notion of ”operational need”
with a request. If the operational need is allowed by
the policy, then it can override the risk measurement.
Models based on fuzzy set theory can, for example,
do something similar, such as using a fail-safe fuzzy
set that acts like a regular set. Members of this set
are granted membership by a human operator and it
grants the user the associated permission. Another
solution is to add explicit rules just to handle these sit-
uations. Cognitive systems require a human operator
to keep teaching it whether an access control decision
is correct or not, so that wrong access decisions get
Auditing can also play a part in the issues these
models face. By becoming more complex, using tech-
niques ranging from algorithms to artificial intelli-
gence to arrive at access control decisions, it becomes
harder for the policies of these models to be veri-
fied that they behave exactly as intended. Risk-based
models can change their access control decision out-
puts based on the risk levels and cognitive systems
can be setup to learn over time. Fuzzy set based mod-
els can have their membership functions mathemati-
cally checked to determine the inputs where the deci-
sion is grant or deny. However, the formulas involved
can depend on various input variables, so the analysis
may be quite complex as well.
Another fair concern is misconfiguration of the
models themselves. While deterministic models
tend to be very straightforward in what conditions
can a user access some resource or not, the non-
deterministic are not. Risk measurements procedures
and training datasets all need to be considered for the
access control policies creation. In more complex sce-
narios that involve many variables to grant access to
a resource, slight misjudgments may go unnoticed.
This is why it is important to have a close monitor-
ing of the decisions such a security system makes
so these misconfigurations of the policies can be de-
tected. While fuzzy models are deterministic, the
membership functions also need to be carefully de-
signed to represent the vague notions associated with
As mentioned, models based on fuzzy set theory
require membership functions, which are used to de-
fine the fuzzy sets by mapping a membership degree
of an element to the set. These membership func-
tions, in an access control system, can take attributes
of the users as inputs to map them into various fuzzy
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
sets, which can represent roles, relations, or some-
thing else. Where risk-based models can use thresh-
olds to make the access control decisions (even if the
risk measurement can be quite complex) and cog-
nitive systems automatically create the needed inner
configuration from the training set, models based on
fuzzy set theory do not. Membership functions need
to be defined manually or using some machine learn-
ing method like cognitive systems. While fuzzy set
theory is great at capturing vagueness and vagueness,
it requires some work to create the policies, even if
the membership functions are not usually too complex
and are usually simple truncated triangles in shape.
Since models based on fuzzy set theory require
membership functions, it is important that the at-
tributes a user has can be validated as they are used
to map the users to fuzzy sets. This can be a problem,
since to be sure that the attributes a user has are cor-
rect and have not been modified, an Identity Provider
(IdP) must exist that can validate and sign them. In
the case of the access to the European project docu-
mentation, trusted Universities could be accepted at
IdPs for their users, as well as citation databases and
other similar entities so that the expertness of a user
can be determined. So, a use case where these kind of
access control model is deployed must consider the
IdP to use for the users.
Finally, computer resource concerns can also be
raised. While models that function by using and fol-
lowing a set of access control rules are usually fast
and not very heavy computationally, cognitive sys-
tems require a big base of information to perform ad-
equately, and since they have to process said informa-
tion base they can be quite computationally intensive
as well. Nevertheless, models based on fuzzy set the-
ory can be less computationally intensive than cogni-
tive systems, since they do not require a large training
dataset to operate. To summarize, when using these
models it is important to keep in mind the ethical is-
sues since machines and humans perceive contexts
differently. Furthermore, the potential for a model
policy to be verified as being correct should be con-
sidered, as well as the model configuration complex-
ity and how computationally intensive it can become.
A solution, consisting of a possible model and archi-
tecture, will be proposed here that aims to handle the
use cases mentioned thus far. The idea will be for the
system running this solution to take in large amounts
of data while allowing new users to be able to access
them based on vague linguistic notions. Fuzzy set the-
Figure 1: Partial fuzzy inference system diagram example.
ory is able to define these notions while retaining its
vagueness by allowing users to be partially matched
to them.
6.1 Model
Figure 1 provides a simple diagram of how such a sys-
tem could work. The lower section indicates the in-
put distributions used by the system, which are the
user attributes. These distributions are mapped by
the membership functions into fuzzy sets that model
vague notions, matching a user partially or fully to
them via a membership degree. Then, the member-
ship degree for each notion is used to calculate a rule
strength. This rule strength can then be used to qual-
ify the user in terms of an output notion, such as how
much of an expert the user is. Several of these output
notions can be used, each derived in the same manner,
to arrive at an access control decision.
In the European project documentation example
provided, a user has two attributes, which could be
signed by an University IdP: number of publications
and time since last publication. These are discreet
values, shown as vertical bars on the real number line.
Then, the system would recognize that the re-
source that is being requested has some security la-
bel (not shown in the figure) that requires the user to
be an expert in an area to be able to access it. A se-
curity label is placed on a resource to indicate which
characteristics the user must possess to be granted a
permission, such as reading access. For this example
system, a user is recognized as being an expert if they
have many publications AND are active researchers
in the area. This would be defined in the policy as a
rule using the fuzzy controller language, for example.
Number of publications and time since last pub-
lication are vague notions. For the system to handle
these, each is mapped to a fuzzy set. In the Figure 1
it is possible to see the membership functions associ-
ated with them in the IF section, and how the num-
ber of publications and time since last publication
of the user are not enough to grant him total member-
ship. In fact, it is possible to say that the user is close
On the Application of Fuzzy Set Theory for Access Control Enforcement
Figure 2: Fuzzy set based model architecture.
to having many publications according to this policy,
around 80%, but is only around 50% active. Never-
theless, the policy still recognizes the user as being
partially an expert - around 50% - given the provided
rule strength, which was calculated by applying the
AND operator on both membership degrees, which
takes the smallest of the two.
What is left is to arrive at the access control de-
cision. This is a simple case where only one rule
is used, but note how there is a function under ”ex-
pert”. This function is known as an output member-
ship function and it is truncated at the rule strength.
From it, a value z from the z domain is chosen as
an output value using a process known as defuzzifi-
cation. There are many methods to achieve this de-
pending on the use case, but as an initial approach, a
threshold z
value could be used. Then, z could be
obtained by selecting the smallest z value that maxi-
mizes the truncated function. If z < z
, then the user
is denied the permission, else the user would have it
granted. If more than one rule is used, such as the user
having to be an expert and not young, then the func-
tion obtained from the union or the intersection of the
output membership functions of each rule is used.
6.2 Architecture
A possible architecture to implement this model is
shown in Figure 2. This architecture is based on the
XACML architecture, mostly due to its modular ap-
proach, and encompasses several modules and other
components. This is only one architecture amongst
many that could be used. The various modules that
are proposed in this architecture are:
Subject: A human or service that uses the system.
Datasource: A source of resources to be pro-
tected by the system.
Enforcement: The module that enforces access
control decisions.
Administration: The module that handles ad-
ministration requests, such as the creation and al-
teration of policies.
RIaC: The Resource Ingestion and Classification
module. It handles the resources sent by data-
sources and classifies them to associate security
labels so the system knows which fuzzy sets to
apply to them when access is requested.
Decision: The module that runs the fuzzy infer-
ence system to arrive at an access control deci-
Information: Handles information requests made
by the decision module in its operation, be it from
the defined policies, user attributes or some other
environmental attributes.
Policy Retrieval: Retrieves policies as needed by
other modules.
DBI: The DataBase Interface module to access
the datastores. Handles requests for data and poli-
Message Bus: A tool used to interconnect all
modules of the system.
A subject, when they need access to some re-
source in some way, sends a request to the enforce-
ment module through some public API along with an
identifier, such as a token. The enforcement module
will then dispatch the request to the decision module
for evaluation. The decision module then requests the
access conditions and associated fuzzy sets to match
the user attributes to the information module, which
will request the required policy to the policy retrieval
module if needed. Finally, the policy retrieval mod-
ule may request the policy from the policy datastore
to the DBI module.
Once the required information propagates back to
the decision module, membership degrees of the user
to the various fuzzy sets are calculated and a final ac-
cess decision is made as detailed in section 6.1. The
decision is then sent back to the enforcement module
that enforces the decision made. Administration re-
lated requests are made to the Administration module
instead, which can have an authentication layer. Mul-
tiple instances of each module can be used as well,
allowing the architecture to scale as needed.
Finally, testing such a model and architecture for
correctness can be more challenging since to allow
large amounts of data to be ingested by the system, it
needs to classify each document automatically using
some method. However, assuming that the documents
are well classified, the correctness of the system can
be assured by analyzing the membership functions
and how the z value depends on the input values pro-
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
In this position paper, a position to use non-traditional
access control models, and in particular fuzzy set the-
ory, was defended and argued for. What makes fuzzy
set theory so interesting is its capability to handle
vagueness and conditions that are vaguely worded.
These types of models were found to have sev-
eral issues, which included the ethical questions of
computer systems and humans perceiving a context
in different ways, their more complex inner workings
which makes auditing the correctness of the policies
harder and the difficulty of creating the policies them-
selves. However, these models are capable of han-
dling scenarios with a big amount of users and re-
sources automatically, being an interesting choice for
IoT and big data scenarios. Furthermore, situations
where access conditions are ambiguous or there are
many variables to consider can also be handled.
A solution, comprised of an idea for a model based
on fuzzy set theory and an architecture, was also pro-
posed which aimed to be able to take advantage of
the points raised in this paper while trying to address
some of the issues that were found as well. This solu-
tion will be studied further, especially in terms of cor-
rectness validation, and a working proof of concept is
expected to be implemented in the near future.
This work is funded by National Funds through
FCT - Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e a Tecnolo-
gia under the project UID/EEA/50008/2013 and
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On the Application of Fuzzy Set Theory for Access Control Enforcement