Linear deployment which also resulted in a lower
FPS. The Azure Storm cluster’s single core had the
slowest processing time yet had the highest FPS due
to our parallel processing scheme. These results
demonstrate that given a linear implementation, the
processing speed will have a direct impact on the
overall speed of the LPTS. However, we can get a
higher FPS with parallel processing even though
each core might exhibit a slower processing power.
In the previous experiment, a GCE virtual
machine costs $0.19 per hour whereas the cost of the
Storm cluster with a single Supervisor node is $2.22
per hour. In our next experiment, we looked at the
cost of scaling the Storm cluster versus adding more
Google cloud virtual machines. We used data points
gathered from performing tests on a four node Storm
cluster while scaling it by a single node at a time up
to seven nodes in the cluster. Similarly, in GCE
Linear implementation, we manually added new
virtual machines to handle the increased loads. From
Figure 3, we can see that at 55 FPS and above, the
Storm cluster is a more cost-efficient option than the
GCE linear implementation. Therefore, we can
conclude that scalability and performance only
outweighs the cost when the number of real-time
streaming data becomes increasingly large.
Otherwise, a local linear implementation and
deployment might be sufficient.
Figure 3: Cost per hour vs Performance comparison of
Azure HDInsight and Google Compute Engine.
In this paper, we presented a linear and parallel
implementation of our license plate tracking system,
and the respective performance results. From the
experimental results, we found that – a) Local linear
deployment offers the fastest computation time
however it is not dynamically scalable compared to
the cloud deployment; b) Storm cluster running on
the Microsoft Azure platform becomes more cost
efficient than the linear implementation on the
Google Compute Engine platform only when the
work load exceeds a certain threshold. Therefore,
parallel computing scheme in Azure makes it the
best choice for scalability and higher workloads.
As future work, we plan to parallelize the
license plate recognition steps as well as improve the
routes prediction process.
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15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95
Azure HDInsight GCE Linear
Frames per Se