Subject A Subject B Subject C Subject D
Position of COG [mm]
Figure 18: The position of COG at 60[%] movement
pattern in each subject.
This paper proposes a novel low cost robotic walker
with standing assistance. Proposed robot focuses on
domestic use for elderly people who is low level of
care and need nursing in their day-to-day lives. For
the robot to be used widely and easily in daily life,
it is important to ensure safety and provide an
inexpensive manufacturing cost.
For realizing two opposed requirements, this
paper proposes the novel mechanism design and the
assistance procedure which leads the patient safety
and stability. Proposed mechanical design uses a gas
spring which helps the lifting linear actuator with
minimum cost and developed robot assists the
patient with wheel actuators on a powered walker
for stabilizing its user as well as for lifting up the
user. Furthermore, proposed assistance procedure
leads the patient to suitable posture by the force
guidance and voice instruction. For realizing it, we
investigate what factor is useful for leading the
patient by preliminary experiment.
The developed prototype has enough assistance
performance through experiments with elderly and
handicapped subjects. Thus, our study succeeds to
develop a safety and low cost robot which has
enough standing assistance performance for the
patient who is low level of care.
For our future work, we plan to develop the
wheel control algorithm for walking assistance.
The authors would like to thank T. Kumeda, a
physical therapist, and all the staff members at
Yokohama Rehabilitation Center for providing
technical assistance in the experiments.
This work is supported in part by the Matching
Planner Program (MP28116808328) from Japan
Science and Technology Agency (JST), Grant-in-
Aid for Scientific Research C (16K01580) from
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
and the Robotic Devices for Nursing Care Project
from Japan Agency for Medical Research and
Development, AMED.
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